// Copyright 2025 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import pTimeout, { TimeoutError as PTimeoutError } from 'p-timeout'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import { MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH } from '../types/InstallScreen'; import { isUntaggedPniString, normalizePni, toTaggedPni, } from '../types/ServiceId'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { BackOff, FIBONACCI_TIMEOUTS } from '../util/BackOff'; import { SECOND } from '../util/durations'; import { explodePromise } from '../util/explodePromise'; import { drop } from '../util/drop'; import { isLinkAndSyncEnabled } from '../util/isLinkAndSyncEnabled'; import { normalizeAci } from '../util/normalizeAci'; import { normalizeDeviceName } from '../util/normalizeDeviceName'; import { linkDeviceRoute } from '../util/signalRoutes'; import { sleep } from '../util/sleep'; import * as Bytes from '../Bytes'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../protobuf'; import { type CreateLinkedDeviceOptionsType, AccountType, } from './AccountManager'; import ProvisioningCipher, { type ProvisionDecryptResult, } from './ProvisioningCipher'; import { type IWebSocketResource, type IncomingWebSocketRequest, ServerRequestType, } from './WebsocketResources'; import { ConnectTimeoutError } from './Errors'; import { type WebAPIType } from './WebAPI'; export enum EventKind { MaxRotationsError = 'MaxRotationsError', TimeoutError = 'TimeoutError', ConnectError = 'ConnectError', EnvelopeError = 'EnvelopeError', URL = 'URL', Envelope = 'Envelope', } export type ProvisionerOptionsType = Readonly<{ server: WebAPIType; appVersion: string; }>; export type EnvelopeType = ProvisionDecryptResult; export type EventType = Readonly< | { kind: EventKind.MaxRotationsError; } | { kind: EventKind.TimeoutError; canRetry: boolean; } | { kind: EventKind.ConnectError; error: Error; } | { kind: EventKind.EnvelopeError; error: Error; } | { kind: EventKind.URL; url: string; } | { kind: EventKind.Envelope; envelope: EnvelopeType; isLinkAndSync: boolean; } >; export type SubscribeNotifierType = (event: EventType) => void; export type UnsubscribeFunctionType = () => void; export type SubscriberType = Readonly<{ notify: SubscribeNotifierType; }>; export type PrepareLinkDataOptionsType = Readonly<{ envelope: EnvelopeType; deviceName: string; backupFile?: Uint8Array; }>; enum SocketState { WaitingForUuid = 'WaitingForUuid', WaitingForEnvelope = 'WaitingForEnvelope', Done = 'Done', } const ROTATION_INTERVAL = 45 * SECOND; const MAX_OPEN_SOCKETS = 2; const MAX_ROTATIONS = 6; const TIMEOUT_ERROR = new PTimeoutError(); const QR_CODE_TIMEOUTS = [10 * SECOND, 20 * SECOND, 30 * SECOND, 60 * SECOND]; export class Provisioner { readonly #subscribers = new Set(); readonly #server: WebAPIType; readonly #appVersion: string; readonly #retryBackOff = new BackOff(FIBONACCI_TIMEOUTS); #sockets: Array = []; #abortController: AbortController | undefined; #attemptCount = 0; #isRunning = false; constructor({ server, appVersion }: ProvisionerOptionsType) { this.#server = server; this.#appVersion = appVersion; } public subscribe(notify: SubscribeNotifierType): UnsubscribeFunctionType { const subscriber = { notify }; this.#subscribers.add(subscriber); if (this.#subscribers.size === 1) { this.#start(); } return () => { this.#subscribers.delete(subscriber); if (this.#subscribers.size === 0) { this.#stop('Cancel, no subscribers'); } }; } public reset(): void { this.#attemptCount = 0; this.#retryBackOff.reset(); } public static prepareLinkData({ envelope, deviceName, backupFile, }: PrepareLinkDataOptionsType): CreateLinkedDeviceOptionsType { const { number, provisioningCode, aciKeyPair, pniKeyPair, aci, profileKey, masterKey, untaggedPni, userAgent, readReceipts, ephemeralBackupKey, accountEntropyPool, mediaRootBackupKey, } = envelope; strictAssert(number, 'prepareLinkData: missing number'); strictAssert(provisioningCode, 'prepareLinkData: missing provisioningCode'); strictAssert(aciKeyPair, 'prepareLinkData: missing aciKeyPair'); strictAssert(pniKeyPair, 'prepareLinkData: missing pniKeyPair'); strictAssert(aci, 'prepareLinkData: missing aci'); strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(profileKey), 'prepareLinkData: missing profileKey' ); strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(masterKey) || accountEntropyPool, 'prepareLinkData: missing masterKey or accountEntropyPool' ); strictAssert( isUntaggedPniString(untaggedPni), 'prepareLinkData: invalid untaggedPni' ); const ourAci = normalizeAci(aci, 'provisionMessage.aci'); const ourPni = normalizePni( toTaggedPni(untaggedPni), 'provisionMessage.pni' ); return { type: AccountType.Linked, number, verificationCode: provisioningCode, aciKeyPair, pniKeyPair, profileKey, deviceName: normalizeDeviceName(deviceName).slice( 0, MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH ), backupFile, userAgent, ourAci, ourPni, readReceipts: Boolean(readReceipts), masterKey, ephemeralBackupKey, accountEntropyPool, mediaRootBackupKey, }; } // // Private // #start(): void { log.info('Provisioner: starting'); if (this.#abortController) { strictAssert(this.#isRunning, 'Must be running to have controller'); this.#abortController.abort(); } this.#abortController = new AbortController(); this.#isRunning = true; drop(this.#loop(this.#abortController.signal)); } #stop(reason: string): void { if (!this.#isRunning) { return; } log.info(`Provisioner: stopping, reason=${reason}`); this.#abortController?.abort(); this.#abortController = undefined; this.#isRunning = false; } async #loop(signal: AbortSignal): Promise { let rotations = 0; while (this.#subscribers.size > 0) { const logId = `Provisioner.loop(${rotations})`; if (rotations >= MAX_ROTATIONS) { log.info(`${logId}: exceeded max rotation count`); this.#notify({ kind: EventKind.MaxRotationsError, }); this.#stop('Max rotations reached'); break; } let delay: number; try { const sleepMs = QR_CODE_TIMEOUTS[this.#attemptCount]; // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.#connect(signal, sleepMs); // Successful connect, sleep until rotation time delay = ROTATION_INTERVAL; this.reset(); rotations += 1; log.info(`${logId}: connected, refreshing in ${delay}ms`); } catch (error) { // The only active socket has failed, notify subscribers and shutdown if (this.#sockets.length === 0) { if (error === TIMEOUT_ERROR || error instanceof ConnectTimeoutError) { const canRetry = this.#attemptCount < QR_CODE_TIMEOUTS.length - 1; this.#attemptCount = Math.min( this.#attemptCount + 1, QR_CODE_TIMEOUTS.length - 1 ); this.#notify({ kind: EventKind.TimeoutError, canRetry, }); } else { this.#notify({ kind: EventKind.ConnectError, error, }); } this.#subscribers.clear(); this.#stop('Only socket failed'); break; } // At least one more socket is active, retry connecting silently after // a delay. delay = this.#retryBackOff.getAndIncrement(); log.error( `${logId}: failed to connect, retrying in ${delay}ms`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await sleep(delay, signal); } catch (error) { // Sleep aborted strictAssert( this.#subscribers.size === 0, 'Aborted with active subscribers' ); break; } } } async #connect(signal: AbortSignal, timeout: number): Promise { const cipher = new ProvisioningCipher(); const uuidPromise = explodePromise(); let state = SocketState.WaitingForUuid; const timeoutAt = Date.now() + timeout; const resource = await this.#server.getProvisioningResource( { handleRequest: (request: IncomingWebSocketRequest) => { const { requestType, body } = request; if (!body) { log.warn('Provisioner.connect: no request body'); request.respond(400, 'Missing body'); return; } try { if (requestType === ServerRequestType.ProvisioningAddress) { strictAssert( state === SocketState.WaitingForUuid, 'Provisioner.connect: duplicate uuid' ); const proto = Proto.ProvisioningUuid.decode(body); strictAssert(proto.uuid, 'Provisioner.connect: expected a UUID'); state = SocketState.WaitingForEnvelope; uuidPromise.resolve(proto.uuid); request.respond(200, 'OK'); } else if (requestType === ServerRequestType.ProvisioningMessage) { strictAssert( state === SocketState.WaitingForEnvelope, 'Provisioner.connect: duplicate envelope or not ready' ); const ciphertext = Proto.ProvisionEnvelope.decode(body); const envelope = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext); state = SocketState.Done; this.#notify({ kind: EventKind.Envelope, envelope, isLinkAndSync: isLinkAndSyncEnabled(this.#appVersion) && Bytes.isNotEmpty(envelope.ephemeralBackupKey), }); request.respond(200, 'OK'); } else { log.warn( 'Provisioner.connect: unsupported request type', requestType ); request.respond(404, 'Unsupported'); } } catch (error) { log.error('Provisioner.connect: error', Errors.toLogFormat(error)); resource.close(); } }, }, timeout ); if (signal.aborted) { throw new Error('aborted'); } // Setup listeners on the socket const onAbort = () => { resource.close(); uuidPromise.reject(new Error('aborted')); }; signal.addEventListener('abort', onAbort); resource.addEventListener('close', ({ code, reason }) => { signal.removeEventListener('abort', onAbort); this.#handleClose(resource, state, code, reason); }); // But only register it once we get the uuid from server back. const uuid = await pTimeout( uuidPromise.promise, Math.max(0, timeoutAt - Date.now()), TIMEOUT_ERROR ); const url = linkDeviceRoute .toAppUrl({ uuid, pubKey: Bytes.toBase64(cipher.getPublicKey()), capabilities: isLinkAndSyncEnabled(this.#appVersion) ? ['backup3'] : [], }) .toString(); this.#notify({ kind: EventKind.URL, url }); this.#sockets.push(resource); while (this.#sockets.length > MAX_OPEN_SOCKETS) { log.info('Provisioner: closing extra socket'); this.#sockets.shift()?.close(); } } #handleClose( resource: IWebSocketResource, state: SocketState, code: number, reason: string ): void { log.info(`Provisioner: socket closed, code=${code}, reason=${reason}`); const index = this.#sockets.indexOf(resource); if (index === -1) { return; } // Is URL from the socket displayed as a QR code? const isActive = index === this.#sockets.length - 1; this.#sockets.splice(index, 1); // Graceful closure if (state === SocketState.Done) { return; } if (isActive) { this.#notify({ kind: state === SocketState.WaitingForUuid ? EventKind.ConnectError : EventKind.EnvelopeError, error: new Error(`Socket closed, code=${code}, reason=${reason}`), }); } } #notify(event: EventType): void { for (const { notify } of this.#subscribers) { notify(event); } } }