/* global _, Backbone, storage, filesize, ConversationController, MessageController, getAccountManager, i18n, Signal, textsecure, Whisper */ /* eslint-disable more/no-then */ // eslint-disable-next-line func-names (function() { 'use strict'; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; const { Message: TypedMessage, Contact, PhoneNumber, Errors } = Signal.Types; const { deleteExternalMessageFiles, getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, loadAttachmentData, loadQuoteData, loadPreviewData, loadStickerData, upgradeMessageSchema, } = window.Signal.Migrations; const { copyStickerToAttachments, deletePackReference, savePackMetadata, getStickerPackStatus, } = window.Signal.Stickers; const { GoogleChrome } = window.Signal.Util; const { addStickerPackReference, getMessageBySender } = window.Signal.Data; const { bytesFromString } = window.Signal.Crypto; window.AccountCache = Object.create(null); window.AccountJobs = Object.create(null); window.doesAccountCheckJobExist = number => Boolean(window.AccountJobs[number]); window.checkForSignalAccount = number => { if (window.AccountJobs[number]) { return window.AccountJobs[number]; } let job; if (textsecure.messaging) { // eslint-disable-next-line more/no-then job = textsecure.messaging .getProfile(number) .then(() => { window.AccountCache[number] = true; }) .catch(() => { window.AccountCache[number] = false; }); } else { // We're offline! job = Promise.resolve().then(() => { window.AccountCache[number] = false; }); } window.AccountJobs[number] = job; return job; }; window.isSignalAccountCheckComplete = number => window.AccountCache[number] !== undefined; window.hasSignalAccount = number => window.AccountCache[number]; window.Whisper.Message = Backbone.Model.extend({ initialize(attributes) { if (_.isObject(attributes)) { this.set( TypedMessage.initializeSchemaVersion({ message: attributes, logger: window.log, }) ); } this.CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.ProtocolVersion.CURRENT; this.INITIAL_PROTOCOL_VERSION = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.ProtocolVersion.INITIAL; this.OUR_NUMBER = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); this.on('destroy', this.onDestroy); this.on('change:expirationStartTimestamp', this.setToExpire); this.on('change:expireTimer', this.setToExpire); this.on('unload', this.unload); this.on('expired', this.onExpired); this.setToExpire(); this.on('change', this.notifyRedux); }, notifyRedux() { const { messageChanged } = window.reduxActions.conversations; if (messageChanged) { const conversationId = this.get('conversationId'); // Note: The clone is important for triggering a re-run of selectors messageChanged(this.id, conversationId, this.getReduxData()); } }, getReduxData() { const contact = this.getPropsForEmbeddedContact(); return { ...this.attributes, // We need this in the reducer to detect if the message's height has changed hasSignalAccount: contact ? Boolean(contact.signalAccount) : null, }; }, isNormalBubble() { return ( !this.isUnsupportedMessage() && !this.isExpirationTimerUpdate() && !this.isKeyChange() && !this.isVerifiedChange() && !this.isGroupUpdate() && !this.isEndSession() ); }, // Top-level prop generation for the message bubble getPropsForBubble() { if (this.isUnsupportedMessage()) { return { type: 'unsupportedMessage', data: this.getPropsForUnsupportedMessage(), }; } else if (this.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) { return { type: 'timerNotification', data: this.getPropsForTimerNotification(), }; } else if (this.isKeyChange()) { return { type: 'safetyNumberNotification', data: this.getPropsForSafetyNumberNotification(), }; } else if (this.isVerifiedChange()) { return { type: 'verificationNotification', data: this.getPropsForVerificationNotification(), }; } else if (this.isGroupUpdate()) { return { type: 'groupNotification', data: this.getPropsForGroupNotification(), }; } else if (this.isEndSession()) { return { type: 'resetSessionNotification', data: this.getPropsForResetSessionNotification(), }; } return { type: 'message', data: this.getPropsForMessage(), }; }, // Other top-level prop-generation getPropsForSearchResult() { const fromNumber = this.getSource(); const from = this.findAndFormatContact(fromNumber); if (fromNumber === this.OUR_NUMBER) { from.isMe = true; } const toNumber = this.get('conversationId'); let to = this.findAndFormatContact(toNumber); if (toNumber === this.OUR_NUMBER) { to.isMe = true; } else if (fromNumber === toNumber) { to = { isMe: true, }; } return { from, to, isSelected: this.isSelected, id: this.id, conversationId: this.get('conversationId'), sentAt: this.get('sent_at'), snippet: this.get('snippet'), }; }, getPropsForMessageDetail() { const newIdentity = i18n('newIdentity'); const OUTGOING_KEY_ERROR = 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError'; const unidentifiedLookup = ( this.get('unidentifiedDeliveries') || [] ).reduce((accumulator, item) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign accumulator[item] = true; return accumulator; }, Object.create(null)); // We include numbers we didn't successfully send to so we can display errors. // Older messages don't have the recipients included on the message, so we fall // back to the conversation's current recipients const phoneNumbers = this.isIncoming() ? [this.get('source')] : _.union( this.get('sent_to') || [], this.get('recipients') || this.getConversation().getRecipients() ); // This will make the error message for outgoing key errors a bit nicer const allErrors = (this.get('errors') || []).map(error => { if (error.name === OUTGOING_KEY_ERROR) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign error.message = newIdentity; } return error; }); // If an error has a specific number it's associated with, we'll show it next to // that contact. Otherwise, it will be a standalone entry. const errors = _.reject(allErrors, error => Boolean(error.number)); const errorsGroupedById = _.groupBy(allErrors, 'number'); const finalContacts = (phoneNumbers || []).map(id => { const errorsForContact = errorsGroupedById[id]; const isOutgoingKeyError = Boolean( _.find(errorsForContact, error => error.name === OUTGOING_KEY_ERROR) ); const isUnidentifiedDelivery = storage.get('unidentifiedDeliveryIndicators') && this.isUnidentifiedDelivery(id, unidentifiedLookup); return { ...this.findAndFormatContact(id), status: this.getStatus(id), errors: errorsForContact, isOutgoingKeyError, isUnidentifiedDelivery, onSendAnyway: () => this.trigger('force-send', { contactId: id, messageId: this.id }), onShowSafetyNumber: () => this.trigger('show-identity', id), }; }); // The prefix created here ensures that contacts with errors are listed // first; otherwise it's alphabetical const sortedContacts = _.sortBy( finalContacts, contact => `${contact.errors ? '0' : '1'}${contact.title}` ); return { sentAt: this.get('sent_at'), receivedAt: this.get('received_at'), message: { ...this.getPropsForMessage(), disableMenu: true, disableScroll: true, // To ensure that group avatar doesn't show up conversationType: 'direct', downloadNewVersion: () => { this.trigger('download-new-version'); }, deleteMessage: messageId => { this.trigger('delete', messageId); }, showVisualAttachment: options => { this.trigger('show-visual-attachment', options); }, displayTapToViewMessage: messageId => { this.trigger('display-tap-to-view-message', messageId); }, openLink: url => { this.trigger('navigate-to', url); }, reactWith: emoji => { this.trigger('react-with', emoji); }, }, errors, contacts: sortedContacts, }; }, // Bucketing messages isUnsupportedMessage() { const versionAtReceive = this.get('supportedVersionAtReceive'); const requiredVersion = this.get('requiredProtocolVersion'); return ( _.isNumber(versionAtReceive) && _.isNumber(requiredVersion) && versionAtReceive < requiredVersion ); }, isExpirationTimerUpdate() { const flag = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE; // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise return Boolean(this.get('flags') & flag); }, isKeyChange() { return this.get('type') === 'keychange'; }, isVerifiedChange() { return this.get('type') === 'verified-change'; }, isGroupUpdate() { return !!this.get('group_update'); }, isEndSession() { const flag = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION; // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise return !!(this.get('flags') & flag); }, // Props for each message type getPropsForUnsupportedMessage() { const requiredVersion = this.get('requiredProtocolVersion'); const canProcessNow = this.CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION >= requiredVersion; const phoneNumber = this.getSource(); return { canProcessNow, contact: this.findAndFormatContact(phoneNumber), }; }, getPropsForTimerNotification() { const timerUpdate = this.get('expirationTimerUpdate'); if (!timerUpdate) { return null; } const { expireTimer, fromSync, source } = timerUpdate; const timespan = Whisper.ExpirationTimerOptions.getName(expireTimer || 0); const disabled = !expireTimer; const basicProps = { ...this.findAndFormatContact(source), type: 'fromOther', timespan, disabled, }; if (fromSync) { return { ...basicProps, type: 'fromSync', }; } else if (source === this.OUR_NUMBER) { return { ...basicProps, type: 'fromMe', }; } return basicProps; }, getPropsForSafetyNumberNotification() { const conversation = this.getConversation(); const isGroup = conversation && !conversation.isPrivate(); const phoneNumber = this.get('key_changed'); return { isGroup, contact: this.findAndFormatContact(phoneNumber), }; }, getPropsForVerificationNotification() { const type = this.get('verified') ? 'markVerified' : 'markNotVerified'; const isLocal = this.get('local'); const phoneNumber = this.get('verifiedChanged'); return { type, isLocal, contact: this.findAndFormatContact(phoneNumber), }; }, getPropsForGroupNotification() { const groupUpdate = this.get('group_update'); const changes = []; if (!groupUpdate.name && !groupUpdate.left && !groupUpdate.joined) { changes.push({ type: 'general', }); } if (groupUpdate.joined) { changes.push({ type: 'add', contacts: _.map( Array.isArray(groupUpdate.joined) ? groupUpdate.joined : [groupUpdate.joined], phoneNumber => this.findAndFormatContact(phoneNumber) ), }); } if (groupUpdate.left === 'You') { changes.push({ type: 'remove', isMe: true, }); } else if (groupUpdate.left) { changes.push({ type: 'remove', contacts: _.map( Array.isArray(groupUpdate.left) ? groupUpdate.left : [groupUpdate.left], phoneNumber => this.findAndFormatContact(phoneNumber) ), }); } if (groupUpdate.name) { changes.push({ type: 'name', newName: groupUpdate.name, }); } return { changes, }; }, getPropsForResetSessionNotification() { // It doesn't need anything right now! return {}; }, getAttachmentsForMessage() { const sticker = this.get('sticker'); if (sticker && sticker.data) { const { data } = sticker; // We don't show anything if we're still loading a sticker if (data.pending || !data.path) { return []; } return [ { ...data, url: getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(data.path), }, ]; } const attachments = this.get('attachments') || []; return attachments .filter(attachment => !attachment.error) .map(attachment => this.getPropsForAttachment(attachment)); }, getPropsForMessage() { const phoneNumber = this.getSource(); const contact = this.findAndFormatContact(phoneNumber); const contactModel = this.findContact(phoneNumber); const authorColor = contactModel ? contactModel.getColor() : null; const authorAvatarPath = contactModel ? contactModel.getAvatarPath() : null; const expirationLength = this.get('expireTimer') * 1000; const expireTimerStart = this.get('expirationStartTimestamp'); const expirationTimestamp = expirationLength && expireTimerStart ? expireTimerStart + expirationLength : null; const conversation = this.getConversation(); const isGroup = conversation && !conversation.isPrivate(); const sticker = this.get('sticker'); const isTapToView = this.isTapToView(); const reactions = (this.get('reactions') || []).map(re => { const c = this.findAndFormatContact(re.fromId); if (!c) { return { emoji: re.emoji, from: { id: re.fromId, }, }; } return { emoji: re.emoji, timestamp: re.timestamp, from: c, }; }); const selectedReaction = ( (this.get('reactions') || []).find( re => re.fromId === this.OUR_NUMBER ) || {} ).emoji; return { text: this.createNonBreakingLastSeparator(this.get('body')), textPending: this.get('bodyPending'), id: this.id, conversationId: this.get('conversationId'), isSticker: Boolean(sticker), direction: this.isIncoming() ? 'incoming' : 'outgoing', timestamp: this.get('sent_at'), status: this.getMessagePropStatus(), contact: this.getPropsForEmbeddedContact(), canReply: this.canReply(), authorColor, authorName: contact.name, authorProfileName: contact.profileName, authorPhoneNumber: contact.phoneNumber, conversationType: isGroup ? 'group' : 'direct', attachments: this.getAttachmentsForMessage(), previews: this.getPropsForPreview(), quote: this.getPropsForQuote(), authorAvatarPath, isExpired: this.hasExpired, expirationLength, expirationTimestamp, reactions, selectedReaction, isTapToView, isTapToViewExpired: isTapToView && this.get('isErased'), isTapToViewError: isTapToView && this.isIncoming() && this.get('isTapToViewInvalid'), }; }, // Dependencies of prop-generation functions findAndFormatContact(phoneNumber) { const contactModel = this.findContact(phoneNumber); if (contactModel) { return contactModel.format(); } const { format } = PhoneNumber; const regionCode = storage.get('regionCode'); return { phoneNumber: format(phoneNumber, { ourRegionCode: regionCode, }), }; }, findContact(phoneNumber) { return ConversationController.get(phoneNumber); }, getConversation() { // This needs to be an unsafe call, because this method is called during // initial module setup. We may be in the middle of the initial fetch to // the database. return ConversationController.getUnsafe(this.get('conversationId')); }, createNonBreakingLastSeparator(text) { if (!text) { return null; } const nbsp = '\xa0'; const regex = /(\S)( +)(\S+\s*)$/; return text.replace(regex, (match, start, spaces, end) => { const newSpaces = end.length < 12 ? _.reduce(spaces, accumulator => accumulator + nbsp, '') : spaces; return `${start}${newSpaces}${end}`; }); }, isIncoming() { return this.get('type') === 'incoming'; }, getMessagePropStatus() { if (this.hasErrors()) { return 'error'; } if (!this.isOutgoing()) { return null; } const readBy = this.get('read_by') || []; if (storage.get('read-receipt-setting') && readBy.length > 0) { return 'read'; } const delivered = this.get('delivered'); const deliveredTo = this.get('delivered_to') || []; if (delivered || deliveredTo.length > 0) { return 'delivered'; } const sent = this.get('sent'); const sentTo = this.get('sent_to') || []; if (sent || sentTo.length > 0) { return 'sent'; } return 'sending'; }, getPropsForEmbeddedContact() { const contacts = this.get('contact'); if (!contacts || !contacts.length) { return null; } const regionCode = storage.get('regionCode'); const { contactSelector } = Contact; const contact = contacts[0]; const firstNumber = contact.number && contact.number[0] && contact.number[0].value; // Would be nice to do this before render, on initial load of message if (!window.isSignalAccountCheckComplete(firstNumber)) { window.checkForSignalAccount(firstNumber).then(() => { this.trigger('change', this); }); } return contactSelector(contact, { regionCode, getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, signalAccount: window.hasSignalAccount(firstNumber) ? firstNumber : null, }); }, getPropsForAttachment(attachment) { if (!attachment) { return null; } const { path, pending, flags, size, screenshot, thumbnail } = attachment; return { ...attachment, fileSize: size ? filesize(size) : null, isVoiceMessage: flags && // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise flags & textsecure.protobuf.AttachmentPointer.Flags.VOICE_MESSAGE, pending, url: path ? getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(path) : null, screenshot: screenshot ? { ...screenshot, url: getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(screenshot.path), } : null, thumbnail: thumbnail ? { ...thumbnail, url: getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(thumbnail.path), } : null, }; }, getPropsForPreview() { const previews = this.get('preview') || []; return previews.map(preview => ({ ...preview, isStickerPack: window.Signal.LinkPreviews.isStickerPack(preview.url), domain: window.Signal.LinkPreviews.getDomain(preview.url), image: preview.image ? this.getPropsForAttachment(preview.image) : null, })); }, getPropsForQuote() { const quote = this.get('quote'); if (!quote) { return null; } const { format } = PhoneNumber; const regionCode = storage.get('regionCode'); const { author, id: sentAt, referencedMessageNotFound } = quote; const contact = author && ConversationController.get(author); const authorColor = contact ? contact.getColor() : 'grey'; const authorPhoneNumber = format(author, { ourRegionCode: regionCode, }); const authorProfileName = contact ? contact.getProfileName() : null; const authorName = contact ? contact.getName() : null; const isFromMe = contact ? contact.id === this.OUR_NUMBER : false; const firstAttachment = quote.attachments && quote.attachments[0]; return { text: this.createNonBreakingLastSeparator(quote.text), attachment: firstAttachment ? this.processQuoteAttachment(firstAttachment) : null, isFromMe, sentAt, authorId: author, authorPhoneNumber, authorProfileName, authorName, authorColor, referencedMessageNotFound, onClick: () => this.trigger('scroll-to-message'), }; }, getStatus(number) { const readBy = this.get('read_by') || []; if (readBy.indexOf(number) >= 0) { return 'read'; } const deliveredTo = this.get('delivered_to') || []; if (deliveredTo.indexOf(number) >= 0) { return 'delivered'; } const sentTo = this.get('sent_to') || []; if (sentTo.indexOf(number) >= 0) { return 'sent'; } return null; }, processQuoteAttachment(attachment) { const { thumbnail } = attachment; const path = thumbnail && thumbnail.path && getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(thumbnail.path); const objectUrl = thumbnail && thumbnail.objectUrl; const thumbnailWithObjectUrl = !path && !objectUrl ? null : Object.assign({}, attachment.thumbnail || {}, { objectUrl: path || objectUrl, }); return Object.assign({}, attachment, { isVoiceMessage: Signal.Types.Attachment.isVoiceMessage(attachment), thumbnail: thumbnailWithObjectUrl, }); }, // More display logic getDescription() { if (this.isUnsupportedMessage()) { return i18n('message--getDescription--unsupported-message'); } if (this.isTapToView()) { if (this.isErased()) { return i18n('message--getDescription--disappearing-media'); } const attachments = this.get('attachments'); if (!attachments || !attachments[0]) { return i18n('mediaMessage'); } const { contentType } = attachments[0]; if (GoogleChrome.isImageTypeSupported(contentType)) { return i18n('message--getDescription--disappearing-photo'); } else if (GoogleChrome.isVideoTypeSupported(contentType)) { return i18n('message--getDescription--disappearing-video'); } return i18n('mediaMessage'); } if (this.isGroupUpdate()) { const groupUpdate = this.get('group_update'); if (groupUpdate.left === 'You') { return i18n('youLeftTheGroup'); } else if (groupUpdate.left) { return i18n('leftTheGroup', this.getNameForNumber(groupUpdate.left)); } const messages = []; if (!groupUpdate.name && !groupUpdate.joined) { messages.push(i18n('updatedTheGroup')); } if (groupUpdate.name) { messages.push(i18n('titleIsNow', groupUpdate.name)); } if (groupUpdate.joined && groupUpdate.joined.length) { const names = _.map( groupUpdate.joined, this.getNameForNumber.bind(this) ); if (names.length > 1) { messages.push(i18n('multipleJoinedTheGroup', names.join(', '))); } else { messages.push(i18n('joinedTheGroup', names[0])); } } return messages.join(', '); } if (this.isEndSession()) { return i18n('sessionEnded'); } if (this.isIncoming() && this.hasErrors()) { return i18n('incomingError'); } return this.get('body'); }, getNotificationText() { const description = this.getDescription(); if (description) { return description; } if (this.get('attachments').length > 0) { return i18n('mediaMessage'); } if (this.get('sticker')) { return i18n('message--getNotificationText--stickers'); } if (this.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) { const { expireTimer } = this.get('expirationTimerUpdate'); if (!expireTimer) { return i18n('disappearingMessagesDisabled'); } return i18n( 'timerSetTo', Whisper.ExpirationTimerOptions.getAbbreviated(expireTimer || 0) ); } if (this.isKeyChange()) { const phoneNumber = this.get('key_changed'); const conversation = this.findContact(phoneNumber); return i18n( 'safetyNumberChangedGroup', conversation ? conversation.getTitle() : null ); } const contacts = this.get('contact'); if (contacts && contacts.length) { return Contact.getName(contacts[0]); } return ''; }, // General idForLogging() { return `${this.get('source')}.${this.get('sourceDevice')} ${this.get( 'sent_at' )}`; }, defaults() { return { timestamp: new Date().getTime(), attachments: [], }; }, validate(attributes) { const required = ['conversationId', 'received_at', 'sent_at']; const missing = _.filter(required, attr => !attributes[attr]); if (missing.length) { window.log.warn(`Message missing attributes: ${missing}`); } }, isUnread() { return !!this.get('unread'); }, merge(model) { const attributes = model.attributes || model; this.set(attributes); }, getNameForNumber(number) { const conversation = ConversationController.get(number); if (!conversation) { return number; } return conversation.getDisplayName(); }, onDestroy() { this.cleanup(); }, async cleanup() { const { messageDeleted } = window.reduxActions.conversations; messageDeleted(this.id, this.get('conversationId')); MessageController.unregister(this.id); this.unload(); await this.deleteData(); }, async deleteData() { await deleteExternalMessageFiles(this.attributes); const sticker = this.get('sticker'); if (!sticker) { return; } const { packId } = sticker; if (packId) { await deletePackReference(this.id, packId); } }, isTapToView() { return Boolean(this.get('isViewOnce') || this.get('messageTimer')); }, isValidTapToView() { const body = this.get('body'); if (body) { return false; } const attachments = this.get('attachments'); if (!attachments || attachments.length !== 1) { return false; } const firstAttachment = attachments[0]; if ( !GoogleChrome.isImageTypeSupported(firstAttachment.contentType) && !GoogleChrome.isVideoTypeSupported(firstAttachment.contentType) ) { return false; } const quote = this.get('quote'); const sticker = this.get('sticker'); const contact = this.get('contact'); const preview = this.get('preview'); if ( quote || sticker || (contact && contact.length > 0) || (preview && preview.length > 0) ) { return false; } return true; }, async markViewed(options) { const { fromSync } = options || {}; if (!this.isValidTapToView()) { window.log.warn( `markViewed: Message ${this.idForLogging()} is not a valid tap to view message!` ); return; } if (this.isErased()) { window.log.warn( `markViewed: Message ${this.idForLogging()} is already erased!` ); return; } if (this.get('unread')) { await this.markRead(); } await this.eraseContents(); if (!fromSync) { const sender = this.getSource(); const timestamp = this.get('sent_at'); const ourNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const { wrap, sendOptions } = ConversationController.prepareForSend( ourNumber, { syncMessage: true, } ); await wrap( textsecure.messaging.syncViewOnceOpen(sender, timestamp, sendOptions) ); } }, isErased() { return Boolean(this.get('isErased')); }, async eraseContents() { if (this.get('isErased')) { return; } window.log.info(`Erasing data for message ${this.idForLogging()}`); try { await this.deleteData(); } catch (error) { window.log.error( `Error erasing data for message ${this.idForLogging()}:`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } this.set({ isErased: true, body: '', attachments: [], quote: null, contact: [], sticker: null, preview: [], }); this.trigger('content-changed'); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); }, unload() { if (this.quotedMessage) { this.quotedMessage = null; } }, onExpired() { this.hasExpired = true; }, isUnidentifiedDelivery(contactId, lookup) { if (this.isIncoming()) { return this.get('unidentifiedDeliveryReceived'); } return Boolean(lookup[contactId]); }, getSource() { if (this.isIncoming()) { return this.get('source'); } return this.OUR_NUMBER; }, getContact() { const source = this.getSource(); if (!source) { return null; } return ConversationController.getOrCreate(source, 'private'); }, isOutgoing() { return this.get('type') === 'outgoing'; }, hasErrors() { return _.size(this.get('errors')) > 0; }, async saveErrors(providedErrors, options = {}) { const { skipSave } = options; let errors = providedErrors; if (!(errors instanceof Array)) { errors = [errors]; } errors.forEach(e => { window.log.error( 'Message.saveErrors:', e && e.reason ? e.reason : null, e && e.stack ? e.stack : e ); }); errors = errors.map(e => { if ( e.constructor === Error || e.constructor === TypeError || e.constructor === ReferenceError ) { return _.pick(e, 'name', 'message', 'code', 'number', 'reason'); } return e; }); errors = errors.concat(this.get('errors') || []); this.set({ errors }); if (!skipSave) { await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); } }, async markRead(readAt, options = {}) { const { skipSave } = options; this.unset('unread'); if (this.get('expireTimer') && !this.get('expirationStartTimestamp')) { const expirationStartTimestamp = Math.min( Date.now(), readAt || Date.now() ); this.set({ expirationStartTimestamp }); } Whisper.Notifications.remove( Whisper.Notifications.where({ messageId: this.id, }) ); if (!skipSave) { await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); } }, isExpiring() { return this.get('expireTimer') && this.get('expirationStartTimestamp'); }, isExpired() { return this.msTilExpire() <= 0; }, msTilExpire() { if (!this.isExpiring()) { return Infinity; } const now = Date.now(); const start = this.get('expirationStartTimestamp'); const delta = this.get('expireTimer') * 1000; let msFromNow = start + delta - now; if (msFromNow < 0) { msFromNow = 0; } return msFromNow; }, async setToExpire(force = false, options) { const { skipSave } = options || {}; if (this.isExpiring() && (force || !this.get('expires_at'))) { const start = this.get('expirationStartTimestamp'); const delta = this.get('expireTimer') * 1000; const expiresAt = start + delta; this.set({ expires_at: expiresAt }); const id = this.get('id'); if (id && !skipSave) { await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); } window.log.info('Set message expiration', { expiresAt, sentAt: this.get('sent_at'), }); } }, getIncomingContact() { if (!this.isIncoming()) { return null; } const source = this.get('source'); if (!source) { return null; } return ConversationController.getOrCreate(source, 'private'); }, getQuoteContact() { const quote = this.get('quote'); if (!quote) { return null; } const { author } = quote; if (!author) { return null; } return ConversationController.get(author); }, // Send infrastructure // One caller today: event handler for the 'Retry Send' entry in triple-dot menu async retrySend() { if (!textsecure.messaging) { window.log.error('retrySend: Cannot retry since we are offline!'); return null; } this.set({ errors: null }); const conversation = this.getConversation(); const intendedRecipients = this.get('recipients') || []; const successfulRecipients = this.get('sent_to') || []; const currentRecipients = conversation.getRecipients(); const profileKey = conversation.get('profileSharing') ? storage.get('profileKey') : null; let recipients = _.intersection(intendedRecipients, currentRecipients); recipients = _.without(recipients, successfulRecipients); if (!recipients.length) { window.log.warn('retrySend: Nobody to send to!'); return window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); } const attachmentsWithData = await Promise.all( (this.get('attachments') || []).map(loadAttachmentData) ); const { body, attachments } = Whisper.Message.getLongMessageAttachment({ body: this.get('body'), attachments: attachmentsWithData, now: this.get('sent_at'), }); const quoteWithData = await loadQuoteData(this.get('quote')); const previewWithData = await loadPreviewData(this.get('preview')); const stickerWithData = await loadStickerData(this.get('sticker')); // Special-case the self-send case - we send only a sync message if (recipients.length === 1 && recipients[0] === this.OUR_NUMBER) { const [number] = recipients; const dataMessage = await textsecure.messaging.getMessageProto( number, body, attachments, quoteWithData, previewWithData, stickerWithData, null, this.get('sent_at'), this.get('expireTimer'), profileKey ); return this.sendSyncMessageOnly(dataMessage); } let promise; const options = conversation.getSendOptions(); if (conversation.isPrivate()) { const [number] = recipients; promise = textsecure.messaging.sendMessageToNumber( number, body, attachments, quoteWithData, previewWithData, stickerWithData, null, this.get('sent_at'), this.get('expireTimer'), profileKey, options ); } else { // Because this is a partial group send, we manually construct the request like // sendMessageToGroup does. promise = textsecure.messaging.sendMessage( { recipients, body, timestamp: this.get('sent_at'), attachments, quote: quoteWithData, preview: previewWithData, sticker: stickerWithData, expireTimer: this.get('expireTimer'), profileKey, group: { id: this.get('conversationId'), type: textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.DELIVER, }, }, options ); } return this.send(conversation.wrapSend(promise)); }, isReplayableError(e) { return ( e.name === 'MessageError' || e.name === 'OutgoingMessageError' || e.name === 'SendMessageNetworkError' || e.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError' || e.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError' ); }, canReply() { const errors = this.get('errors'); const isOutgoing = this.get('type') === 'outgoing'; const numDelivered = this.get('delivered'); // Case 1: We can reply if this is outgoing and delievered to at least one recipient if (isOutgoing && numDelivered > 0) { return true; } // Case 2: We can reply if there are no errors if (!errors || (errors && errors.length === 0)) { return true; } // Otherwise we cannot reply return false; }, // Called when the user ran into an error with a specific user, wants to send to them // One caller today: ConversationView.forceSend() async resend(number) { const error = this.removeOutgoingErrors(number); if (!error) { window.log.warn('resend: requested number was not present in errors'); return null; } const profileKey = null; const attachmentsWithData = await Promise.all( (this.get('attachments') || []).map(loadAttachmentData) ); const { body, attachments } = Whisper.Message.getLongMessageAttachment({ body: this.get('body'), attachments: attachmentsWithData, now: this.get('sent_at'), }); const quoteWithData = await loadQuoteData(this.get('quote')); const previewWithData = await loadPreviewData(this.get('preview')); const stickerWithData = await loadStickerData(this.get('sticker')); // Special-case the self-send case - we send only a sync message if (number === this.OUR_NUMBER) { const dataMessage = await textsecure.messaging.getMessageProto( number, body, attachments, quoteWithData, previewWithData, stickerWithData, null, this.get('sent_at'), this.get('expireTimer'), profileKey ); return this.sendSyncMessageOnly(dataMessage); } const { wrap, sendOptions } = ConversationController.prepareForSend( number ); const promise = textsecure.messaging.sendMessageToNumber( number, body, attachments, quoteWithData, previewWithData, stickerWithData, this.get('sent_at'), this.get('expireTimer'), profileKey, sendOptions ); return this.send(wrap(promise)); }, removeOutgoingErrors(number) { const errors = _.partition( this.get('errors'), e => e.number === number && (e.name === 'MessageError' || e.name === 'OutgoingMessageError' || e.name === 'SendMessageNetworkError' || e.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError' || e.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError') ); this.set({ errors: errors[1] }); return errors[0][0]; }, send(promise) { this.trigger('pending'); return promise .then(async result => { this.trigger('done'); // This is used by sendSyncMessage, then set to null if (result.dataMessage) { this.set({ dataMessage: result.dataMessage }); } const sentTo = this.get('sent_to') || []; this.set({ sent_to: _.union(sentTo, result.successfulNumbers), sent: true, expirationStartTimestamp: Date.now(), unidentifiedDeliveries: result.unidentifiedDeliveries, }); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); this.trigger('sent', this); this.sendSyncMessage(); }) .catch(result => { this.trigger('done'); if (result.dataMessage) { this.set({ dataMessage: result.dataMessage }); } let promises = []; if (result instanceof Error) { this.saveErrors(result); if (result.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError') { promises.push(getAccountManager().rotateSignedPreKey()); } else if (result.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError') { const c = ConversationController.get(result.number); promises.push(c.getProfiles()); } } else { if (result.successfulNumbers.length > 0) { const sentTo = this.get('sent_to') || []; // In groups, we don't treat unregistered users as a user-visible // error. The message will look successful, but the details // screen will show that we didn't send to these unregistered users. const filteredErrors = _.reject( result.errors, error => error.name === 'UnregisteredUserError' ); // We don't start the expiration timer if there are real errors // left after filtering out all of the unregistered user errors. const expirationStartTimestamp = filteredErrors.length ? null : Date.now(); this.saveErrors(filteredErrors); this.set({ sent_to: _.union(sentTo, result.successfulNumbers), sent: true, expirationStartTimestamp, unidentifiedDeliveries: result.unidentifiedDeliveries, }); promises.push(this.sendSyncMessage()); } else { this.saveErrors(result.errors); } promises = promises.concat( _.map(result.errors, error => { if (error.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError') { const c = ConversationController.get(error.number); promises.push(c.getProfiles()); } }) ); } this.trigger('send-error', this.get('errors')); return Promise.all(promises); }); }, async sendSyncMessageOnly(dataMessage) { this.set({ dataMessage }); try { this.set({ // These are the same as a normal send() sent_to: [this.OUR_NUMBER], sent: true, expirationStartTimestamp: Date.now(), }); const result = await this.sendSyncMessage(); this.set({ // We have to do this afterward, since we didn't have a previous send! unidentifiedDeliveries: result ? result.unidentifiedDeliveries : null, // These are unique to a Note to Self message - immediately read/delivered delivered_to: [this.OUR_NUMBER], read_by: [this.OUR_NUMBER], }); } catch (result) { const errors = (result && result.errors) || [ new Error('Unknown error'), ]; this.set({ errors }); } finally { await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); this.trigger('done'); const errors = this.get('errors'); if (errors) { this.trigger('send-error', errors); } else { this.trigger('sent'); } } }, sendSyncMessage() { const ourNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const { wrap, sendOptions } = ConversationController.prepareForSend( ourNumber, { syncMessage: true, } ); this.syncPromise = this.syncPromise || Promise.resolve(); const next = () => { const dataMessage = this.get('dataMessage'); if (!dataMessage) { return Promise.resolve(); } const isUpdate = Boolean(this.get('synced')); return wrap( textsecure.messaging.sendSyncMessage( dataMessage, this.get('sent_at'), this.get('destination'), this.get('expirationStartTimestamp'), this.get('sent_to'), this.get('unidentifiedDeliveries'), isUpdate, sendOptions ) ).then(result => { this.set({ synced: true, dataMessage: null, }); return window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes, { Message: Whisper.Message, }).then(() => result); }); }; this.syncPromise = this.syncPromise.then(next, next); return this.syncPromise; }, // Receive logic async queueAttachmentDownloads() { const messageId = this.id; let count = 0; let bodyPending; const [longMessageAttachments, normalAttachments] = _.partition( this.get('attachments') || [], attachment => attachment.contentType === Whisper.Message.LONG_MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE ); if (longMessageAttachments.length > 1) { window.log.error( `Received more than one long message attachment in message ${this.idForLogging()}` ); } if (longMessageAttachments.length > 0) { count += 1; bodyPending = true; await window.Signal.AttachmentDownloads.addJob( longMessageAttachments[0], { messageId, type: 'long-message', index: 0, } ); } const attachments = await Promise.all( normalAttachments.map((attachment, index) => { count += 1; return window.Signal.AttachmentDownloads.addJob(attachment, { messageId, type: 'attachment', index, }); }) ); const preview = await Promise.all( (this.get('preview') || []).map(async (item, index) => { if (!item.image) { return item; } count += 1; return { ...item, image: await window.Signal.AttachmentDownloads.addJob(item.image, { messageId, type: 'preview', index, }), }; }) ); const contact = await Promise.all( (this.get('contact') || []).map(async (item, index) => { if (!item.avatar || !item.avatar.avatar) { return item; } count += 1; return { ...item, avatar: { ...item.avatar, avatar: await window.Signal.AttachmentDownloads.addJob( item.avatar.avatar, { messageId, type: 'contact', index, } ), }, }; }) ); let quote = this.get('quote'); if (quote && quote.attachments && quote.attachments.length) { quote = { ...quote, attachments: await Promise.all( (quote.attachments || []).map(async (item, index) => { // If we already have a path, then we copied this image from the quoted // message and we don't need to download the attachment. if (!item.thumbnail || item.thumbnail.path) { return item; } count += 1; return { ...item, thumbnail: await window.Signal.AttachmentDownloads.addJob( item.thumbnail, { messageId, type: 'quote', index, } ), }; }) ), }; } let group = this.get('group_update'); if (group && group.avatar) { count += 1; group = { ...group, avatar: await window.Signal.AttachmentDownloads.addJob(group.avatar, { messageId, type: 'group-avatar', index: 0, }), }; } let sticker = this.get('sticker'); if (sticker) { count += 1; const { packId, stickerId, packKey } = sticker; const status = getStickerPackStatus(packId); let data; if (status && (status === 'downloaded' || status === 'installed')) { try { const copiedSticker = await copyStickerToAttachments( packId, stickerId ); data = { ...copiedSticker, contentType: 'image/webp', }; } catch (error) { window.log.error( `Problem copying sticker (${packId}, ${stickerId}) to attachments:`, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } } if (!data) { data = await window.Signal.AttachmentDownloads.addJob(sticker.data, { messageId, type: 'sticker', index: 0, }); } if (!status) { // Save the packId/packKey for future download/install savePackMetadata(packId, packKey, { messageId }); } else { await addStickerPackReference(messageId, packId); } sticker = { ...sticker, packId, data, }; } if (count > 0) { this.set({ bodyPending, attachments, preview, contact, quote, group_update: group, sticker, }); return true; } return false; }, async copyFromQuotedMessage(message) { const { quote } = message; if (!quote) { return message; } const { attachments, id, author } = quote; const firstAttachment = attachments[0]; const collection = await window.Signal.Data.getMessagesBySentAt(id, { MessageCollection: Whisper.MessageCollection, }); const found = collection.find(item => { const messageAuthor = item.getContact(); return messageAuthor && author === messageAuthor.id; }); if (!found) { quote.referencedMessageNotFound = true; return message; } if (found.isTapToView()) { quote.text = null; quote.attachments = [ { contentType: 'image/jpeg', }, ]; return message; } const queryMessage = MessageController.register(found.id, found); quote.text = queryMessage.get('body'); if (firstAttachment) { firstAttachment.thumbnail = null; } if ( !firstAttachment || (!GoogleChrome.isImageTypeSupported(firstAttachment.contentType) && !GoogleChrome.isVideoTypeSupported(firstAttachment.contentType)) ) { return message; } try { if ( queryMessage.get('schemaVersion') < TypedMessage.VERSION_NEEDED_FOR_DISPLAY ) { const upgradedMessage = await upgradeMessageSchema( queryMessage.attributes ); queryMessage.set(upgradedMessage); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(upgradedMessage, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); } } catch (error) { window.log.error( 'Problem upgrading message quoted message from database', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return message; } const queryAttachments = queryMessage.get('attachments') || []; if (queryAttachments.length > 0) { const queryFirst = queryAttachments[0]; const { thumbnail } = queryFirst; if (thumbnail && thumbnail.path) { firstAttachment.thumbnail = { ...thumbnail, copied: true, }; } } const queryPreview = queryMessage.get('preview') || []; if (queryPreview.length > 0) { const queryFirst = queryPreview[0]; const { image } = queryFirst; if (image && image.path) { firstAttachment.thumbnail = { ...image, copied: true, }; } } const sticker = queryMessage.get('sticker'); if (sticker && sticker.data && sticker.data.path) { firstAttachment.thumbnail = { ...sticker.data, copied: true, }; } return message; }, handleDataMessage(initialMessage, confirm, options = {}) { const { data } = options; // This function is called from the background script in a few scenarios: // 1. on an incoming message // 2. on a sent message sync'd from another device // 3. in rare cases, an incoming message can be retried, though it will // still go through one of the previous two codepaths const message = this; const source = message.get('source'); const type = message.get('type'); let conversationId = message.get('conversationId'); if (initialMessage.group) { conversationId = initialMessage.group.id; } const GROUP_TYPES = textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type; const conversation = ConversationController.get(conversationId); return conversation.queueJob(async () => { window.log.info( `Starting handleDataMessage for message ${message.idForLogging()} in conversation ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); // First, check for duplicates. If we find one, stop processing here. const existingMessage = await getMessageBySender(this.attributes, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); const isUpdate = Boolean(data && data.isRecipientUpdate); if (existingMessage && type === 'incoming') { window.log.warn('Received duplicate message', this.idForLogging()); confirm(); return; } if (type === 'outgoing') { if (isUpdate && existingMessage) { window.log.info( `handleDataMessage: Updating message ${message.idForLogging()} with received transcript` ); let sentTo = []; let unidentifiedDeliveries = []; if (Array.isArray(data.unidentifiedStatus)) { sentTo = data.unidentifiedStatus.map(item => item.destination); const unidentified = _.filter(data.unidentifiedStatus, item => Boolean(item.unidentified) ); unidentifiedDeliveries = unidentified.map( item => item.destination ); } const toUpdate = MessageController.register( existingMessage.id, existingMessage ); toUpdate.set({ sent_to: _.union(toUpdate.get('sent_to'), sentTo), unidentifiedDeliveries: _.union( toUpdate.get('unidentifiedDeliveries'), unidentifiedDeliveries ), }); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(toUpdate.attributes, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); confirm(); return; } else if (isUpdate) { window.log.warn( `handleDataMessage: Received update transcript, but no existing entry for message ${message.idForLogging()}. Dropping.` ); confirm(); return; } else if (existingMessage) { window.log.warn( `handleDataMessage: Received duplicate transcript for message ${message.idForLogging()}, but it was not an update transcript. Dropping.` ); confirm(); return; } } // We drop incoming messages for groups we already know about, which we're not a // part of, except for group updates. const ourNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const isGroupUpdate = initialMessage.group && initialMessage.group.type !== textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.DELIVER; if ( type === 'incoming' && !conversation.isPrivate() && !conversation.hasMember(ourNumber) && !isGroupUpdate ) { window.log.warn( `Received message destined for group ${conversation.idForLogging()}, which we're not a part of. Dropping.` ); confirm(); return; } // Send delivery receipts, but only for incoming sealed sender messages if ( type === 'incoming' && this.get('unidentifiedDeliveryReceived') && !this.hasErrors() ) { // Note: We both queue and batch because we want to wait until we are done // processing incoming messages to start sending outgoing delivery receipts. // The queue can be paused easily. Whisper.deliveryReceiptQueue.add(() => { Whisper.deliveryReceiptBatcher.add({ source, timestamp: this.get('sent_at'), }); }); } const withQuoteReference = await this.copyFromQuotedMessage( initialMessage ); const dataMessage = await upgradeMessageSchema(withQuoteReference); try { const now = new Date().getTime(); const urls = window.Signal.LinkPreviews.findLinks(dataMessage.body); const incomingPreview = dataMessage.preview || []; const preview = incomingPreview.filter( item => (item.image || item.title) && urls.includes(item.url) && window.Signal.LinkPreviews.isLinkInWhitelist(item.url) ); if (preview.length < incomingPreview.length) { window.log.info( `${message.idForLogging()}: Eliminated ${preview.length - incomingPreview.length} previews with invalid urls'` ); } message.set({ id: window.getGuid(), attachments: dataMessage.attachments, body: dataMessage.body, contact: dataMessage.contact, conversationId: conversation.id, decrypted_at: now, errors: [], flags: dataMessage.flags, hasAttachments: dataMessage.hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments: dataMessage.hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments: dataMessage.hasVisualMediaAttachments, isViewOnce: Boolean(dataMessage.isViewOnce), preview, requiredProtocolVersion: dataMessage.requiredProtocolVersion || this.INITIAL_PROTOCOL_VERSION, supportedVersionAtReceive: this.CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, quote: dataMessage.quote, schemaVersion: dataMessage.schemaVersion, sticker: dataMessage.sticker, }); const isSupported = !message.isUnsupportedMessage(); if (!isSupported) { await message.eraseContents(); } if (isSupported) { let attributes = { ...conversation.attributes, }; if (dataMessage.group) { let groupUpdate = null; attributes = { ...attributes, type: 'group', groupId: dataMessage.group.id, }; if (dataMessage.group.type === GROUP_TYPES.UPDATE) { attributes = { ...attributes, name: dataMessage.group.name, members: _.union( dataMessage.group.members, conversation.get('members') ), }; groupUpdate = conversation.changedAttributes( _.pick(dataMessage.group, 'name', 'avatar') ) || {}; const difference = _.difference( attributes.members, conversation.get('members') ); if (difference.length > 0) { groupUpdate.joined = difference; } if (conversation.get('left')) { window.log.warn('re-added to a left group'); attributes.left = false; } } else if (dataMessage.group.type === GROUP_TYPES.QUIT) { if (source === textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()) { attributes.left = true; groupUpdate = { left: 'You' }; } else { groupUpdate = { left: source }; } attributes.members = _.without( conversation.get('members'), source ); } if (groupUpdate !== null) { message.set({ group_update: groupUpdate }); } } if (type === 'outgoing') { const receipts = Whisper.DeliveryReceipts.forMessage( conversation, message ); receipts.forEach(receipt => message.set({ delivered: (message.get('delivered') || 0) + 1, delivered_to: _.union(message.get('delivered_to') || [], [ receipt.get('source'), ]), }) ); } attributes.active_at = now; conversation.set(attributes); if (message.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) { message.set({ expirationTimerUpdate: { source, expireTimer: dataMessage.expireTimer, }, }); conversation.set({ expireTimer: dataMessage.expireTimer }); } else if (dataMessage.expireTimer) { message.set({ expireTimer: dataMessage.expireTimer }); } // NOTE: Remove once the above uses // `Conversation::updateExpirationTimer`: const { expireTimer } = dataMessage; const shouldLogExpireTimerChange = message.isExpirationTimerUpdate() || expireTimer; if (shouldLogExpireTimerChange) { window.log.info("Update conversation 'expireTimer'", { id: conversation.idForLogging(), expireTimer, source: 'handleDataMessage', }); } if (!message.isEndSession()) { if (dataMessage.expireTimer) { if ( dataMessage.expireTimer !== conversation.get('expireTimer') ) { conversation.updateExpirationTimer( dataMessage.expireTimer, source, message.get('received_at'), { fromGroupUpdate: message.isGroupUpdate(), } ); } } else if ( conversation.get('expireTimer') && // We only turn off timers if it's not a group update !message.isGroupUpdate() ) { conversation.updateExpirationTimer( null, source, message.get('received_at') ); } } if (type === 'incoming') { const readSync = Whisper.ReadSyncs.forMessage(message); if (readSync) { if ( message.get('expireTimer') && !message.get('expirationStartTimestamp') ) { message.set( 'expirationStartTimestamp', Math.min(readSync.get('read_at'), Date.now()) ); } } if (readSync || message.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) { message.unset('unread'); // This is primarily to allow the conversation to mark all older // messages as read, as is done when we receive a read sync for // a message we already know about. const c = message.getConversation(); if (c) { c.onReadMessage(message); } } else { conversation.set({ unreadCount: conversation.get('unreadCount') + 1, isArchived: false, }); } } if (type === 'outgoing') { const reads = Whisper.ReadReceipts.forMessage( conversation, message ); if (reads.length) { const readBy = reads.map(receipt => receipt.get('reader')); message.set({ read_by: _.union(message.get('read_by'), readBy), }); } // A sync'd message to ourself is automatically considered read/delivered if (conversation.isMe()) { message.set({ read_by: conversation.getRecipients(), delivered_to: conversation.getRecipients(), }); } message.set({ recipients: conversation.getRecipients() }); } if (dataMessage.profileKey) { const profileKey = dataMessage.profileKey.toString('base64'); if (source === textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()) { conversation.set({ profileSharing: true }); } else if (conversation.isPrivate()) { conversation.setProfileKey(profileKey); } else { ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( source, 'private' ).then(sender => { sender.setProfileKey(profileKey); }); } } if (message.isTapToView() && type === 'outgoing') { await message.eraseContents(); } if ( type === 'incoming' && message.isTapToView() && !message.isValidTapToView() ) { window.log.warn( `Received tap to view message ${message.idForLogging()} with invalid data. Erasing contents.` ); message.set({ isTapToViewInvalid: true, }); await message.eraseContents(); } // Check for out-of-order view syncs if (type === 'incoming' && message.isTapToView()) { const viewSync = Whisper.ViewSyncs.forMessage(message); if (viewSync) { await message.markViewed({ fromSync: true }); } } } const conversationTimestamp = conversation.get('timestamp'); if ( !conversationTimestamp || message.get('sent_at') > conversationTimestamp ) { conversation.set({ lastMessage: message.getNotificationText(), timestamp: message.get('sent_at'), }); } MessageController.register(message.id, message); window.Signal.Data.updateConversation( conversationId, conversation.attributes ); await message.queueAttachmentDownloads(); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(message.attributes, { Message: Whisper.Message, forceSave: true, }); conversation.trigger('newmessage', message); if (message.get('unread')) { await conversation.notify(message); } // Does this message have a pending, previously-received associated reaction? const reaction = Whisper.Reactions.forMessage(message); if (reaction) { message.handleReaction(reaction); } Whisper.events.trigger('incrementProgress'); confirm(); } catch (error) { const errorForLog = error && error.stack ? error.stack : error; window.log.error( 'handleDataMessage', message.idForLogging(), 'error:', errorForLog ); throw error; } }); }, async handleReaction(reaction) { const reactions = this.get('reactions') || []; const messageId = this.idForLogging(); const count = reactions.length; if (reaction.get('remove')) { window.log.info('Removing reaction for message', messageId); const newReactions = reactions.filter( re => re.emoji !== reaction.get('emoji') || re.fromId !== reaction.get('fromId') ); this.set({ reactions: newReactions }); } else { window.log.info('Adding reaction for message', messageId); const newReactions = reactions.filter( re => re.fromId !== reaction.get('fromId') ); newReactions.push(reaction.toJSON()); this.set({ reactions: newReactions }); const conversation = ConversationController.get( this.get('conversationId') ); // Only notify for reactions to our own messages if (conversation && this.isOutgoing() && !reaction.get('fromSync')) { conversation.notify(this, reaction); } } const newCount = this.get('reactions').length; window.log.info( `Done processing reaction for message ${messageId}. Went from ${count} to ${newCount} reactions.` ); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(this.attributes, { Message: Whisper.Message, }); }, }); // Receive will be enabled before we enable send Whisper.Message.LONG_MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE = 'text/x-signal-plain'; Whisper.Message.getLongMessageAttachment = ({ body, attachments, now }) => { if (!body || body.length <= 2048) { return { body, attachments, }; } const data = bytesFromString(body); const attachment = { contentType: Whisper.Message.LONG_MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE, fileName: `long-message-${now}.txt`, data, size: data.byteLength, }; return { body: body.slice(0, 2048), attachments: [attachment, ...attachments], }; }; Whisper.Message.updateTimers = () => { Whisper.ExpiringMessagesListener.update(); Whisper.TapToViewMessagesListener.update(); }; Whisper.MessageCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Whisper.Message, comparator(left, right) { if (left.get('received_at') === right.get('received_at')) { return (left.get('sent_at') || 0) - (right.get('sent_at') || 0); } return (left.get('received_at') || 0) - (right.get('received_at') || 0); }, }); })();