// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import React, { memo, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { ChatsTab } from '../../components/ChatsTab'; import { SmartConversationView } from './ConversationView'; import { SmartMiniPlayer } from './MiniPlayer'; import { SmartLeftPane } from './LeftPane'; import type { NavTabPanelProps } from '../../components/NavTabs'; import { useGlobalModalActions } from '../ducks/globalModals'; import { getIntl } from '../selectors/user'; import { usePrevious } from '../../hooks/usePrevious'; import { TargetedMessageSource } from '../ducks/conversationsEnums'; import { useConversationsActions } from '../ducks/conversations'; import { useToastActions } from '../ducks/toast'; import { strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { ToastType } from '../../types/Toast'; import { getNavTabsCollapsed } from '../selectors/items'; import { useItemsActions } from '../ducks/items'; import { getHasAnyFailedStorySends } from '../selectors/stories'; import { getHasPendingUpdate } from '../selectors/updates'; import { getOtherTabsUnreadStats } from '../selectors/nav'; import { getSelectedConversationId, getTargetedMessage, getTargetedMessageSource, } from '../selectors/conversations'; function renderConversationView() { return ; } function renderLeftPane(props: NavTabPanelProps) { return ; } function renderMiniPlayer(options: { shouldFlow: boolean }) { return ; } export const SmartChatsTab = memo(function SmartChatsTab() { const i18n = useSelector(getIntl); const navTabsCollapsed = useSelector(getNavTabsCollapsed); const hasFailedStorySends = useSelector(getHasAnyFailedStorySends); const hasPendingUpdate = useSelector(getHasPendingUpdate); const otherTabsUnreadStats = useSelector(getOtherTabsUnreadStats); const selectedConversationId = useSelector(getSelectedConversationId); const targetedMessageId = useSelector(getTargetedMessage)?.id; const targetedMessageSource = useSelector(getTargetedMessageSource); const { onConversationClosed, onConversationOpened, scrollToMessage, showConversation, } = useConversationsActions(); const { showWhatsNewModal } = useGlobalModalActions(); const { toggleNavTabsCollapse } = useItemsActions(); const { showToast } = useToastActions(); const lastOpenedConversationId = useRef(); useEffect(() => { if (selectedConversationId !== lastOpenedConversationId.current) { lastOpenedConversationId.current = selectedConversationId; if (selectedConversationId) { onConversationOpened(selectedConversationId, targetedMessageId); } } else if ( selectedConversationId && targetedMessageId && targetedMessageSource !== TargetedMessageSource.Focus ) { scrollToMessage(selectedConversationId, targetedMessageId); } }, [ onConversationOpened, selectedConversationId, scrollToMessage, targetedMessageId, targetedMessageSource, ]); const prevConversationId = usePrevious( selectedConversationId, selectedConversationId ); useEffect(() => { if ( selectedConversationId != null && selectedConversationId !== prevConversationId ) { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get( selectedConversationId ); strictAssert(conversation, 'Conversation must be found'); conversation.setMarkedUnread(false); } }, [prevConversationId, selectedConversationId]); useEffect(() => { function refreshConversation({ newId, oldId, }: { newId: string; oldId: string; }) { if (prevConversationId === oldId) { showConversation({ conversationId: newId }); } } // Close current opened conversation to reload the group information once // linked. function unload() { if (!prevConversationId) { return; } onConversationClosed(prevConversationId, 'force unload requested'); } function packInstallFailed() { showToast({ toastType: ToastType.StickerPackInstallFailed }); } window.Whisper.events.on('pack-install-failed', packInstallFailed); window.Whisper.events.on('refreshConversation', refreshConversation); window.Whisper.events.on('setupAsNewDevice', unload); return () => { window.Whisper.events.off('pack-install-failed', packInstallFailed); window.Whisper.events.off('refreshConversation', refreshConversation); window.Whisper.events.off('setupAsNewDevice', unload); }; }, [onConversationClosed, prevConversationId, showConversation, showToast]); useEffect(() => { if (!selectedConversationId) { window.SignalCI?.handleEvent('empty-inbox:rendered', null); } }, [selectedConversationId]); return ( ); });