// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { Aci, Pni, ServiceId } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client'; import { ReceiptCredentialPresentation } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client/zkgroup'; import { v7 as generateUuid } from 'uuid'; import pMap from 'p-map'; import { Writable } from 'stream'; import { isNumber } from 'lodash'; import { CallLinkRootKey } from '@signalapp/ringrtc'; import type Long from 'long'; import { Backups, SignalService } from '../../protobuf'; import { DataReader, DataWriter } from '../../sql/Client'; import { AttachmentDownloadSource, type StoryDistributionWithMembersType, type IdentityKeyType, } from '../../sql/Interface'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import { GiftBadgeStates } from '../../components/conversation/Message'; import { StorySendMode, MY_STORY_ID } from '../../types/Stories'; import type { AciString, ServiceIdString } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import { fromAciObject, fromPniObject, fromServiceIdObject, } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import { isStoryDistributionId } from '../../types/StoryDistributionId'; import * as Errors from '../../types/errors'; import { PaymentEventKind } from '../../types/Payment'; import { MessageRequestResponseEvent } from '../../types/MessageRequestResponseEvent'; import { ContactFormType, AddressType as ContactAddressType, } from '../../types/EmbeddedContact'; import { STICKERPACK_ID_BYTE_LEN, STICKERPACK_KEY_BYTE_LEN, createPacksFromBackup, type StickerPackPointerType, } from '../../types/Stickers'; import type { ConversationColorType, CustomColorsItemType, CustomColorType, CustomColorDataType, } from '../../types/Colors'; import type { ConversationAttributesType, CustomError, MessageAttributesType, MessageReactionType, EditHistoryType, QuotedMessageType, } from '../../model-types.d'; import { assertDev, strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { getTimestampFromLong, getTimestampOrUndefinedFromLong, } from '../../util/timestampLongUtils'; import { DurationInSeconds, SECOND } from '../../util/durations'; import { calculateExpirationTimestamp } from '../../util/expirationTimer'; import { dropNull } from '../../util/dropNull'; import { deriveGroupID, deriveGroupSecretParams, deriveGroupPublicParams, } from '../../util/zkgroup'; import { incrementMessageCounter } from '../../util/incrementMessageCounter'; import { generateMessageId } from '../../util/generateMessageId'; import { isAciString } from '../../util/isAciString'; import { PhoneNumberDiscoverability } from '../../util/phoneNumberDiscoverability'; import { PhoneNumberSharingMode } from '../../util/phoneNumberSharingMode'; import { bytesToUuid } from '../../util/uuidToBytes'; import { missingCaseError } from '../../util/missingCaseError'; import { ReadStatus } from '../../messages/MessageReadStatus'; import { SendStatus } from '../../messages/MessageSendState'; import type { SendStateByConversationId } from '../../messages/MessageSendState'; import { SeenStatus } from '../../MessageSeenStatus'; import { constantTimeEqual } from '../../Crypto'; import * as Bytes from '../../Bytes'; import { BACKUP_VERSION, WALLPAPER_TO_BUBBLE_COLOR } from './constants'; import { UnsupportedBackupVersion } from './errors'; import type { AboutMe, LocalChatStyle } from './types'; import { BackupType } from './types'; import { getBackupMediaRootKey } from './crypto'; import type { GroupV2ChangeDetailType } from '../../groups'; import { queueAttachmentDownloads } from '../../util/queueAttachmentDownloads'; import { isNotNil } from '../../util/isNotNil'; import { isGroup } from '../../util/whatTypeOfConversation'; import { rgbToHSL } from '../../util/rgbToHSL'; import { convertBackupMessageAttachmentToAttachment, convertFilePointerToAttachment, } from './util/filePointers'; import { filterAndClean } from '../../types/BodyRange'; import { APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, stringToMIMEType } from '../../types/MIME'; import { groupAvatarJobQueue } from '../../jobs/groupAvatarJobQueue'; import { AttachmentDownloadManager } from '../../jobs/AttachmentDownloadManager'; import { AdhocCallStatus, CallDirection, CallMode, CallType, DirectCallStatus, GroupCallStatus, } from '../../types/CallDisposition'; import type { CallHistoryDetails } from '../../types/CallDisposition'; import { CallLinkRestrictions } from '../../types/CallLink'; import type { CallLinkType } from '../../types/CallLink'; import type { RawBodyRange } from '../../types/BodyRange'; import { fromAdminKeyBytes } from '../../util/callLinks'; import { getRoomIdFromRootKey } from '../../util/callLinksRingrtc'; import { loadAllAndReinitializeRedux } from '../allLoaders'; import { resetBackupMediaDownloadProgress, startBackupMediaDownload, } from '../../util/backupMediaDownload'; import { getEnvironment, isTestEnvironment } from '../../environment'; import { hasAttachmentDownloads } from '../../util/hasAttachmentDownloads'; import { isNightly } from '../../util/version'; import { ToastType } from '../../types/Toast'; import { isConversationAccepted } from '../../util/isConversationAccepted'; const MAX_CONCURRENCY = 10; const SAVE_MESSAGE_BATCH_SIZE = 10000; type ChatItemParseResult = { message: Partial; additionalMessages: Array>; }; function phoneToContactFormType( type: Backups.ContactAttachment.Phone.Type | null | undefined ): ContactFormType { const { Type } = Backups.ContactAttachment.Phone; switch (type) { case Type.HOME: return ContactFormType.HOME; case Type.MOBILE: return ContactFormType.MOBILE; case Type.WORK: return ContactFormType.WORK; case Type.CUSTOM: return ContactFormType.CUSTOM; case undefined: case null: case Type.UNKNOWN: return ContactFormType.HOME; default: throw missingCaseError(type); } } function emailToContactFormType( type: Backups.ContactAttachment.Email.Type | null | undefined ): ContactFormType { const { Type } = Backups.ContactAttachment.Email; switch (type) { case Type.HOME: return ContactFormType.HOME; case Type.MOBILE: return ContactFormType.MOBILE; case Type.WORK: return ContactFormType.WORK; case Type.CUSTOM: return ContactFormType.CUSTOM; case undefined: case null: case Type.UNKNOWN: return ContactFormType.HOME; default: throw missingCaseError(type); } } function addressToContactAddressType( type: Backups.ContactAttachment.PostalAddress.Type | null | undefined ): ContactAddressType { const { Type } = Backups.ContactAttachment.PostalAddress; switch (type) { case Type.HOME: return ContactAddressType.HOME; case Type.WORK: return ContactAddressType.WORK; case Type.CUSTOM: return ContactAddressType.CUSTOM; case undefined: case null: case Type.UNKNOWN: return ContactAddressType.HOME; default: throw missingCaseError(type); } } export class BackupImportStream extends Writable { private now = Date.now(); private parsedBackupInfo = false; private logId = 'BackupImportStream(unknown)'; private aboutMe: AboutMe | undefined; private readonly recipientIdToConvo = new Map< number, ConversationAttributesType >(); private readonly recipientIdToCallLink = new Map(); private readonly chatIdToConvo = new Map< number, ConversationAttributesType >(); private readonly conversations = new Map< string, ConversationAttributesType >(); private readonly identityKeys = new Map(); private readonly saveMessageBatch = new Set(); private readonly stickerPacks = new Array(); private ourConversation?: ConversationAttributesType; private pinnedConversations = new Array<[number, string]>(); private customColorById = new Map(); private releaseNotesRecipientId: Long | undefined; private releaseNotesChatId: Long | undefined; private pendingGroupAvatars = new Map(); private frameErrorCount: number = 0; private constructor(private readonly backupType: BackupType) { super({ objectMode: true }); } public static async create( backupType = BackupType.Ciphertext ): Promise { await AttachmentDownloadManager.stop(); await DataWriter.removeAllBackupAttachmentDownloadJobs(); await resetBackupMediaDownloadProgress(); return new BackupImportStream(backupType); } override async _write( data: Buffer, _enc: BufferEncoding, done: (error?: Error) => void ): Promise { try { if (!this.parsedBackupInfo) { const info = Backups.BackupInfo.decode(data); this.parsedBackupInfo = true; this.logId = `BackupImport.run(${info.backupTimeMs})`; log.info(`${this.logId}: got BackupInfo`); if (info.version?.toNumber() !== BACKUP_VERSION) { throw new UnsupportedBackupVersion(info.version); } if (Bytes.isEmpty(info.mediaRootBackupKey)) { throw new Error('Missing mediaRootBackupKey'); } const theirKey = info.mediaRootBackupKey; const ourKey = getBackupMediaRootKey().serialize(); if (!constantTimeEqual(theirKey, ourKey)) { // Use root key from integration test if (isTestEnvironment(getEnvironment())) { await window.storage.put( 'backupMediaRootKey', info.mediaRootBackupKey ); } else { throw new Error('Incorrect mediaRootBackupKey'); } } } else { const frame = Backups.Frame.decode(data); await this.processFrame(frame, { aboutMe: this.aboutMe }); if (!this.aboutMe && this.ourConversation) { const { serviceId, pni } = this.ourConversation; strictAssert( isAciString(serviceId), 'ourConversation serviceId must be ACI' ); this.aboutMe = { aci: serviceId, pni, }; } } done(); } catch (error) { const entryType = this.parsedBackupInfo ? 'frame' : 'info'; log.error(`${this.logId}: failed to process ${entryType}`); done(error); } } override async _final(done: (error?: Error) => void): Promise { try { // Finish saving remaining conversations/messages // Save messages first since they depend on conversations in memory await this.flushMessages(); await this.flushConversations(); log.info(`${this.logId}: flushed messages and conversations`); // Store sticker packs and schedule downloads await createPacksFromBackup(this.stickerPacks); // Reset and reload conversations and storage again window.ConversationController.reset(); await window.ConversationController.load(); await window.ConversationController.checkForConflicts(); window.storage.reset(); await window.storage.fetch(); // Load identity keys we just saved. await window.storage.protocol.hydrateCaches(); // Load all data into redux (need to do this before updating a // conversation's last message, which uses redux selectors) await loadAllAndReinitializeRedux(); const allConversations = window.ConversationController.getAll(); // Update last message in every active conversation now that we have // them loaded into memory. await pMap( allConversations.filter(convo => { return convo.get('active_at') || convo.get('isPinned'); }), convo => convo.updateLastMessage(), { concurrency: MAX_CONCURRENCY } ); // Schedule group avatar download. await pMap( [...this.pendingGroupAvatars.entries()], async ([conversationId, newAvatarUrl]) => { if (this.backupType === BackupType.TestOnlyPlaintext) { return; } await groupAvatarJobQueue.add({ conversationId, newAvatarUrl }); }, { concurrency: MAX_CONCURRENCY } ); await window.storage.put( 'pinnedConversationIds', this.pinnedConversations .sort(([a], [b]) => { return a - b; }) .map(([, id]) => id) ); await window.storage.put( 'backupMediaDownloadTotalBytes', await DataReader.getSizeOfPendingBackupAttachmentDownloadJobs() ); if ( this.backupType !== BackupType.TestOnlyPlaintext && !isTestEnvironment(getEnvironment()) ) { await startBackupMediaDownload(); } if (this.frameErrorCount > 0) { log.error( `${this.logId}: errored while processing ${this.frameErrorCount} frames.` ); if (isNightly(window.getVersion())) { window.reduxActions.toast.showToast({ toastType: ToastType.FailedToImportBackup, }); } } else { log.info(`${this.logId}: successfully processed all frames.`); } done(); } catch (error) { done(error); } } private async processFrame( frame: Backups.Frame, options: { aboutMe?: AboutMe } ): Promise { const { aboutMe } = options; if (frame.account) { await this.fromAccount(frame.account); // We run this outside of try catch below because failure to restore // the account data is fatal. return; } try { if (frame.recipient) { const { recipient } = frame; strictAssert(recipient.id != null, 'Recipient must have an id'); const recipientId = recipient.id.toNumber(); let convo: ConversationAttributesType; if (recipient.contact) { convo = await this.fromContact(recipient.contact); } else if (recipient.releaseNotes) { strictAssert( this.releaseNotesRecipientId == null, 'Duplicate release notes recipient' ); this.releaseNotesRecipientId = recipient.id; // Not yet supported return; } else if (recipient.self) { strictAssert(this.ourConversation != null, 'Missing account data'); convo = this.ourConversation; } else if (recipient.group) { convo = await this.fromGroup(recipient.group); } else if (recipient.distributionList) { await this.fromDistributionList(recipient.distributionList); // Not a conversation return; } else if (recipient.callLink) { await this.fromCallLink(recipientId, recipient.callLink); // Not a conversation return; } else { log.warn(`${this.logId}: unsupported recipient item`); return; } if (convo !== this.ourConversation) { await this.saveConversation(convo); } this.recipientIdToConvo.set(recipientId, convo); } else if (frame.chat) { await this.fromChat(frame.chat); } else if (frame.chatItem) { if (!aboutMe) { throw new Error( 'processFrame: Processing a chatItem frame, but no aboutMe data!' ); } await this.fromChatItem(frame.chatItem, { aboutMe }); } else if (frame.stickerPack) { await this.fromStickerPack(frame.stickerPack); } else if (frame.adHocCall) { await this.fromAdHocCall(frame.adHocCall); } else { log.warn(`${this.logId}: unsupported frame item ${frame.item}`); } } catch (error) { this.frameErrorCount += 1; log.error( `${this.logId}: failed to process a frame ${frame.item}, ` + `${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}` ); } } private async saveConversation( attributes: ConversationAttributesType ): Promise { this.conversations.set(attributes.id, attributes); } private async updateConversation( attributes: ConversationAttributesType ): Promise { this.conversations.set(attributes.id, attributes); } private async saveMessage(attributes: MessageAttributesType): Promise { this.saveMessageBatch.add(attributes); if (this.saveMessageBatch.size >= SAVE_MESSAGE_BATCH_SIZE) { return this.flushMessages(); } } private async flushConversations(): Promise { const updates = new Array(); if (this.ourConversation) { const us = this.conversations.get(this.ourConversation.id); if (us) { updates.push(us); this.conversations.delete(us.id); } } const saves = Array.from(this.conversations.values()); this.conversations.clear(); const identityKeys = Array.from(this.identityKeys.values()); this.identityKeys.clear(); // Queue writes at the same time to prevent races. await Promise.all([ DataWriter.saveConversations(saves), DataWriter.updateConversations(updates), DataWriter.bulkAddIdentityKeys(identityKeys), ]); } private async flushMessages(): Promise { const ourAci = this.ourConversation?.serviceId; strictAssert(isAciString(ourAci), 'Must have our aci for messages'); const batch = Array.from(this.saveMessageBatch); this.saveMessageBatch.clear(); // There are a few indexes that start with message id, and many more that // start with conversationId. Sort messages by both to make sure that we // are not doing random insertions into the database file. // This improves bulk insert performance >2x. batch.sort((a, b) => { if (a.conversationId > b.conversationId) { return -1; } if (a.conversationId < b.conversationId) { return 1; } if (a.id < b.id) { return -1; } if (a.id > b.id) { return 1; } return 0; }); await DataWriter.saveMessages(batch, { forceSave: true, ourAci, }); const attachmentDownloadJobPromises: Array> = []; // TODO (DESKTOP-7402): consider re-saving after updating the pending state for (const attributes of batch) { const { editHistory } = attributes; if (editHistory?.length) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await DataWriter.saveEditedMessages( attributes, ourAci, editHistory.slice(0, -1).map(({ timestamp }) => ({ conversationId: attributes.conversationId, messageId: attributes.id, // Main message will track this readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, sentAt: timestamp, })) ); } if (hasAttachmentDownloads(attributes)) { const conversation = this.conversations.get(attributes.conversationId); if (conversation && isConversationAccepted(conversation)) { attachmentDownloadJobPromises.push( queueAttachmentDownloads(attributes, { source: AttachmentDownloadSource.BACKUP_IMPORT, }) ); } } } await Promise.allSettled(attachmentDownloadJobPromises); await AttachmentDownloadManager.saveBatchedJobs(); } private async saveCallHistory( callHistory: CallHistoryDetails ): Promise { await DataWriter.saveCallHistory(callHistory); } private async fromAccount({ profileKey, username, usernameLink, givenName, familyName, avatarUrlPath, backupsSubscriberData, donationSubscriberData, accountSettings, }: Backups.IAccountData): Promise { strictAssert(this.ourConversation === undefined, 'Duplicate AccountData'); const me = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationOrThrow().attributes; this.ourConversation = me; const { storage } = window; strictAssert(Bytes.isNotEmpty(profileKey), 'Missing profile key'); await storage.put('profileKey', profileKey); this.ourConversation.profileKey = Bytes.toBase64(profileKey); await this.updateConversation(this.ourConversation); if (username != null) { me.username = username; } if (usernameLink != null) { const { entropy, serverId, color } = usernameLink; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(entropy) && Bytes.isNotEmpty(serverId)) { await storage.put('usernameLink', { entropy, serverId, }); } // Same numeric value, no conversion needed await storage.put('usernameLinkColor', color ?? 0); } if (givenName != null) { me.profileName = givenName; } if (familyName != null) { me.profileFamilyName = familyName; } if (avatarUrlPath != null) { await storage.put('avatarUrl', avatarUrlPath); } if (donationSubscriberData != null) { const { subscriberId, currencyCode, manuallyCancelled } = donationSubscriberData; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(subscriberId)) { await storage.put('subscriberId', subscriberId); } if (currencyCode != null) { await storage.put('subscriberCurrencyCode', currencyCode); } if (manuallyCancelled != null) { await storage.put( 'donorSubscriptionManuallyCancelled', manuallyCancelled ); } } if (backupsSubscriberData != null) { const { subscriberId, currencyCode, manuallyCancelled } = backupsSubscriberData; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(subscriberId)) { await storage.put('backupsSubscriberId', subscriberId); } if (currencyCode != null) { await storage.put('backupsSubscriberCurrencyCode', currencyCode); } if (manuallyCancelled != null) { await storage.put( 'backupsSubscriptionManuallyCancelled', manuallyCancelled ); } } await storage.put( 'read-receipt-setting', accountSettings?.readReceipts === true ); await storage.put( 'sealedSenderIndicators', accountSettings?.sealedSenderIndicators === true ); await storage.put( 'typingIndicators', accountSettings?.typingIndicators === true ); await storage.put('linkPreviews', accountSettings?.linkPreviews === true); await storage.put( 'preferContactAvatars', accountSettings?.preferContactAvatars === true ); if (accountSettings?.universalExpireTimerSeconds) { await storage.put( 'universalExpireTimer', accountSettings.universalExpireTimerSeconds ); } await storage.put( 'displayBadgesOnProfile', accountSettings?.displayBadgesOnProfile === true ); await storage.put( 'keepMutedChatsArchived', accountSettings?.keepMutedChatsArchived === true ); await storage.put( 'hasSetMyStoriesPrivacy', accountSettings?.hasSetMyStoriesPrivacy === true ); await storage.put( 'hasViewedOnboardingStory', accountSettings?.hasViewedOnboardingStory === true ); await storage.put( 'hasStoriesDisabled', accountSettings?.storiesDisabled === true ); // an undefined value for storyViewReceiptsEnabled is semantically different from // false: it causes us to fallback to `read-receipt-setting` await storage.put( 'storyViewReceiptsEnabled', accountSettings?.storyViewReceiptsEnabled ?? undefined ); await storage.put( 'hasCompletedUsernameOnboarding', accountSettings?.hasCompletedUsernameOnboarding === true ); await storage.put( 'hasSeenGroupStoryEducationSheet', accountSettings?.hasSeenGroupStoryEducationSheet === true ); await storage.put( 'preferredReactionEmoji', accountSettings?.preferredReactionEmoji || [] ); const { PhoneNumberSharingMode: BackupMode } = Backups.AccountData; switch (accountSettings?.phoneNumberSharingMode) { case BackupMode.EVERYBODY: await storage.put( 'phoneNumberSharingMode', PhoneNumberSharingMode.Everybody ); break; case BackupMode.UNKNOWN: case BackupMode.NOBODY: default: await storage.put( 'phoneNumberSharingMode', PhoneNumberSharingMode.Nobody ); break; } if (accountSettings?.notDiscoverableByPhoneNumber) { await window.storage.put( 'phoneNumberDiscoverability', PhoneNumberDiscoverability.NotDiscoverable ); } else { await window.storage.put( 'phoneNumberDiscoverability', PhoneNumberDiscoverability.Discoverable ); } // It is important to import custom chat colors before default styles // because we build the uuid => integer id map for the colors. await this.fromCustomChatColors(accountSettings?.customChatColors); const defaultChatStyle = this.fromChatStyle( accountSettings?.defaultChatStyle ); if (defaultChatStyle.color != null) { await window.storage.put('defaultConversationColor', { color: defaultChatStyle.color, customColorData: defaultChatStyle.customColorData, }); } if (defaultChatStyle.wallpaperPhotoPointer != null) { await window.storage.put( 'defaultWallpaperPhotoPointer', defaultChatStyle.wallpaperPhotoPointer ); } if (defaultChatStyle.wallpaperPreset != null) { await window.storage.put( 'defaultWallpaperPreset', defaultChatStyle.wallpaperPreset ); } if (defaultChatStyle.dimWallpaperInDarkMode != null) { await window.storage.put( 'defaultDimWallpaperInDarkMode', defaultChatStyle.dimWallpaperInDarkMode ); } if (defaultChatStyle.autoBubbleColor != null) { await window.storage.put( 'defaultAutoBubbleColor', defaultChatStyle.autoBubbleColor ); } await this.updateConversation(me); } private async fromContact( contact: Backups.IContact ): Promise { strictAssert( contact.aci != null || contact.pni != null || contact.e164 != null, 'fromContact: either aci, pni, or e164 must be present' ); const aci = contact.aci ? fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(contact.aci)) : undefined; const pni = contact.pni ? fromPniObject(Pni.fromUuidBytes(contact.pni)) : undefined; const e164 = contact.e164 ? `+${contact.e164}` : undefined; let removalStage: 'justNotification' | 'messageRequest' | undefined; switch (contact.visibility) { case Backups.Contact.Visibility.HIDDEN: removalStage = 'justNotification'; break; case Backups.Contact.Visibility.HIDDEN_MESSAGE_REQUEST: removalStage = 'messageRequest'; break; case Backups.Contact.Visibility.VISIBLE: default: removalStage = undefined; break; } const serviceId = aci ?? pni; const attrs: ConversationAttributesType = { id: generateUuid(), type: 'private', version: 2, serviceId, pni, e164, removalStage, profileKey: contact.profileKey ? Bytes.toBase64(contact.profileKey) : undefined, profileSharing: contact.profileSharing === true, profileName: dropNull(contact.profileGivenName), profileFamilyName: dropNull(contact.profileFamilyName), hideStory: contact.hideStory === true, username: dropNull(contact.username), expireTimerVersion: 1, }; if (serviceId != null && Bytes.isNotEmpty(contact.identityKey)) { this.identityKeys.set(serviceId, { id: serviceId, publicKey: contact.identityKey, verified: contact.identityState || 0, firstUse: true, timestamp: this.now, nonblockingApproval: true, }); } if (contact.notRegistered) { const timestamp = getTimestampOrUndefinedFromLong( contact.notRegistered.unregisteredTimestamp ); attrs.discoveredUnregisteredAt = timestamp || this.now; attrs.firstUnregisteredAt = timestamp || undefined; } else { strictAssert( contact.registered, 'contact is either registered or unregistered' ); } if (contact.blocked) { if (serviceId) { await window.storage.blocked.addBlockedServiceId(serviceId); } if (e164) { await window.storage.blocked.addBlockedNumber(e164); } } return attrs; } private async fromGroup( group: Backups.IGroup ): Promise { const { masterKey, snapshot } = group; strictAssert(masterKey != null, 'fromGroup: missing masterKey'); strictAssert(snapshot != null, 'fromGroup: missing snapshot'); const secretParams = deriveGroupSecretParams(masterKey); const publicParams = deriveGroupPublicParams(secretParams); const groupId = Bytes.toBase64(deriveGroupID(secretParams)); const { title, description, avatarUrl, disappearingMessagesTimer, accessControl, version, members, membersPendingProfileKey, membersPendingAdminApproval, membersBanned, inviteLinkPassword, announcementsOnly, } = snapshot; const expirationTimerS = disappearingMessagesTimer?.disappearingMessagesDuration; let storySendMode: StorySendMode | undefined; switch (group.storySendMode) { case Backups.Group.StorySendMode.ENABLED: storySendMode = StorySendMode.Always; break; case Backups.Group.StorySendMode.DISABLED: storySendMode = StorySendMode.Never; break; default: storySendMode = undefined; break; } const attrs: ConversationAttributesType = { id: generateUuid(), type: 'group', version: 2, groupVersion: 2, masterKey: Bytes.toBase64(masterKey), groupId, secretParams: Bytes.toBase64(secretParams), publicParams: Bytes.toBase64(publicParams), profileSharing: group.whitelisted === true, messageRequestResponseType: group.whitelisted === true ? SignalService.SyncMessage.MessageRequestResponse.Type.ACCEPT : undefined, hideStory: group.hideStory === true, storySendMode, avatar: avatarUrl ? { url: avatarUrl, } : undefined, // Snapshot name: dropNull(title?.title)?.trim(), description: dropNull(description?.descriptionText)?.trim(), expireTimer: expirationTimerS ? DurationInSeconds.fromSeconds(expirationTimerS) : undefined, expireTimerVersion: 1, accessControl: accessControl ? { attributes: dropNull(accessControl.attributes) ?? SignalService.AccessControl.AccessRequired.UNKNOWN, members: dropNull(accessControl.members) ?? SignalService.AccessControl.AccessRequired.UNKNOWN, addFromInviteLink: dropNull(accessControl.addFromInviteLink) ?? SignalService.AccessControl.AccessRequired.UNKNOWN, } : undefined, membersV2: members?.map(({ userId, role, joinedAtVersion }) => { strictAssert(Bytes.isNotEmpty(userId), 'Empty gv2 member userId'); // Note that we deliberately ignore profile key since it has to be // in the Contact frame return { aci: fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(userId)), role: dropNull(role) ?? SignalService.Member.Role.UNKNOWN, joinedAtVersion: dropNull(joinedAtVersion) ?? 0, }; }), pendingMembersV2: membersPendingProfileKey?.map( ({ member, addedByUserId, timestamp }) => { strictAssert(member != null, 'Missing gv2 pending member'); strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(addedByUserId), 'Empty gv2 pending member addedByUserId' ); // profileKey is not available for pending members. const { userId, role } = member; strictAssert(Bytes.isNotEmpty(userId), 'Empty gv2 member userId'); const serviceId = fromServiceIdObject( ServiceId.parseFromServiceIdBinary(Buffer.from(userId)) ); return { serviceId, role: dropNull(role) ?? SignalService.Member.Role.UNKNOWN, addedByUserId: fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(addedByUserId)), timestamp: timestamp != null ? getTimestampFromLong(timestamp) : 0, }; } ), pendingAdminApprovalV2: membersPendingAdminApproval?.map( ({ userId, timestamp }) => { strictAssert(Bytes.isNotEmpty(userId), 'Empty gv2 member userId'); // Note that we deliberately ignore profile key since it has to be // in the Contact frame return { aci: fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(userId)), timestamp: timestamp != null ? getTimestampFromLong(timestamp) : 0, }; } ), bannedMembersV2: membersBanned?.map(({ userId, timestamp }) => { strictAssert(Bytes.isNotEmpty(userId), 'Empty gv2 member userId'); // Note that we deliberately ignore profile key since it has to be // in the Contact frame const serviceId = fromServiceIdObject( ServiceId.parseFromServiceIdBinary(Buffer.from(userId)) ); return { serviceId, timestamp: timestamp != null ? getTimestampFromLong(timestamp) : 0, }; }), revision: dropNull(version), groupInviteLinkPassword: Bytes.isNotEmpty(inviteLinkPassword) ? Bytes.toBase64(inviteLinkPassword) : undefined, announcementsOnly: dropNull(announcementsOnly), }; if (avatarUrl) { this.pendingGroupAvatars.set(attrs.id, avatarUrl); } return attrs; } private async fromDistributionList( listItem: Backups.IDistributionListItem ): Promise { strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(listItem.distributionId), 'Missing distribution list id' ); const id = bytesToUuid(listItem.distributionId) || MY_STORY_ID; strictAssert(isStoryDistributionId(id), 'Invalid distribution list id'); const commonFields = { id, // Default values senderKeyInfo: undefined, storageNeedsSync: false, }; let result: StoryDistributionWithMembersType; if (listItem.deletionTimestamp == null) { const { distributionList: list } = listItem; strictAssert( list != null, 'Distribution list is either present or deleted' ); strictAssert( list.privacyMode != null, 'Missing distribution list privacy mode' ); let isBlockList: boolean; const { PrivacyMode } = Backups.DistributionList; switch (list.privacyMode) { case PrivacyMode.ALL: strictAssert( !list.memberRecipientIds?.length, 'Distribution list with ALL privacy mode has members' ); isBlockList = true; break; case PrivacyMode.ALL_EXCEPT: strictAssert( list.memberRecipientIds?.length, 'Distribution list with ALL_EXCEPT privacy mode has no members' ); isBlockList = true; break; case PrivacyMode.ONLY_WITH: isBlockList = false; break; case PrivacyMode.UNKNOWN: throw new Error('Invalid privacy mode for distribution list'); default: throw missingCaseError(list.privacyMode); } strictAssert( !isBlockList || id === MY_STORY_ID, 'Block list can be set only for my story' ); result = { ...commonFields, name: list.name ?? '', allowsReplies: list.allowReplies === true, isBlockList, members: (list.memberRecipientIds || []).map(recipientId => { const convo = this.recipientIdToConvo.get(recipientId.toNumber()); strictAssert(convo != null, 'Missing story distribution list member'); strictAssert( convo.serviceId, 'Story distribution list member has no serviceId' ); return convo.serviceId; }), }; } else { result = { ...commonFields, name: '', allowsReplies: false, isBlockList: false, members: [], deletedAtTimestamp: getTimestampFromLong(listItem.deletionTimestamp), }; } await DataWriter.createNewStoryDistribution(result); } private async fromCallLink( recipientId: number, callLinkProto: Backups.ICallLink ): Promise { const { rootKey: rootKeyBytes, adminKey, name, restrictions, expirationMs, } = callLinkProto; strictAssert(rootKeyBytes?.length, 'fromCallLink: rootKey is required'); strictAssert(name, 'fromCallLink: name is required'); const rootKey = CallLinkRootKey.fromBytes(Buffer.from(rootKeyBytes)); const callLink: CallLinkType = { roomId: getRoomIdFromRootKey(rootKey), rootKey: rootKey.toString(), adminKey: adminKey?.length ? fromAdminKeyBytes(adminKey) : null, name, restrictions: fromCallLinkRestrictionsProto(restrictions), revoked: false, expiration: expirationMs?.toNumber() || null, storageNeedsSync: false, }; this.recipientIdToCallLink.set(recipientId, callLink); await DataWriter.insertCallLink(callLink); } private async fromChat(chat: Backups.IChat): Promise { strictAssert(chat.id != null, 'chat must have an id'); strictAssert(chat.recipientId != null, 'chat must have a recipientId'); // Drop release notes chat if (this.releaseNotesRecipientId?.eq(chat.recipientId)) { strictAssert( this.releaseNotesChatId == null, 'Duplicate release notes chat' ); this.releaseNotesChatId = chat.id; return; } const conversation = this.recipientIdToConvo.get( chat.recipientId.toNumber() ); strictAssert(conversation !== undefined, 'unknown conversation'); this.chatIdToConvo.set(chat.id.toNumber(), conversation); // Make sure conversation appears in left pane if (conversation.active_at == null) { conversation.active_at = Math.max(chat.id.toNumber(), 1); } conversation.isArchived = chat.archived === true; conversation.isPinned = (chat.pinnedOrder || 0) !== 0; conversation.expireTimer = chat.expirationTimerMs && !chat.expirationTimerMs.isZero() ? DurationInSeconds.fromMillis(chat.expirationTimerMs.toNumber()) : undefined; conversation.expireTimerVersion = chat.expireTimerVersion || 1; conversation.muteExpiresAt = getTimestampOrUndefinedFromLong( chat.muteUntilMs ); conversation.markedUnread = chat.markedUnread === true; conversation.dontNotifyForMentionsIfMuted = chat.dontNotifyForMentionsIfMuted === true; const chatStyle = this.fromChatStyle(chat.style); if (chatStyle.wallpaperPhotoPointer != null) { conversation.wallpaperPhotoPointerBase64 = Bytes.toBase64( chatStyle.wallpaperPhotoPointer ); } if (chatStyle.wallpaperPreset != null) { conversation.wallpaperPreset = chatStyle.wallpaperPreset; } if (chatStyle.color != null) { conversation.conversationColor = chatStyle.color; } if (chatStyle.customColorData != null) { conversation.customColor = chatStyle.customColorData.value; conversation.customColorId = chatStyle.customColorData.id; } if (chatStyle.dimWallpaperInDarkMode != null) { conversation.dimWallpaperInDarkMode = chatStyle.dimWallpaperInDarkMode; } if (chatStyle.autoBubbleColor) { conversation.autoBubbleColor = chatStyle.autoBubbleColor; } await this.updateConversation(conversation); if (chat.pinnedOrder != null) { this.pinnedConversations.push([chat.pinnedOrder, conversation.id]); } } private async fromChatItem( item: Backups.IChatItem, options: { aboutMe: AboutMe } ): Promise { const { aboutMe } = options; const timestamp = item?.dateSent?.toNumber(); const logId = `fromChatItem(${timestamp})`; strictAssert(this.ourConversation != null, `${logId}: AccountData missing`); strictAssert(item.chatId != null, `${logId}: must have a chatId`); strictAssert(item.dateSent != null, `${logId}: must have a dateSent`); strictAssert(timestamp, `${logId}: must have a timestamp`); if (this.releaseNotesChatId?.eq(item.chatId)) { // Drop release notes messages return; } const chatConvo = this.chatIdToConvo.get(item.chatId.toNumber()); strictAssert( chatConvo !== undefined, `${logId}: chat conversation not found` ); const authorConvo = item.authorId ? this.recipientIdToConvo.get(item.authorId.toNumber()) : undefined; const { patch: directionDetails, newActiveAt, unread, } = this.fromDirectionDetails(item, timestamp); if (newActiveAt != null) { chatConvo.active_at = newActiveAt; } if (unread != null) { chatConvo.unreadCount = (chatConvo.unreadCount ?? 0) + 1; } const expirationStartTimestamp = getTimestampOrUndefinedFromLong( item.expireStartDate ); const expireTimer = item.expiresInMs && !item.expiresInMs.isZero() ? DurationInSeconds.fromMillis(item.expiresInMs.toNumber()) : undefined; const expirationTimestamp = calculateExpirationTimestamp({ expireTimer, expirationStartTimestamp, }); if (expirationTimestamp != null && expirationTimestamp < this.now) { // Drop expired messages return; } let attributes: MessageAttributesType = { ...generateMessageId(incrementMessageCounter()), conversationId: chatConvo.id, sent_at: timestamp, source: authorConvo?.e164, sourceServiceId: authorConvo?.serviceId, timestamp, type: item.outgoing != null ? 'outgoing' : 'incoming', expirationStartTimestamp, expireTimer, sms: item.sms === true ? true : undefined, ...directionDetails, }; const additionalMessages: Array = []; if (item.incoming) { strictAssert( authorConvo && this.ourConversation.id !== authorConvo?.id, `${logId}: message with incoming field must be incoming` ); } else if (item.outgoing) { strictAssert( authorConvo && this.ourConversation.id === authorConvo?.id, `${logId}: outgoing message must have outgoing field` ); } if (item.standardMessage) { attributes = { ...attributes, ...(await this.fromStandardMessage(item.standardMessage)), }; } else if (item.viewOnceMessage) { attributes = { ...attributes, ...(await this.fromViewOnceMessage(item.viewOnceMessage)), }; } else { const result = await this.fromNonBubbleChatItem(item, { aboutMe, author: authorConvo, conversation: chatConvo, timestamp, }); if (!result) { throw new Error(`${logId}: fromNonBubbleChat item returned nothing!`); } attributes = { ...attributes, ...result.message, }; let sentAt = attributes.sent_at; (result.additionalMessages || []).forEach(additional => { sentAt -= 1; additionalMessages.push({ ...attributes, ...generateMessageId(incrementMessageCounter()), sent_at: sentAt, ...additional, }); }); } if (item.revisions?.length) { strictAssert( item.standardMessage, `${logId}: Only standard message can have revisions` ); const history = await this.fromRevisions(attributes, item.revisions); attributes.editHistory = history; // Update timestamps on the parent message const oldest = history.at(-1); assertDev(oldest != null, `${logId}: History is non-empty`); attributes.editMessageReceivedAt = attributes.received_at; attributes.editMessageReceivedAtMs = attributes.received_at_ms; attributes.editMessageTimestamp = attributes.timestamp; attributes.received_at = oldest.received_at; attributes.received_at_ms = oldest.received_at_ms; attributes.timestamp = oldest.timestamp; attributes.sent_at = oldest.timestamp; } assertDev( isAciString(this.ourConversation.serviceId), `${logId}: Our conversation must have ACI` ); await Promise.all([ this.saveMessage(attributes), ...additionalMessages.map(additional => this.saveMessage(additional)), ]); // TODO (DESKTOP-6964): We'll want to increment for more types here - stickers, etc. if (item.standardMessage) { if (item.outgoing != null) { chatConvo.sentMessageCount = (chatConvo.sentMessageCount ?? 0) + 1; } else { chatConvo.messageCount = (chatConvo.messageCount ?? 0) + 1; } } await this.updateConversation(chatConvo); } private fromDirectionDetails( item: Backups.IChatItem, timestamp: number ): { patch: Partial; newActiveAt?: number; unread?: boolean; } { const { outgoing, incoming, directionless } = item; if (outgoing) { const sendStateByConversationId: SendStateByConversationId = {}; const unidentifiedDeliveries = new Array(); const errors = new Array(); for (const status of outgoing.sendStatus ?? []) { strictAssert( status.recipientId, 'sendStatus recipient must have an id' ); const target = this.recipientIdToConvo.get( status.recipientId.toNumber() ); strictAssert( target !== undefined, 'status target conversation not found' ); const { serviceId } = target; let sendStatus: SendStatus; if (status.pending) { sendStatus = SendStatus.Pending; } else if (status.sent) { sendStatus = SendStatus.Sent; if (serviceId && status.sent.sealedSender) { unidentifiedDeliveries.push(serviceId); } } else if (status.delivered) { sendStatus = SendStatus.Delivered; if (serviceId && status.delivered.sealedSender) { unidentifiedDeliveries.push(serviceId); } } else if (status.read) { sendStatus = SendStatus.Read; if (serviceId && status.read.sealedSender) { unidentifiedDeliveries.push(serviceId); } } else if (status.viewed) { sendStatus = SendStatus.Viewed; if (serviceId && status.viewed.sealedSender) { unidentifiedDeliveries.push(serviceId); } } else if (status.failed) { sendStatus = SendStatus.Failed; strictAssert( status.failed.reason != null, 'Failure reason must exist' ); switch (status.failed.reason) { case Backups.SendStatus.Failed.FailureReason.IDENTITY_KEY_MISMATCH: errors.push({ serviceId, name: 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError', // See: ts/textsecure/Errors message: `The identity of ${serviceId} has changed.`, }); break; case Backups.SendStatus.Failed.FailureReason.NETWORK: errors.push({ serviceId, name: 'OutgoingMessageError', // See: ts/textsecure/Errors message: 'no http error', }); break; case Backups.SendStatus.Failed.FailureReason.UNKNOWN: errors.push({ serviceId, name: 'UnknownError', message: 'unknown error', }); break; default: throw missingCaseError(status.failed.reason); } // Desktop does not keep track of users we did not attempt to send to } else if (status.skipped) { sendStatus = SendStatus.Skipped; } else { throw new Error(`Unknown sendStatus received: ${status}`); } sendStateByConversationId[target.id] = { status: sendStatus, updatedAt: status.timestamp != null && !status.timestamp.isZero() ? getTimestampFromLong(status.timestamp) : undefined, }; } return { patch: { sendStateByConversationId, received_at_ms: timestamp, unidentifiedDeliveries: unidentifiedDeliveries.length ? unidentifiedDeliveries : undefined, errors: errors.length ? errors : undefined, }, newActiveAt: timestamp, }; } if (incoming) { const receivedAtMs = incoming.dateReceived?.toNumber() || this.now; const serverTimestamp = incoming.dateServerSent?.toNumber() || undefined; const unidentifiedDeliveryReceived = incoming.sealedSender === true; if (incoming.read) { return { patch: { readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen, received_at_ms: receivedAtMs, serverTimestamp, unidentifiedDeliveryReceived, }, newActiveAt: receivedAtMs, }; } return { patch: { readStatus: ReadStatus.Unread, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Unseen, received_at_ms: receivedAtMs, serverTimestamp, unidentifiedDeliveryReceived, }, newActiveAt: receivedAtMs, unread: true, }; } strictAssert(directionless, 'Absent direction state'); return { patch: { readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen, }, }; } private async fromStandardMessage( data: Backups.IStandardMessage ): Promise> { return { body: data.text?.body || undefined, bodyRanges: this.fromBodyRanges(data.text), bodyAttachment: data.longText ? convertFilePointerToAttachment(data.longText) : undefined, attachments: data.attachments?.length ? data.attachments .map(convertBackupMessageAttachmentToAttachment) .filter(isNotNil) : undefined, preview: data.linkPreview?.length ? data.linkPreview.map(preview => { const { url } = preview; strictAssert(url, 'preview must have a URL'); return { url, title: dropNull(preview.title), description: dropNull(preview.description), date: getTimestampFromLong(preview.date), image: preview.image ? convertFilePointerToAttachment(preview.image) : undefined, }; }) : undefined, reactions: this.fromReactions(data.reactions), quote: data.quote ? await this.fromQuote(data.quote) : undefined, }; } private async fromViewOnceMessage({ attachment, reactions, }: Backups.IViewOnceMessage): Promise> { return { ...(attachment ? { attachments: [ convertBackupMessageAttachmentToAttachment(attachment), ].filter(isNotNil), } : { attachments: undefined, readStatus: ReadStatus.Viewed, isErased: true, }), reactions: this.fromReactions(reactions), isViewOnce: true, }; } private async fromRevisions( mainMessage: MessageAttributesType, revisions: ReadonlyArray ): Promise> { const result = await Promise.all( revisions .map(async rev => { strictAssert( rev.standardMessage, 'Edit history has non-standard messages' ); const timestamp = getTimestampFromLong(rev.dateSent); const { patch: { sendStateByConversationId, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase received_at_ms, serverTimestamp, readStatus, unidentifiedDeliveryReceived, }, } = this.fromDirectionDetails(rev, timestamp); return { ...(await this.fromStandardMessage(rev.standardMessage)), timestamp, received_at: incrementMessageCounter(), sendStateByConversationId, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase received_at_ms, serverTimestamp, readStatus, unidentifiedDeliveryReceived, }; }) // Fix order: from newest to oldest .reverse() ); // See `ts/util/handleEditMessage.ts`, the first history entry is always // the current message. result.unshift({ attachments: mainMessage.attachments, body: mainMessage.body, bodyAttachment: mainMessage.bodyAttachment, bodyRanges: mainMessage.bodyRanges, preview: mainMessage.preview, quote: mainMessage.quote, sendStateByConversationId: mainMessage.sendStateByConversationId ? { ...mainMessage.sendStateByConversationId } : undefined, timestamp: mainMessage.timestamp, received_at: mainMessage.received_at, received_at_ms: mainMessage.received_at_ms, serverTimestamp: mainMessage.serverTimestamp, readStatus: mainMessage.readStatus, unidentifiedDeliveryReceived: mainMessage.unidentifiedDeliveryReceived, }); return result; } private async fromQuote(quote: Backups.IQuote): Promise { strictAssert(quote.authorId != null, 'quote must have an authorId'); const authorConvo = this.recipientIdToConvo.get(quote.authorId.toNumber()); strictAssert(authorConvo !== undefined, 'author conversation not found'); return { id: getTimestampFromLong(quote.targetSentTimestamp) || null, referencedMessageNotFound: quote.targetSentTimestamp == null, authorAci: isAciString(authorConvo.serviceId) ? authorConvo.serviceId : undefined, author: isAciString(authorConvo.serviceId) ? undefined : authorConvo.e164, text: dropNull(quote.text?.body), bodyRanges: this.fromBodyRanges(quote.text), isGiftBadge: quote.type === Backups.Quote.Type.GIFT_BADGE, isViewOnce: quote.type === Backups.Quote.Type.VIEW_ONCE, attachments: quote.attachments?.map(quotedAttachment => { const { fileName, contentType, thumbnail } = quotedAttachment; return { fileName: dropNull(fileName), contentType: contentType ? stringToMIMEType(contentType) : APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, thumbnail: thumbnail?.pointer ? convertFilePointerToAttachment(thumbnail.pointer) : undefined, }; }) ?? [], }; } private fromBodyRanges( text: Backups.IText | null | undefined ): ReadonlyArray | undefined { if (text == null) { return undefined; } const { bodyRanges } = text; if (!bodyRanges?.length) { return undefined; } return filterAndClean( bodyRanges.map(range => ({ ...range, mentionAci: range.mentionAci ? Aci.parseFromServiceIdBinary( Buffer.from(range.mentionAci) ).getServiceIdString() : undefined, })) ); } private fromReactions( reactions: ReadonlyArray | null | undefined ): Array | undefined { if (!reactions?.length) { return undefined; } return reactions .slice() .sort((a, b) => { if (a.sortOrder && b.sortOrder) { return a.sortOrder.comp(b.sortOrder); } return 0; }) .map(({ emoji, authorId, sentTimestamp }) => { strictAssert(emoji != null, 'reaction must have an emoji'); strictAssert(authorId != null, 'reaction must have authorId'); strictAssert( sentTimestamp != null, 'reaction must have a sentTimestamp' ); const authorConvo = this.recipientIdToConvo.get(authorId.toNumber()); strictAssert( authorConvo !== undefined, 'author conversation not found' ); return { emoji, fromId: authorConvo.id, targetTimestamp: getTimestampFromLong(sentTimestamp), timestamp: getTimestampFromLong(sentTimestamp), }; }); } private async fromNonBubbleChatItem( chatItem: Backups.IChatItem, options: { aboutMe: AboutMe; author?: ConversationAttributesType; conversation: ConversationAttributesType; timestamp: number; } ): Promise { const { timestamp } = options; const logId = `fromChatItemToNonBubble(${timestamp})`; if (chatItem.standardMessage) { throw new Error(`${logId}: Got chat item with standardMessage set!`); } if (chatItem.contactMessage) { return { message: { contact: (chatItem.contactMessage.contact ?? []).map(details => { const { avatar, name, number, email, address, organization } = details; return { name: name ? { givenName: dropNull(name.givenName), familyName: dropNull(name.familyName), prefix: dropNull(name.prefix), suffix: dropNull(name.suffix), middleName: dropNull(name.middleName), nickname: dropNull(name.nickname), } : undefined, number: number?.length ? number .map(({ value, type, label }) => { if (!value) { return undefined; } return { value, type: phoneToContactFormType(type), label: dropNull(label), }; }) .filter(isNotNil) : undefined, email: email?.length ? email .map(({ value, type, label }) => { if (!value) { return undefined; } return { value, type: emailToContactFormType(type), label: dropNull(label), }; }) .filter(isNotNil) : undefined, address: address?.length ? address.map(addr => { const { type, label, street, pobox, neighborhood, city, region, postcode, country, } = addr; return { type: addressToContactAddressType(type), label: dropNull(label), street: dropNull(street), pobox: dropNull(pobox), neighborhood: dropNull(neighborhood), city: dropNull(city), region: dropNull(region), postcode: dropNull(postcode), country: dropNull(country), }; }) : undefined, organization: dropNull(organization), avatar: avatar ? { avatar: convertFilePointerToAttachment(avatar), isProfile: false, } : undefined, }; }), reactions: this.fromReactions(chatItem.contactMessage.reactions), }, additionalMessages: [], }; } if (chatItem.remoteDeletedMessage) { return { message: { isErased: true, deletedForEveryone: true, }, additionalMessages: [], }; } if (chatItem.stickerMessage) { strictAssert( chatItem.stickerMessage.sticker != null, 'stickerMessage must have a sticker' ); const { stickerMessage: { sticker: { emoji, packId, packKey, stickerId, data }, }, } = chatItem; strictAssert( packId?.length === STICKERPACK_ID_BYTE_LEN, 'stickerMessage must have a valid pack id' ); strictAssert( packKey?.length === STICKERPACK_KEY_BYTE_LEN, 'stickerMessage must have a valid pack key' ); strictAssert(stickerId != null, 'stickerMessage must have a sticker id'); return { message: { sticker: { emoji: dropNull(emoji), packId: Bytes.toHex(packId), packKey: Bytes.toBase64(packKey), stickerId, data: data ? convertFilePointerToAttachment(data) : undefined, }, reactions: this.fromReactions(chatItem.stickerMessage.reactions), }, additionalMessages: [], }; } if (chatItem.paymentNotification) { const { paymentNotification: notification } = chatItem; return { message: { payment: { kind: PaymentEventKind.Notification, amountMob: dropNull(notification.amountMob), feeMob: dropNull(notification.feeMob), note: notification.note ?? null, transactionDetailsBase64: notification.transactionDetails ? Bytes.toBase64( Backups.PaymentNotification.TransactionDetails.encode( notification.transactionDetails ).finish() ) : undefined, }, }, additionalMessages: [], }; } if (chatItem.giftBadge) { const { giftBadge } = chatItem; if (giftBadge.state === Backups.GiftBadge.State.FAILED) { return { message: { giftBadge: { state: GiftBadgeStates.Failed, }, }, additionalMessages: [], }; } strictAssert( Bytes.isNotEmpty(giftBadge.receiptCredentialPresentation), 'Gift badge must have a presentation' ); let state: GiftBadgeStates; switch (giftBadge.state) { case Backups.GiftBadge.State.OPENED: state = GiftBadgeStates.Opened; break; case Backups.GiftBadge.State.REDEEMED: state = GiftBadgeStates.Redeemed; break; case Backups.GiftBadge.State.UNOPENED: default: state = GiftBadgeStates.Unopened; break; } const receipt = new ReceiptCredentialPresentation( Buffer.from(giftBadge.receiptCredentialPresentation) ); return { message: { giftBadge: { receiptCredentialPresentation: Bytes.toBase64( giftBadge.receiptCredentialPresentation ), expiration: Number(receipt.getReceiptExpirationTime()) * SECOND, id: undefined, level: Number(receipt.getReceiptLevel()), state, }, }, additionalMessages: [], }; } if (chatItem.updateMessage) { return this.fromChatItemUpdateMessage(chatItem.updateMessage, options); } throw new Error(`${logId}: Message was missing all five message types`); } private async fromChatItemUpdateMessage( updateMessage: Backups.IChatUpdateMessage, options: { aboutMe: AboutMe; author?: ConversationAttributesType; conversation: ConversationAttributesType; timestamp: number; } ): Promise { const { aboutMe, author, conversation } = options; if (updateMessage.groupChange) { return this.fromGroupUpdateMessage(updateMessage.groupChange, options); } if (updateMessage.expirationTimerChange) { const { expiresInMs } = updateMessage.expirationTimerChange; const sourceServiceId = author?.serviceId ?? aboutMe.aci; const expireTimer = DurationInSeconds.fromMillis( expiresInMs?.toNumber() ?? 0 ); return { message: { type: 'timer-notification', sourceServiceId, flags: SignalService.DataMessage.Flags.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE, expirationTimerUpdate: { expireTimer, sourceServiceId, }, }, additionalMessages: [], }; } if (updateMessage.simpleUpdate) { const message = await this.fromSimpleUpdateMessage( updateMessage.simpleUpdate, options ); if (!message) { return undefined; } return { message, additionalMessages: [], }; } if (updateMessage.profileChange) { const { newName, previousName: oldName } = updateMessage.profileChange; strictAssert(newName != null, 'profileChange must have a new name'); strictAssert(oldName != null, 'profileChange must have an old name'); return { message: { type: 'profile-change', changedId: author?.id, profileChange: { type: 'name', oldName, newName, }, }, additionalMessages: [], }; } if (updateMessage.learnedProfileChange) { const { e164, username } = updateMessage.learnedProfileChange; strictAssert( e164 != null || username != null, 'learnedProfileChange must have an old name' ); return { message: { type: 'title-transition-notification', titleTransition: { renderInfo: { type: 'private', e164: e164 && !e164.isZero() ? `+${e164}` : undefined, username: dropNull(username), }, }, }, additionalMessages: [], }; } if (updateMessage.threadMerge) { const { previousE164 } = updateMessage.threadMerge; strictAssert(previousE164 != null, 'threadMerge must have an old e164'); return { message: { type: 'conversation-merge', conversationMerge: { renderInfo: { type: 'private', e164: `+${previousE164}`, }, }, }, additionalMessages: [], }; } if (updateMessage.sessionSwitchover) { const { e164 } = updateMessage.sessionSwitchover; strictAssert(e164 != null, 'sessionSwitchover must have an old e164'); return { message: { type: 'phone-number-discovery', phoneNumberDiscovery: { e164: `+${e164}`, }, }, additionalMessages: [], }; } if (updateMessage.groupCall) { const { groupId } = conversation; if (!isGroup(conversation)) { throw new Error('groupCall: Conversation is not a group!'); } if (!groupId) { throw new Error('groupCall: No groupId available on conversation'); } const { callId: callIdLong, state, ringerRecipientId: ringerRecipientIdLong, startedCallRecipientId: startedCallRecipientIdLong, startedCallTimestamp, endedCallTimestamp, read, } = updateMessage.groupCall; const ringerRecipientId = ringerRecipientIdLong?.toNumber(); const startedCallRecipientId = startedCallRecipientIdLong?.toNumber(); const ringer = isNumber(ringerRecipientId) ? this.recipientIdToConvo.get(ringerRecipientId) : undefined; const startedBy = isNumber(startedCallRecipientId) ? this.recipientIdToConvo.get(startedCallRecipientId) : undefined; let callId: string; if (callIdLong?.toNumber()) { callId = callIdLong.toString(); } else { // Legacy calls may not have a callId, so we generate one locally callId = generateUuid(); } if (!startedCallTimestamp) { throw new Error('groupCall: startedCallTimestamp is required!'); } const isRingerMe = ringer?.serviceId === aboutMe.aci; const callHistory: CallHistoryDetails = { callId, status: fromGroupCallStateProto(state), mode: CallMode.Group, type: CallType.Group, ringerId: ringer?.serviceId ?? null, startedById: isAciString(startedBy?.serviceId) ? startedBy.serviceId : null, peerId: groupId, direction: isRingerMe ? CallDirection.Outgoing : CallDirection.Incoming, timestamp: startedCallTimestamp.toNumber(), endedTimestamp: getTimestampFromLong(endedCallTimestamp) || null, }; await this.saveCallHistory(callHistory); return { message: { type: 'call-history', callId, sourceServiceId: undefined, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: read ? SeenStatus.Seen : SeenStatus.Unseen, }, additionalMessages: [], }; } if (updateMessage.individualCall) { const { callId: callIdLong, type, direction: protoDirection, state, startedCallTimestamp, read, } = updateMessage.individualCall; let callId: string; if (callIdLong?.toNumber()) { callId = callIdLong.toString(); } else { // Legacy calls may not have a callId, so we generate one locally callId = generateUuid(); } if (!startedCallTimestamp) { throw new Error('individualCall: startedCallTimestamp is required!'); } const peerId = conversation.serviceId || conversation.e164; strictAssert(peerId, 'individualCall: no peerId found for call'); const direction = fromIndividualCallDirectionProto(protoDirection); const ringerId = direction === CallDirection.Outgoing ? aboutMe.aci : conversation.serviceId; strictAssert(ringerId, 'individualCall: no ringerId found'); const callHistory: CallHistoryDetails = { callId, status: fromIndividualCallStateProto(state), mode: CallMode.Direct, type: fromIndividualCallTypeProto(type), ringerId, startedById: null, peerId, direction, timestamp: startedCallTimestamp.toNumber(), endedTimestamp: null, }; await this.saveCallHistory(callHistory); return { message: { type: 'call-history', callId, sourceServiceId: undefined, readStatus: ReadStatus.Read, seenStatus: read ? SeenStatus.Seen : SeenStatus.Unseen, }, additionalMessages: [], }; } return undefined; } private async fromGroupUpdateMessage( groupChange: Backups.IGroupChangeChatUpdate, options: { aboutMe: AboutMe; timestamp: number; } ): Promise { const { updates } = groupChange; const { aboutMe, timestamp } = options; const logId = `fromGroupUpdateMessage${timestamp}`; const details: Array = []; let from: ServiceIdString | undefined; const additionalMessages: Array> = []; let migrationMessage: Partial | undefined; function getDefaultMigrationMessage() { return { type: 'group-v1-migration' as const, groupMigration: { areWeInvited: false, droppedMemberCount: 0, invitedMemberCount: 0, }, }; } let openApprovalServiceId: ServiceIdString | undefined; let openBounceServiceId: ServiceIdString | undefined; updates?.forEach(update => { if (update.genericGroupUpdate) { const { updaterAci } = update.genericGroupUpdate; if (updaterAci) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } details.push({ type: 'summary', }); } if (update.groupCreationUpdate) { const { updaterAci } = update.groupCreationUpdate; if (updaterAci) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } details.push({ type: 'create', }); } if (update.groupNameUpdate) { const { updaterAci, newGroupName } = update.groupNameUpdate; if (updaterAci) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } details.push({ type: 'title', newTitle: dropNull(newGroupName), }); } if (update.groupAvatarUpdate) { const { updaterAci, wasRemoved } = update.groupAvatarUpdate; if (updaterAci) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } details.push({ type: 'avatar', removed: Boolean(dropNull(wasRemoved)), }); } if (update.groupDescriptionUpdate) { const { updaterAci, newDescription } = update.groupDescriptionUpdate; if (updaterAci) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } const description = dropNull(newDescription); details.push({ type: 'description', description, removed: description === undefined || description.length === 0 ? true : undefined, }); } if (update.groupMembershipAccessLevelChangeUpdate) { const { updaterAci, accessLevel } = update.groupMembershipAccessLevelChangeUpdate; if (updaterAci) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } details.push({ type: 'access-members', newPrivilege: dropNull(accessLevel) ?? SignalService.AccessControl.AccessRequired.UNKNOWN, }); } if (update.groupAttributesAccessLevelChangeUpdate) { const { updaterAci, accessLevel } = update.groupAttributesAccessLevelChangeUpdate; if (updaterAci) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } details.push({ type: 'access-attributes', newPrivilege: dropNull(accessLevel) ?? SignalService.AccessControl.AccessRequired.UNKNOWN, }); } if (update.groupAnnouncementOnlyChangeUpdate) { const { updaterAci, isAnnouncementOnly } = update.groupAnnouncementOnlyChangeUpdate; if (updaterAci) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } details.push({ type: 'announcements-only', announcementsOnly: Boolean(dropNull(isAnnouncementOnly)), }); } if (update.groupAdminStatusUpdate) { const { updaterAci, memberAci, wasAdminStatusGranted } = update.groupAdminStatusUpdate; if (updaterAci) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } if (!memberAci) { throw new Error( `${logId}: We can't render this without a target member!` ); } details.push({ type: 'member-privilege', aci: fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(memberAci)), newPrivilege: wasAdminStatusGranted ? SignalService.Member.Role.ADMINISTRATOR : SignalService.Member.Role.DEFAULT, }); } if (update.groupMemberLeftUpdate) { const { aci } = update.groupMemberLeftUpdate; if (!aci || Bytes.isEmpty(aci)) { throw new Error(`${logId}: groupMemberLeftUpdate had missing aci!`); } from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(aci)); details.push({ type: 'member-remove', aci: fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(aci)), }); } if (update.groupMemberRemovedUpdate) { const { removerAci, removedAci } = update.groupMemberRemovedUpdate; if (removerAci) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(removerAci)); } if (!removedAci || Bytes.isEmpty(removedAci)) { throw new Error( `${logId}: groupMemberRemovedUpdate had missing removedAci!` ); } details.push({ type: 'member-remove', aci: fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(removedAci)), }); } if (update.selfInvitedToGroupUpdate) { const { inviterAci } = update.selfInvitedToGroupUpdate; if (inviterAci) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(inviterAci)); } details.push({ type: 'pending-add-one', serviceId: aboutMe.aci, }); } if (update.selfInvitedOtherUserToGroupUpdate) { const { inviteeServiceId } = update.selfInvitedOtherUserToGroupUpdate; from = aboutMe.aci; if (!inviteeServiceId || Bytes.isEmpty(inviteeServiceId)) { throw new Error( `${logId}: selfInvitedOtherUserToGroupUpdate had missing inviteeServiceId!` ); } details.push({ type: 'pending-add-one', serviceId: fromServiceIdObject( ServiceId.parseFromServiceIdBinary(Buffer.from(inviteeServiceId)) ), }); } if (update.groupUnknownInviteeUpdate) { const { inviterAci, inviteeCount } = update.groupUnknownInviteeUpdate; if (inviterAci) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(inviterAci)); } if (!isNumber(inviteeCount)) { throw new Error( `${logId}: groupUnknownInviteeUpdate had non-number inviteeCount` ); } details.push({ type: 'pending-add-many', count: inviteeCount, }); } if (update.groupInvitationAcceptedUpdate) { const { inviterAci, newMemberAci } = update.groupInvitationAcceptedUpdate; if (!newMemberAci || Bytes.isEmpty(newMemberAci)) { throw new Error( `${logId}: groupInvitationAcceptedUpdate had missing newMemberAci!` ); } from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(newMemberAci)); const inviter = inviterAci && Bytes.isNotEmpty(inviterAci) ? fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(inviterAci)) : undefined; details.push({ type: 'member-add-from-invite', aci: fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(newMemberAci)), inviter, }); } if (update.groupInvitationDeclinedUpdate) { const { inviterAci, inviteeAci } = update.groupInvitationDeclinedUpdate; if (!inviteeAci || Bytes.isEmpty(inviteeAci)) { throw new Error( `${logId}: groupInvitationDeclinedUpdate had missing inviteeAci!` ); } from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(inviteeAci)); details.push({ type: 'pending-remove-one', inviter: Bytes.isNotEmpty(inviterAci) ? fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(inviterAci)) : undefined, serviceId: from, }); } if (update.groupMemberJoinedUpdate) { const { newMemberAci } = update.groupMemberJoinedUpdate; if (!newMemberAci || Bytes.isEmpty(newMemberAci)) { throw new Error( `${logId}: groupMemberJoinedUpdate had missing newMemberAci!` ); } from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(newMemberAci)); details.push({ type: 'member-add', aci: fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(newMemberAci)), }); } if (update.groupMemberAddedUpdate) { const { hadOpenInvitation, inviterAci, newMemberAci, updaterAci } = update.groupMemberAddedUpdate; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(updaterAci)) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } if (!newMemberAci || Bytes.isEmpty(newMemberAci)) { throw new Error( `${logId}: groupMemberAddedUpdate had missing newMemberAci!` ); } if (hadOpenInvitation || Bytes.isNotEmpty(inviterAci)) { const inviter = inviterAci && Bytes.isNotEmpty(inviterAci) ? fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(inviterAci)) : undefined; details.push({ type: 'member-add-from-invite', aci: fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(newMemberAci)), inviter, }); } else { details.push({ type: 'member-add', aci: fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(newMemberAci)), }); } } if (update.groupSelfInvitationRevokedUpdate) { const { revokerAci } = update.groupSelfInvitationRevokedUpdate; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(revokerAci)) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(revokerAci)); } details.push({ type: 'pending-remove-one', serviceId: aboutMe.aci, }); } if (update.groupInvitationRevokedUpdate) { const { updaterAci, invitees } = update.groupInvitationRevokedUpdate; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(updaterAci)) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } if (!invitees || invitees.length === 0) { throw new Error( `${logId}: groupInvitationRevokedUpdate had missing invitees list!` ); } if (invitees.length === 1) { const { inviteeAci, inviteePni } = invitees[0]; let serviceId: ServiceIdString | undefined = Bytes.isNotEmpty( inviteeAci ) ? fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(inviteeAci)) : undefined; if (!serviceId) { serviceId = Bytes.isNotEmpty(inviteePni) ? fromPniObject(Pni.fromUuidBytes(inviteePni)) : undefined; } if (serviceId) { details.push({ type: 'pending-remove-one', serviceId, }); } else { details.push({ type: 'pending-remove-many', count: 1, }); } } else { details.push({ type: 'pending-remove-many', count: invitees.length, }); } } if (update.groupJoinRequestUpdate) { const { requestorAci } = update.groupJoinRequestUpdate; if (!requestorAci || Bytes.isEmpty(requestorAci)) { throw new Error( `${logId}: groupInvitationRevokedUpdate was missing requestorAci!` ); } from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(requestorAci)); openApprovalServiceId = from; details.push({ type: 'admin-approval-add-one', aci: from, }); } if (update.groupJoinRequestApprovalUpdate) { const { updaterAci, requestorAci, wasApproved } = update.groupJoinRequestApprovalUpdate; if (!requestorAci || Bytes.isEmpty(requestorAci)) { throw new Error( `${logId}: groupJoinRequestApprovalUpdate was missing requestorAci!` ); } if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(updaterAci)) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } const aci = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(requestorAci)); if (wasApproved) { details.push({ type: 'member-add-from-admin-approval', aci, }); } else { details.push({ type: 'admin-approval-remove-one', aci, }); } } if (update.groupJoinRequestCanceledUpdate) { const { requestorAci } = update.groupJoinRequestCanceledUpdate; if (!requestorAci || Bytes.isEmpty(requestorAci)) { throw new Error( `${logId}: groupJoinRequestCanceledUpdate was missing requestorAci!` ); } from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(requestorAci)); details.push({ type: 'admin-approval-remove-one', aci: from, }); } if (update.groupInviteLinkResetUpdate) { const { updaterAci } = update.groupInviteLinkResetUpdate; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(updaterAci)) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } details.push({ type: 'group-link-reset', }); } if (update.groupInviteLinkEnabledUpdate) { const { updaterAci, linkRequiresAdminApproval } = update.groupInviteLinkEnabledUpdate; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(updaterAci)) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } details.push({ type: 'group-link-add', privilege: linkRequiresAdminApproval ? SignalService.AccessControl.AccessRequired.ADMINISTRATOR : SignalService.AccessControl.AccessRequired.ANY, }); } if (update.groupInviteLinkAdminApprovalUpdate) { const { updaterAci, linkRequiresAdminApproval } = update.groupInviteLinkAdminApprovalUpdate; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(updaterAci)) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } details.push({ type: 'access-invite-link', newPrivilege: linkRequiresAdminApproval ? SignalService.AccessControl.AccessRequired.ADMINISTRATOR : SignalService.AccessControl.AccessRequired.ANY, }); } if (update.groupInviteLinkDisabledUpdate) { const { updaterAci } = update.groupInviteLinkDisabledUpdate; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(updaterAci)) { from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } details.push({ type: 'group-link-remove', }); } if (update.groupMemberJoinedByLinkUpdate) { const { newMemberAci } = update.groupMemberJoinedByLinkUpdate; if (!newMemberAci || Bytes.isEmpty(newMemberAci)) { throw new Error( `${logId}: groupMemberJoinedByLinkUpdate was missing newMemberAci!` ); } from = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(newMemberAci)); details.push({ type: 'member-add-from-link', aci: from, }); } if (update.groupV2MigrationUpdate) { migrationMessage = migrationMessage || getDefaultMigrationMessage(); } if (update.groupV2MigrationSelfInvitedUpdate) { migrationMessage = migrationMessage || getDefaultMigrationMessage(); const { groupMigration } = migrationMessage; if (!groupMigration) { throw new Error( `${logId}: migrationMessage had no groupMigration processing groupV2MigrationSelfInvitedUpdate!` ); } groupMigration.areWeInvited = true; } if (update.groupV2MigrationInvitedMembersUpdate) { migrationMessage = migrationMessage || getDefaultMigrationMessage(); const { groupMigration } = migrationMessage; if (!groupMigration) { throw new Error( `${logId}: migrationMessage had no groupMigration processing groupV2MigrationInvitedMembersUpdate!` ); } const { invitedMembersCount } = update.groupV2MigrationInvitedMembersUpdate; if (!isNumber(invitedMembersCount)) { throw new Error( `${logId}: groupV2MigrationInvitedMembersUpdate had a non-number invitedMembersCount!` ); } groupMigration.invitedMemberCount = invitedMembersCount; } if (update.groupV2MigrationDroppedMembersUpdate) { migrationMessage = migrationMessage || getDefaultMigrationMessage(); const { groupMigration } = migrationMessage; if (!groupMigration) { throw new Error( `${logId}: migrationMessage had no groupMigration processing groupV2MigrationDroppedMembersUpdate!` ); } const { droppedMembersCount } = update.groupV2MigrationDroppedMembersUpdate; if (!isNumber(droppedMembersCount)) { throw new Error( `${logId}: groupV2MigrationDroppedMembersUpdate had a non-number droppedMembersCount!` ); } groupMigration.droppedMemberCount = droppedMembersCount; } if (update.groupSequenceOfRequestsAndCancelsUpdate) { const { count, requestorAci } = update.groupSequenceOfRequestsAndCancelsUpdate; if (!requestorAci || Bytes.isEmpty(requestorAci)) { throw new Error( `${logId}: groupSequenceOfRequestsAndCancelsUpdate was missing requestorAci!` ); } if (!isNumber(count)) { throw new Error( `${logId}: groupSequenceOfRequestsAndCancelsUpdate had a non-number count!` ); } const aci = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(requestorAci)); openBounceServiceId = aci; from = aci; details.push({ type: 'admin-approval-bounce', aci, times: count, // This will be set later if we find an open approval request for this aci isApprovalPending: false, }); } if (update.groupExpirationTimerUpdate) { const { updaterAci, expiresInMs } = update.groupExpirationTimerUpdate; let sourceServiceId: AciString | undefined; if (Bytes.isNotEmpty(updaterAci)) { sourceServiceId = fromAciObject(Aci.fromUuidBytes(updaterAci)); } const expireTimer = expiresInMs ? DurationInSeconds.fromMillis(expiresInMs.toNumber()) : undefined; additionalMessages.push({ type: 'timer-notification', sourceServiceId, flags: SignalService.DataMessage.Flags.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE, expirationTimerUpdate: { expireTimer, sourceServiceId, }, }); } }); let finalDetails = details; if ( openApprovalServiceId && openBounceServiceId && openApprovalServiceId === openBounceServiceId ) { finalDetails = details .map(item => { const approvalMatch = item.type === 'admin-approval-add-one' && item.aci === openApprovalServiceId; if (approvalMatch) { return undefined; } const bounceMatch = item.type === 'admin-approval-bounce' && item.aci === openApprovalServiceId; if (bounceMatch) { return { ...item, isApprovalPending: true, }; } return item; }) .filter(isNotNil); } if (migrationMessage) { additionalMessages.push(migrationMessage); } if (finalDetails.length === 0 && additionalMessages.length > 0) { return { message: additionalMessages[0], additionalMessages: additionalMessages.slice(1), }; } if (finalDetails.length === 0) { return undefined; } return { message: { type: 'group-v2-change', groupV2Change: { from, details: finalDetails, }, }, additionalMessages, }; } private async fromSimpleUpdateMessage( simpleUpdate: Backups.ISimpleChatUpdate, { author, conversation, }: { author?: ConversationAttributesType; conversation: ConversationAttributesType; } ): Promise | undefined> { const { Type } = Backups.SimpleChatUpdate; strictAssert(simpleUpdate.type != null, 'Simple update missing type'); switch (simpleUpdate.type) { case Type.END_SESSION: return { flags: SignalService.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION, }; case Type.CHAT_SESSION_REFRESH: return { type: 'chat-session-refreshed', }; case Type.IDENTITY_UPDATE: return { type: 'keychange', key_changed: isGroup(conversation) ? author?.id : undefined, }; case Type.IDENTITY_VERIFIED: strictAssert(author != null, 'IDENTITY_VERIFIED must have an author'); return { type: 'verified-change', verifiedChanged: author.id, verified: true, }; case Type.IDENTITY_DEFAULT: strictAssert(author != null, 'IDENTITY_UNVERIFIED must have an author'); return { type: 'verified-change', verifiedChanged: author.id, verified: false, }; case Type.CHANGE_NUMBER: return { type: 'change-number-notification', }; case Type.JOINED_SIGNAL: return { type: 'joined-signal-notification', }; case Type.BAD_DECRYPT: return { type: 'delivery-issue', }; case Type.RELEASE_CHANNEL_DONATION_REQUEST: log.warn('backups: dropping boost request from release notes'); return undefined; case Type.PAYMENTS_ACTIVATED: return { payment: { kind: PaymentEventKind.Activation, }, }; case Type.PAYMENT_ACTIVATION_REQUEST: return { payment: { kind: PaymentEventKind.ActivationRequest, }, }; case Type.UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE: return { supportedVersionAtReceive: SignalService.DataMessage.ProtocolVersion.CURRENT - 2, requiredProtocolVersion: SignalService.DataMessage.ProtocolVersion.CURRENT - 1, }; case Type.REPORTED_SPAM: return { type: 'message-request-response-event', messageRequestResponseEvent: MessageRequestResponseEvent.SPAM, }; case Type.BLOCKED: return { type: 'message-request-response-event', messageRequestResponseEvent: MessageRequestResponseEvent.BLOCK, }; case Type.UNBLOCKED: return { type: 'message-request-response-event', messageRequestResponseEvent: MessageRequestResponseEvent.UNBLOCK, }; case Type.MESSAGE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED: return { type: 'message-request-response-event', messageRequestResponseEvent: MessageRequestResponseEvent.ACCEPT, }; default: throw new Error(`Unsupported update type: ${simpleUpdate.type}`); } } private async fromStickerPack({ packId: packIdBytes, packKey: packKeyBytes, }: Backups.IStickerPack): Promise { strictAssert( packIdBytes?.length === STICKERPACK_ID_BYTE_LEN, 'Sticker pack must have a valid pack id' ); const id = Bytes.toHex(packIdBytes); const logId = `fromStickerPack(${id.slice(-2)})`; strictAssert( packKeyBytes?.length === STICKERPACK_KEY_BYTE_LEN, `${logId}: must have a valid pack key` ); const key = Bytes.toBase64(packKeyBytes); this.stickerPacks.push({ id, key }); } private async fromAdHocCall({ callId: callIdLong, recipientId: recipientIdLong, state, callTimestamp, }: Backups.IAdHocCall): Promise { let callId: string; if (callIdLong?.toNumber()) { callId = callIdLong.toString(); } else { // Legacy calls may not have a callId, so we generate one locally callId = generateUuid(); } const logId = `fromAdhocCall(${callId.slice(-2)})`; strictAssert(callTimestamp, `${logId}: must have a valid timestamp`); strictAssert(recipientIdLong, 'AdHocCall must have a recipientIdLong'); const recipientId = recipientIdLong.toNumber(); const callLink = this.recipientIdToCallLink.get(recipientId); if (!callLink) { log.warn( `${logId}: Dropping ad-hoc call, Call Link for recipientId ${recipientId} not found` ); return; } const callHistory: CallHistoryDetails = { callId, peerId: callLink.roomId, ringerId: null, startedById: null, mode: CallMode.Adhoc, type: CallType.Adhoc, direction: CallDirection.Unknown, timestamp: callTimestamp.toNumber(), status: fromAdHocCallStateProto(state), endedTimestamp: null, }; await this.saveCallHistory(callHistory); } private async fromCustomChatColors( customChatColors: | ReadonlyArray | undefined | null ): Promise { if (!customChatColors?.length) { return; } const order = new Array(); const customColors: CustomColorsItemType = { version: 1, colors: {}, order, }; for (const color of customChatColors) { const uuid = generateUuid(); let value: CustomColorType; order.push(uuid); if (color.solid) { value = { start: rgbIntToHSL(color.solid), }; } else { strictAssert(color.gradient != null, 'Either solid or gradient'); strictAssert(color.gradient.colors != null, 'Missing gradient colors'); const start = color.gradient.colors.at(0); const end = color.gradient.colors.at(-1); const deg = color.gradient.angle; strictAssert(start != null, 'Missing start color'); strictAssert(end != null, 'Missing end color'); strictAssert(deg != null, 'Missing angle'); value = { start: rgbIntToHSL(start), end: rgbIntToHSL(end), deg, }; } customColors.colors[uuid] = value; this.customColorById.set(color.id?.toNumber() || 0, { id: uuid, value, }); } await window.storage.put('customColors', customColors); } private fromChatStyle(chatStyle: Backups.IChatStyle | null | undefined): Omit< LocalChatStyle, 'customColorId' > & { customColorData: CustomColorDataType | undefined; } { if (!chatStyle) { return { wallpaperPhotoPointer: undefined, wallpaperPreset: undefined, color: undefined, customColorData: undefined, dimWallpaperInDarkMode: undefined, autoBubbleColor: true, }; } let wallpaperPhotoPointer: Uint8Array | undefined; let wallpaperPreset: number | undefined; const dimWallpaperInDarkMode = dropNull(chatStyle.dimWallpaperInDarkMode); if (chatStyle.wallpaperPhoto) { wallpaperPhotoPointer = Backups.FilePointer.encode( chatStyle.wallpaperPhoto ).finish(); } else if (chatStyle.wallpaperPreset != null) { wallpaperPreset = chatStyle.wallpaperPreset; } let color: ConversationColorType | undefined; let customColorData: CustomColorDataType | undefined; let autoBubbleColor = false; if (chatStyle.autoBubbleColor) { autoBubbleColor = true; if (wallpaperPreset != null) { color = WALLPAPER_TO_BUBBLE_COLOR.get(wallpaperPreset); } else { color = undefined; } } else if (chatStyle.bubbleColorPreset != null) { const { BubbleColorPreset } = Backups.ChatStyle; switch (chatStyle.bubbleColorPreset) { case BubbleColorPreset.SOLID_CRIMSON: color = 'crimson'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.SOLID_VERMILION: color = 'vermilion'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.SOLID_BURLAP: color = 'burlap'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.SOLID_FOREST: color = 'forest'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.SOLID_WINTERGREEN: color = 'wintergreen'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.SOLID_TEAL: color = 'teal'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.SOLID_BLUE: color = 'blue'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.SOLID_INDIGO: color = 'indigo'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.SOLID_VIOLET: color = 'violet'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.SOLID_PLUM: color = 'plum'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.SOLID_TAUPE: color = 'taupe'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.SOLID_STEEL: color = 'steel'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.GRADIENT_EMBER: color = 'ember'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.GRADIENT_MIDNIGHT: color = 'midnight'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.GRADIENT_INFRARED: color = 'infrared'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.GRADIENT_LAGOON: color = 'lagoon'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.GRADIENT_FLUORESCENT: color = 'fluorescent'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.GRADIENT_BASIL: color = 'basil'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.GRADIENT_SUBLIME: color = 'sublime'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.GRADIENT_SEA: color = 'sea'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.GRADIENT_TANGERINE: color = 'tangerine'; break; case BubbleColorPreset.SOLID_ULTRAMARINE: default: color = 'ultramarine'; break; } } else { strictAssert(chatStyle.customColorId != null, 'Missing custom color id'); const entry = this.customColorById.get( chatStyle.customColorId.toNumber() ); strictAssert(entry != null, 'Missing custom color'); color = 'custom'; customColorData = entry; } return { wallpaperPhotoPointer, wallpaperPreset, color, customColorData, dimWallpaperInDarkMode, autoBubbleColor, }; } } function rgbIntToHSL(intValue: number): { hue: number; saturation: number; luminance: number; } { // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise const r = (intValue >>> 16) & 0xff; // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise const g = (intValue >>> 8) & 0xff; // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise const b = intValue & 0xff; const { h: hue, s: saturation, l: luminance } = rgbToHSL(r, g, b); return { hue, saturation, luminance }; } function fromGroupCallStateProto( state: Backups.GroupCall.State | undefined | null ): GroupCallStatus { const values = Backups.GroupCall.State; if (state == null) { return GroupCallStatus.GenericGroupCall; } if (state === values.GENERIC) { return GroupCallStatus.GenericGroupCall; } if (state === values.OUTGOING_RING) { return GroupCallStatus.OutgoingRing; } if (state === values.RINGING) { return GroupCallStatus.Ringing; } if (state === values.JOINED) { return GroupCallStatus.Joined; } if (state === values.ACCEPTED) { return GroupCallStatus.Accepted; } if (state === values.MISSED) { return GroupCallStatus.Missed; } if (state === values.MISSED_NOTIFICATION_PROFILE) { return GroupCallStatus.MissedNotificationProfile; } if (state === values.DECLINED) { return GroupCallStatus.Declined; } return GroupCallStatus.GenericGroupCall; } function fromIndividualCallDirectionProto( direction: Backups.IndividualCall.Direction | undefined | null ): CallDirection { const values = Backups.IndividualCall.Direction; if (direction == null) { return CallDirection.Unknown; } if (direction === values.INCOMING) { return CallDirection.Incoming; } if (direction === values.OUTGOING) { return CallDirection.Outgoing; } return CallDirection.Unknown; } function fromIndividualCallTypeProto( type: Backups.IndividualCall.Type | undefined | null ): CallType { const values = Backups.IndividualCall.Type; if (type == null) { return CallType.Unknown; } if (type === values.AUDIO_CALL) { return CallType.Audio; } if (type === values.VIDEO_CALL) { return CallType.Video; } return CallType.Unknown; } function fromIndividualCallStateProto( status: Backups.IndividualCall.State | undefined | null ): DirectCallStatus { const values = Backups.IndividualCall.State; if (status == null) { return DirectCallStatus.Unknown; } if (status === values.ACCEPTED) { return DirectCallStatus.Accepted; } if (status === values.NOT_ACCEPTED) { return DirectCallStatus.Declined; } if (status === values.MISSED) { return DirectCallStatus.Missed; } if (status === values.MISSED_NOTIFICATION_PROFILE) { return DirectCallStatus.MissedNotificationProfile; } return DirectCallStatus.Unknown; } function fromAdHocCallStateProto( status: Backups.AdHocCall.State | undefined | null ): AdhocCallStatus { const values = Backups.AdHocCall.State; if (status == null) { return AdhocCallStatus.Unknown; } if (status === values.GENERIC) { return AdhocCallStatus.Generic; } return AdhocCallStatus.Unknown; } function fromCallLinkRestrictionsProto( restrictions: Backups.CallLink.Restrictions | undefined | null ): CallLinkRestrictions { const values = Backups.CallLink.Restrictions; if (restrictions == null) { return CallLinkRestrictions.Unknown; } if (restrictions === values.NONE) { return CallLinkRestrictions.None; } if (restrictions === values.ADMIN_APPROVAL) { return CallLinkRestrictions.AdminApproval; } return CallLinkRestrictions.Unknown; }