// Copyright 2015-2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* global textsecure */ describe('MessageReceiver', () => { const { WebSocket } = window; const number = '+19999999999'; const uuid = 'AAAAAAAA-BBBB-4CCC-9DDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE'; const deviceId = 1; const signalingKey = window.Signal.Crypto.getRandomBytes(32 + 20); before(() => { localStorage.clear(); window.WebSocket = MockSocket; textsecure.storage.user.setNumberAndDeviceId(number, deviceId, 'name'); textsecure.storage.user.setUuidAndDeviceId(uuid, deviceId); textsecure.storage.put('password', 'password'); textsecure.storage.put('signaling_key', signalingKey); }); after(() => { localStorage.clear(); window.WebSocket = WebSocket; }); describe('connecting', () => { let attrs; let websocketmessage; before(() => { attrs = { type: textsecure.protobuf.Envelope.Type.CIPHERTEXT, source: number, sourceUuid: uuid, sourceDevice: deviceId, timestamp: Date.now(), content: window.Signal.Crypto.getRandomBytes(200), }; const body = new textsecure.protobuf.Envelope(attrs).toArrayBuffer(); websocketmessage = new textsecure.protobuf.WebSocketMessage({ type: textsecure.protobuf.WebSocketMessage.Type.REQUEST, request: { verb: 'PUT', path: '/api/v1/message', body }, }); }); it('generates light-session-reset event when it cannot decrypt', done => { const mockServer = new MockServer('ws://localhost:8081/'); mockServer.on('connection', server => { setTimeout(() => { server.send(new Blob([websocketmessage.toArrayBuffer()])); }, 1); }); const messageReceiver = new textsecure.MessageReceiver( 'oldUsername.2', 'username.2', 'password', 'signalingKey', { serverTrustRoot: 'AAAAAAAA', } ); messageReceiver.addEventListener('light-session-reset', done()); }); }); describe('methods', () => { let messageReceiver; let mockServer; beforeEach(() => { // Necessary to populate the server property inside of MockSocket. Without it, we // crash when doing any number of things to a MockSocket instance. mockServer = new MockServer('ws://localhost:8081'); messageReceiver = new textsecure.MessageReceiver( 'oldUsername.3', 'username.3', 'password', 'signalingKey', { serverTrustRoot: 'AAAAAAAA', } ); }); afterEach(() => { mockServer.close(); }); describe('#isOverHourIntoPast', () => { it('returns false for now', () => { assert.isFalse(messageReceiver.isOverHourIntoPast(Date.now())); }); it('returns false for 5 minutes ago', () => { const fiveMinutesAgo = Date.now() - 5 * 60 * 1000; assert.isFalse(messageReceiver.isOverHourIntoPast(fiveMinutesAgo)); }); it('returns true for 65 minutes ago', () => { const sixtyFiveMinutesAgo = Date.now() - 65 * 60 * 1000; assert.isTrue(messageReceiver.isOverHourIntoPast(sixtyFiveMinutesAgo)); }); }); describe('#cleanupSessionResets', () => { it('leaves empty object alone', () => { window.storage.put('sessionResets', {}); messageReceiver.cleanupSessionResets(); const actual = window.storage.get('sessionResets'); const expected = {}; assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); it('filters out any timestamp older than one hour', () => { const startValue = { one: Date.now() - 1, two: Date.now(), three: Date.now() - 65 * 60 * 1000, }; window.storage.put('sessionResets', startValue); messageReceiver.cleanupSessionResets(); const actual = window.storage.get('sessionResets'); const expected = window._.pick(startValue, ['one', 'two']); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); it('filters out falsey items', () => { const startValue = { one: 0, two: false, three: Date.now(), }; window.storage.put('sessionResets', startValue); messageReceiver.cleanupSessionResets(); const actual = window.storage.get('sessionResets'); const expected = window._.pick(startValue, ['three']); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); }); }); });