// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ThunkAction } from 'redux-thunk'; import type { ReadonlyDeep } from 'type-fest'; import type { AttachmentType } from '../../types/Attachment'; import type { BoundActionCreatorsMapObject } from '../../hooks/useBoundActions'; import type { MediaItemType } from '../../types/MediaItem'; import type { MessageChangedActionType, MessageDeletedActionType, MessageExpiredActionType, } from './conversations'; import type { ShowStickerPackPreviewActionType } from './globalModals'; import type { ShowToastActionType } from './toast'; import type { StateType as RootStateType } from '../reducer'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import { getMessageById } from '../../messages/getMessageById'; import type { ReadonlyMessageAttributesType } from '../../model-types.d'; import { isGIF, isIncremental } from '../../types/Attachment'; import { isImageTypeSupported, isVideoTypeSupported, } from '../../util/GoogleChrome'; import { getLocalAttachmentUrl, AttachmentDisposition, } from '../../util/getLocalAttachmentUrl'; import { isTapToView } from '../selectors/message'; import { SHOW_TOAST } from './toast'; import { ToastType } from '../../types/Toast'; import { MESSAGE_CHANGED, MESSAGE_DELETED, MESSAGE_EXPIRED, saveAttachmentFromMessage, } from './conversations'; import { showStickerPackPreview } from './globalModals'; import { useBoundActions } from '../../hooks/useBoundActions'; import { DataReader } from '../../sql/Client'; import { deleteDownloadsJobQueue } from '../../jobs/deleteDownloadsJobQueue'; import { AttachmentDownloadUrgency } from '../../jobs/AttachmentDownloadManager'; import { queueAttachmentDownloads } from '../../util/queueAttachmentDownloads'; import { getMessageIdForLogging } from '../../util/idForLogging'; import { markViewOnceMessageViewed } from '../../services/MessageUpdater'; // eslint-disable-next-line local-rules/type-alias-readonlydeep export type LightboxStateType = | { isShowingLightbox: false; } | { isShowingLightbox: true; isViewOnce: boolean; media: ReadonlyArray>; hasPrevMessage: boolean; hasNextMessage: boolean; selectedIndex: number | undefined; playbackDisabled: boolean; }; const CLOSE_LIGHTBOX = 'lightbox/CLOSE'; const SHOW_LIGHTBOX = 'lightbox/SHOW'; const SET_SELECTED_LIGHTBOX_INDEX = 'lightbox/SET_SELECTED_LIGHTBOX_INDEX'; const SET_LIGHTBOX_PLAYBACK_DISABLED = 'lightbox/SET_LIGHTBOX_PLAYBACK_DISABLED'; type CloseLightboxActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof CLOSE_LIGHTBOX; }>; // eslint-disable-next-line local-rules/type-alias-readonlydeep type ShowLightboxActionType = { type: typeof SHOW_LIGHTBOX; payload: { isViewOnce: boolean; media: ReadonlyArray>; hasPrevMessage: boolean; hasNextMessage: boolean; selectedIndex: number | undefined; }; }; type SetLightboxPlaybackDisabledActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof SET_LIGHTBOX_PLAYBACK_DISABLED; payload: boolean; }>; type SetSelectedLightboxIndexActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof SET_SELECTED_LIGHTBOX_INDEX; payload: number; }>; // eslint-disable-next-line local-rules/type-alias-readonlydeep type LightboxActionType = | CloseLightboxActionType | MessageChangedActionType | MessageDeletedActionType | MessageExpiredActionType | ShowLightboxActionType | SetSelectedLightboxIndexActionType | SetLightboxPlaybackDisabledActionType; function closeLightbox(): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, CloseLightboxActionType > { return (dispatch, getState) => { const { lightbox } = getState(); if (!lightbox.isShowingLightbox) { return; } deleteDownloadsJobQueue.resume(); const { isViewOnce, media } = lightbox; if (isViewOnce) { media.forEach(item => { if (!item.attachment.path) { return; } void window.Signal.Migrations.deleteTempFile(item.attachment.path); }); } dispatch({ type: CLOSE_LIGHTBOX, }); }; } function setPlaybackDisabled( playbackDisabled: boolean ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, SetLightboxPlaybackDisabledActionType > { return (dispatch, getState) => { const { lightbox } = getState(); if (!lightbox.isShowingLightbox) { return; } dispatch({ type: SET_LIGHTBOX_PLAYBACK_DISABLED, payload: playbackDisabled, }); }; } function showLightboxForViewOnceMedia( messageId: string ): ThunkAction { return async dispatch => { log.info('showLightboxForViewOnceMedia: attempting to display message'); const message = await getMessageById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error( `showLightboxForViewOnceMedia: Message ${messageId} missing!` ); } if (!isTapToView(message.attributes)) { throw new Error( `showLightboxForViewOnceMedia: Message ${getMessageIdForLogging(message.attributes)} is not a tap to view message` ); } if (message.get('isErased')) { throw new Error( `showLightboxForViewOnceMedia: Message ${getMessageIdForLogging(message.attributes)} is already erased` ); } const firstAttachment = (message.get('attachments') || [])[0]; if (!firstAttachment || !firstAttachment.path) { throw new Error( `showLightboxForViewOnceMedia: Message ${getMessageIdForLogging(message.attributes)} had no first attachment with path` ); } const { copyIntoTempDirectory, getAbsoluteAttachmentPath } = window.Signal.Migrations; const absolutePath = getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(firstAttachment.path); const { path: tempPath } = await copyIntoTempDirectory(absolutePath); const tempAttachment = { ...firstAttachment, path: tempPath, }; await markViewOnceMessageViewed(message); const { contentType } = tempAttachment; const media = [ { attachment: tempAttachment, objectURL: getLocalAttachmentUrl(tempAttachment, { disposition: AttachmentDisposition.Temporary, }), contentType, index: 0, message: { attachments: message.get('attachments') || [], id: message.get('id'), conversationId: message.get('conversationId'), receivedAt: message.get('received_at'), receivedAtMs: Number(message.get('received_at_ms')), sentAt: message.get('sent_at'), }, }, ]; dispatch({ type: SHOW_LIGHTBOX, payload: { isViewOnce: true, media, selectedIndex: undefined, hasPrevMessage: false, hasNextMessage: false, }, }); }; } function filterValidAttachments( attributes: ReadonlyMessageAttributesType ): Array { return (attributes.attachments ?? []).filter( item => (!item.pending || isIncremental(item)) && !item.error ); } function showLightbox(opts: { attachment: AttachmentType; messageId: string; }): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, | ShowLightboxActionType | ShowStickerPackPreviewActionType | ShowToastActionType > { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const { attachment, messageId } = opts; const message = await getMessageById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`showLightbox: Message ${messageId} missing!`); } const sticker = message.get('sticker'); if (sticker) { const { packId, packKey } = sticker; dispatch(showStickerPackPreview(packId, packKey)); return; } const { contentType } = attachment; if ( !isImageTypeSupported(contentType) && !isVideoTypeSupported(contentType) ) { saveAttachmentFromMessage(messageId, attachment)( dispatch, getState, null ); return; } if (isIncremental(attachment)) { // Queue all attachments, but this target attachment should be IMMEDIATE const wasUpdated = await queueAttachmentDownloads(message, { urgency: AttachmentDownloadUrgency.STANDARD, attachmentDigestForImmediate: attachment.digest, }); if (wasUpdated) { await window.MessageCache.saveMessage(message); } } const attachments = filterValidAttachments(message.attributes); const loop = isGIF(attachments); const authorId = window.ConversationController.lookupOrCreate({ serviceId: message.get('sourceServiceId'), e164: message.get('source'), reason: 'conversation_view.showLightBox', })?.id || message.get('conversationId'); const receivedAt = message.get('received_at'); const sentAt = message.get('sent_at'); const media = attachments .map((item, index) => ({ objectURL: item.path ? getLocalAttachmentUrl(item) : undefined, incrementalObjectUrl: isIncremental(item) && item.downloadPath ? getLocalAttachmentUrl(item, { disposition: AttachmentDisposition.Download, }) : undefined, path: item.path, contentType: item.contentType, loop, index, message: { attachments: message.get('attachments') || [], id: messageId, conversationId: authorId, receivedAt, receivedAtMs: Number(message.get('received_at_ms')), sentAt, }, attachment: item, thumbnailObjectUrl: item.thumbnail?.objectUrl || item.thumbnail?.path ? getLocalAttachmentUrl(item.thumbnail) : undefined, size: item.size, totalDownloaded: item.totalDownloaded, })) .filter(item => item.objectURL || item.incrementalObjectUrl); if (!media.length) { log.error( 'showLightbox: unable to load attachment', sentAt, message.get('attachments')?.map(x => ({ contentType: x.contentType, downloadPath: x.downloadPath, error: x.error, flags: x.flags, isIncremental: isIncremental(x), path: x.path, pending: x.pending, size: x.size, thumbnail: !!x.thumbnail, })) ); dispatch({ type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: ToastType.UnableToLoadAttachment, }, }); return; } const { older, newer } = await DataReader.getConversationRangeCenteredOnMessage({ conversationId: message.get('conversationId'), messageId, receivedAt, sentAt, limit: 1, storyId: undefined, includeStoryReplies: false, // This is the critical option since we only want messages with visual // attachments. requireVisualMediaAttachments: true, }); const index = media.findIndex(({ path }) => path === attachment.path); dispatch({ type: SHOW_LIGHTBOX, payload: { isViewOnce: false, media, selectedIndex: index === -1 ? 0 : index, hasPrevMessage: older.length > 0 && filterValidAttachments(older[0]).length > 0, hasNextMessage: newer.length > 0 && filterValidAttachments(newer[0]).length > 0, playbackDisabled: false, }, }); }; } enum AdjacentMessageDirection { Previous = 'Previous', Next = 'Next', } function showLightboxForAdjacentMessage( direction: AdjacentMessageDirection ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, ShowLightboxActionType | ShowToastActionType > { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const { lightbox } = getState(); if (!lightbox.isShowingLightbox || lightbox.media.length === 0) { log.warn('showLightboxForAdjacentMessage: empty lightbox'); return; } const [media] = lightbox.media; const { id: messageId, receivedAt, sentAt } = media.message; const message = await getMessageById(messageId); if (!message) { log.warn('showLightboxForAdjacentMessage: original message is gone'); dispatch({ type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: ToastType.UnableToLoadAttachment, }, }); return; } const conversationId = message.get('conversationId'); const options = { conversationId, messageId, receivedAt, sentAt, limit: 1, storyId: undefined, includeStoryReplies: false, // This is the critical option since we only want messages with visual // attachments. requireVisualMediaAttachments: true, }; const [adjacent] = direction === AdjacentMessageDirection.Previous ? await DataReader.getOlderMessagesByConversation(options) : await DataReader.getNewerMessagesByConversation(options); if (!adjacent) { log.warn( `showLightboxForAdjacentMessage(${direction}, ${messageId}, ` + `${sentAt}): no ${direction} message found` ); dispatch({ type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: ToastType.UnableToLoadAttachment, }, }); return; } const attachments = filterValidAttachments(adjacent); if (!attachments.length) { log.warn( `showLightboxForAdjacentMessage(${direction}, ${messageId}, ` + `${sentAt}): no valid attachments found` ); dispatch({ type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: ToastType.UnableToLoadAttachment, }, }); return; } dispatch( showLightbox({ attachment: direction === AdjacentMessageDirection.Previous ? attachments[attachments.length - 1] : attachments[0], messageId: adjacent.id, }) ); }; } function showLightboxForNextMessage(): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, ShowLightboxActionType > { return showLightboxForAdjacentMessage(AdjacentMessageDirection.Next); } function showLightboxForPrevMessage(): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, ShowLightboxActionType > { return showLightboxForAdjacentMessage(AdjacentMessageDirection.Previous); } function setSelectedLightboxIndex( index: number ): SetSelectedLightboxIndexActionType { return { type: SET_SELECTED_LIGHTBOX_INDEX, payload: index, }; } export const actions = { closeLightbox, showLightbox, showLightboxForViewOnceMedia, showLightboxForPrevMessage, showLightboxForNextMessage, setSelectedLightboxIndex, setPlaybackDisabled, }; export const useLightboxActions = (): BoundActionCreatorsMapObject< typeof actions > => useBoundActions(actions); export function getEmptyState(): LightboxStateType { return { isShowingLightbox: false, }; } export function reducer( state: Readonly = getEmptyState(), action: Readonly ): LightboxStateType { if (action.type === CLOSE_LIGHTBOX) { return getEmptyState(); } if (action.type === SHOW_LIGHTBOX) { return { ...action.payload, isShowingLightbox: true, playbackDisabled: false, }; } if (action.type === SET_SELECTED_LIGHTBOX_INDEX) { if (!state.isShowingLightbox) { return state; } return { ...state, selectedIndex: Math.max( 0, Math.min(state.media.length - 1, action.payload) ), }; } if (action.type === SET_LIGHTBOX_PLAYBACK_DISABLED) { if (!state.isShowingLightbox) { return state; } return { ...state, playbackDisabled: action.payload, }; } if ( action.type === MESSAGE_CHANGED || action.type === MESSAGE_DELETED || action.type === MESSAGE_EXPIRED ) { if (!state.isShowingLightbox) { return state; } if (action.type === MESSAGE_EXPIRED && !state.isViewOnce) { return state; } if ( action.type === MESSAGE_CHANGED && !action.payload.data.deletedForEveryone ) { const message = action.payload.data; const attachmentsByDigest = new Map(); if (!message.attachments || !message.attachments.length) { return state; } message.attachments.forEach(attachment => { const { digest } = attachment; if (!digest) { return; } attachmentsByDigest.set(digest, attachment); }); let changed = false; const media = state.media.map(item => { if (item.message.id !== message.id) { return item; } const { digest } = item.attachment; if (!digest) { return item; } const attachment = attachmentsByDigest.get(digest); if ( !attachment || !isIncremental(attachment) || (!item.attachment.pending && !attachment.pending) ) { return item; } const { totalDownloaded, pending } = attachment; if (totalDownloaded !== item.attachment.totalDownloaded) { changed = true; return { ...item, attachment: { ...item.attachment, totalDownloaded, pending, }, }; } return item; }); if (changed) { return { ...state, media, }; } return state; } const nextMedia = state.media.filter( item => item.message.id !== action.payload.id ); if (nextMedia.length === state.media.length) { return state; } if (!nextMedia.length) { return getEmptyState(); } return { ...state, media: nextMedia, }; } return state; }