/* global storage: false */ /* global textsecure: false */ /* global Whisper: false */ /* global Backbone: false */ /* global _: false */ /* global ConversationController: false */ /* global libphonenumber: false */ /* global wrapDeferred: false */ /* global dcodeIO: false */ /* global libsignal: false */ /* eslint-disable more/no-then */ // eslint-disable-next-line func-names (function () { 'use strict'; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; const { Message, MIME } = window.Signal.Types; const { upgradeMessageSchema, loadAttachmentData } = window.Signal.Migrations; // TODO: Factor out private and group subclasses of Conversation const COLORS = [ 'red', 'pink', 'purple', 'deep_purple', 'indigo', 'blue', 'light_blue', 'cyan', 'teal', 'green', 'light_green', 'orange', 'deep_orange', 'amber', 'blue_grey', ]; function constantTimeEqualArrayBuffers(ab1, ab2) { if (!(ab1 instanceof ArrayBuffer && ab2 instanceof ArrayBuffer)) { return false; } if (ab1.byteLength !== ab2.byteLength) { return false; } let result = 0; const ta1 = new Uint8Array(ab1); const ta2 = new Uint8Array(ab2); for (let i = 0; i < ab1.byteLength; i += 1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise result |= ta1[i] ^ ta2[i]; } return result === 0; } Whisper.Conversation = Backbone.Model.extend({ database: Whisper.Database, storeName: 'conversations', defaults() { return { unreadCount: 0, verified: textsecure.storage.protocol.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT, }; }, idForLogging() { if (this.isPrivate()) { return this.id; } return `group(${this.id})`; }, handleMessageError(message, errors) { this.trigger('messageError', message, errors); }, initialize() { this.ourNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); this.verifiedEnum = textsecure.storage.protocol.VerifiedStatus; // This may be overridden by ConversationController.getOrCreate, and signify // our first save to the database. Or first fetch from the database. this.initialPromise = Promise.resolve(); this.contactCollection = new Backbone.Collection(); const collator = new Intl.Collator(); this.contactCollection.comparator = (left, right) => { const leftLower = left.getTitle().toLowerCase(); const rightLower = right.getTitle().toLowerCase(); return collator.compare(leftLower, rightLower); }; this.messageCollection = new Whisper.MessageCollection([], { conversation: this, }); this.messageCollection.on('change:errors', this.handleMessageError, this); this.messageCollection.on('send-error', this.onMessageError, this); this.on('change:avatar', this.updateAvatarUrl); this.on('change:profileAvatar', this.updateAvatarUrl); this.on('change:profileKey', this.onChangeProfileKey); this.on('destroy', this.revokeAvatarUrl); }, isMe() { return this.id === this.ourNumber; }, addSingleMessage(message) { this.messageCollection.add(message, { merge: true }); this.processQuotes(this.messageCollection); }, onMessageError() { this.updateVerified(); }, safeGetVerified() { const promise = textsecure.storage.protocol.getVerified(this.id); return promise.catch(() => textsecure.storage.protocol.VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT); }, updateVerified() { if (this.isPrivate()) { return Promise.all([ this.safeGetVerified(), this.initialPromise, ]).then((results) => { const trust = results[0]; // we don't return here because we don't need to wait for this to finish this.save({ verified: trust }); }); } const promise = this.fetchContacts(); return promise.then(() => Promise.all(this.contactCollection.map((contact) => { if (!contact.isMe()) { return contact.updateVerified(); } return Promise.resolve(); }))).then(this.onMemberVerifiedChange.bind(this)); }, setVerifiedDefault(options) { const { DEFAULT } = this.verifiedEnum; return this.queueJob(() => this._setVerified(DEFAULT, options)); }, setVerified(options) { const { VERIFIED } = this.verifiedEnum; return this.queueJob(() => this._setVerified(VERIFIED, options)); }, setUnverified(options) { const { UNVERIFIED } = this.verifiedEnum; return this.queueJob(() => this._setVerified(UNVERIFIED, options)); }, _setVerified(verified, providedOptions) { const options = providedOptions || {}; _.defaults(options, { viaSyncMessage: false, viaContactSync: false, key: null }); const { VERIFIED, UNVERIFIED, } = this.verifiedEnum; if (!this.isPrivate()) { throw new Error('You cannot verify a group conversation. ' + 'You must verify individual contacts.'); } const beginningVerified = this.get('verified'); let promise; if (options.viaSyncMessage) { // handle the incoming key from the sync messages - need different // behavior if that key doesn't match the current key promise = textsecure.storage.protocol.processVerifiedMessage( this.id, verified, options.key ); } else { promise = textsecure.storage.protocol.setVerified(this.id, verified); } let keychange; return promise.then((updatedKey) => { keychange = updatedKey; return new Promise((resolve => this.save({ verified }).always(resolve))); }).then(() => { // Three situations result in a verification notice in the conversation: // 1) The message came from an explicit verification in another client (not // a contact sync) // 2) The verification value received by the contact sync is different // from what we have on record (and it's not a transition to UNVERIFIED) // 3) Our local verification status is VERIFIED and it hasn't changed, // but the key did change (Key1/VERIFIED to Key2/VERIFIED - but we don't // want to show DEFAULT->DEFAULT or UNVERIFIED->UNVERIFIED) if (!options.viaContactSync || (beginningVerified !== verified && verified !== UNVERIFIED) || (keychange && verified === VERIFIED)) { return this.addVerifiedChange( this.id, verified === VERIFIED, { local: !options.viaSyncMessage } ); } if (!options.viaSyncMessage) { return this.sendVerifySyncMessage(this.id, verified); } return Promise.resolve(); }); }, sendVerifySyncMessage(number, state) { const promise = textsecure.storage.protocol.loadIdentityKey(number); return promise.then(key => textsecure.messaging.syncVerification( number, state, key )); }, getIdentityKeys() { const lookup = {}; if (this.isPrivate()) { return textsecure.storage.protocol.loadIdentityKey(this.id).then((key) => { lookup[this.id] = key; return lookup; }).catch((error) => { console.log( 'getIdentityKeys error for conversation', this.idForLogging(), error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); return lookup; }); } const promises = this.contactCollection.map(contact => textsecure.storage.protocol.loadIdentityKey(contact.id).then( (key) => { lookup[contact.id] = key; }, (error) => { console.log( 'getIdentityKeys error for group member', contact.idForLogging(), error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); } )); return Promise.all(promises).then(() => lookup); }, replay(error, message) { const replayable = new textsecure.ReplayableError(error); return replayable.replay(message.attributes).catch((e) => { console.log( 'replay error:', e && e.stack ? e.stack : e ); }); }, decryptOldIncomingKeyErrors() { // We want to run just once per conversation if (this.get('decryptedOldIncomingKeyErrors')) { return Promise.resolve(); } console.log('decryptOldIncomingKeyErrors start for', this.idForLogging()); const messages = this.messageCollection.filter((message) => { const errors = message.get('errors'); if (!errors || !errors[0]) { return false; } const error = _.find(errors, e => e.name === 'IncomingIdentityKeyError'); return Boolean(error); }); const markComplete = () => { console.log('decryptOldIncomingKeyErrors complete for', this.idForLogging()); return new Promise((resolve) => { this.save({ decryptedOldIncomingKeyErrors: true }).always(resolve); }); }; if (!messages.length) { return markComplete(); } console.log( 'decryptOldIncomingKeyErrors found', messages.length, 'messages to process' ); const safeDelete = message => new Promise((resolve) => { message.destroy().always(resolve); }); const promise = this.getIdentityKeys(); return promise.then(lookup => Promise.all(_.map(messages, (message) => { const source = message.get('source'); const error = _.find( message.get('errors'), e => e.name === 'IncomingIdentityKeyError' ); const key = lookup[source]; if (!key) { return Promise.resolve(); } if (constantTimeEqualArrayBuffers(key, error.identityKey)) { return this.replay(error, message).then(() => safeDelete(message)); } return Promise.resolve(); }))).catch((error) => { console.log( 'decryptOldIncomingKeyErrors error:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); }).then(markComplete); }, isVerified() { if (this.isPrivate()) { return this.get('verified') === this.verifiedEnum.VERIFIED; } if (!this.contactCollection.length) { return false; } return this.contactCollection.every((contact) => { if (contact.isMe()) { return true; } return contact.isVerified(); }); }, isUnverified() { if (this.isPrivate()) { const verified = this.get('verified'); return verified !== this.verifiedEnum.VERIFIED && verified !== this.verifiedEnum.DEFAULT; } if (!this.contactCollection.length) { return true; } return this.contactCollection.any((contact) => { if (contact.isMe()) { return false; } return contact.isUnverified(); }); }, getUnverified() { if (this.isPrivate()) { return this.isUnverified() ? new Backbone.Collection([this]) : new Backbone.Collection(); } return new Backbone.Collection(this.contactCollection.filter((contact) => { if (contact.isMe()) { return false; } return contact.isUnverified(); })); }, setApproved() { if (!this.isPrivate()) { throw new Error('You cannot set a group conversation as trusted. ' + 'You must set individual contacts as trusted.'); } return textsecure.storage.protocol.setApproval(this.id, true); }, safeIsUntrusted() { return textsecure.storage.protocol.isUntrusted(this.id).catch(() => false); }, isUntrusted() { if (this.isPrivate()) { return this.safeIsUntrusted(); } if (!this.contactCollection.length) { return Promise.resolve(false); } return Promise.all(this.contactCollection.map((contact) => { if (contact.isMe()) { return false; } return contact.safeIsUntrusted(); })).then(results => _.any(results, result => result)); }, getUntrusted() { // This is a bit ugly because isUntrusted() is async. Could do the work to cache // it locally, but we really only need it for this call. if (this.isPrivate()) { return this.isUntrusted().then((untrusted) => { if (untrusted) { return new Backbone.Collection([this]); } return new Backbone.Collection(); }); } return Promise.all(this.contactCollection.map((contact) => { if (contact.isMe()) { return [false, contact]; } return Promise.all([contact.isUntrusted(), contact]); })).then((results) => { const filtered = _.filter(results, (result) => { const untrusted = result[0]; return untrusted; }); return new Backbone.Collection(_.map(filtered, (result) => { const contact = result[1]; return contact; })); }); }, onMemberVerifiedChange() { // If the verified state of a member changes, our aggregate state changes. // We trigger both events to replicate the behavior of Backbone.Model.set() this.trigger('change:verified'); this.trigger('change'); }, toggleVerified() { if (this.isVerified()) { return this.setVerifiedDefault(); } return this.setVerified(); }, addKeyChange(id) { console.log( 'adding key change advisory for', this.idForLogging(), id, this.get('timestamp') ); const timestamp = Date.now(); const message = new Whisper.Message({ conversationId: this.id, type: 'keychange', sent_at: this.get('timestamp'), received_at: timestamp, key_changed: id, unread: 1, }); message.save().then(this.trigger.bind(this, 'newmessage', message)); }, addVerifiedChange(id, verified, providedOptions) { const options = providedOptions || {}; _.defaults(options, { local: true }); if (this.isMe()) { console.log('refusing to add verified change advisory for our own number'); return; } const lastMessage = this.get('timestamp') || Date.now(); console.log( 'adding verified change advisory for', this.idForLogging(), id, lastMessage ); const timestamp = Date.now(); const message = new Whisper.Message({ conversationId: this.id, type: 'verified-change', sent_at: lastMessage, received_at: timestamp, verifiedChanged: id, verified, local: options.local, unread: 1, }); message.save().then(this.trigger.bind(this, 'newmessage', message)); if (this.isPrivate()) { ConversationController.getAllGroupsInvolvingId(id).then((groups) => { _.forEach(groups, (group) => { group.addVerifiedChange(id, verified, options); }); }); } }, onReadMessage(message) { if (this.messageCollection.get(message.id)) { this.messageCollection.get(message.id).fetch(); } // We mark as read everything older than this message - to clean up old stuff // still marked unread in the database. If the user generally doesn't read in // the desktop app, so the desktop app only gets read syncs, we can very // easily end up with messages never marked as read (our previous early read // sync handling, read syncs never sent because app was offline) // We queue it because we often get a whole lot of read syncs at once, and // their markRead calls could very easily overlap given the async pull from DB. // Lastly, we don't send read syncs for any message marked read due to a read // sync. That's a notification explosion we don't need. return this.queueJob(() => this.markRead( message.get('received_at'), { sendReadReceipts: false } )); }, getUnread() { const conversationId = this.id; const unreadMessages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); return new Promise((resolve => unreadMessages.fetch({ index: { // 'unread' index name: 'unread', lower: [conversationId], upper: [conversationId, Number.MAX_VALUE], }, }).always(() => { resolve(unreadMessages); }))); }, validate(attributes) { const required = ['id', 'type']; const missing = _.filter(required, attr => !attributes[attr]); if (missing.length) { return `Conversation must have ${missing}`; } if (attributes.type !== 'private' && attributes.type !== 'group') { return `Invalid conversation type: ${attributes.type}`; } const error = this.validateNumber(); if (error) { return error; } this.updateTokens(); return null; }, validateNumber() { if (this.isPrivate()) { const regionCode = storage.get('regionCode'); const number = libphonenumber.util.parseNumber(this.id, regionCode); if (number.isValidNumber) { this.set({ id: number.e164 }); return null; } return number.error || 'Invalid phone number'; } return null; }, updateTokens() { let tokens = []; const name = this.get('name'); if (typeof name === 'string') { tokens.push(name.toLowerCase()); tokens = tokens.concat(name.trim().toLowerCase().split(/[\s\-_()+]+/)); } if (this.isPrivate()) { const regionCode = storage.get('regionCode'); const number = libphonenumber.util.parseNumber(this.id, regionCode); tokens.push( number.nationalNumber, number.countryCode + number.nationalNumber ); } this.set({ tokens }); }, queueJob(callback) { const previous = this.pending || Promise.resolve(); const taskWithTimeout = textsecure.createTaskWithTimeout( callback, `conversation ${this.idForLogging()}` ); this.pending = previous.then(taskWithTimeout, taskWithTimeout); const current = this.pending; current.then(() => { if (this.pending === current) { delete this.pending; } }); return current; }, getRecipients() { if (this.isPrivate()) { return [this.id]; } const me = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); return _.without(this.get('members'), me); }, sendMessage(body, attachments) { this.queueJob(async () => { const now = Date.now(); console.log( 'Sending message to conversation', this.idForLogging(), 'with timestamp', now ); const messageWithSchema = await upgradeMessageSchema({ type: 'outgoing', body, conversationId: this.id, attachments, sent_at: now, received_at: now, expireTimer: this.get('expireTimer'), recipients: this.getRecipients(), }); const message = this.messageCollection.add(messageWithSchema); if (this.isPrivate()) { message.set({ destination: this.id }); } message.save(); this.save({ active_at: now, timestamp: now, lastMessage: message.getNotificationText(), }); const conversationType = this.get('type'); const sendFunction = (() => { switch (conversationType) { case Message.PRIVATE: return textsecure.messaging.sendMessageToNumber; case Message.GROUP: return textsecure.messaging.sendMessageToGroup; default: throw new TypeError(`Invalid conversation type: '${conversationType}'`); } })(); let profileKey; if (this.get('profileSharing')) { profileKey = storage.get('profileKey'); } const attachmentsWithData = await Promise.all(messageWithSchema.attachments.map(loadAttachmentData)); message.send(sendFunction( this.get('id'), body, attachmentsWithData, now, this.get('expireTimer'), profileKey )); }); }, async updateLastMessage() { const collection = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); await collection.fetchConversation(this.id, 1); const lastMessage = collection.at(0); const lastMessageUpdate = window.Signal.Types.Conversation.createLastMessageUpdate({ currentLastMessageText: this.get('lastMessage') || null, currentTimestamp: this.get('timestamp') || null, lastMessage: lastMessage ? lastMessage.toJSON() : null, lastMessageNotificationText: lastMessage ? lastMessage.getNotificationText() : null, }); this.set(lastMessageUpdate); if (this.hasChanged('lastMessage') || this.hasChanged('timestamp')) { this.save(); } }, updateExpirationTimer( providedExpireTimer, providedSource, receivedAt, providedOptions ) { const options = providedOptions || {}; let expireTimer = providedExpireTimer; let source = providedSource; _.defaults(options, { fromSync: false }); if (!expireTimer) { expireTimer = null; } if (this.get('expireTimer') === expireTimer || (!expireTimer && !this.get('expireTimer'))) { return Promise.resolve(); } console.log( 'Updating expireTimer for conversation', this.idForLogging(), 'to', expireTimer, 'via', source ); source = source || textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const timestamp = receivedAt || Date.now(); const message = this.messageCollection.add({ conversationId: this.id, type: receivedAt ? 'incoming' : 'outgoing', sent_at: timestamp, received_at: timestamp, flags: textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE, expirationTimerUpdate: { expireTimer, source, fromSync: options.fromSync, }, }); if (this.isPrivate()) { message.set({ destination: this.id }); } if (message.isOutgoing()) { message.set({ recipients: this.getRecipients() }); } return Promise.all([ wrapDeferred(message.save()), wrapDeferred(this.save({ expireTimer })), ]).then(() => { if (message.isIncoming()) { return message; } // change was made locally, send it to the number/group let sendFunc; if (this.get('type') === 'private') { sendFunc = textsecure.messaging.sendExpirationTimerUpdateToNumber; } else { sendFunc = textsecure.messaging.sendExpirationTimerUpdateToGroup; } let profileKey; if (this.get('profileSharing')) { profileKey = storage.get('profileKey'); } const promise = sendFunc( this.get('id'), this.get('expireTimer'), message.get('sent_at'), profileKey ); return message.send(promise).then(() => message); }); }, isSearchable() { return !this.get('left') || !!this.get('lastMessage'); }, endSession() { if (this.isPrivate()) { const now = Date.now(); const message = this.messageCollection.create({ conversationId: this.id, type: 'outgoing', sent_at: now, received_at: now, destination: this.id, recipients: this.getRecipients(), flags: textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION, }); message.send(textsecure.messaging.resetSession(this.id, now)); } }, updateGroup(providedGroupUpdate) { let groupUpdate = providedGroupUpdate; if (this.isPrivate()) { throw new Error('Called update group on private conversation'); } if (groupUpdate === undefined) { groupUpdate = this.pick(['name', 'avatar', 'members']); } const now = Date.now(); const message = this.messageCollection.create({ conversationId: this.id, type: 'outgoing', sent_at: now, received_at: now, group_update: groupUpdate, }); message.send(textsecure.messaging.updateGroup( this.id, this.get('name'), this.get('avatar'), this.get('members') )); }, leaveGroup() { const now = Date.now(); if (this.get('type') === 'group') { this.save({ left: true }); const message = this.messageCollection.create({ group_update: { left: 'You' }, conversationId: this.id, type: 'outgoing', sent_at: now, received_at: now, }); message.send(textsecure.messaging.leaveGroup(this.id)); } }, markRead(newestUnreadDate, providedOptions) { const options = providedOptions || {}; _.defaults(options, { sendReadReceipts: true }); const conversationId = this.id; Whisper.Notifications.remove(Whisper.Notifications.where({ conversationId, })); return this.getUnread().then((providedUnreadMessages) => { let unreadMessages = providedUnreadMessages; const promises = []; const oldUnread = unreadMessages.filter(message => message.get('received_at') <= newestUnreadDate); let read = _.map(oldUnread, (providedM) => { let m = providedM; if (this.messageCollection.get(m.id)) { m = this.messageCollection.get(m.id); } else { console.log('Marked a message as read in the database, but ' + 'it was not in messageCollection.'); } promises.push(m.markRead()); const errors = m.get('errors'); return { sender: m.get('source'), timestamp: m.get('sent_at'), hasErrors: Boolean(errors && errors.length), }; }); // Some messages we're marking read are local notifications with no sender read = _.filter(read, m => Boolean(m.sender)); unreadMessages = unreadMessages.filter(m => Boolean(m.isIncoming())); const unreadCount = unreadMessages.length - read.length; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.save({ unreadCount }).then(resolve, reject); }); promises.push(promise); // If a message has errors, we don't want to send anything out about it. // read syncs - let's wait for a client that really understands the message // to mark it read. we'll mark our local error read locally, though. // read receipts - here we can run into infinite loops, where each time the // conversation is viewed, another error message shows up for the contact read = read.filter(item => !item.hasErrors); if (read.length && options.sendReadReceipts) { console.log('Sending', read.length, 'read receipts'); promises.push(textsecure.messaging.syncReadMessages(read)); if (storage.get('read-receipt-setting')) { _.each(_.groupBy(read, 'sender'), (receipts, sender) => { const timestamps = _.map(receipts, 'timestamp'); promises.push(textsecure.messaging.sendReadReceipts(sender, timestamps)); }); } } return Promise.all(promises); }); }, onChangeProfileKey() { if (this.isPrivate()) { this.getProfiles(); } }, getProfiles() { // request all conversation members' keys let ids = []; if (this.isPrivate()) { ids = [this.id]; } else { ids = this.get('members'); } return Promise.all(_.map(ids, this.getProfile)); }, getProfile(id) { if (!textsecure.messaging) { const message = 'Conversation.getProfile: textsecure.messaging not available'; return Promise.reject(new Error(message)); } return textsecure.messaging.getProfile(id).then((profile) => { const identityKey = dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap( profile.identityKey, 'base64' ).toArrayBuffer(); return textsecure.storage.protocol.saveIdentity( `${id}.1`, identityKey, false ).then((changed) => { if (changed) { // save identity will close all sessions except for .1, so we // must close that one manually. const address = new libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress(id, 1); console.log('closing session for', address.toString()); const sessionCipher = new libsignal.SessionCipher( textsecure.storage.protocol, address ); return sessionCipher.closeOpenSessionForDevice(); } return Promise.resolve(); }).then(() => { const c = ConversationController.get(id); return Promise.all([ c.setProfileName(profile.name), c.setProfileAvatar(profile.avatar), ]).then( // success () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { c.save().then(resolve, reject); }), // fail (e) => { if (e.name === 'ProfileDecryptError') { // probably the profile key has changed. console.log( 'decryptProfile error:', id, profile, e && e.stack ? e.stack : e ); } } ); }); }).catch((error) => { console.log( 'getProfile error:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); }); }, setProfileName(encryptedName) { const key = this.get('profileKey'); if (!key) { return Promise.resolve(); } try { // decode const data = dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(encryptedName, 'base64').toArrayBuffer(); // decrypt return textsecure.crypto.decryptProfileName(data, key).then((decrypted) => { // encode const name = dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(decrypted).toString('utf8'); // set this.set({ profileName: name }); }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }, setProfileAvatar(avatarPath) { if (!avatarPath) { return Promise.resolve(); } return textsecure.messaging.getAvatar(avatarPath).then((avatar) => { const key = this.get('profileKey'); if (!key) { return Promise.resolve(); } // decrypt return textsecure.crypto.decryptProfile(avatar, key).then((decrypted) => { // set this.set({ profileAvatar: { data: decrypted, contentType: 'image/jpeg', size: decrypted.byteLength, }, }); }); }); }, setProfileKey(key) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!constantTimeEqualArrayBuffers(this.get('profileKey'), key)) { this.save({ profileKey: key }).then(resolve, reject); } else { resolve(); } }); }, makeKey(author, id) { return `${author}-${id}`; }, doesMessageMatch(id, author, message) { const messageAuthor = message.getContact().id; if (author !== messageAuthor) { return false; } if (id !== message.get('sent_at')) { return false; } return true; }, needData(attachments) { if (!attachments || attachments.length === 0) { return false; } const first = attachments[0]; const { thumbnail, contentType } = first; return thumbnail || MIME.isVideo(contentType) || MIME.isImage(contentType); }, forceRender(message) { message.trigger('change', message); }, makeObjectUrl(data, contentType) { const blob = new Blob([data], { type: contentType, }); return URL.createObjectURL(blob); }, makeMessagesLookup(messages) { return messages.reduce((acc, message) => { const { source, sent_at: sentAt } = message.attributes; // Checking for notification messages without a sender if (!source && message.isIncoming()) { return acc; } const contact = message.getContact(); if (!contact) { return acc; } const author = contact.id; const key = this.makeKey(author, sentAt); acc[key] = message; return acc; }, {}); }, async loadQuotedMessageFromDatabase(message) { const { quote } = message.attributes; const { attachments, id, author } = quote; const first = attachments[0]; // Maybe in the future we could try to pull the thumbnail from a video ourselves, // but for now we will rely on incoming thumbnails only. if (!MIME.isImage(first.contentType)) { return false; } const collection = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); await collection.fetchSentAt(id); const queryMessage = collection.find(m => this.doesMessageMatch(id, author, m)); if (!queryMessage) { return false; } const queryAttachments = queryMessage.attachments || []; if (queryAttachments.length === 0) { return false; } const queryFirst = queryAttachments[0]; queryMessage.attachments[0] = await loadAttachmentData(queryFirst); // Note: it would be nice to take the full-size image and downsample it into // a true thumbnail here. queryMessage.updateImageUrl(); // We need to differentiate between messages we load from database and those already // in memory. More cleanup needs to happen on messages from the database because // they aren't tracked any other way. // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign message.quotedMessageFromDatabase = queryMessage; this.forceRender(message); return true; }, async loadQuotedMessage(message, quotedMessage) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign message.quotedMessage = quotedMessage; const { quote } = message.attributes; const { attachments } = quote; const first = attachments[0]; // Maybe in the future we could try to pull thumbnails video ourselves, // but for now we will rely on incoming thumbnails only. console.log({ first, contentType: first ? first.contentType : null }); if (!first || !MIME.isImage(first.contentType)) { return; } const quotedAttachments = quotedMessage.get('attachments') || []; console.log({ quotedMessage, quotedAttachments }); if (quotedAttachments.length === 0) { return; } const queryFirst = quotedAttachments[0]; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign quotedMessage.attributes.attachments[0] = await loadAttachmentData(queryFirst); // Note: it would be nice to take the full-size image and downsample it into // a true thumbnail here. quotedMessage.updateImageUrl(); console.log({ quotedMessage }); }, async loadQuoteThumbnail(message) { const { quote } = message.attributes; const { attachments } = quote; const first = attachments[0]; const { thumbnail } = first; if (!thumbnail) { return false; } const thumbnailWithData = await loadAttachmentData(thumbnail); thumbnailWithData.objectUrl = this.makeObjectUrl( thumbnailWithData.data, thumbnailWithData.contentType ); // If we update this data in place, there's the risk that this data could be // saved back to the database // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign message.quoteThumbnail = thumbnailWithData; this.forceRender(message); return true; }, async processQuotes(messages) { const lookup = this.makeMessagesLookup(messages); const promises = messages.map(async (message) => { const { quote } = message.attributes; if (!quote) { return; } // If we already have a quoted message, then we exit early. If we don't have it, // then we'll continue to look again for an in-memory message to use. Why? This // will enable us to scroll to it when the user clicks. if (messages.quotedMessage) { return; } // 1. Check to see if we've already loaded the target message into memory const { author, id } = quote; const key = this.makeKey(author, id); const quotedMessage = lookup[key]; if (quotedMessage) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign await this.loadQuotedMessage(message, quotedMessage); this.forceRender(message); return; } // We only go further if we need more data for this message. It's always important // to grab the quoted message to allow for navigating to it by clicking. const { attachments } = quote; if (!this.needData(attachments)) { return; } // We've don't want to go to the database or load thumbnails a second time. if (message.quoteIsProcessed) { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign message.quoteIsProcessed = true; // 2. Go to the database for the real referenced attachment const loaded = await this.loadQuotedMessageFromDatabase(message, id); if (loaded) { return; } // 3. Finally, use the provided thumbnail await this.loadQuoteThumbnail(message, quote); }); return Promise.all(promises); }, async fetchMessages() { if (!this.id) { throw new Error('This conversation has no id!'); } await this.messageCollection.fetchConversation( this.id, null, this.get('unreadCount') ); // We kick this process off, but don't wait for it. If async updates happen on a // given Message, 'change' will be triggered this.processQuotes(this.messageCollection); }, hasMember(number) { return _.contains(this.get('members'), number); }, fetchContacts() { if (this.isPrivate()) { this.contactCollection.reset([this]); return Promise.resolve(); } const members = this.get('members') || []; const promises = members.map(number => ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait(number, 'private')); return Promise.all(promises).then((contacts) => { _.forEach(contacts, (contact) => { this.listenTo(contact, 'change:verified', this.onMemberVerifiedChange); }); this.contactCollection.reset(contacts); }); }, destroyMessages() { this.messageCollection.fetch({ index: { // 'conversation' index on [conversationId, received_at] name: 'conversation', lower: [this.id], upper: [this.id, Number.MAX_VALUE], }, }).then(() => { const { models } = this.messageCollection; this.messageCollection.reset([]); _.each(models, (message) => { message.destroy(); }); this.save({ lastMessage: null, timestamp: null, active_at: null, }); }); }, getName() { if (this.isPrivate()) { return this.get('name'); } return this.get('name') || 'Unknown group'; }, getTitle() { if (this.isPrivate()) { return this.get('name') || this.getNumber(); } return this.get('name') || 'Unknown group'; }, getProfileName() { if (this.isPrivate() && !this.get('name')) { return this.get('profileName'); } return null; }, getDisplayName() { if (!this.isPrivate()) { return this.getTitle(); } const name = this.get('name'); if (name) { return name; } const profileName = this.get('profileName'); if (profileName) { return `${this.getNumber()} ~${profileName}`; } return this.getNumber(); }, getNumber() { if (!this.isPrivate()) { return ''; } const number = this.id; try { const parsedNumber = libphonenumber.parse(number); const regionCode = libphonenumber.getRegionCodeForNumber(parsedNumber); if (regionCode === storage.get('regionCode')) { return libphonenumber.format( parsedNumber, libphonenumber.PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL ); } return libphonenumber.format( parsedNumber, libphonenumber.PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL ); } catch (e) { return number; } }, isPrivate() { return this.get('type') === 'private'; }, revokeAvatarUrl() { if (this.avatarUrl) { URL.revokeObjectURL(this.avatarUrl); this.avatarUrl = null; } }, updateAvatarUrl(silent) { this.revokeAvatarUrl(); const avatar = this.get('avatar') || this.get('profileAvatar'); if (avatar) { this.avatarUrl = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob( [avatar.data], { type: avatar.contentType } )); } else { this.avatarUrl = null; } if (!silent) { this.trigger('change'); } }, getColor() { const title = this.get('name'); let color = this.get('color'); if (!color) { if (this.isPrivate()) { if (title) { color = COLORS[Math.abs(this.hashCode()) % 15]; } else { color = 'grey'; } } else { color = 'default'; } } return color; }, getAvatar() { if (this.avatarUrl === undefined) { this.updateAvatarUrl(true); } const title = this.get('name'); const color = this.getColor(); if (this.avatarUrl) { return { url: this.avatarUrl, color }; } else if (this.isPrivate()) { return { color, content: title ? title.trim()[0] : '#', }; } return { url: 'images/group_default.png', color }; }, getNotificationIcon() { return new Promise((resolve) => { const avatar = this.getAvatar(); if (avatar.url) { resolve(avatar.url); } else { resolve(new Whisper.IdenticonSVGView(avatar).getDataUrl()); } }); }, notify(message) { if (!message.isIncoming()) { return Promise.resolve(); } const conversationId = this.id; return ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait(message.get('source'), 'private') .then(sender => sender.getNotificationIcon().then((iconUrl) => { console.log('adding notification'); Whisper.Notifications.add({ title: sender.getTitle(), message: message.getNotificationText(), iconUrl, imageUrl: message.getImageUrl(), conversationId, messageId: message.id, }); })); }, hashCode() { if (this.hash === undefined) { const string = this.getTitle() || ''; if (string.length === 0) { return 0; } let hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i += 1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + string.charCodeAt(i); // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise hash &= hash; // Convert to 32bit integer } this.hash = hash; } return this.hash; }, }); Whisper.ConversationCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ database: Whisper.Database, storeName: 'conversations', model: Whisper.Conversation, comparator(m) { return -m.get('timestamp'); }, destroyAll() { return Promise.all(this.models.map(m => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { m.destroy().then(resolve).fail(reject); }))); }, search(providedQuery) { let query = providedQuery.trim().toLowerCase(); if (query.length > 0) { query = query.replace(/[-.()]*/g, '').replace(/^\+(\d*)$/, '$1'); const lastCharCode = query.charCodeAt(query.length - 1); const nextChar = String.fromCharCode(lastCharCode + 1); const upper = query.slice(0, -1) + nextChar; return new Promise((resolve) => { this.fetch({ index: { name: 'search', // 'search' index on tokens array lower: query, upper, excludeUpper: true, }, }).always(resolve); }); } return Promise.resolve(); }, fetchAlphabetical() { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.fetch({ index: { name: 'search', // 'search' index on tokens array }, limit: 100, }).always(resolve); }); }, fetchGroups(number) { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.fetch({ index: { name: 'group', only: number, }, }).always(resolve); }); }, }); Whisper.Conversation.COLORS = COLORS.concat(['grey', 'default']).join(' '); // Special collection for fetching all the groups a certain number appears in Whisper.GroupCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ database: Whisper.Database, storeName: 'conversations', model: Whisper.Conversation, fetchGroups(number) { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.fetch({ index: { name: 'group', only: number, }, }).always(resolve); }); }, }); }());