// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import type { Group } from '@signalapp/mock-server'; import { UUIDKind } from '@signalapp/mock-server'; import createDebug from 'debug'; import * as durations from '../../util/durations'; import { Bootstrap } from '../bootstrap'; import type { App } from '../bootstrap'; export const debug = createDebug('mock:test:gv2'); describe('pnp/accept gv2 invite', function needsName() { this.timeout(durations.MINUTE); let bootstrap: Bootstrap; let app: App; let group: Group; beforeEach(async () => { bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); await bootstrap.init(); const { contacts } = bootstrap; const [first, second] = contacts; group = await first.createGroup({ title: 'Invite by PNI', members: [first, second], }); app = await bootstrap.link(); const { desktop } = bootstrap; group = await first.inviteToGroup(group, desktop, { uuidKind: UUIDKind.PNI, }); // Verify that created group has pending member assert.strictEqual(group.state?.members?.length, 2); assert(!group.getMemberByUUID(desktop.uuid)); assert(!group.getMemberByUUID(desktop.pni)); assert(!group.getPendingMemberByUUID(desktop.uuid)); assert(group.getPendingMemberByUUID(desktop.pni)); const window = await app.getWindow(); const leftPane = window.locator('.left-pane-wrapper'); debug('Opening group'); await leftPane.locator(`[data-testid="${group.id}"]`).click(); }); afterEach(async function after() { if (this.currentTest?.state !== 'passed') { await bootstrap.saveLogs(app); } await app.close(); await bootstrap.teardown(); }); it('should accept PNI invite and modify the group state', async () => { const { phone, contacts, desktop } = bootstrap; const [first, second] = contacts; const window = await app.getWindow(); const conversationStack = window.locator('.conversation-stack'); debug('Accepting'); await conversationStack .locator('.module-message-request-actions button >> "Accept"') .click(); group = await phone.waitForGroupUpdate(group); assert.strictEqual(group.revision, 2); assert.strictEqual(group.state?.members?.length, 3); assert(group.getMemberByUUID(desktop.uuid)); assert(!group.getMemberByUUID(desktop.pni)); assert(!group.getPendingMemberByUUID(desktop.uuid)); assert(!group.getPendingMemberByUUID(desktop.pni)); debug('Checking that notifications are present'); await window .locator(`"${first.profileName} invited you to the group."`) .waitFor(); await window .locator( `"You accepted an invitation to the group from ${first.profileName}."` ) .waitFor(); debug('Invite PNI again'); group = await second.inviteToGroup(group, desktop, { uuidKind: UUIDKind.PNI, }); assert(group.getMemberByUUID(desktop.uuid)); assert(group.getPendingMemberByUUID(desktop.pni)); await window .locator(`"${second.profileName} invited you to the group."`) .waitFor(); debug('Verify that message request state is not visible'); await conversationStack .locator('.module-message-request-actions button >> "Accept"') .waitFor({ state: 'hidden' }); debug('Leave the group through settings'); await conversationStack .locator('button.module-ConversationHeader__button--more') .click(); await conversationStack .locator('.react-contextmenu-item >> "Group settings"') .click(); await conversationStack .locator('.conversation-details-panel >> "Leave group"') .click(); await window.locator('.module-Modal button >> "Leave"').click(); debug('Waiting for final group update'); group = await phone.waitForGroupUpdate(group); assert.strictEqual(group.revision, 4); assert.strictEqual(group.state?.members?.length, 2); assert(!group.getMemberByUUID(desktop.uuid)); assert(!group.getMemberByUUID(desktop.pni)); assert(!group.getPendingMemberByUUID(desktop.uuid)); assert(group.getPendingMemberByUUID(desktop.pni)); }); it('should decline PNI invite and modify the group state', async () => { const { phone, desktop } = bootstrap; const window = await app.getWindow(); const conversationStack = window.locator('.conversation-stack'); debug('Declining'); await conversationStack .locator('.module-message-request-actions button >> "Delete"') .click(); debug('waiting for confirmation modal'); await window.locator('.module-Modal button >> "Delete and Leave"').click(); group = await phone.waitForGroupUpdate(group); assert.strictEqual(group.revision, 2); assert.strictEqual(group.state?.members?.length, 2); assert(!group.getMemberByUUID(desktop.uuid)); assert(!group.getMemberByUUID(desktop.pni)); assert(!group.getPendingMemberByUUID(desktop.uuid)); assert(!group.getPendingMemberByUUID(desktop.pni)); }); it('should accept ACI invite with extra PNI on the invite list', async () => { const { phone, contacts, desktop } = bootstrap; const [first, second] = contacts; const window = await app.getWindow(); debug('Waiting for the PNI invite'); await window .locator(`text=${first.profileName} invited you to the group.`) .waitFor(); debug('Inviting ACI from another contact'); group = await second.inviteToGroup(group, desktop, { uuidKind: UUIDKind.ACI, }); const conversationStack = window.locator('.conversation-stack'); debug('Waiting for the ACI invite'); await window .locator(`text=${second.profileName} invited you to the group.`) .waitFor(); debug('Accepting'); await conversationStack .locator('.module-message-request-actions button >> "Accept"') .click(); debug('Checking final notification'); await window .locator( '.SystemMessage >> text=You accepted an invitation to the group from ' + `${second.profileName}.` ) .waitFor(); group = await phone.waitForGroupUpdate(group); assert.strictEqual(group.revision, 3); assert.strictEqual(group.state?.members?.length, 3); assert(group.getMemberByUUID(desktop.uuid)); assert(!group.getMemberByUUID(desktop.pni)); assert(!group.getPendingMemberByUUID(desktop.uuid)); assert(group.getPendingMemberByUUID(desktop.pni)); debug('Verifying invite list'); await conversationStack .locator('.module-ConversationHeader__header__info__title') .click(); await conversationStack .locator( '.ConversationDetails-panel-row__root--button >> ' + 'text=Requests & Invites' ) .click(); await conversationStack .locator('.ConversationDetails__tab >> text=Invites (1)') .click(); await conversationStack .locator( '.ConversationDetails-panel-row__root >> ' + `text=/${first.profileName}.*Invited 1/i` ) .waitFor(); }); it('should decline ACI invite with extra PNI on the invite list', async () => { const { phone, contacts, desktop } = bootstrap; const [, second] = contacts; const window = await app.getWindow(); debug('Sending another invite'); // Invite ACI from another contact group = await second.inviteToGroup(group, desktop, { uuidKind: UUIDKind.ACI, }); const conversationStack = window.locator('.conversation-stack'); debug('Declining'); await conversationStack .locator('.module-message-request-actions button >> "Delete"') .click(); debug('waiting for confirmation modal'); await window.locator('.module-Modal button >> "Delete and Leave"').click(); group = await phone.waitForGroupUpdate(group); assert.strictEqual(group.revision, 3); assert.strictEqual(group.state?.members?.length, 2); assert(!group.getMemberByUUID(desktop.uuid)); assert(!group.getMemberByUUID(desktop.pni)); assert(!group.getPendingMemberByUUID(desktop.uuid)); assert(group.getPendingMemberByUUID(desktop.pni)); }); it('should display a single notification for remote PNI accept', async () => { const { phone, contacts, desktop } = bootstrap; const [first, second] = contacts; debug('Creating new group with Desktop'); group = await phone.createGroup({ title: 'Remote Invite', members: [phone, first], }); debug('Inviting remote PNI to group'); const secondKey = await second.device.popSingleUseKey(UUIDKind.PNI); await first.addSingleUseKey(second.device, secondKey, UUIDKind.PNI); group = await first.inviteToGroup(group, second.device, { uuidKind: UUIDKind.PNI, timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), // There is no one to receive it so don't bother. sendInvite: false, }); debug('Sending message to group'); await first.sendText(desktop, 'howdy', { group, timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), }); const window = await app.getWindow(); const leftPane = window.locator('.left-pane-wrapper'); debug('Opening new group'); await leftPane.locator(`[data-testid="${group.id}"]`).click(); debug('Accepting remote invite'); await second.acceptPniInvite(group, desktop, { timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), }); await window .locator( '.SystemMessage >> ' + `text=${second.profileName} accepted an invitation to the group ` + `from ${first.profileName}.` ) .waitFor(); }); });