// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as Errors from '../../types/errors'; import { getSendOptions } from '../../util/getSendOptions'; import { isDirectConversation, isMe } from '../../util/whatTypeOfConversation'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../../protobuf'; import { handleMultipleSendErrors, maybeExpandErrors, } from './handleMultipleSendErrors'; import { ourProfileKeyService } from '../../services/ourProfileKey'; import type { ConversationModel } from '../../models/conversations'; import type { ConversationQueueJobBundle, DeleteStoryForEveryoneJobData, } from '../conversationJobQueue'; import { getUntrustedConversationServiceIds } from './getUntrustedConversationServiceIds'; import { handleMessageSend } from '../../util/handleMessageSend'; import { isConversationAccepted } from '../../util/isConversationAccepted'; import { isConversationUnregistered } from '../../util/isConversationUnregistered'; import { getMessageById } from '../../messages/getMessageById'; import { isNotNil } from '../../util/isNotNil'; import type { CallbackResultType } from '../../textsecure/Types.d'; import type { MessageModel } from '../../models/messages'; import { SendMessageProtoError } from '../../textsecure/Errors'; import { strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import type { LoggerType } from '../../types/Logging'; import { isStory } from '../../messages/helpers'; export async function sendDeleteStoryForEveryone( ourConversation: ConversationModel, { isFinalAttempt, messaging, shouldContinue, timestamp, timeRemaining, log, }: ConversationQueueJobBundle, data: DeleteStoryForEveryoneJobData ): Promise { const { storyId, targetTimestamp, updatedStoryRecipients } = data; const logId = `sendDeleteStoryForEveryone(${storyId})`; const message = await getMessageById(storyId); if (!message) { log.error(`${logId}: Failed to fetch message. Failing job.`); return; } if (!shouldContinue) { log.info(`${logId}: Ran out of time. Giving up on sending`); void updateMessageWithFailure( message, [new Error('Ran out of time!')], log ); return; } strictAssert( isMe(ourConversation.attributes), 'Story DOE must be sent on our conversaton' ); strictAssert(isStory(message.attributes), 'Story message must be a story'); const sendType = 'deleteForEveryone'; const { ContentHint } = Proto.UnidentifiedSenderMessage.Message; const contentHint = ContentHint.RESENDABLE; const deletedForEveryoneSendStatus = message.get( 'deletedForEveryoneSendStatus' ); strictAssert( deletedForEveryoneSendStatus, `${logId}: message does not have deletedForEveryoneSendStatus` ); const recipientIds = Object.entries(deletedForEveryoneSendStatus) .filter(([_, isSent]) => !isSent) .map(([conversationId]) => conversationId); const untrustedServiceIds = getUntrustedConversationServiceIds(recipientIds); if (untrustedServiceIds.length) { window.reduxActions.conversations.conversationStoppedByMissingVerification({ conversationId: ourConversation.id, untrustedServiceIds, }); throw new Error( `Delete for everyone blocked because ${untrustedServiceIds.length} ` + 'conversation(s) were untrusted. Failing this attempt.' ); } const recipientConversations = recipientIds .map(conversationId => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { log.error(`${logId}: conversation not found for ${conversationId}`); return undefined; } if (!isDirectConversation(conversation.attributes)) { log.error(`${logId}: conversation ${conversationId} is not direct`); return undefined; } if (!isConversationAccepted(conversation.attributes)) { log.info( `${logId}: conversation ${conversation.idForLogging()} ` + 'is not accepted; refusing to send' ); void updateMessageWithFailure( message, [new Error('Message request was not accepted')], log ); return undefined; } if (isConversationUnregistered(conversation.attributes)) { log.info( `${logId}: conversation ${conversation.idForLogging()} ` + 'is unregistered; refusing to send' ); void updateMessageWithFailure( message, [new Error('Contact no longer has a Signal account')], log ); return undefined; } if (conversation.isBlocked()) { log.info( `${logId}: conversation ${conversation.idForLogging()} ` + 'is blocked; refusing to send' ); void updateMessageWithFailure( message, [new Error('Contact is blocked')], log ); return undefined; } return conversation; }) .filter(isNotNil); const hadSuccessfulSends = doesMessageHaveSuccessfulSends(message); let didSuccessfullySendOne = false; // Special case - we have no one to send it to so just send the sync message. if (recipientConversations.length === 0) { didSuccessfullySendOne = true; } const profileKey = await ourProfileKeyService.get(); await Promise.all( recipientConversations.map(conversation => { return conversation.queueJob( 'conversationQueue/sendStoryDeleteForEveryone', async () => { log.info( `${logId}: Sending deleteStoryForEveryone with timestamp ${timestamp}` ); const sendOptions = await getSendOptions(conversation.attributes, { story: true, }); try { const serviceId = conversation.getSendTarget(); strictAssert(serviceId, 'conversation has no service id'); await handleMessageSend( messaging.sendMessageToServiceId({ serviceId, messageText: undefined, attachments: [], deletedForEveryoneTimestamp: targetTimestamp, timestamp, expireTimer: undefined, expireTimerVersion: undefined, contentHint, groupId: undefined, profileKey: conversation.get('profileSharing') ? profileKey : undefined, options: sendOptions, urgent: true, story: true, }), { messageIds: [storyId], sendType, } ); didSuccessfullySendOne = true; await updateMessageWithSuccessfulSends(message, { dataMessage: undefined, editMessage: undefined, successfulServiceIds: [serviceId], }); } catch (error: unknown) { if (error instanceof SendMessageProtoError) { await updateMessageWithSuccessfulSends(message, error); } const errors = maybeExpandErrors(error); await handleMultipleSendErrors({ errors, isFinalAttempt, log, markFailed: () => updateMessageWithFailure(message, errors, log), timeRemaining, toThrow: error, }); } } ); }) ); // Send sync message exactly once per job. If any of the sends are successful // and we didn't send the DOE itself before - it is a good time to send the // sync message. if (!hadSuccessfulSends && didSuccessfullySendOne) { log.info(`${logId}: Sending sync message`); const options = await getSendOptions(ourConversation.attributes, { syncMessage: true, }); const destinationServiceId = ourConversation.getCheckedServiceId( 'deleteStoryForEveryone' ); // Sync message for other devices await handleMessageSend( messaging.sendSyncMessage({ destination: undefined, destinationServiceId, storyMessageRecipients: updatedStoryRecipients?.map( ({ destinationServiceId: legacyDestinationUuid, ...rest }) => { return { // The field was renamed. legacyDestinationUuid, ...rest, }; } ), expirationStartTimestamp: null, isUpdate: true, options, timestamp: message.get('timestamp'), urgent: false, }), { messageIds: [storyId], sendType } ); } } function doesMessageHaveSuccessfulSends(message: MessageModel): boolean { const map = message.get('deletedForEveryoneSendStatus') ?? {}; return Object.values(map).some(value => value === true); } async function updateMessageWithSuccessfulSends( message: MessageModel, result?: CallbackResultType | SendMessageProtoError ): Promise { if (!result) { message.set({ deletedForEveryoneSendStatus: {}, deletedForEveryoneFailed: undefined, }); await window.MessageCache.saveMessage(message.attributes); return; } const deletedForEveryoneSendStatus = { ...message.get('deletedForEveryoneSendStatus'), }; result.successfulServiceIds?.forEach(serviceId => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(serviceId); if (!conversation) { return; } deletedForEveryoneSendStatus[conversation.id] = true; }); message.set({ deletedForEveryoneSendStatus, deletedForEveryoneFailed: undefined, }); await window.MessageCache.saveMessage(message.attributes); } async function updateMessageWithFailure( message: MessageModel, errors: ReadonlyArray, log: LoggerType ): Promise { log.error( 'updateMessageWithFailure: Setting this set of errors', errors.map(Errors.toLogFormat) ); message.set({ deletedForEveryoneFailed: true }); await window.MessageCache.saveMessage(message.attributes); }