// Copyright 2018 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { app, dialog, clipboard } from 'electron'; import os from 'node:os'; import * as Errors from '../ts/types/errors'; import { redactAll } from '../ts/util/privacy'; import { reallyJsonStringify } from '../ts/util/reallyJsonStringify'; import type { LocaleType } from './locale'; // We use hard-coded strings until we're able to update these strings from the locale. let quitText = 'Quit'; let copyErrorAndQuitText = 'Copy error and quit'; function handleError(prefix: string, error: Error): void { const formattedError = Errors.toLogFormat(error); if (console._error) { console._error(`${prefix}:`, formattedError); } console.error(`${prefix}:`, formattedError); if (app.isReady()) { // title field is not shown on macOS, so we don't use it const buttonIndex = dialog.showMessageBoxSync({ buttons: [quitText, copyErrorAndQuitText], defaultId: 0, detail: redactAll(formattedError), message: prefix, noLink: true, type: 'error', }); if (buttonIndex === 1) { clipboard.writeText( `${prefix}\n\n${redactAll(formattedError)}\n\n` + `App Version: ${app.getVersion()}\n` + `OS: ${os.platform()}` ); } } else { dialog.showErrorBox(prefix, formattedError); } app.exit(1); } export const updateLocale = (locale: LocaleType): void => { quitText = locale.i18n('icu:quit'); copyErrorAndQuitText = locale.i18n('icu:copyErrorAndQuit'); }; function _getError(reason: unknown): Error { if (reason instanceof Error) { return reason; } const errorString = reallyJsonStringify(reason); return new Error(`Promise rejected with a non-error: ${errorString}`); } export const addHandler = (): void => { app.on('render-process-gone', (_event, _webContents, details) => { const { reason, exitCode } = details; if (reason === 'clean-exit') { return; } handleError( 'Render process is gone', new Error(`Reason: ${reason}, Exit Code: ${exitCode}`) ); }); process.on('uncaughtException', (reason: unknown) => { handleError('Unhandled Error', _getError(reason)); }); process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason: unknown) => { handleError('Unhandled Promise Rejection', _getError(reason)); }); };