// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import { setup as setupI18n } from '../../../js/modules/i18n'; import enMessages from '../../../_locales/en/messages.json'; describe('Message', () => { const i18n = setupI18n('en', enMessages); const attributes = { type: 'outgoing', body: 'hi', conversationId: 'foo', attachments: [], received_at: new Date().getTime(), }; const source = '+1 415-555-5555'; const me = '+14155555556'; const ourUuid = window.getGuid(); function createMessage(attrs: { [key: string]: unknown }) { const messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); return messages.add(attrs); } before(async () => { window.ConversationController.reset(); await window.ConversationController.load(); window.textsecure.storage.put('number_id', `${me}.2`); window.textsecure.storage.put('uuid_id', `${ourUuid}.2`); }); after(async () => { window.textsecure.storage.put('number_id', null); window.textsecure.storage.put('uuid_id', null); await window.Signal.Data.removeAll(); await window.storage.fetch(); }); beforeEach(function beforeEach() { this.sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); }); afterEach(function afterEach() { this.sandbox.restore(); }); // NOTE: These tests are incomplete. describe('send', () => { it("saves the result's dataMessage", async () => { const message = createMessage({ type: 'outgoing', source }); const fakeDataMessage = new ArrayBuffer(0); const result = { dataMessage: fakeDataMessage, }; const promise = Promise.resolve(result); await message.send(promise); assert.strictEqual(message.get('dataMessage'), fakeDataMessage); }); it('updates the `sent` attribute', async () => { const message = createMessage({ type: 'outgoing', source, sent: false }); await message.send(Promise.resolve({})); assert.isTrue(message.get('sent')); }); it("triggers the 'done' event on success", async () => { const message = createMessage({ type: 'outgoing', source }); let callCount = 0; message.on('done', () => { callCount += 1; }); await message.send(Promise.resolve({})); assert.strictEqual(callCount, 1); }); it("triggers the 'sent' event on success", async () => { const message = createMessage({ type: 'outgoing', source }); const listener = sinon.spy(); message.on('sent', listener); await message.send(Promise.resolve({})); sinon.assert.calledOnce(listener); sinon.assert.calledWith(listener, message); }); it("triggers the 'done' event on failure", async () => { const message = createMessage({ type: 'outgoing', source }); const listener = sinon.spy(); message.on('done', listener); await message.send(Promise.reject(new Error('something went wrong!'))); sinon.assert.calledOnce(listener); }); it('saves errors from promise rejections with errors', async () => { const message = createMessage({ type: 'outgoing', source }); const promise = Promise.reject(new Error('foo bar')); await message.send(promise); const errors = message.get('errors') || []; assert.lengthOf(errors, 1); assert.strictEqual(errors[0].message, 'foo bar'); }); it('saves errors from promise rejections with objects', async () => { const message = createMessage({ type: 'outgoing', source }); const result = { errors: [new Error('baz qux')], }; const promise = Promise.reject(result); await message.send(promise); const errors = message.get('errors') || []; assert.lengthOf(errors, 1); assert.strictEqual(errors[0].message, 'baz qux'); }); }); describe('getContact', () => { it('gets outgoing contact', () => { const messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); const message = messages.add(attributes); message.getContact(); }); it('gets incoming contact', () => { const messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); const message = messages.add({ type: 'incoming', source, }); message.getContact(); }); }); describe('isIncoming', () => { it('checks if is incoming message', () => { const messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); let message = messages.add(attributes); assert.notOk(message.isIncoming()); message = messages.add({ type: 'incoming' }); assert.ok(message.isIncoming()); }); }); describe('isOutgoing', () => { it('checks if is outgoing message', () => { const messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); let message = messages.add(attributes); assert.ok(message.isOutgoing()); message = messages.add({ type: 'incoming' }); assert.notOk(message.isOutgoing()); }); }); describe('isGroupUpdate', () => { it('checks if is group update', () => { const messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); let message = messages.add(attributes); assert.notOk(message.isGroupUpdate()); message = messages.add({ group_update: true }); assert.ok(message.isGroupUpdate()); }); }); // Note that some of this method's behavior is untested: // - Call history // - Contacts // - Expiration timer updates // - Key changes // - Profile changes // - Stickers describe('getNotificationData', () => { it('handles unsupported messages', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ supportedVersionAtReceive: 0, requiredProtocolVersion: Infinity, }).getNotificationData(), { text: 'Unsupported message' } ); }); it('handles erased tap-to-view messages', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ isViewOnce: true, isErased: true, }).getNotificationData(), { text: 'View-once Media' } ); }); it('handles tap-to-view photos', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ isViewOnce: true, isErased: false, attachments: [ { contentType: 'image/png', }, ], }).getNotificationData(), { text: 'View-once Photo', emoji: '📷' } ); }); it('handles tap-to-view videos', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ isViewOnce: true, isErased: false, attachments: [ { contentType: 'video/mp4', }, ], }).getNotificationData(), { text: 'View-once Video', emoji: '🎥' } ); }); it('handles non-media tap-to-view file types', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ isViewOnce: true, isErased: false, attachments: [ { contentType: 'text/plain', }, ], }).getNotificationData(), { text: 'Media Message', emoji: '📎' } ); }); it('handles group updates where you left the group', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ group_update: { left: 'You', }, }).getNotificationData(), { text: 'You are no longer a member of the group.' } ); }); it('handles group updates where someone left the group', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, group_update: { left: 'Alice', }, }).getNotificationData(), { text: 'Alice left the group.' } ); }); it('handles empty group updates with a generic message', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source: 'Alice', group_update: {}, }).getNotificationData(), { text: 'Alice updated the group.' } ); }); it('handles group name updates by you', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source: me, group_update: { name: 'blerg' }, }).getNotificationData(), { text: "You updated the group. Group name is now 'blerg'.", } ); }); it('handles group name updates by someone else', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, group_update: { name: 'blerg' }, }).getNotificationData(), { text: "+1 415-555-5555 updated the group. Group name is now 'blerg'.", } ); }); it('handles group avatar updates', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, group_update: { avatarUpdated: true }, }).getNotificationData(), { text: '+1 415-555-5555 updated the group. Group avatar was updated.', } ); }); it('handles you joining the group', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, group_update: { joined: [me] }, }).getNotificationData(), { text: '+1 415-555-5555 updated the group. You joined the group.', } ); }); it('handles someone else joining the group', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, group_update: { joined: ['Bob'] }, }).getNotificationData(), { text: '+1 415-555-5555 updated the group. Bob joined the group.', } ); }); it('handles multiple people joining the group', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, group_update: { joined: ['Bob', 'Alice', 'Eve'] }, }).getNotificationData(), { text: '+1 415-555-5555 updated the group. Bob, Alice, Eve joined the group.', } ); }); it('handles multiple people joining the group, including you', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, group_update: { joined: ['Bob', me, 'Alice', 'Eve'] }, }).getNotificationData(), { text: '+1 415-555-5555 updated the group. Bob, Alice, Eve joined the group. You joined the group.', } ); }); it('handles multiple changes to group properties', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, group_update: { joined: ['Bob'], name: 'blerg' }, }).getNotificationData(), { text: "+1 415-555-5555 updated the group. Bob joined the group. Group name is now 'blerg'.", } ); }); it('handles a session ending', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, flags: true, }).getNotificationData(), { text: i18n('sessionEnded') } ); }); it('handles incoming message errors', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, errors: [{}], }).getNotificationData(), { text: i18n('incomingError') } ); }); const attachmentTestCases = [ { title: 'GIF', attachment: { contentType: 'image/gif', }, expectedText: 'GIF', expectedEmoji: '🎡', }, { title: 'photo', attachment: { contentType: 'image/png', }, expectedText: 'Photo', expectedEmoji: '📷', }, { title: 'video', attachment: { contentType: 'video/mp4', }, expectedText: 'Video', expectedEmoji: '🎥', }, { title: 'voice message', attachment: { contentType: 'audio/ogg', flags: window.textsecure.protobuf.AttachmentPointer.Flags.VOICE_MESSAGE, }, expectedText: 'Voice Message', expectedEmoji: '🎤', }, { title: 'audio message', attachment: { contentType: 'audio/ogg', fileName: 'audio.ogg', }, expectedText: 'Audio Message', expectedEmoji: '🔈', }, { title: 'plain text', attachment: { contentType: 'text/plain', }, expectedText: 'File', expectedEmoji: '📎', }, { title: 'unspecified-type', attachment: { contentType: null, }, expectedText: 'File', expectedEmoji: '📎', }, ]; attachmentTestCases.forEach( ({ title, attachment, expectedText, expectedEmoji }) => { it(`handles single ${title} attachments`, () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, attachments: [attachment], }).getNotificationData(), { text: expectedText, emoji: expectedEmoji } ); }); it(`handles multiple attachments where the first is a ${title}`, () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, attachments: [ attachment, { contentType: 'text/html', }, ], }).getNotificationData(), { text: expectedText, emoji: expectedEmoji } ); }); it(`respects the caption for ${title} attachments`, () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, attachments: [attachment], body: 'hello world', }).getNotificationData(), { text: 'hello world', emoji: expectedEmoji } ); }); } ); it('handles a "plain" message', () => { assert.deepEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, body: 'hello world', }).getNotificationData(), { text: 'hello world' } ); }); }); describe('getNotificationText', () => { it("returns a notification's text", () => { assert.strictEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, body: 'hello world', }).getNotificationText(), 'hello world' ); }); it("shows a notification's emoji on non-Linux", function test() { this.sandbox.stub(window.Signal.OS, 'isLinux').returns(false); assert.strictEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, attachments: [ { contentType: 'image/png', }, ], }).getNotificationText(), '📷 Photo' ); }); it('hides emoji on Linux', function test() { this.sandbox.stub(window.Signal.OS, 'isLinux').returns(true); assert.strictEqual( createMessage({ type: 'incoming', source, attachments: [ { contentType: 'image/png', }, ], }).getNotificationText(), 'Photo' ); }); }); describe('isEndSession', () => { it('checks if it is end of the session', () => { const messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); let message = messages.add(attributes); assert.notOk(message.isEndSession()); message = messages.add({ type: 'incoming', source, flags: true }); assert.ok(message.isEndSession()); }); }); }); describe('MessageCollection', () => { it('should be ordered oldest to newest', () => { const messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); // Timestamps const today = Date.now(); const tomorrow = today + 12345; // Add threads messages.add({ received_at: today }); messages.add({ received_at: tomorrow }); const { models } = messages; const firstTimestamp = models[0].get('received_at'); const secondTimestamp = models[1].get('received_at'); // Compare timestamps assert(typeof firstTimestamp === 'number'); assert(typeof secondTimestamp === 'number'); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion assert(firstTimestamp! < secondTimestamp!); }); });