// Copyright 2021-2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { isNil, sortBy } from 'lodash'; import PQueue from 'p-queue'; import * as log from './logging/log'; import { assertDev } from './util/assert'; import { sleep } from './util/sleep'; import { missingCaseError } from './util/missingCaseError'; import { isNormalNumber } from './util/isNormalNumber'; import { take } from './util/iterables'; import type { ConversationModel } from './models/conversations'; import type { StorageInterface } from './types/Storage.d'; import * as Errors from './types/errors'; import { getProfile } from './util/getProfile'; import { drop } from './util/drop'; import { MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH } from './util/durations'; const STORAGE_KEY = 'lastAttemptedToRefreshProfilesAt'; const MAX_AGE_TO_BE_CONSIDERED_ACTIVE = MONTH; const MAX_AGE_TO_BE_CONSIDERED_RECENTLY_REFRESHED = DAY; const MAX_CONVERSATIONS_TO_REFRESH = 50; const MIN_ELAPSED_DURATION_TO_REFRESH_AGAIN = 12 * HOUR; const MIN_REFRESH_DELAY = MINUTE; let idCounter = 1; export class RoutineProfileRefresher { private started = false; private id: number; constructor( private readonly options: { getAllConversations: () => ReadonlyArray; getOurConversationId: () => string | undefined; storage: Pick; } ) { // We keep track of how many of these classes we create, because we suspect that // there might be too many... idCounter += 1; this.id = idCounter; log.info( `Creating new RoutineProfileRefresher instance with id ${this.id}` ); } public async start(): Promise { const logId = `RoutineProfileRefresher.start/${this.id}`; if (this.started) { log.warn(`${logId}: already started!`); return; } this.started = true; const { storage, getAllConversations, getOurConversationId } = this.options; // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition while (true) { const refreshInMs = timeUntilNextRefresh(storage); log.info(`${logId}: waiting for ${refreshInMs}ms`); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await sleep(refreshInMs); const ourConversationId = getOurConversationId(); if (!ourConversationId) { log.warn(`${logId}: missing our conversation id`); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await sleep(MIN_REFRESH_DELAY); continue; } try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await routineProfileRefresh({ allConversations: getAllConversations(), ourConversationId, storage, id: this.id, }); } catch (error) { log.error(`${logId}: failure`, Errors.toLogFormat(error)); } finally { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await sleep(MIN_REFRESH_DELAY); } } } } export async function routineProfileRefresh({ allConversations, ourConversationId, storage, id, // Only for tests getProfileFn = getProfile, }: { allConversations: ReadonlyArray; ourConversationId: string; storage: Pick; id: number; getProfileFn?: typeof getProfile; }): Promise { const logId = `routineProfileRefresh/${id}`; log.info(`${logId}: starting`); const refreshInMs = timeUntilNextRefresh(storage); if (refreshInMs > 0) { log.info(`${logId}: too soon to refresh. Doing nothing`); return; } log.info(`${logId}: updating last refresh time`); await storage.put(STORAGE_KEY, Date.now()); const conversationsToRefresh = getConversationsToRefresh( allConversations, ourConversationId ); log.info(`${logId}: starting to refresh conversations`); let totalCount = 0; let successCount = 0; async function refreshConversation( conversation: ConversationModel ): Promise { log.info(`${logId}: refreshing profile for ${conversation.idForLogging()}`); totalCount += 1; try { await getProfileFn(conversation.get('uuid'), conversation.get('e164')); log.info( `${logId}: refreshed profile for ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); successCount += 1; } catch (err) { log.error( `${logId}: refreshed profile for ${conversation.idForLogging()}`, Errors.toLogFormat(err) ); } } const refreshQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 5, timeout: MINUTE * 30, throwOnTimeout: true, }); for (const conversation of conversationsToRefresh) { drop(refreshQueue.add(() => refreshConversation(conversation))); } await refreshQueue.onIdle(); log.info( `${logId}: successfully refreshed ${successCount} out of ${totalCount} conversation(s)` ); } function timeUntilNextRefresh(storage: Pick): number { const storedValue = storage.get(STORAGE_KEY); if (isNil(storedValue)) { return 0; } if (isNormalNumber(storedValue)) { const planned = storedValue + MIN_ELAPSED_DURATION_TO_REFRESH_AGAIN; const now = Date.now(); return Math.min(Math.max(0, planned - now), WEEK); } assertDev( false, `An invalid value was stored in ${STORAGE_KEY}; treating it as nil` ); return 0; } function getConversationsToRefresh( conversations: ReadonlyArray, ourConversationId: string ): Iterable { const filteredConversations = getFilteredConversations( conversations, ourConversationId ); return take(filteredConversations, MAX_CONVERSATIONS_TO_REFRESH); } function* getFilteredConversations( conversations: ReadonlyArray, ourConversationId: string ): Iterable { const sorted = sortBy(conversations, c => c.get('active_at')); const conversationIdsSeen = new Set([ourConversationId]); for (const conversation of sorted) { const type = conversation.get('type'); switch (type) { case 'private': if ( conversation.hasProfileKeyCredentialExpired() && (conversation.id === ourConversationId || !conversationIdsSeen.has(conversation.id)) ) { conversationIdsSeen.add(conversation.id); yield conversation; break; } if ( !conversationIdsSeen.has(conversation.id) && isConversationActive(conversation) && !hasRefreshedProfileRecently(conversation) ) { conversationIdsSeen.add(conversation.id); yield conversation; } break; case 'group': for (const member of conversation.getMembers()) { if ( !conversationIdsSeen.has(member.id) && !hasRefreshedProfileRecently(member) ) { conversationIdsSeen.add(member.id); yield member; } } break; default: throw missingCaseError(type); } } } function isConversationActive( conversation: Readonly ): boolean { const activeAt = conversation.get('active_at'); return ( isNormalNumber(activeAt) && activeAt + MAX_AGE_TO_BE_CONSIDERED_ACTIVE > Date.now() ); } function hasRefreshedProfileRecently( conversation: Readonly ): boolean { const profileLastFetchedAt = conversation.get('profileLastFetchedAt'); return ( isNormalNumber(profileLastFetchedAt) && profileLastFetchedAt + MAX_AGE_TO_BE_CONSIDERED_RECENTLY_REFRESHED > Date.now() ); }