// Copyright 2018-2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { LocaleMessagesType } from '../types/I18N'; import { LocalizerType } from '../types/Util'; export function setupI18n( locale: string, messages: LocaleMessagesType ): LocalizerType { if (!locale) { throw new Error('i18n: locale parameter is required'); } if (!messages) { throw new Error('i18n: messages parameter is required'); } const getMessage: LocalizerType = (key, substitutions) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console const log = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window.SignalWindow.log : console; const entry = messages[key]; if (!entry) { log.error( `i18n: Attempted to get translation for nonexistent key '${key}'` ); return ''; } if (Array.isArray(substitutions) && substitutions.length > 1) { throw new Error( 'Array syntax is not supported with more than one placeholder' ); } if ( typeof substitutions === 'string' || typeof substitutions === 'number' ) { throw new Error('You must provide either a map or an array'); } const { message } = entry; if (!substitutions) { return message; } if (Array.isArray(substitutions)) { return substitutions.reduce( (result, substitution) => result.replace(/\$.+?\$/, substitution), message ); } const FIND_REPLACEMENTS = /\$([^$]+)\$/g; let match = FIND_REPLACEMENTS.exec(message); let builder = ''; let lastTextIndex = 0; while (match) { if (lastTextIndex < match.index) { builder += message.slice(lastTextIndex, match.index); } const placeholderName = match[1]; const value = substitutions[placeholderName]; if (!value) { log.error( `i18n: Value not provided for placeholder ${placeholderName} in key '${key}'` ); } builder += value || ''; lastTextIndex = FIND_REPLACEMENTS.lastIndex; match = FIND_REPLACEMENTS.exec(message); } if (lastTextIndex < message.length) { builder += message.slice(lastTextIndex); } return builder; }; getMessage.getLocale = () => locale; return getMessage; }