// Copyright 2019 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import React, { useEffect, useCallback, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; import type { MeasuredComponentProps } from 'react-measure'; import Measure from 'react-measure'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { clamp, isNumber, noop } from 'lodash'; import type { LeftPaneHelper, ToFindType } from './leftPane/LeftPaneHelper'; import { FindDirection } from './leftPane/LeftPaneHelper'; import type { LeftPaneInboxPropsType } from './leftPane/LeftPaneInboxHelper'; import { LeftPaneInboxHelper } from './leftPane/LeftPaneInboxHelper'; import type { LeftPaneSearchPropsType } from './leftPane/LeftPaneSearchHelper'; import { LeftPaneSearchHelper } from './leftPane/LeftPaneSearchHelper'; import type { LeftPaneArchivePropsType } from './leftPane/LeftPaneArchiveHelper'; import { LeftPaneArchiveHelper } from './leftPane/LeftPaneArchiveHelper'; import type { LeftPaneComposePropsType } from './leftPane/LeftPaneComposeHelper'; import { LeftPaneComposeHelper } from './leftPane/LeftPaneComposeHelper'; import type { LeftPaneChooseGroupMembersPropsType } from './leftPane/LeftPaneChooseGroupMembersHelper'; import { LeftPaneChooseGroupMembersHelper } from './leftPane/LeftPaneChooseGroupMembersHelper'; import type { LeftPaneSetGroupMetadataPropsType } from './leftPane/LeftPaneSetGroupMetadataHelper'; import { LeftPaneSetGroupMetadataHelper } from './leftPane/LeftPaneSetGroupMetadataHelper'; import type { LocalizerType, ThemeType } from '../types/Util'; import { ScrollBehavior } from '../types/Util'; import type { PreferredBadgeSelectorType } from '../state/selectors/badges'; import { usePrevious } from '../hooks/usePrevious'; import { missingCaseError } from '../util/missingCaseError'; import type { DurationInSeconds } from '../util/durations'; import type { WidthBreakpoint } from './_util'; import { getConversationListWidthBreakpoint } from './_util'; import * as KeyboardLayout from '../services/keyboardLayout'; import { MIN_WIDTH, SNAP_WIDTH, MIN_FULL_WIDTH, MAX_WIDTH, getWidthFromPreferredWidth, } from '../util/leftPaneWidth'; import type { LookupConversationWithoutUuidActionsType } from '../util/lookupConversationWithoutUuid'; import type { ShowConversationType } from '../state/ducks/conversations'; import type { PropsType as UnsupportedOSDialogPropsType } from '../state/smart/UnsupportedOSDialog'; import { ConversationList } from './ConversationList'; import { ContactCheckboxDisabledReason } from './conversationList/ContactCheckbox'; import type { PropsType as DialogExpiredBuildPropsType } from './DialogExpiredBuild'; import type { DeleteAvatarFromDiskActionType, ReplaceAvatarActionType, SaveAvatarToDiskActionType, } from '../types/Avatar'; export enum LeftPaneMode { Inbox, Search, Archive, Compose, ChooseGroupMembers, SetGroupMetadata, } export type PropsType = { hasExpiredDialog: boolean; hasNetworkDialog: boolean; hasRelinkDialog: boolean; hasUpdateDialog: boolean; isUpdateDownloaded: boolean; isContactManagementEnabled: boolean; unsupportedOSDialogType: 'error' | 'warning' | undefined; // These help prevent invalid states. For example, we don't need the list of pinned // conversations if we're trying to start a new conversation. Ideally these would be // at the top level, but this is not supported by react-redux + TypeScript. modeSpecificProps: | ({ mode: LeftPaneMode.Inbox; } & LeftPaneInboxPropsType) | ({ mode: LeftPaneMode.Search; } & LeftPaneSearchPropsType) | ({ mode: LeftPaneMode.Archive; } & LeftPaneArchivePropsType) | ({ mode: LeftPaneMode.Compose; } & LeftPaneComposePropsType) | ({ mode: LeftPaneMode.ChooseGroupMembers; } & LeftPaneChooseGroupMembersPropsType) | ({ mode: LeftPaneMode.SetGroupMetadata; } & LeftPaneSetGroupMetadataPropsType); getPreferredBadge: PreferredBadgeSelectorType; i18n: LocalizerType; isMacOS: boolean; preferredWidthFromStorage: number; selectedConversationId: undefined | string; targetedMessageId: undefined | string; regionCode: string | undefined; challengeStatus: 'idle' | 'required' | 'pending'; setChallengeStatus: (status: 'idle') => void; crashReportCount: number; theme: ThemeType; // Action Creators blockConversation: (conversationId: string) => void; clearConversationSearch: () => void; clearGroupCreationError: () => void; clearSearch: () => void; closeMaximumGroupSizeModal: () => void; closeRecommendedGroupSizeModal: () => void; composeDeleteAvatarFromDisk: DeleteAvatarFromDiskActionType; composeReplaceAvatar: ReplaceAvatarActionType; composeSaveAvatarToDisk: SaveAvatarToDiskActionType; createGroup: () => void; onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation: (conversationId: string) => void; onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation: (conversationId: string) => void; removeConversation: (conversationId: string) => void; savePreferredLeftPaneWidth: (_: number) => void; searchInConversation: (conversationId: string) => unknown; setComposeGroupAvatar: (_: undefined | Uint8Array) => void; setComposeGroupExpireTimer: (_: DurationInSeconds) => void; setComposeGroupName: (_: string) => void; setComposeSearchTerm: (composeSearchTerm: string) => void; showArchivedConversations: () => void; showChooseGroupMembers: () => void; showConversation: ShowConversationType; showInbox: () => void; startComposing: () => void; startSearch: () => unknown; startSettingGroupMetadata: () => void; toggleComposeEditingAvatar: () => unknown; toggleConversationInChooseMembers: (conversationId: string) => void; updateSearchTerm: (_: string) => void; // Render Props renderMainHeader: () => JSX.Element; renderMessageSearchResult: (id: string) => JSX.Element; renderNetworkStatus: ( _: Readonly<{ containerWidthBreakpoint: WidthBreakpoint }> ) => JSX.Element; renderUnsupportedOSDialog: ( _: Readonly<UnsupportedOSDialogPropsType> ) => JSX.Element; renderRelinkDialog: ( _: Readonly<{ containerWidthBreakpoint: WidthBreakpoint }> ) => JSX.Element; renderUpdateDialog: ( _: Readonly<{ containerWidthBreakpoint: WidthBreakpoint }> ) => JSX.Element; renderCaptchaDialog: (props: { onSkip(): void }) => JSX.Element; renderCrashReportDialog: () => JSX.Element; renderExpiredBuildDialog: (_: DialogExpiredBuildPropsType) => JSX.Element; } & LookupConversationWithoutUuidActionsType; export function LeftPane({ blockConversation, challengeStatus, clearConversationSearch, clearGroupCreationError, clearSearch, closeMaximumGroupSizeModal, closeRecommendedGroupSizeModal, composeDeleteAvatarFromDisk, composeReplaceAvatar, composeSaveAvatarToDisk, crashReportCount, createGroup, getPreferredBadge, hasExpiredDialog, hasNetworkDialog, hasRelinkDialog, hasUpdateDialog, i18n, lookupConversationWithoutUuid, isMacOS, isUpdateDownloaded, isContactManagementEnabled, modeSpecificProps, onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation, onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation, preferredWidthFromStorage, removeConversation, renderCaptchaDialog, renderCrashReportDialog, renderExpiredBuildDialog, renderMainHeader, renderMessageSearchResult, renderNetworkStatus, renderUnsupportedOSDialog, renderRelinkDialog, renderUpdateDialog, savePreferredLeftPaneWidth, searchInConversation, selectedConversationId, targetedMessageId, setChallengeStatus, setComposeGroupAvatar, setComposeGroupExpireTimer, setComposeGroupName, setComposeSearchTerm, setIsFetchingUUID, showArchivedConversations, showChooseGroupMembers, showConversation, showInbox, showUserNotFoundModal, startComposing, startSearch, startSettingGroupMetadata, theme, toggleComposeEditingAvatar, toggleConversationInChooseMembers, unsupportedOSDialogType, updateSearchTerm, }: PropsType): JSX.Element { const [preferredWidth, setPreferredWidth] = useState( // This clamp is present just in case we get a bogus value from storage. clamp(preferredWidthFromStorage, MIN_WIDTH, MAX_WIDTH) ); const [isResizing, setIsResizing] = useState(false); const previousModeSpecificProps = usePrevious( modeSpecificProps, modeSpecificProps ); // The left pane can be in various modes: the inbox, the archive, the composer, etc. // Ideally, this would render subcomponents such as `<LeftPaneInbox>` or // `<LeftPaneArchive>` (and if there's a way to do that cleanly, we should refactor // this). // // But doing that presents two problems: // // 1. Different components render the same logical inputs (the main header's search), // but React doesn't know that they're the same, so you can lose focus as you change // modes. // 2. These components render virtualized lists, which are somewhat slow to initialize. // Switching between modes can cause noticeable hiccups. // // To get around those problems, we use "helpers" which all correspond to the same // interface. // // Unfortunately, there's a little bit of repetition here because TypeScript isn't quite // smart enough. let helper: LeftPaneHelper<unknown>; let shouldRecomputeRowHeights: boolean; switch (modeSpecificProps.mode) { case LeftPaneMode.Inbox: { const inboxHelper = new LeftPaneInboxHelper(modeSpecificProps); shouldRecomputeRowHeights = previousModeSpecificProps.mode === modeSpecificProps.mode ? inboxHelper.shouldRecomputeRowHeights(previousModeSpecificProps) : true; helper = inboxHelper; break; } case LeftPaneMode.Search: { const searchHelper = new LeftPaneSearchHelper(modeSpecificProps); shouldRecomputeRowHeights = previousModeSpecificProps.mode === modeSpecificProps.mode ? searchHelper.shouldRecomputeRowHeights(previousModeSpecificProps) : true; helper = searchHelper; break; } case LeftPaneMode.Archive: { const archiveHelper = new LeftPaneArchiveHelper(modeSpecificProps); shouldRecomputeRowHeights = previousModeSpecificProps.mode === modeSpecificProps.mode ? archiveHelper.shouldRecomputeRowHeights(previousModeSpecificProps) : true; helper = archiveHelper; break; } case LeftPaneMode.Compose: { const composeHelper = new LeftPaneComposeHelper(modeSpecificProps); shouldRecomputeRowHeights = previousModeSpecificProps.mode === modeSpecificProps.mode ? composeHelper.shouldRecomputeRowHeights(previousModeSpecificProps) : true; helper = composeHelper; break; } case LeftPaneMode.ChooseGroupMembers: { const chooseGroupMembersHelper = new LeftPaneChooseGroupMembersHelper( modeSpecificProps ); shouldRecomputeRowHeights = previousModeSpecificProps.mode === modeSpecificProps.mode ? chooseGroupMembersHelper.shouldRecomputeRowHeights( previousModeSpecificProps ) : true; helper = chooseGroupMembersHelper; break; } case LeftPaneMode.SetGroupMetadata: { const setGroupMetadataHelper = new LeftPaneSetGroupMetadataHelper( modeSpecificProps ); shouldRecomputeRowHeights = previousModeSpecificProps.mode === modeSpecificProps.mode ? setGroupMetadataHelper.shouldRecomputeRowHeights( previousModeSpecificProps ) : true; helper = setGroupMetadataHelper; break; } default: throw missingCaseError(modeSpecificProps); } useEffect(() => { const onKeyDown = (event: KeyboardEvent) => { const { ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey } = event; const commandOrCtrl = isMacOS ? metaKey : ctrlKey; const key = KeyboardLayout.lookup(event); if (key === 'Escape') { const backAction = helper.getBackAction({ showInbox, startComposing, showChooseGroupMembers, }); if (backAction) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); backAction(); return; } } if ( commandOrCtrl && !shiftKey && !altKey && (key === 'n' || key === 'N') ) { startComposing(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } let conversationToOpen: | undefined | { conversationId: string; messageId?: string; }; const numericIndex = keyboardKeyToNumericIndex(event.key); const openedByNumber = commandOrCtrl && isNumber(numericIndex); if (openedByNumber) { conversationToOpen = helper.getConversationAndMessageAtIndex(numericIndex); } else { let toFind: undefined | ToFindType; if ( (altKey && !shiftKey && key === 'ArrowUp') || (commandOrCtrl && shiftKey && key === '[') || (ctrlKey && shiftKey && key === 'Tab') ) { toFind = { direction: FindDirection.Up, unreadOnly: false }; } else if ( (altKey && !shiftKey && key === 'ArrowDown') || (commandOrCtrl && shiftKey && key === ']') || (ctrlKey && key === 'Tab') ) { toFind = { direction: FindDirection.Down, unreadOnly: false }; } else if (altKey && shiftKey && key === 'ArrowUp') { toFind = { direction: FindDirection.Up, unreadOnly: true }; } else if (altKey && shiftKey && key === 'ArrowDown') { toFind = { direction: FindDirection.Down, unreadOnly: true }; } if (toFind) { conversationToOpen = helper.getConversationAndMessageInDirection( toFind, selectedConversationId, targetedMessageId ); } } if (conversationToOpen) { const { conversationId, messageId } = conversationToOpen; showConversation({ conversationId, messageId }); if (openedByNumber) { clearSearch(); } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } helper.onKeyDown(event, { searchInConversation, selectedConversationId, startSearch, }); }; document.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown); return () => { document.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown); }; }, [ clearSearch, helper, isMacOS, searchInConversation, selectedConversationId, targetedMessageId, showChooseGroupMembers, showConversation, showInbox, startComposing, startSearch, ]); const requiresFullWidth = helper.requiresFullWidth(); useEffect(() => { if (!isResizing) { return noop; } const onMouseMove = (event: MouseEvent) => { let width: number; const isRTL = i18n.getLocaleDirection() === 'rtl'; const x = isRTL ? window.innerWidth - event.clientX : event.clientX; if (requiresFullWidth) { width = Math.max(x, MIN_FULL_WIDTH); } else if (x < SNAP_WIDTH) { width = MIN_WIDTH; } else { width = clamp(x, MIN_FULL_WIDTH, MAX_WIDTH); } setPreferredWidth(Math.min(width, MAX_WIDTH)); event.preventDefault(); }; const stopResizing = () => { setIsResizing(false); }; document.body.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove); document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', stopResizing); document.body.addEventListener('mouseleave', stopResizing); return () => { document.body.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove); document.body.removeEventListener('mouseup', stopResizing); document.body.removeEventListener('mouseleave', stopResizing); }; }, [i18n, isResizing, requiresFullWidth]); useEffect(() => { if (!isResizing) { return noop; } document.body.classList.add('is-resizing-left-pane'); return () => { document.body.classList.remove('is-resizing-left-pane'); }; }, [isResizing]); useEffect(() => { if (isResizing || preferredWidth === preferredWidthFromStorage) { return; } const timeout = setTimeout(() => { savePreferredLeftPaneWidth(preferredWidth); }, 1000); return () => { clearTimeout(timeout); }; }, [ isResizing, preferredWidth, preferredWidthFromStorage, savePreferredLeftPaneWidth, ]); const preRowsNode = helper.getPreRowsNode({ clearConversationSearch, clearGroupCreationError, clearSearch, closeMaximumGroupSizeModal, closeRecommendedGroupSizeModal, composeDeleteAvatarFromDisk, composeReplaceAvatar, composeSaveAvatarToDisk, createGroup, i18n, removeSelectedContact: toggleConversationInChooseMembers, setComposeGroupAvatar, setComposeGroupExpireTimer, setComposeGroupName, toggleComposeEditingAvatar, }); const footerContents = helper.getFooterContents({ createGroup, i18n, startSettingGroupMetadata, }); const getRow = useMemo(() => helper.getRow.bind(helper), [helper]); const onSelectConversation = useCallback( (conversationId: string, messageId?: string) => { showConversation({ conversationId, messageId, switchToAssociatedView: true, }); }, [showConversation] ); const previousSelectedConversationId = usePrevious( selectedConversationId, selectedConversationId ); const isScrollable = helper.isScrollable(); let rowIndexToScrollTo: undefined | number; let scrollBehavior: ScrollBehavior; if (isScrollable) { rowIndexToScrollTo = previousSelectedConversationId === selectedConversationId ? undefined : helper.getRowIndexToScrollTo(selectedConversationId); scrollBehavior = ScrollBehavior.Default; } else { rowIndexToScrollTo = 0; scrollBehavior = ScrollBehavior.Hard; } // We ensure that the listKey differs between some modes (e.g. inbox/archived), ensuring // that AutoSizer properly detects the new size of its slot in the flexbox. The // archive explainer text at the top of the archive view causes problems otherwise. // It also ensures that we scroll to the top when switching views. const listKey = preRowsNode ? 1 : 0; const width = getWidthFromPreferredWidth(preferredWidth, { requiresFullWidth, }); const widthBreakpoint = getConversationListWidthBreakpoint(width); const commonDialogProps = { i18n, containerWidthBreakpoint: widthBreakpoint, }; // Yellow dialogs let maybeYellowDialog: JSX.Element | undefined; if (unsupportedOSDialogType === 'warning') { maybeYellowDialog = renderUnsupportedOSDialog({ type: 'warning', ...commonDialogProps, }); } else if (hasNetworkDialog) { maybeYellowDialog = renderNetworkStatus(commonDialogProps); } else if (hasRelinkDialog) { maybeYellowDialog = renderRelinkDialog(commonDialogProps); } // Update dialog let maybeUpdateDialog: JSX.Element | undefined; if (hasUpdateDialog && (!hasNetworkDialog || isUpdateDownloaded)) { maybeUpdateDialog = renderUpdateDialog(commonDialogProps); } // Red dialogs let maybeRedDialog: JSX.Element | undefined; if (unsupportedOSDialogType === 'error') { maybeRedDialog = renderUnsupportedOSDialog({ type: 'error', ...commonDialogProps, }); } else if (hasExpiredDialog) { maybeRedDialog = renderExpiredBuildDialog(commonDialogProps); } const dialogs = new Array<{ key: string; dialog: JSX.Element }>(); if (maybeRedDialog) { dialogs.push({ key: 'red', dialog: maybeRedDialog }); if (maybeUpdateDialog) { dialogs.push({ key: 'update', dialog: maybeUpdateDialog }); } else if (maybeYellowDialog) { dialogs.push({ key: 'yellow', dialog: maybeYellowDialog }); } } else { if (maybeUpdateDialog) { dialogs.push({ key: 'update', dialog: maybeUpdateDialog }); } if (maybeYellowDialog) { dialogs.push({ key: 'yellow', dialog: maybeYellowDialog }); } } return ( <nav className={classNames( 'module-left-pane', isResizing && 'module-left-pane--is-resizing', `module-left-pane--width-${widthBreakpoint}`, modeSpecificProps.mode === LeftPaneMode.ChooseGroupMembers && 'module-left-pane--mode-choose-group-members', modeSpecificProps.mode === LeftPaneMode.Compose && 'module-left-pane--mode-compose' )} style={{ width }} > {/* eslint-enable jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */} <div className="module-left-pane__header"> {helper.getHeaderContents({ i18n, showInbox, startComposing, showChooseGroupMembers, }) || renderMainHeader()} </div> {helper.getSearchInput({ clearConversationSearch, clearSearch, i18n, onChangeComposeSearchTerm: event => { setComposeSearchTerm(event.target.value); }, updateSearchTerm, showConversation, })} <div className="module-left-pane__dialogs"> {dialogs.map(({ key, dialog }) => ( <React.Fragment key={key}>{dialog}</React.Fragment> ))} </div> {preRowsNode && <React.Fragment key={0}>{preRowsNode}</React.Fragment>} <Measure bounds> {({ contentRect, measureRef }: MeasuredComponentProps) => ( <div className="module-left-pane__list--measure" ref={measureRef}> <div className="module-left-pane__list--wrapper"> <div aria-live="polite" className="module-left-pane__list" data-supertab key={listKey} role="presentation" tabIndex={-1} > <ConversationList dimensions={{ width, height: contentRect.bounds?.height || 0, }} getPreferredBadge={getPreferredBadge} getRow={getRow} i18n={i18n} onClickArchiveButton={showArchivedConversations} onClickContactCheckbox={( conversationId: string, disabledReason: undefined | ContactCheckboxDisabledReason ) => { switch (disabledReason) { case undefined: toggleConversationInChooseMembers(conversationId); break; case ContactCheckboxDisabledReason.AlreadyAdded: case ContactCheckboxDisabledReason.MaximumContactsSelected: // These are no-ops. break; default: throw missingCaseError(disabledReason); } }} showUserNotFoundModal={showUserNotFoundModal} setIsFetchingUUID={setIsFetchingUUID} lookupConversationWithoutUuid={lookupConversationWithoutUuid} showConversation={showConversation} blockConversation={blockConversation} onSelectConversation={onSelectConversation} onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation={ onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation } onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation={ onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation } removeConversation={ isContactManagementEnabled ? removeConversation : undefined } renderMessageSearchResult={renderMessageSearchResult} rowCount={helper.getRowCount()} scrollBehavior={scrollBehavior} scrollToRowIndex={rowIndexToScrollTo} scrollable={isScrollable} shouldRecomputeRowHeights={shouldRecomputeRowHeights} showChooseGroupMembers={showChooseGroupMembers} theme={theme} /> </div> </div> </div> )} </Measure> {footerContents && ( <div className="module-left-pane__footer">{footerContents}</div> )} {/* eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */} <div className="module-left-pane__resize-grab-area" onMouseDown={() => { setIsResizing(true); }} /> {challengeStatus !== 'idle' && renderCaptchaDialog({ onSkip() { setChallengeStatus('idle'); }, })} {crashReportCount > 0 && renderCrashReportDialog()} </nav> ); } function keyboardKeyToNumericIndex(key: string): undefined | number { if (key.length !== 1) { return undefined; } const result = parseInt(key, 10) - 1; const isValidIndex = Number.isInteger(result) && result >= 0 && result <= 8; return isValidIndex ? result : undefined; }