import { dirname, join } from 'path'; import { spawn as spawnEmitter, SpawnOptions } from 'child_process'; import { readdir as readdirCallback, unlink as unlinkCallback } from 'fs'; import { app, BrowserWindow } from 'electron'; import { get as getFromConfig } from 'config'; import { gt } from 'semver'; import pify from 'pify'; import { checkForUpdates, deleteTempDir, downloadUpdate, getPrintableError, LocaleType, LoggerType, showCannotUpdateDialog, showUpdateDialog, } from './common'; import { hexToBinary, verifySignature } from './signature'; import { markShouldQuit } from '../../app/window_state'; const readdir = pify(readdirCallback); const unlink = pify(unlinkCallback); const SECOND = 1000; const MINUTE = SECOND * 60; const INTERVAL = MINUTE * 30; export async function start( getMainWindow: () => BrowserWindow, locale: LocaleType, logger: LoggerType ) {'windows/start: starting checks...'); loggerForQuitHandler = logger; app.once('quit', quitHandler); setInterval(async () => { try { await checkDownloadAndInstall(getMainWindow, locale, logger); } catch (error) { logger.error('windows/start: error:', getPrintableError(error)); } }, INTERVAL); await deletePreviousInstallers(logger); await checkDownloadAndInstall(getMainWindow, locale, logger); } let fileName: string; let version: string; let updateFilePath: string; let installing: boolean; let loggerForQuitHandler: LoggerType; async function checkDownloadAndInstall( getMainWindow: () => BrowserWindow, locale: LocaleType, logger: LoggerType ) { try {'checkDownloadAndInstall: checking for update...'); const result = await checkForUpdates(logger); if (!result) { return; } const { fileName: newFileName, version: newVersion } = result; if (fileName !== newFileName || !version || gt(newVersion, version)) { deleteCache(updateFilePath, logger); fileName = newFileName; version = newVersion; updateFilePath = await downloadUpdate(fileName, logger); } const publicKey = hexToBinary(getFromConfig('updatesPublicKey')); const verified = await verifySignature(updateFilePath, version, publicKey); if (!verified) { // Note: We don't delete the cache here, because we don't want to continually // re-download the broken release. We will download it only once per launch. throw new Error( `Downloaded update did not pass signature verification (version: '${version}'; fileName: '${fileName}')` ); }'checkDownloadAndInstall: showing dialog...'); showUpdateDialog(getMainWindow(), locale, async () => { try { await verifyAndInstall(updateFilePath, version, logger); installing = true; } catch (error) { 'checkDownloadAndInstall: showing general update failure dialog...' ); showCannotUpdateDialog(getMainWindow(), locale); throw error; } markShouldQuit(); app.quit(); }); } catch (error) { logger.error('checkDownloadAndInstall: error', getPrintableError(error)); } } function quitHandler() { if (updateFilePath && !installing) { verifyAndInstall(updateFilePath, version, loggerForQuitHandler).catch( error => { loggerForQuitHandler.error( 'quitHandler: error installing:', getPrintableError(error) ); } ); } } // Helpers // This is fixed by out new install mechanisms... // // ...but we should also clean up those old installers. const IS_EXE = /\.exe$/i; async function deletePreviousInstallers(logger: LoggerType) { const userDataPath = app.getPath('userData'); const files: Array<string> = await readdir(userDataPath); await Promise.all( file => { const isExe = IS_EXE.test(file); if (!isExe) { return; } const fullPath = join(userDataPath, file); try { await unlink(fullPath); } catch (error) { logger.error(`deletePreviousInstallers: couldn't delete file ${file}`); } }) ); } async function verifyAndInstall( filePath: string, newVersion: string, logger: LoggerType ) { const publicKey = hexToBinary(getFromConfig('updatesPublicKey')); const verified = await verifySignature(updateFilePath, newVersion, publicKey); if (!verified) { throw new Error( `Downloaded update did not pass signature verification (version: '${newVersion}'; fileName: '${fileName}')` ); } await install(filePath, logger); } async function install(filePath: string, logger: LoggerType): Promise<void> {'windows/install: installing package...'); const args = ['--updated']; const options = { detached: true, stdio: 'ignore' as 'ignore', // TypeScript considers this a plain string without help }; try { await spawn(filePath, args, options); } catch (error) { if (error.code === 'UNKNOWN' || error.code === 'EACCES') { logger.warn( 'windows/install: Error running installer; Trying again with elevate.exe' ); await spawn(getElevatePath(), [filePath, ...args], options); return; } throw error; } } function deleteCache(filePath: string | null, logger: LoggerType) { if (filePath) { const tempDir = dirname(filePath); deleteTempDir(tempDir).catch(error => { logger.error( 'deleteCache: error deleting temporary directory', getPrintableError(error) ); }); } } function getElevatePath() { const installPath = app.getAppPath(); return join(installPath, 'resources', 'elevate.exe'); } async function spawn( exe: string, args: Array<string>, options: SpawnOptions ): Promise<void> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const emitter = spawnEmitter(exe, args, options); emitter.on('error', reject); emitter.unref(); // tslint:disable-next-line no-string-based-set-timeout setTimeout(resolve, 200); }); }