/* * vim: ts=4:sw=4:expandtab */ ;(function () { 'use strict'; window.textsecure = window.textsecure || {}; var ARCHIVE_AGE = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; function AccountManager(url, username, password) { this.server = new TextSecureServer(url, username, password); this.pending = Promise.resolve(); } function getNumber(numberId) { if (!numberId || !numberId.length) { return numberId; } var parts = numberId.split('.'); if (!parts.length) { return numberId; } return parts[0]; } AccountManager.prototype = new textsecure.EventTarget(); AccountManager.prototype.extend({ constructor: AccountManager, requestVoiceVerification: function(number) { return this.server.requestVerificationVoice(number); }, requestSMSVerification: function(number) { return this.server.requestVerificationSMS(number); }, registerSingleDevice: function(number, verificationCode) { var registerKeys = this.server.registerKeys.bind(this.server); var createAccount = this.createAccount.bind(this); var clearSessionsAndPreKeys = this.clearSessionsAndPreKeys.bind(this); var generateKeys = this.generateKeys.bind(this, 100); var confirmKeys = this.confirmKeys.bind(this); var registrationDone = this.registrationDone.bind(this); return this.queueTask(function() { return libsignal.KeyHelper.generateIdentityKeyPair().then(function(identityKeyPair) { var profileKey = textsecure.crypto.getRandomBytes(32); return createAccount(number, verificationCode, identityKeyPair, profileKey) .then(clearSessionsAndPreKeys) .then(generateKeys) .then(function(keys) { return registerKeys(keys).then(function() { return confirmKeys(keys); }); }) .then(registrationDone); }); }); }, registerSecondDevice: function(setProvisioningUrl, confirmNumber, progressCallback) { var createAccount = this.createAccount.bind(this); var clearSessionsAndPreKeys = this.clearSessionsAndPreKeys.bind(this); var generateKeys = this.generateKeys.bind(this, 100, progressCallback); var confirmKeys = this.confirmKeys.bind(this); var registrationDone = this.registrationDone.bind(this); var registerKeys = this.server.registerKeys.bind(this.server); var getSocket = this.server.getProvisioningSocket.bind(this.server); var queueTask = this.queueTask.bind(this); var provisioningCipher = new libsignal.ProvisioningCipher(); var gotProvisionEnvelope = false; return provisioningCipher.getPublicKey().then(function(pubKey) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var socket = getSocket(); socket.onclose = function(e) { console.log('provisioning socket closed', e.code); if (!gotProvisionEnvelope) { reject(new Error('websocket closed')); } }; socket.onopen = function(e) { console.log('provisioning socket open'); }; var wsr = new WebSocketResource(socket, { keepalive: { path: '/v1/keepalive/provisioning' }, handleRequest: function(request) { if (request.path === "/v1/address" && request.verb === "PUT") { var proto = textsecure.protobuf.ProvisioningUuid.decode(request.body); setProvisioningUrl([ 'tsdevice:/?uuid=', proto.uuid, '&pub_key=', encodeURIComponent(btoa(getString(pubKey))) ].join('')); request.respond(200, 'OK'); } else if (request.path === "/v1/message" && request.verb === "PUT") { var envelope = textsecure.protobuf.ProvisionEnvelope.decode(request.body, 'binary'); request.respond(200, 'OK'); gotProvisionEnvelope = true; wsr.close(); resolve(provisioningCipher.decrypt(envelope).then(function(provisionMessage) { return queueTask(function() { return confirmNumber(provisionMessage.number).then(function(deviceName) { if (typeof deviceName !== 'string' || deviceName.length === 0) { throw new Error('Invalid device name'); } return createAccount( provisionMessage.number, provisionMessage.provisioningCode, provisionMessage.identityKeyPair, provisionMessage.profileKey, deviceName, provisionMessage.userAgent, provisionMessage.readReceipts ) .then(clearSessionsAndPreKeys) .then(generateKeys) .then(function(keys) { return registerKeys(keys).then(function() { return confirmKeys(keys); }); }) .then(registrationDone); }); }); })); } else { console.log('Unknown websocket message', request.path); } } }); }); }); }, refreshPreKeys: function() { var generateKeys = this.generateKeys.bind(this, 100); var registerKeys = this.server.registerKeys.bind(this.server); return this.queueTask(function() { return this.server.getMyKeys().then(function(preKeyCount) { console.log('prekey count ' + preKeyCount); if (preKeyCount < 10) { return generateKeys().then(registerKeys); } }); }.bind(this)); }, rotateSignedPreKey: function() { return this.queueTask(function() { var signedKeyId = textsecure.storage.get('signedKeyId', 1); if (typeof signedKeyId != 'number') { throw new Error('Invalid signedKeyId'); } var store = textsecure.storage.protocol; var server = this.server; var cleanSignedPreKeys = this.cleanSignedPreKeys; return store.getIdentityKeyPair().then(function(identityKey) { return libsignal.KeyHelper.generateSignedPreKey(identityKey, signedKeyId); }).then(function(res) { console.log('Saving new signed prekey', res.keyId); return Promise.all([ textsecure.storage.put('signedKeyId', signedKeyId + 1), store.storeSignedPreKey(res.keyId, res.keyPair), server.setSignedPreKey({ keyId : res.keyId, publicKey : res.keyPair.pubKey, signature : res.signature }), ]).then(function() { var confirmed = true; console.log('Confirming new signed prekey', res.keyId); return Promise.all([ textsecure.storage.remove('signedKeyRotationRejected'), store.storeSignedPreKey(res.keyId, res.keyPair, confirmed), ]); }).then(function() { return cleanSignedPreKeys(); }); }).catch(function(e) { console.log( 'rotateSignedPrekey error:', e && e.stack ? e.stack : e ); if (e instanceof Error && e.name == 'HTTPError' && e.code >= 400 && e.code <= 599) { var rejections = 1 + textsecure.storage.get('signedKeyRotationRejected', 0); textsecure.storage.put('signedKeyRotationRejected', rejections); console.log('Signed key rotation rejected count:', rejections); } else { throw e; } }); }.bind(this)); }, queueTask: function(task) { var taskWithTimeout = textsecure.createTaskWithTimeout(task); return this.pending = this.pending.then(taskWithTimeout, taskWithTimeout); }, cleanSignedPreKeys: function() { var MINIMUM_KEYS = 3; var store = textsecure.storage.protocol; return store.loadSignedPreKeys().then(function(allKeys) { allKeys.sort(function(a, b) { return (a.created_at || 0) - (b.created_at || 0); }); allKeys.reverse(); // we want the most recent first var confirmed = allKeys.filter(function(key) { return key.confirmed; }); var unconfirmed = allKeys.filter(function(key) { return !key.confirmed; }); var recent = allKeys[0] ? allKeys[0].keyId : 'none'; var recentConfirmed = confirmed[0] ? confirmed[0].keyId : 'none'; console.log('Most recent signed key: ' + recent); console.log('Most recent confirmed signed key: ' + recentConfirmed); console.log( 'Total signed key count:', allKeys.length, '-', confirmed.length, 'confirmed' ); var confirmedCount = confirmed.length; // Keep MINIMUM_KEYS confirmed keys, then drop if older than a week confirmed = confirmed.forEach(function(key, index) { if (index < MINIMUM_KEYS) { return; } var created_at = key.created_at || 0; var age = Date.now() - created_at; if (age > ARCHIVE_AGE) { console.log( 'Removing confirmed signed prekey:', key.keyId, 'with timestamp:', created_at ); store.removeSignedPreKey(key.keyId); confirmedCount--; } }); var stillNeeded = MINIMUM_KEYS - confirmedCount; // If we still don't have enough total keys, we keep as many unconfirmed // keys as necessary. If not necessary, and over a week old, we drop. unconfirmed.forEach(function(key, index) { if (index < stillNeeded) { return; } var created_at = key.created_at || 0; var age = Date.now() - created_at; if (age > ARCHIVE_AGE) { console.log( 'Removing unconfirmed signed prekey:', key.keyId, 'with timestamp:', created_at ); store.removeSignedPreKey(key.keyId); } }); }); }, createAccount: function(number, verificationCode, identityKeyPair, profileKey, deviceName, userAgent, readReceipts) { var signalingKey = libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(32 + 20); var password = btoa(getString(libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(16))); password = password.substring(0, password.length - 2); var registrationId = libsignal.KeyHelper.generateRegistrationId(); var previousNumber = getNumber(textsecure.storage.get('number_id')); return this.server.confirmCode( number, verificationCode, password, signalingKey, registrationId, deviceName ).then(function(response) { if (previousNumber && previousNumber !== number) { console.log('New number is different from old number; deleting all previous data'); return textsecure.storage.protocol.removeAllData().then(function() { console.log('Successfully deleted previous data'); return response; }, function(error) { console.log( 'Something went wrong deleting data from previous number', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); return response; }); } return response; }).then(function(response) { textsecure.storage.remove('identityKey'); textsecure.storage.remove('signaling_key'); textsecure.storage.remove('password'); textsecure.storage.remove('registrationId'); textsecure.storage.remove('number_id'); textsecure.storage.remove('device_name'); textsecure.storage.remove('regionCode'); textsecure.storage.remove('userAgent'); textsecure.storage.remove('profileKey'); textsecure.storage.remove('read-receipts-setting'); // update our own identity key, which may have changed // if we're relinking after a reinstall on the master device textsecure.storage.protocol.saveIdentityWithAttributes(number, { id : number, publicKey : identityKeyPair.pubKey, firstUse : true, timestamp : Date.now(), verified : textsecure.storage.protocol.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED, nonblockingApproval : true }); textsecure.storage.put('identityKey', identityKeyPair); textsecure.storage.put('signaling_key', signalingKey); textsecure.storage.put('password', password); textsecure.storage.put('registrationId', registrationId); if (profileKey) { textsecure.storage.put('profileKey', profileKey); } if (userAgent) { textsecure.storage.put('userAgent', userAgent); } if (readReceipts) { textsecure.storage.put('read-receipt-setting', true); } else { textsecure.storage.put('read-receipt-setting', false); } textsecure.storage.user.setNumberAndDeviceId(number, response.deviceId || 1, deviceName); textsecure.storage.put('regionCode', libphonenumber.util.getRegionCodeForNumber(number)); this.server.username = textsecure.storage.get('number_id'); }.bind(this)); }, clearSessionsAndPreKeys: function() { var store = textsecure.storage.protocol; console.log('clearing all sessions, prekeys, and signed prekeys'); return Promise.all([ store.clearPreKeyStore(), store.clearSignedPreKeysStore(), store.clearSessionStore(), ]); }, // Takes the same object returned by generateKeys confirmKeys: function(keys) { var store = textsecure.storage.protocol; var key = keys.signedPreKey; var confirmed = true; console.log('confirmKeys: confirming key', key.keyId); return store.storeSignedPreKey(key.keyId, key.keyPair, confirmed); }, generateKeys: function (count, progressCallback) { if (typeof progressCallback !== 'function') { progressCallback = undefined; } var startId = textsecure.storage.get('maxPreKeyId', 1); var signedKeyId = textsecure.storage.get('signedKeyId', 1); if (typeof startId != 'number') { throw new Error('Invalid maxPreKeyId'); } if (typeof signedKeyId != 'number') { throw new Error('Invalid signedKeyId'); } var store = textsecure.storage.protocol; return store.getIdentityKeyPair().then(function(identityKey) { var result = { preKeys: [], identityKey: identityKey.pubKey }; var promises = []; for (var keyId = startId; keyId < startId+count; ++keyId) { promises.push( libsignal.KeyHelper.generatePreKey(keyId).then(function(res) { store.storePreKey(res.keyId, res.keyPair); result.preKeys.push({ keyId : res.keyId, publicKey : res.keyPair.pubKey }); if (progressCallback) { progressCallback(); } }) ); } promises.push( libsignal.KeyHelper.generateSignedPreKey(identityKey, signedKeyId).then(function(res) { store.storeSignedPreKey(res.keyId, res.keyPair); result.signedPreKey = { keyId : res.keyId, publicKey : res.keyPair.pubKey, signature : res.signature, // server.registerKeys doesn't use keyPair, confirmKeys does keyPair : res.keyPair, }; }) ); textsecure.storage.put('maxPreKeyId', startId + count); textsecure.storage.put('signedKeyId', signedKeyId + 1); return Promise.all(promises).then(function() { // This is primarily for the signed prekey summary it logs out return this.cleanSignedPreKeys().then(function() { return result; }); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }, registrationDone: function() { console.log('registration done'); this.dispatchEvent(new Event('registration')); } }); textsecure.AccountManager = AccountManager; }());