// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import React, { useState, useRef, useMemo, useCallback, useEffect, CSSProperties, } from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { noop } from 'lodash'; import { GroupCallRemoteParticipantType, VideoFrameSource, } from '../types/Calling'; import { LocalizerType } from '../types/Util'; import { CallBackgroundBlur } from './CallBackgroundBlur'; import { Avatar, AvatarSize } from './Avatar'; import { ConfirmationDialog } from './ConfirmationDialog'; import { Intl } from './Intl'; import { ContactName } from './conversation/ContactName'; import { useIntersectionObserver } from '../util/hooks'; import { MAX_FRAME_SIZE } from '../calling/constants'; type BasePropsType = { getFrameBuffer: () => ArrayBuffer; getGroupCallVideoFrameSource: (demuxId: number) => VideoFrameSource; i18n: LocalizerType; remoteParticipant: GroupCallRemoteParticipantType; }; type InPipPropsType = { isInPip: true; }; type InOverflowAreaPropsType = { height: number; isInPip?: false; width: number; }; type InGridPropsType = InOverflowAreaPropsType & { left: number; top: number; }; export type PropsType = BasePropsType & (InPipPropsType | InOverflowAreaPropsType | InGridPropsType); export const GroupCallRemoteParticipant: React.FC = React.memo( props => { const { getFrameBuffer, getGroupCallVideoFrameSource, i18n } = props; const { acceptedMessageRequest, avatarPath, color, demuxId, hasRemoteAudio, hasRemoteVideo, isBlocked, isMe, profileName, sharedGroupNames, title, videoAspectRatio, } = props.remoteParticipant; const [isWide, setIsWide] = useState( videoAspectRatio ? videoAspectRatio >= 1 : true ); const [hasHover, setHover] = useState(false); const [showBlockInfo, setShowBlockInfo] = useState(false); const remoteVideoRef = useRef(null); const canvasContextRef = useRef(null); const [ intersectionRef, intersectionObserverEntry, ] = useIntersectionObserver(); const isVisible = intersectionObserverEntry ? intersectionObserverEntry.isIntersecting : true; const videoFrameSource = useMemo( () => getGroupCallVideoFrameSource(demuxId), [getGroupCallVideoFrameSource, demuxId] ); const renderVideoFrame = useCallback(() => { const canvasEl = remoteVideoRef.current; if (!canvasEl) { return; } const canvasContext = canvasContextRef.current; if (!canvasContext) { return; } // This frame buffer is shared by all participants, so it may contain pixel data // for other participants, or pixel data from a previous frame. That's why we // return early and use the `frameWidth` and `frameHeight`. const frameBuffer = getFrameBuffer(); const frameDimensions = videoFrameSource.receiveVideoFrame(frameBuffer); if (!frameDimensions) { return; } const [frameWidth, frameHeight] = frameDimensions; if ( frameWidth < 2 || frameHeight < 2 || frameWidth * frameHeight > MAX_FRAME_SIZE ) { return; } canvasEl.width = frameWidth; canvasEl.height = frameHeight; canvasContext.putImageData( new ImageData( new Uint8ClampedArray(frameBuffer, 0, frameWidth * frameHeight * 4), frameWidth, frameHeight ), 0, 0 ); setIsWide(frameWidth > frameHeight); }, [getFrameBuffer, videoFrameSource]); useEffect(() => { if (!hasRemoteVideo || !isVisible) { return noop; } let rafId = requestAnimationFrame(tick); function tick() { renderVideoFrame(); rafId = requestAnimationFrame(tick); } return () => { cancelAnimationFrame(rafId); }; }, [hasRemoteVideo, isVisible, renderVideoFrame, videoFrameSource]); let canvasStyles: CSSProperties; let containerStyles: CSSProperties; // If our `width` and `height` props don't match the canvas's aspect ratio, we want to // fill the container. This can happen when RingRTC gives us an inaccurate // `videoAspectRatio`, or if the container is an unexpected size. if (isWide) { canvasStyles = { width: '100%' }; } else { canvasStyles = { height: '100%' }; } let avatarSize: number; // TypeScript isn't smart enough to know that `isInPip` by itself disambiguates the // types, so we have to use `props.isInPip` instead. // eslint-disable-next-line react/destructuring-assignment if (props.isInPip) { containerStyles = canvasStyles; avatarSize = AvatarSize.FIFTY_TWO; } else { const { width, height } = props; const shorterDimension = Math.min(width, height); if (shorterDimension >= 240) { avatarSize = AvatarSize.ONE_HUNDRED_TWELVE; } else if (shorterDimension >= 180) { avatarSize = AvatarSize.EIGHTY; } else { avatarSize = AvatarSize.FIFTY_TWO; } containerStyles = { height, width, }; if ('top' in props) { containerStyles.position = 'absolute'; containerStyles.top = props.top; containerStyles.left = props.left; } } const showHover = hasHover && !props.isInPip; const canShowVideo = hasRemoteVideo && !isBlocked && isVisible; return ( <> {showBlockInfo && ( { setShowBlockInfo(false); }} title={
, ]} />
} > {i18n('calling__block-info')}
setHover(true)} onMouseLeave={() => setHover(false)} style={containerStyles} > {showHover && (
)} {canShowVideo ? ( { remoteVideoRef.current = canvasEl; if (canvasEl) { canvasContextRef.current = canvasEl.getContext('2d', { alpha: false, desynchronized: true, storage: 'discardable', } as CanvasRenderingContext2DSettings); } else { canvasContextRef.current = null; } }} /> ) : ( {isBlocked ? ( <> ) : ( )} )}
); } );