// Copyright 2019 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import '../ts/window.d.ts'; import React from 'react'; import 'sanitize.css'; import '../stylesheets/manifest.scss'; import '../node_modules/@indutny/frameless-titlebar/dist/styles.css'; import * as styles from './styles.scss'; import messages from '../_locales/en/messages.json'; import { StorybookThemeContext } from './StorybookThemeContext'; import { ThemeType } from '../ts/types/Util'; import { setupI18n } from '../ts/util/setupI18n'; import { HourCyclePreference } from '../ts/types/I18N'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { Store, combineReducers, createStore } from 'redux'; import { StateType } from '../ts/state/reducer'; import { ScrollerLockContext, createScrollerLock, } from '../ts/hooks/useScrollLock'; const i18n = setupI18n('en', messages); export const globalTypes = { mode: { name: 'Mode', description: 'Application mode', defaultValue: 'mouse', toolbar: { dynamicTitle: true, icon: 'circlehollow', items: ['mouse', 'keyboard'], showName: true, }, }, theme: { name: 'Theme', description: 'Global theme for components', defaultValue: 'light', toolbar: { dynamicTitle: true, icon: 'circlehollow', items: ['light', 'dark'], showName: true, }, }, }; const mockStore: Store = createStore( combineReducers({ calling: (state = {}) => state, conversations: ( state = { conversationLookup: {}, targetedConversationPanels: {}, } ) => state, globalModals: (state = {}) => state, user: (state = {}) => state, }) ); // eslint-disable-next-line const noop = () => {}; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; window.Whisper.events = { on: noop, }; window.SignalContext = { i18n, activeWindowService: { isActive: () => true, registerForActive: noop, unregisterForActive: noop, registerForChange: noop, unregisterForChange: noop, }, nativeThemeListener: { getSystemTheme: () => 'light', subscribe: noop, unsubscribe: noop, update: () => 'light', }, Settings: { themeSetting: { getValue: async () => 'light', setValue: async () => 'light', }, waitForChange: () => new Promise(noop), }, OS: { hasCustomTitleBar: () => false, getClassName: () => '', platform: '', release: '', }, usernames: { hash: input => Buffer.from(input), } as any, config: {} as any, getHourCyclePreference: () => HourCyclePreference.UnknownPreference, getPreferredSystemLocales: () => ['en'], getResolvedMessagesLocaleDirection: () => 'ltr', getLocaleOverride: () => null, getLocaleDisplayNames: () => ({ en: { en: 'English' } }), }; window.i18n = i18n; window.ConversationController = window.ConversationController || {}; window.ConversationController.isSignalConversationId = () => false; window.ConversationController.onConvoMessageMount = noop; window.reduxStore = mockStore; const withModeAndThemeProvider = (Story, context) => { const theme = context.globals.theme === 'light' ? ThemeType.light : ThemeType.dark; const mode = context.globals.mode; // Adding it to the body as well so that we can cover modals and other // components that are rendered outside of this decorator container if (theme === 'light') { document.body.classList.add('light-theme'); document.body.classList.remove('dark-theme'); } else { document.body.classList.remove('light-theme'); document.body.classList.add('dark-theme'); } if (mode === 'mouse') { document.body.classList.remove('keyboard-mode'); document.body.classList.add('mouse-mode'); } else { document.body.classList.remove('mouse-mode'); document.body.classList.add('keyboard-mode'); } document.body.classList.add('page-is-visible'); return (
); }; function withMockStoreProvider(Story, context) { return ( ); } function withScrollLockProvider(Story, context) { return ( {})} > ); } export const decorators = [ withModeAndThemeProvider, withMockStoreProvider, withScrollLockProvider, ]; export const parameters = { axe: { disabledRules: ['html-has-lang'], }, };