/* vim: ts=4:sw=4:expandtab * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ (function () { 'use strict'; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; extension.windows.getBackground(function(bg) { var SocketView = Whisper.View.extend({ className: 'status', initialize: function() { setInterval(this.updateStatus.bind(this), 1000); }, updateStatus: function() { extension.windows.getBackground(function(bg) { var className, message = ''; switch(bg.getSocketStatus && bg.getSocketStatus()) { case WebSocket.CONNECTING: className = 'connecting'; break; case WebSocket.OPEN: className = 'open'; break; case WebSocket.CLOSING: className = 'closing'; break; case WebSocket.CLOSED: className = 'closed'; message = 'Disconnected'; break; } if (!this.$el.hasClass(className)) { this.$el.attr('class', className); this.$el.text(message); } }.bind(this)); }, events: { 'click': 'reloadBackgroundPage' }, reloadBackgroundPage: function() { chrome.runtime.reload(); } }); Whisper.ConversationStack = Whisper.View.extend({ className: 'conversation-stack', open: function(conversation) { var $el = this.$('#conversation-' + conversation.cid); if ($el === null || $el.length === 0) { var view = new Whisper.ConversationView({ model: conversation, appWindow: this.model.appWindow }); $el = view.$el; if (conversation.messageCollection.length === 0) { $el.find('.message-list').addClass('loading'); } } $el.prependTo(this.el); $el.find('.message-list').trigger('reset-scroll'); $el.trigger('force-resize'); conversation.markRead(); } }); Whisper.InboxView = Whisper.View.extend({ template: $('#two-column').html(), className: 'inbox', initialize: function (options) { this.render(); this.conversation_stack = new Whisper.ConversationStack({ el: this.$('.conversation-stack'), model: { appWindow: options.appWindow } }); this.newConversationView = new Whisper.NewConversationView({ appWindow: options.appWindow }); this.listenTo(this.newConversationView, 'open', this.openConversation.bind(this, null)); this.inbox = new Whisper.ConversationListView({ el : this.$('.conversations'), collection : bg.inbox }).render(); this.inbox.listenTo(bg.inbox, 'sort', this.inbox.render); new SocketView().render().$el.appendTo(this.$('.socket-status')); extension.windows.beforeUnload(function() { this.inbox.stopListening(); }.bind(this)); new Whisper.WindowControlsView({ appWindow: options.appWindow }).$el.appendTo(this.$('#header')); }, events: { 'click .fab': 'showCompose', 'select .gutter .contact': 'openConversation' }, openConversation: function(e, data) { var conversation = data.conversation; conversation.reload(); this.conversation_stack.open(conversation); this.hideCompose(); }, showCompose: function() { this.newConversationView.reset(); this.newConversationView.$el.prependTo(this.conversation_stack.el); this.newConversationView.$input.focus(); this.listenToOnce(this.newConversationView, 'back', this.hideCompose); }, hideCompose: function() { this.newConversationView.$el.remove(); } }); }); })();