// Copyright 2019 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import React, { useContext, useEffect } from 'react'; import { createPortal } from 'react-dom'; import FocusTrap from 'focus-trap-react'; import type { SpringValues } from '@react-spring/web'; import { animated } from '@react-spring/web'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { noop } from 'lodash'; import type { ModalConfigType } from '../hooks/useAnimated'; import type { Theme } from '../util/theme'; import { assertDev } from '../util/assert'; import { getClassNamesFor } from '../util/getClassNamesFor'; import { themeClassName } from '../util/theme'; import { useEscapeHandling } from '../hooks/useEscapeHandling'; import { usePrevious } from '../hooks/usePrevious'; import { handleOutsideClick } from '../util/handleOutsideClick'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; export const ModalContainerContext = React.createContext<HTMLElement | null>( null ); export type PropsType = Readonly<{ children: React.ReactElement; modalName: string; moduleClassName?: string; noMouseClose?: boolean; onClose: () => unknown; onEscape?: () => unknown; onTopOfEverything?: boolean; overlayStyles?: SpringValues<ModalConfigType>; theme?: Theme; useFocusTrap?: boolean; }>; export const ModalHost = React.memo(function ModalHostInner({ children, modalName, moduleClassName, noMouseClose, onClose, onEscape, onTopOfEverything, overlayStyles, theme, useFocusTrap = true, }: PropsType) { const [root, setRoot] = React.useState<HTMLElement | null>(null); const containerRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const previousModalName = usePrevious(modalName, modalName); const modalContainer = useContext(ModalContainerContext) ?? document.body; if (previousModalName !== modalName) { log.error( `ModalHost detected conflict between ${previousModalName} ` + `and ${modalName}. Consider using "key" attributes on both modals.` ); assertDev(false, 'Modal conflict'); } useEffect(() => { const div = document.createElement('div'); modalContainer.appendChild(div); setRoot(div); return () => { modalContainer.removeChild(div); setRoot(null); }; }, [modalContainer]); useEscapeHandling(onEscape || onClose); useEffect(() => { if (noMouseClose) { return noop; } return handleOutsideClick( node => { // ignore clicks that originate in the calling/pip // when we're not handling a component in the calling/pip if ( modalContainer === document.body && node instanceof Element && node.closest('.module-calling__modal-container') ) { return false; } onClose(); return true; }, { containerElements: [containerRef], name: modalName } ); }, [noMouseClose, onClose, containerRef, modalName, modalContainer]); const className = classNames([ theme ? themeClassName(theme) : undefined, onTopOfEverything ? 'module-modal-host--on-top-of-everything' : undefined, ]); const getClassName = getClassNamesFor('module-modal-host', moduleClassName); const modalContent = ( <div className={className}> <animated.div role="presentation" className={getClassName('__overlay')} style={overlayStyles} /> <div className={getClassName('__overlay-container')}> <div ref={containerRef} className={getClassName('__width-container')}> {children} </div> </div> </div> ); return root ? createPortal( useFocusTrap ? ( <FocusTrap focusTrapOptions={{ allowOutsideClick: ({ target }) => { if (!target || !(target instanceof HTMLElement)) { return false; } // Exemptions: // - TitleBar should always receive clicks. // - Quill suggestions since they are placed in the document.body // - Calling module (and pip) are always above everything else const exemptParent = target.closest( '.TitleBarContainer__title, ' + '.module-composition-input__suggestions, ' + '.module-composition-input__format-menu, ' + '.module-calling__modal-container' ); if (exemptParent) { return true; } return false; }, }} > {modalContent} </FocusTrap> ) : ( modalContent ), root ) : null; });