// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import PQueue from 'p-queue'; import { isNumber, omit, orderBy } from 'lodash'; import EventTarget from './EventTarget'; import type { UploadKeysType, UploadKyberPreKeyType, UploadPreKeyType, UploadSignedPreKeyType, WebAPIType, } from './WebAPI'; import type { CompatPreKeyType, KeyPairType, KyberPreKeyType, PniKeyMaterialType, } from './Types.d'; import ProvisioningCipher from './ProvisioningCipher'; import type { IncomingWebSocketRequest } from './WebsocketResources'; import createTaskWithTimeout from './TaskWithTimeout'; import * as Bytes from '../Bytes'; import { RemoveAllConfiguration } from '../types/RemoveAllConfiguration'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import { senderCertificateService } from '../services/senderCertificate'; import { deriveAccessKey, generateRegistrationId, getRandomBytes, decryptDeviceName, encryptDeviceName, } from '../Crypto'; import { generateKeyPair, generateSignedPreKey, generatePreKey, generateKyberPreKey, } from '../Curve'; import type { ServiceIdString, PniString } from '../types/ServiceId'; import { ServiceIdKind, normalizeAci, toTaggedPni, isUntaggedPniString, } from '../types/ServiceId'; import { isMoreRecentThan, isOlderThan } from '../util/timestamp'; import { ourProfileKeyService } from '../services/ourProfileKey'; import { assertDev, strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { getRegionCodeForNumber } from '../util/libphonenumberUtil'; import { getProvisioningUrl } from '../util/getProvisioningUrl'; import { isNotNil } from '../util/isNotNil'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../protobuf'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import type { StorageAccessType } from '../types/Storage'; type StorageKeyByServiceIdKind = { [kind in ServiceIdKind]: keyof StorageAccessType; }; const DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; const STARTING_KEY_ID = 1; const PROFILE_KEY_LENGTH = 32; const KEY_TOO_OLD_THRESHOLD = 14 * DAY; export const KYBER_KEY_ID_KEY: StorageKeyByServiceIdKind = { [ServiceIdKind.ACI]: 'maxKyberPreKeyId', [ServiceIdKind.Unknown]: 'maxKyberPreKeyId', [ServiceIdKind.PNI]: 'maxKyberPreKeyIdPNI', }; const LAST_RESORT_KEY_ARCHIVE_AGE = 30 * DAY; const LAST_RESORT_KEY_ROTATION_AGE = DAY * 1.5; const LAST_RESORT_KEY_MINIMUM = 5; const LAST_RESORT_KEY_UPDATE_TIME_KEY: StorageKeyByServiceIdKind = { [ServiceIdKind.ACI]: 'lastResortKeyUpdateTime', [ServiceIdKind.Unknown]: 'lastResortKeyUpdateTime', [ServiceIdKind.PNI]: 'lastResortKeyUpdateTimePNI', }; const PRE_KEY_ARCHIVE_AGE = 90 * DAY; const PRE_KEY_GEN_BATCH_SIZE = 100; const PRE_KEY_MAX_COUNT = 200; const PRE_KEY_ID_KEY: StorageKeyByServiceIdKind = { [ServiceIdKind.ACI]: 'maxPreKeyId', [ServiceIdKind.Unknown]: 'maxPreKeyId', [ServiceIdKind.PNI]: 'maxPreKeyIdPNI', }; const PRE_KEY_MINIMUM = 10; const SIGNED_PRE_KEY_ARCHIVE_AGE = 30 * DAY; export const SIGNED_PRE_KEY_ID_KEY: StorageKeyByServiceIdKind = { [ServiceIdKind.ACI]: 'signedKeyId', [ServiceIdKind.Unknown]: 'signedKeyId', [ServiceIdKind.PNI]: 'signedKeyIdPNI', }; const SIGNED_PRE_KEY_ROTATION_AGE = DAY * 1.5; const SIGNED_PRE_KEY_MINIMUM = 5; const SIGNED_PRE_KEY_UPDATE_TIME_KEY: StorageKeyByServiceIdKind = { [ServiceIdKind.ACI]: 'signedKeyUpdateTime', [ServiceIdKind.Unknown]: 'signedKeyUpdateTime', [ServiceIdKind.PNI]: 'signedKeyUpdateTimePNI', }; type CreateAccountOptionsType = Readonly<{ number: string; verificationCode: string; aciKeyPair: KeyPairType; pniKeyPair?: KeyPairType; profileKey?: Uint8Array; deviceName?: string; userAgent?: string; readReceipts?: boolean; accessKey?: Uint8Array; }>; function getNextKeyId( kind: ServiceIdKind, keys: StorageKeyByServiceIdKind ): number { const id = window.storage.get(keys[kind]); if (isNumber(id)) { return id; } // For PNI ids, start with existing ACI id if (kind === ServiceIdKind.PNI) { return window.storage.get(keys[ServiceIdKind.ACI], STARTING_KEY_ID); } return STARTING_KEY_ID; } export default class AccountManager extends EventTarget { pending: Promise; pendingQueue?: PQueue; constructor(private readonly server: WebAPIType) { super(); this.pending = Promise.resolve(); } private async queueTask(task: () => Promise): Promise { this.pendingQueue = this.pendingQueue || new PQueue({ concurrency: 1 }); const taskWithTimeout = createTaskWithTimeout(task, 'AccountManager task'); return this.pendingQueue.add(taskWithTimeout); } async requestVoiceVerification(number: string, token: string): Promise { return this.server.requestVerificationVoice(number, token); } async requestSMSVerification(number: string, token: string): Promise { return this.server.requestVerificationSMS(number, token); } encryptDeviceName(name: string, identityKey: KeyPairType): string | null { if (!name) { return null; } const encrypted = encryptDeviceName(name, identityKey.pubKey); const proto = new Proto.DeviceName(); proto.ephemeralPublic = encrypted.ephemeralPublic; proto.syntheticIv = encrypted.syntheticIv; proto.ciphertext = encrypted.ciphertext; const bytes = Proto.DeviceName.encode(proto).finish(); return Bytes.toBase64(bytes); } async decryptDeviceName(base64: string): Promise { const ourAci = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const identityKey = window.textsecure.storage.protocol.getIdentityKeyPair(ourAci); if (!identityKey) { throw new Error('decryptDeviceName: No identity key pair!'); } const bytes = Bytes.fromBase64(base64); const proto = Proto.DeviceName.decode(bytes); assertDev( proto.ephemeralPublic && proto.syntheticIv && proto.ciphertext, 'Missing required fields in DeviceName' ); const name = decryptDeviceName(proto, identityKey.privKey); return name; } async maybeUpdateDeviceName(): Promise { const isNameEncrypted = window.textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceNameEncrypted(); if (isNameEncrypted) { return; } const { storage } = window.textsecure; const deviceName = storage.user.getDeviceName(); const identityKeyPair = storage.protocol.getIdentityKeyPair( storage.user.getCheckedAci() ); strictAssert( identityKeyPair !== undefined, "Can't encrypt device name without identity key pair" ); const base64 = this.encryptDeviceName(deviceName || '', identityKeyPair); if (base64) { await this.server.updateDeviceName(base64); } } async deviceNameIsEncrypted(): Promise { await window.textsecure.storage.user.setDeviceNameEncrypted(); } async registerSingleDevice( number: string, verificationCode: string ): Promise { await this.queueTask(async () => { const aciKeyPair = generateKeyPair(); const pniKeyPair = generateKeyPair(); const profileKey = getRandomBytes(PROFILE_KEY_LENGTH); const accessKey = deriveAccessKey(profileKey); const registrationBaton = this.server.startRegistration(); try { await this.createAccount({ number, verificationCode, aciKeyPair, pniKeyPair, profileKey, accessKey, }); const uploadKeys = async (kind: ServiceIdKind) => { const keys = await this._generateKeys(PRE_KEY_GEN_BATCH_SIZE, kind); await this.server.registerKeys(keys, kind); await this._confirmKeys(keys, kind); }; await uploadKeys(ServiceIdKind.ACI); await uploadKeys(ServiceIdKind.PNI); } finally { this.server.finishRegistration(registrationBaton); } await this.registrationDone(); }); } async registerSecondDevice( setProvisioningUrl: (url: string) => void, confirmNumber: (number?: string) => Promise ): Promise { const provisioningCipher = new ProvisioningCipher(); const pubKey = await provisioningCipher.getPublicKey(); let envelopeCallbacks: | { resolve(data: Proto.ProvisionEnvelope): void; reject(error: Error): void; } | undefined; const envelopePromise = new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { envelopeCallbacks = { resolve, reject }; } ); const wsr = await this.server.getProvisioningResource({ handleRequest(request: IncomingWebSocketRequest) { if ( request.path === '/v1/address' && request.verb === 'PUT' && request.body ) { const proto = Proto.ProvisioningUuid.decode(request.body); const { uuid } = proto; if (!uuid) { throw new Error('registerSecondDevice: expected a UUID'); } const url = getProvisioningUrl(uuid, pubKey); window.SignalCI?.setProvisioningURL(url); setProvisioningUrl(url); request.respond(200, 'OK'); } else if ( request.path === '/v1/message' && request.verb === 'PUT' && request.body ) { const envelope = Proto.ProvisionEnvelope.decode(request.body); request.respond(200, 'OK'); wsr.close(); envelopeCallbacks?.resolve(envelope); } else { log.error('Unknown websocket message', request.path); } }, }); log.info('provisioning socket open'); wsr.addEventListener('close', ({ code, reason }) => { log.info(`provisioning socket closed. Code: ${code} Reason: ${reason}`); // Note: if we have resolved the envelope already - this has no effect envelopeCallbacks?.reject(new Error('websocket closed')); }); const envelope = await envelopePromise; const provisionMessage = await provisioningCipher.decrypt(envelope); await this.queueTask(async () => { const deviceName = await confirmNumber(provisionMessage.number); if (typeof deviceName !== 'string' || deviceName.length === 0) { throw new Error( 'AccountManager.registerSecondDevice: Invalid device name' ); } if ( !provisionMessage.number || !provisionMessage.provisioningCode || !provisionMessage.aciKeyPair ) { throw new Error( 'AccountManager.registerSecondDevice: Provision message was missing key data' ); } const registrationBaton = this.server.startRegistration(); try { await this.createAccount({ number: provisionMessage.number, verificationCode: provisionMessage.provisioningCode, aciKeyPair: provisionMessage.aciKeyPair, pniKeyPair: provisionMessage.pniKeyPair, profileKey: provisionMessage.profileKey, deviceName, userAgent: provisionMessage.userAgent, readReceipts: provisionMessage.readReceipts, }); const uploadKeys = async (kind: ServiceIdKind) => { const keys = await this._generateKeys(PRE_KEY_GEN_BATCH_SIZE, kind); try { await this.server.registerKeys(keys, kind); await this._confirmKeys(keys, kind); } catch (error) { if (kind === ServiceIdKind.PNI) { log.error( 'Failed to upload PNI prekeys. Moving on', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); return; } throw error; } }; await uploadKeys(ServiceIdKind.ACI); if (provisionMessage.pniKeyPair) { await uploadKeys(ServiceIdKind.PNI); } } finally { this.server.finishRegistration(registrationBaton); } await this.registrationDone(); }); } private getIdentityKeyOrThrow(ourServiceId: ServiceIdString): KeyPairType { const { storage } = window.textsecure; const store = storage.protocol; let identityKey: KeyPairType | undefined; try { identityKey = store.getIdentityKeyPair(ourServiceId); } catch (error) { const errorText = Errors.toLogFormat(error); throw new Error( `getIdentityKeyOrThrow: Failed to fetch identity key - ${errorText}` ); } if (!identityKey) { throw new Error('getIdentityKeyOrThrow: Missing identity key'); } return identityKey; } private async generateNewPreKeys( serviceIdKind: ServiceIdKind, count: number ): Promise> { const logId = `AccountManager.generateNewPreKeys(${serviceIdKind})`; const { storage } = window.textsecure; const store = storage.protocol; const startId = getNextKeyId(serviceIdKind, PRE_KEY_ID_KEY); log.info(`${logId}: Generating ${count} new keys starting at ${startId}`); const ourServiceId = storage.user.getCheckedServiceId(serviceIdKind); if (typeof startId !== 'number') { throw new Error( `${logId}: Invalid ${PRE_KEY_ID_KEY[serviceIdKind]} in storage` ); } const toSave: Array = []; for (let keyId = startId; keyId < startId + count; keyId += 1) { toSave.push(generatePreKey(keyId)); } await Promise.all([ store.storePreKeys(ourServiceId, toSave), storage.put(PRE_KEY_ID_KEY[serviceIdKind], startId + count), ]); return toSave.map(key => ({ keyId: key.keyId, publicKey: key.keyPair.pubKey, })); } private async generateNewKyberPreKeys( serviceIdKind: ServiceIdKind, count: number ): Promise> { const logId = `AccountManager.generateNewKyberPreKeys(${serviceIdKind})`; const { storage } = window.textsecure; const store = storage.protocol; const startId = getNextKeyId(serviceIdKind, KYBER_KEY_ID_KEY); log.info(`${logId}: Generating ${count} new keys starting at ${startId}`); const ourServiceId = storage.user.getCheckedServiceId(serviceIdKind); if (typeof startId !== 'number') { throw new Error( `${logId}: Invalid ${KYBER_KEY_ID_KEY[serviceIdKind]} in storage` ); } const identityKey = this.getIdentityKeyOrThrow(ourServiceId); const toSave: Array> = []; const toUpload: Array = []; const now = Date.now(); for (let keyId = startId; keyId < startId + count; keyId += 1) { const record = generateKyberPreKey(identityKey, keyId); toSave.push({ createdAt: now, data: record.serialize(), isConfirmed: false, isLastResort: false, keyId, ourServiceId, }); toUpload.push({ keyId, publicKey: record.publicKey().serialize(), signature: record.signature(), }); } await Promise.all([ store.storeKyberPreKeys(ourServiceId, toSave), storage.put(KYBER_KEY_ID_KEY[serviceIdKind], startId + count), ]); return toUpload; } async maybeUpdateKeys(serviceIdKind: ServiceIdKind): Promise { const logId = `maybeUpdateKeys(${serviceIdKind})`; await this.queueTask(async () => { const { count: preKeyCount, pqCount: kyberPreKeyCount } = await this.server.getMyKeyCounts(serviceIdKind); let preKeys: Array | undefined; if (preKeyCount < PRE_KEY_MINIMUM) { log.info( `${logId}: Server prekey count is ${preKeyCount}, generating a new set` ); preKeys = await this.generateNewPreKeys( serviceIdKind, PRE_KEY_GEN_BATCH_SIZE ); } let pqPreKeys: Array | undefined; if (kyberPreKeyCount < PRE_KEY_MINIMUM) { log.info( `${logId}: Server kyber prekey count is ${kyberPreKeyCount}, generating a new set` ); pqPreKeys = await this.generateNewKyberPreKeys( serviceIdKind, PRE_KEY_GEN_BATCH_SIZE ); } const pqLastResortPreKey = await this.maybeUpdateLastResortKyberKey( serviceIdKind ); const signedPreKey = await this.maybeUpdateSignedPreKey(serviceIdKind); if ( !preKeys?.length && !signedPreKey && !pqLastResortPreKey && !pqPreKeys?.length ) { log.info(`${logId}: No new keys are needed; returning early`); return; } const keySummary: Array = []; if (preKeys?.length) { keySummary.push(`${!preKeys?.length || 0} prekeys`); } if (signedPreKey) { keySummary.push('a signed prekey'); } if (pqLastResortPreKey) { keySummary.push('a last-resort kyber prekey'); } if (pqPreKeys?.length) { keySummary.push(`${!pqPreKeys?.length || 0} kyber prekeys`); } log.info(`${logId}: Uploading with ${keySummary.join(', ')}`); const { storage } = window.textsecure; const ourServiceId = storage.user.getCheckedServiceId(serviceIdKind); const identityKey = this.getIdentityKeyOrThrow(ourServiceId); const toUpload = { identityKey: identityKey.pubKey, preKeys, pqPreKeys, pqLastResortPreKey, signedPreKey, }; try { await this.server.registerKeys(toUpload, serviceIdKind); } catch (error) { log.error(`${logId} upload error:`, Errors.toLogFormat(error)); throw error; } await this._confirmKeys(toUpload, serviceIdKind); const { count: updatedPreKeyCount, pqCount: updatedKyberPreKeyCount } = await this.server.getMyKeyCounts(serviceIdKind); log.info( `${logId}: Successfully updated; ` + `server prekey count: ${updatedPreKeyCount}, ` + `server kyber prekey count: ${updatedKyberPreKeyCount}` ); await this._cleanSignedPreKeys(serviceIdKind); await this._cleanLastResortKeys(serviceIdKind); await this._cleanPreKeys(serviceIdKind); await this._cleanKyberPreKeys(serviceIdKind); }); } areKeysOutOfDate(serviceIdKind: ServiceIdKind): boolean { const signedPreKeyTime = window.storage.get( SIGNED_PRE_KEY_UPDATE_TIME_KEY[serviceIdKind], 0 ); const lastResortKeyTime = window.storage.get( LAST_RESORT_KEY_UPDATE_TIME_KEY[serviceIdKind], 0 ); if (isOlderThan(signedPreKeyTime, KEY_TOO_OLD_THRESHOLD)) { return true; } if (isOlderThan(lastResortKeyTime, KEY_TOO_OLD_THRESHOLD)) { return true; } return false; } private async maybeUpdateSignedPreKey( serviceIdKind: ServiceIdKind ): Promise { const logId = `AccountManager.maybeUpdateSignedPreKey(${serviceIdKind})`; const store = window.textsecure.storage.protocol; const ourServiceId = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedServiceId(serviceIdKind); const signedKeyId = getNextKeyId(serviceIdKind, SIGNED_PRE_KEY_ID_KEY); if (typeof signedKeyId !== 'number') { throw new Error( `${logId}: Invalid ${SIGNED_PRE_KEY_ID_KEY[serviceIdKind]} in storage` ); } const keys = await store.loadSignedPreKeys(ourServiceId); const sortedKeys = orderBy(keys, ['created_at'], ['desc']); const confirmedKeys = sortedKeys.filter(key => key.confirmed); const mostRecent = confirmedKeys[0]; const lastUpdate = mostRecent?.created_at; if (isMoreRecentThan(lastUpdate || 0, SIGNED_PRE_KEY_ROTATION_AGE)) { log.warn( `${logId}: ${confirmedKeys.length} confirmed keys, ` + `most recent was created ${lastUpdate}. No need to update.` ); const existing = window.storage.get( SIGNED_PRE_KEY_UPDATE_TIME_KEY[serviceIdKind] ); if (lastUpdate && !existing) { log.warn(`${logId}: Updating last update time to ${lastUpdate}`); await window.storage.put( SIGNED_PRE_KEY_UPDATE_TIME_KEY[serviceIdKind], lastUpdate ); } return; } const identityKey = this.getIdentityKeyOrThrow(ourServiceId); const key = await generateSignedPreKey(identityKey, signedKeyId); log.info(`${logId}: Saving new signed prekey`, key.keyId); await Promise.all([ window.textsecure.storage.put( SIGNED_PRE_KEY_ID_KEY[serviceIdKind], signedKeyId + 1 ), store.storeSignedPreKey(ourServiceId, key.keyId, key.keyPair), ]); return { keyId: key.keyId, publicKey: key.keyPair.pubKey, signature: key.signature, }; } private async maybeUpdateLastResortKyberKey( serviceIdKind: ServiceIdKind ): Promise { const logId = `maybeUpdateLastResortKyberKey(${serviceIdKind})`; const store = window.textsecure.storage.protocol; const ourServiceId = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedServiceId(serviceIdKind); const kyberKeyId = getNextKeyId(serviceIdKind, KYBER_KEY_ID_KEY); if (typeof kyberKeyId !== 'number') { throw new Error( `${logId}: Invalid ${KYBER_KEY_ID_KEY[serviceIdKind]} in storage` ); } const keys = store.loadKyberPreKeys(ourServiceId, { isLastResort: true }); const sortedKeys = orderBy(keys, ['createdAt'], ['desc']); const confirmedKeys = sortedKeys.filter(key => key.isConfirmed); const mostRecent = confirmedKeys[0]; const lastUpdate = mostRecent?.createdAt; if (isMoreRecentThan(lastUpdate || 0, LAST_RESORT_KEY_ROTATION_AGE)) { log.warn( `${logId}: ${confirmedKeys.length} confirmed keys, ` + `most recent was created ${lastUpdate}. No need to update.` ); const existing = window.storage.get( LAST_RESORT_KEY_UPDATE_TIME_KEY[serviceIdKind] ); if (lastUpdate && !existing) { log.warn(`${logId}: Updating last update time to ${lastUpdate}`); await window.storage.put( LAST_RESORT_KEY_UPDATE_TIME_KEY[serviceIdKind], lastUpdate ); } return; } const identityKey = this.getIdentityKeyOrThrow(ourServiceId); const keyId = kyberKeyId; const record = await generateKyberPreKey(identityKey, keyId); log.info(`${logId}: Saving new last resort prekey`, keyId); const key = { createdAt: Date.now(), data: record.serialize(), isConfirmed: false, isLastResort: true, keyId, ourServiceId, }; await Promise.all([ window.textsecure.storage.put( KYBER_KEY_ID_KEY[serviceIdKind], kyberKeyId + 1 ), store.storeKyberPreKeys(ourServiceId, [key]), ]); return { keyId, publicKey: record.publicKey().serialize(), signature: record.signature(), }; } // Exposed only for tests async _cleanSignedPreKeys(serviceIdKind: ServiceIdKind): Promise { const ourServiceId = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedServiceId(serviceIdKind); const store = window.textsecure.storage.protocol; const logId = `AccountManager.cleanSignedPreKeys(${serviceIdKind})`; const allKeys = store.loadSignedPreKeys(ourServiceId); const sortedKeys = orderBy(allKeys, ['created_at'], ['desc']); const confirmed = sortedKeys.filter(key => key.confirmed); const unconfirmed = sortedKeys.filter(key => !key.confirmed); const recent = sortedKeys[0] ? sortedKeys[0].keyId : 'none'; const recentConfirmed = confirmed[0] ? confirmed[0].keyId : 'none'; const recentUnconfirmed = unconfirmed[0] ? unconfirmed[0].keyId : 'none'; log.info(`${logId}: Most recent signed key: ${recent}`); log.info(`${logId}: Most recent confirmed signed key: ${recentConfirmed}`); log.info( `${logId}: Most recent unconfirmed signed key: ${recentUnconfirmed}` ); log.info( `${logId}: Total signed key count:`, sortedKeys.length, '-', confirmed.length, 'confirmed' ); // Keep SIGNED_PRE_KEY_MINIMUM keys, drop if older than SIGNED_PRE_KEY_ARCHIVE_AGE const toDelete: Array = []; sortedKeys.forEach((key, index) => { if (index < SIGNED_PRE_KEY_MINIMUM) { return; } const createdAt = key.created_at || 0; if (isOlderThan(createdAt, SIGNED_PRE_KEY_ARCHIVE_AGE)) { const timestamp = new Date(createdAt).toJSON(); const confirmedText = key.confirmed ? ' (confirmed)' : ''; log.info( `${logId}: Removing signed prekey: ${key.keyId} with ` + `timestamp ${timestamp}${confirmedText}` ); toDelete.push(key.keyId); } }); if (toDelete.length > 0) { log.info(`${logId}: Removing ${toDelete.length} signed prekeys`); await store.removeSignedPreKeys(ourServiceId, toDelete); } } // Exposed only for tests async _cleanLastResortKeys(serviceIdKind: ServiceIdKind): Promise { const ourServiceId = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedServiceId(serviceIdKind); const store = window.textsecure.storage.protocol; const logId = `AccountManager.cleanLastResortKeys(${serviceIdKind})`; const allKeys = store.loadKyberPreKeys(ourServiceId, { isLastResort: true, }); const sortedKeys = orderBy(allKeys, ['createdAt'], ['desc']); const confirmed = sortedKeys.filter(key => key.isConfirmed); const unconfirmed = sortedKeys.filter(key => !key.isConfirmed); const recent = sortedKeys[0] ? sortedKeys[0].keyId : 'none'; const recentConfirmed = confirmed[0] ? confirmed[0].keyId : 'none'; const recentUnconfirmed = unconfirmed[0] ? unconfirmed[0].keyId : 'none'; log.info(`${logId}: Most recent last resort key: ${recent}`); log.info( `${logId}: Most recent confirmed last resort key: ${recentConfirmed}` ); log.info( `${logId}: Most recent unconfirmed last resort key: ${recentUnconfirmed}` ); log.info( `${logId}: Total last resort key count:`, sortedKeys.length, '-', confirmed.length, 'confirmed' ); // Keep LAST_RESORT_KEY_MINIMUM keys, drop if older than LAST_RESORT_KEY_ARCHIVE_AGE const toDelete: Array = []; sortedKeys.forEach((key, index) => { if (index < LAST_RESORT_KEY_MINIMUM) { return; } const createdAt = key.createdAt || 0; if (isOlderThan(createdAt, LAST_RESORT_KEY_ARCHIVE_AGE)) { const timestamp = new Date(createdAt).toJSON(); const confirmedText = key.isConfirmed ? ' (confirmed)' : ''; log.info( `${logId}: Removing last resort key: ${key.keyId} with ` + `timestamp ${timestamp}${confirmedText}` ); toDelete.push(key.keyId); } }); if (toDelete.length > 0) { log.info(`${logId}: Removing ${toDelete.length} last resort keys`); await store.removeKyberPreKeys(ourServiceId, toDelete); } } async _cleanPreKeys(serviceIdKind: ServiceIdKind): Promise { const ourServiceId = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedServiceId(serviceIdKind); const store = window.textsecure.storage.protocol; const logId = `AccountManager.cleanPreKeys(${serviceIdKind})`; const preKeys = store.loadPreKeys(ourServiceId); const toDelete: Array = []; const sortedKeys = orderBy(preKeys, ['createdAt'], ['desc']); sortedKeys.forEach((key, index) => { if (index < PRE_KEY_MAX_COUNT) { return; } const createdAt = key.createdAt || 0; if (isOlderThan(createdAt, PRE_KEY_ARCHIVE_AGE)) { toDelete.push(key.keyId); } }); log.info(`${logId}: ${sortedKeys.length} total prekeys`); if (toDelete.length > 0) { log.info(`${logId}: Removing ${toDelete.length} obsolete prekeys`); await store.removePreKeys(ourServiceId, toDelete); } } async _cleanKyberPreKeys(serviceIdKind: ServiceIdKind): Promise { const ourServiceId = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedServiceId(serviceIdKind); const store = window.textsecure.storage.protocol; const logId = `AccountManager.cleanKyberPreKeys(${serviceIdKind})`; const preKeys = store.loadKyberPreKeys(ourServiceId, { isLastResort: false, }); const toDelete: Array = []; const sortedKeys = orderBy(preKeys, ['createdAt'], ['desc']); sortedKeys.forEach((key, index) => { if (index < PRE_KEY_MAX_COUNT) { return; } const createdAt = key.createdAt || 0; if (isOlderThan(createdAt, PRE_KEY_ARCHIVE_AGE)) { toDelete.push(key.keyId); } }); log.info(`${logId}: ${sortedKeys.length} total prekeys`); if (toDelete.length > 0) { log.info(`${logId}: Removing ${toDelete.length} kyber keys`); await store.removeKyberPreKeys(ourServiceId, toDelete); } } async createAccount({ number, verificationCode, aciKeyPair, pniKeyPair, profileKey, deviceName, userAgent, readReceipts, accessKey, }: CreateAccountOptionsType): Promise { const { storage } = window.textsecure; let password = Bytes.toBase64(getRandomBytes(16)); password = password.substring(0, password.length - 2); const registrationId = generateRegistrationId(); const pniRegistrationId = generateRegistrationId(); const previousNumber = storage.user.getNumber(); const previousACI = storage.user.getAci(); const previousPNI = storage.user.getPni(); let encryptedDeviceName; if (deviceName) { encryptedDeviceName = this.encryptDeviceName(deviceName, aciKeyPair); await this.deviceNameIsEncrypted(); } log.info( `createAccount: Number is ${number}, password has length: ${ password ? password.length : 'none' }` ); const response = await this.server.confirmCode({ number, code: verificationCode, newPassword: password, registrationId, pniRegistrationId, deviceName: encryptedDeviceName, accessKey, }); const ourAci = normalizeAci(response.uuid, 'createAccount'); strictAssert( isUntaggedPniString(response.pni), 'Response pni must be untagged' ); const ourPni = toTaggedPni(response.pni); const uuidChanged = previousACI && ourAci && previousACI !== ourAci; // We only consider the number changed if we didn't have a UUID before const numberChanged = !previousACI && previousNumber && previousNumber !== number; if (uuidChanged || numberChanged) { if (uuidChanged) { log.warn( 'createAccount: New uuid is different from old uuid; deleting all previous data' ); } if (numberChanged) { log.warn( 'createAccount: New number is different from old number; deleting all previous data' ); } try { await storage.protocol.removeAllData(); log.info('createAccount: Successfully deleted previous data'); } catch (error) { log.error( 'Something went wrong deleting data from previous number', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } } else { log.info('createAccount: Erasing configuration (soft)'); await storage.protocol.removeAllConfiguration( RemoveAllConfiguration.Soft ); } await senderCertificateService.clear(); const previousUuids = [previousACI, previousPNI].filter(isNotNil); if (previousUuids.length > 0) { await Promise.all([ storage.put( 'identityKeyMap', omit(storage.get('identityKeyMap') || {}, previousUuids) ), storage.put( 'registrationIdMap', omit(storage.get('registrationIdMap') || {}, previousUuids) ), ]); } // `setCredentials` needs to be called // before `saveIdentifyWithAttributes` since `saveIdentityWithAttributes` // indirectly calls `ConversationController.getConversationId()` which // initializes the conversation for the given number (our number) which // calls out to the user storage API to get the stored UUID and number // information. await storage.user.setCredentials({ aci: ourAci, pni: ourPni, number, deviceId: response.deviceId ?? 1, deviceName: deviceName ?? undefined, password, }); // This needs to be done very early, because it changes how things are saved in the // database. Your identity, for example, in the saveIdentityWithAttributes call // below. const { conversation } = window.ConversationController.maybeMergeContacts({ aci: ourAci, pni: ourPni, e164: number, reason: 'createAccount', }); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('registrationDone: no conversation!'); } const identityAttrs = { firstUse: true, timestamp: Date.now(), verified: storage.protocol.VerifiedStatus.VERIFIED, nonblockingApproval: true, }; // update our own identity key, which may have changed // if we're relinking after a reinstall on the master device await Promise.all([ storage.protocol.saveIdentityWithAttributes(ourAci, { ...identityAttrs, publicKey: aciKeyPair.pubKey, }), pniKeyPair ? storage.protocol.saveIdentityWithAttributes(ourPni, { ...identityAttrs, publicKey: pniKeyPair.pubKey, }) : Promise.resolve(), ]); const identityKeyMap = { ...(storage.get('identityKeyMap') || {}), [ourAci]: aciKeyPair, ...(pniKeyPair ? { [ourPni]: pniKeyPair, } : {}), }; const registrationIdMap = { ...(storage.get('registrationIdMap') || {}), [ourAci]: registrationId, [ourPni]: pniRegistrationId, }; await storage.put('identityKeyMap', identityKeyMap); await storage.put('registrationIdMap', registrationIdMap); if (profileKey) { await ourProfileKeyService.set(profileKey); } if (userAgent) { await storage.put('userAgent', userAgent); } await storage.put('read-receipt-setting', Boolean(readReceipts)); const regionCode = getRegionCodeForNumber(number); await storage.put('regionCode', regionCode); await storage.protocol.hydrateCaches(); } // Exposed only for testing public async _confirmKeys( keys: UploadKeysType, serviceIdKind: ServiceIdKind ): Promise { const logId = `AccountManager.confirmKeys(${serviceIdKind})`; const { storage } = window.textsecure; const store = storage.protocol; const ourServiceId = storage.user.getCheckedServiceId(serviceIdKind); const updatedAt = Date.now(); const { signedPreKey, pqLastResortPreKey } = keys; if (signedPreKey) { log.info(`${logId}: confirming signed prekey key`, signedPreKey.keyId); await store.confirmSignedPreKey(ourServiceId, signedPreKey.keyId); await window.storage.put( SIGNED_PRE_KEY_UPDATE_TIME_KEY[serviceIdKind], updatedAt ); } else { log.info(`${logId}: signedPreKey was not uploaded, not confirming`); } if (pqLastResortPreKey) { log.info( `${logId}: confirming last resort key`, pqLastResortPreKey.keyId ); await store.confirmKyberPreKey(ourServiceId, pqLastResortPreKey.keyId); await window.storage.put( LAST_RESORT_KEY_UPDATE_TIME_KEY[serviceIdKind], updatedAt ); } else { log.info(`${logId}: pqLastResortPreKey was not uploaded, not confirming`); } } // Very similar to maybeUpdateKeys, but will always generate prekeys and doesn't upload async _generateKeys( count: number, serviceIdKind: ServiceIdKind, maybeIdentityKey?: KeyPairType ): Promise { const logId = `AcountManager.generateKeys(${serviceIdKind})`; const { storage } = window.textsecure; const store = storage.protocol; const ourServiceId = storage.user.getCheckedServiceId(serviceIdKind); const identityKey = maybeIdentityKey ?? store.getIdentityKeyPair(ourServiceId); strictAssert(identityKey, 'generateKeys: No identity key pair!'); const preKeys = await this.generateNewPreKeys(serviceIdKind, count); const pqPreKeys = await this.generateNewKyberPreKeys(serviceIdKind, count); const pqLastResortPreKey = await this.maybeUpdateLastResortKyberKey( serviceIdKind ); const signedPreKey = await this.maybeUpdateSignedPreKey(serviceIdKind); log.info( `${logId}: Generated ` + `${preKeys.length} pre keys, ` + `${pqPreKeys.length} kyber pre keys, ` + `${pqLastResortPreKey ? 'a' : 'NO'} last resort kyber pre key, ` + `and ${signedPreKey ? 'a' : 'NO'} signed pre key.` ); // These are primarily for the summaries they log out await this._cleanPreKeys(serviceIdKind); await this._cleanKyberPreKeys(serviceIdKind); await this._cleanLastResortKeys(serviceIdKind); await this._cleanSignedPreKeys(serviceIdKind); return { identityKey: identityKey.pubKey, preKeys, pqPreKeys, pqLastResortPreKey, signedPreKey, }; } private async registrationDone(): Promise { log.info('registration done'); this.dispatchEvent(new Event('registration')); } async setPni( pni: PniString, keyMaterial?: PniKeyMaterialType ): Promise { const logId = `AccountManager.setPni(${pni})`; const { storage } = window.textsecure; const oldPni = storage.user.getPni(); if (oldPni === pni && !keyMaterial) { return; } log.info(`${logId}: updating from ${oldPni}`); if (oldPni) { await storage.protocol.removeOurOldPni(oldPni); } await storage.user.setPni(pni); if (keyMaterial) { await storage.protocol.updateOurPniKeyMaterial(pni, keyMaterial); // Intentionally not awaiting since this is processed on encrypted queue // of MessageReceiver. void this.queueTask(async () => { try { await this.maybeUpdateKeys(ServiceIdKind.PNI); } catch (error) { log.error( `${logId}: Failed to upload PNI prekeys. Moving on`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } }); // PNI has changed and credentials are no longer valid await storage.put('groupCredentials', []); } else { log.warn(`${logId}: no key material`); } } }