// Copyright 2015-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import { toBase64 } from '../../Bytes'; import { constantTimeEqual } from '../../Crypto'; import { generateKeyPair } from '../../Curve'; import type { GeneratedKeysType } from '../../textsecure/AccountManager'; import AccountManager from '../../textsecure/AccountManager'; import type { PreKeyType, SignedPreKeyType } from '../../textsecure/Types.d'; import { UUID, UUIDKind } from '../../types/UUID'; const { textsecure } = window; const assertEqualBuffers = (a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array) => { assert.isTrue(constantTimeEqual(a, b)); }; describe('Key generation', function thisNeeded() { const count = 10; const ourUuid = new UUID('aaaaaaaa-bbbb-4ccc-9ddd-eeeeeeeeeeee'); this.timeout(count * 2000); function itStoresPreKey(keyId: number): void { it(`prekey ${keyId} is valid`, async () => { const keyPair = await textsecure.storage.protocol.loadPreKey( ourUuid, keyId ); assert(keyPair, `PreKey ${keyId} not found`); }); } function itStoresSignedPreKey(keyId: number): void { it(`signed prekey ${keyId} is valid`, async () => { const keyPair = await textsecure.storage.protocol.loadSignedPreKey( ourUuid, keyId ); assert(keyPair, `SignedPreKey ${keyId} not found`); }); } async function validateResultKey( resultKey: Pick ): Promise { const keyPair = await textsecure.storage.protocol.loadPreKey( ourUuid, resultKey.keyId ); if (!keyPair) { throw new Error(`PreKey ${resultKey.keyId} not found`); } assertEqualBuffers(resultKey.publicKey, keyPair.publicKey().serialize()); } async function validateResultSignedKey( resultSignedKey: Pick ) { const keyPair = await textsecure.storage.protocol.loadSignedPreKey( ourUuid, resultSignedKey.keyId ); if (!keyPair) { throw new Error(`SignedPreKey ${resultSignedKey.keyId} not found`); } assertEqualBuffers( resultSignedKey.publicKey, keyPair.publicKey().serialize() ); } before(async () => { const keyPair = generateKeyPair(); await textsecure.storage.put('identityKeyMap', { [ourUuid.toString()]: { privKey: toBase64(keyPair.privKey), pubKey: toBase64(keyPair.pubKey), }, }); await textsecure.storage.user.setUuidAndDeviceId(ourUuid.toString(), 1); await textsecure.storage.protocol.hydrateCaches(); }); after(async () => { await textsecure.storage.protocol.clearPreKeyStore(); await textsecure.storage.protocol.clearSignedPreKeysStore(); }); describe('the first time', () => { let result: GeneratedKeysType; before(async () => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const accountManager = new AccountManager({} as any); result = await accountManager.generateKeys(count, UUIDKind.ACI); }); for (let i = 1; i <= count; i += 1) { itStoresPreKey(i); } itStoresSignedPreKey(1); it(`result contains ${count} preKeys`, () => { assert.isArray(result.preKeys); assert.lengthOf(result.preKeys, count); for (let i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { assert.isObject(result.preKeys[i]); } }); it('result contains the correct keyIds', () => { for (let i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { assert.strictEqual(result.preKeys[i].keyId, i + 1); } }); it('result contains the correct public keys', async () => { await Promise.all(result.preKeys.map(validateResultKey)); }); it('returns a signed prekey', () => { assert.strictEqual(result.signedPreKey.keyId, 1); assert.instanceOf(result.signedPreKey.signature, Uint8Array); return validateResultSignedKey(result.signedPreKey); }); }); describe('the second time', () => { let result: GeneratedKeysType; before(async () => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const accountManager = new AccountManager({} as any); result = await accountManager.generateKeys(count, UUIDKind.ACI); }); for (let i = 1; i <= 2 * count; i += 1) { itStoresPreKey(i); } itStoresSignedPreKey(1); itStoresSignedPreKey(2); it(`result contains ${count} preKeys`, () => { assert.isArray(result.preKeys); assert.lengthOf(result.preKeys, count); for (let i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { assert.isObject(result.preKeys[i]); } }); it('result contains the correct keyIds', () => { for (let i = 1; i <= count; i += 1) { assert.strictEqual(result.preKeys[i - 1].keyId, i + count); } }); it('result contains the correct public keys', async () => { await Promise.all(result.preKeys.map(validateResultKey)); }); it('returns a signed prekey', () => { assert.strictEqual(result.signedPreKey.keyId, 2); assert.instanceOf(result.signedPreKey.signature, Uint8Array); return validateResultSignedKey(result.signedPreKey); }); }); describe('the third time', () => { let result: GeneratedKeysType; before(async () => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const accountManager = new AccountManager({} as any); result = await accountManager.generateKeys(count, UUIDKind.ACI); }); for (let i = 1; i <= 3 * count; i += 1) { itStoresPreKey(i); } itStoresSignedPreKey(2); itStoresSignedPreKey(3); it(`result contains ${count} preKeys`, () => { assert.isArray(result.preKeys); assert.lengthOf(result.preKeys, count); for (let i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { assert.isObject(result.preKeys[i]); } }); it('result contains the correct keyIds', () => { for (let i = 1; i <= count; i += 1) { assert.strictEqual(result.preKeys[i - 1].keyId, i + 2 * count); } }); it('result contains the correct public keys', async () => { await Promise.all(result.preKeys.map(validateResultKey)); }); it('result contains a signed prekey', () => { assert.strictEqual(result.signedPreKey.keyId, 3); assert.instanceOf(result.signedPreKey.signature, Uint8Array); return validateResultSignedKey(result.signedPreKey); }); }); });