import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { Avatar } from '../Avatar'; import { Spinner } from '../Spinner'; import { MessageBody } from './MessageBody'; import { ExpireTimer } from './ExpireTimer'; import { ImageGrid } from './ImageGrid'; import { Image } from './Image'; import { Timestamp } from './Timestamp'; import { ContactName } from './ContactName'; import { Quote, QuotedAttachmentType } from './Quote'; import { EmbeddedContact } from './EmbeddedContact'; import { canDisplayImage, getExtensionForDisplay, getGridDimensions, getImageDimensions, hasImage, hasVideoScreenshot, isAudio, isImage, isImageAttachment, isVideo, } from '../../../ts/types/Attachment'; import { AttachmentType } from '../../types/Attachment'; import { ContactType } from '../../types/Contact'; import { getIncrement } from '../../util/timer'; import { isFileDangerous } from '../../util/isFileDangerous'; import { ColorType, LocalizerType } from '../../types/Util'; import { ContextMenu, ContextMenuTrigger, MenuItem } from 'react-contextmenu'; interface Trigger { handleContextClick: (event: React.MouseEvent) => void; } // Same as MIN_WIDTH in ImageGrid.tsx const MINIMUM_LINK_PREVIEW_IMAGE_WIDTH = 200; const STICKER_SIZE = 128; const SELECTED_TIMEOUT = 1000; interface LinkPreviewType { title: string; domain: string; url: string; isStickerPack: boolean; image?: AttachmentType; } export type PropsData = { id: string; conversationId: string; text?: string; textPending?: boolean; isSticker: boolean; isSelected: boolean; isSelectedCounter: number; interactionMode: 'mouse' | 'keyboard'; direction: 'incoming' | 'outgoing'; timestamp: number; status?: 'sending' | 'sent' | 'delivered' | 'read' | 'error'; contact?: ContactType; authorName?: string; authorProfileName?: string; /** Note: this should be formatted for display */ authorPhoneNumber: string; authorColor?: ColorType; conversationType: 'group' | 'direct'; attachments?: Array; quote?: { text: string; attachment?: QuotedAttachmentType; isFromMe: boolean; sentAt: number; authorId: string; authorPhoneNumber: string; authorProfileName?: string; authorName?: string; authorColor?: ColorType; referencedMessageNotFound: boolean; }; previews: Array; authorAvatarPath?: string; isExpired: boolean; isTapToView?: boolean; isTapToViewExpired?: boolean; isTapToViewError?: boolean; expirationLength?: number; expirationTimestamp?: number; }; type PropsHousekeeping = { i18n: LocalizerType; disableMenu?: boolean; disableScroll?: boolean; collapseMetadata?: boolean; }; export type PropsActions = { clearSelectedMessage: () => unknown; replyToMessage: (id: string) => void; retrySend: (id: string) => void; deleteMessage: (id: string) => void; showMessageDetail: (id: string) => void; openConversation: (conversationId: string, messageId?: string) => void; showContactDetail: ( options: { contact: ContactType; signalAccount?: string } ) => void; showVisualAttachment: ( options: { attachment: AttachmentType; messageId: string } ) => void; downloadAttachment: ( options: { attachment: AttachmentType; timestamp: number; isDangerous: boolean; } ) => void; displayTapToViewMessage: (messageId: string) => unknown; openLink: (url: string) => void; scrollToQuotedMessage: ( options: { author: string; sentAt: number; } ) => void; selectMessage?: (messageId: string, conversationId: string) => unknown; }; export type Props = PropsData & PropsHousekeeping & PropsActions; interface State { expiring: boolean; expired: boolean; imageBroken: boolean; isSelected: boolean; prevSelectedCounter: number; } const EXPIRATION_CHECK_MINIMUM = 2000; const EXPIRED_DELAY = 600; export class Message extends React.PureComponent { public menuTriggerRef: Trigger | undefined; public focusRef: React.RefObject = React.createRef(); public audioRef: React.RefObject = React.createRef(); public expirationCheckInterval: any; public expiredTimeout: any; public selectedTimeout: any; public constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { expiring: false, expired: false, imageBroken: false, isSelected: props.isSelected, prevSelectedCounter: props.isSelectedCounter, }; } public static getDerivedStateFromProps(props: Props, state: State): State { if (!props.isSelected) { return { ...state, isSelected: false, prevSelectedCounter: 0, }; } if ( props.isSelected && props.isSelectedCounter !== state.prevSelectedCounter ) { return { ...state, isSelected: props.isSelected, prevSelectedCounter: props.isSelectedCounter, }; } return state; } public captureMenuTrigger = (triggerRef: Trigger) => { this.menuTriggerRef = triggerRef; }; public showMenu = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { if (this.menuTriggerRef) { this.menuTriggerRef.handleContextClick(event); } }; public handleImageError = () => { const { id } = this.props; // tslint:disable-next-line no-console console.log( `Message ${id}: Image failed to load; failing over to placeholder` ); this.setState({ imageBroken: true, }); }; public handleFocus = () => { const { interactionMode } = this.props; if (interactionMode === 'keyboard') { this.setSelected(); } }; public setSelected = () => { const { id, conversationId, selectMessage } = this.props; if (selectMessage) { selectMessage(id, conversationId); } }; public setFocus = () => { const container = this.focusRef.current; if (container && !container.contains(document.activeElement)) { container.focus(); } }; public componentDidMount() { this.startSelectedTimer(); const { isSelected } = this.props; if (isSelected) { this.setFocus(); } const { expirationLength } = this.props; if (!expirationLength) { return; } const increment = getIncrement(expirationLength); const checkFrequency = Math.max(EXPIRATION_CHECK_MINIMUM, increment); this.checkExpired(); this.expirationCheckInterval = setInterval(() => { this.checkExpired(); }, checkFrequency); } public componentWillUnmount() { if (this.selectedTimeout) { clearInterval(this.selectedTimeout); } if (this.expirationCheckInterval) { clearInterval(this.expirationCheckInterval); } if (this.expiredTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.expiredTimeout); } } public componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { this.startSelectedTimer(); if (!prevProps.isSelected && this.props.isSelected) { this.setFocus(); } this.checkExpired(); } public startSelectedTimer() { const { interactionMode } = this.props; const { isSelected } = this.state; if (interactionMode === 'keyboard' || !isSelected) { return; } if (!this.selectedTimeout) { this.selectedTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.selectedTimeout = undefined; this.setState({ isSelected: false }); this.props.clearSelectedMessage(); }, SELECTED_TIMEOUT); } } public checkExpired() { const now =; const { isExpired, expirationTimestamp, expirationLength } = this.props; if (!expirationTimestamp || !expirationLength) { return; } if (this.expiredTimeout) { return; } if (isExpired || now >= expirationTimestamp) { this.setState({ expiring: true, }); const setExpired = () => { this.setState({ expired: true, }); }; this.expiredTimeout = setTimeout(setExpired, EXPIRED_DELAY); } } public renderMetadata() { const { collapseMetadata, direction, expirationLength, expirationTimestamp, i18n, isSticker, isTapToViewExpired, status, text, textPending, timestamp, } = this.props; if (collapseMetadata) { return null; } const isShowingImage = this.isShowingImage(); const withImageNoCaption = Boolean(!isSticker && !text && isShowingImage); const showError = status === 'error' && direction === 'outgoing'; const metadataDirection = isSticker ? undefined : direction; return (
{showError ? ( {i18n('sendFailed')} ) : ( )} {expirationLength && expirationTimestamp ? ( ) : null} {textPending ? (
) : null} {!textPending && direction === 'outgoing' && status !== 'error' ? (
) : null}
); } public renderAuthor() { const { authorName, authorPhoneNumber, authorProfileName, collapseMetadata, conversationType, direction, isSticker, isTapToView, isTapToViewExpired, } = this.props; if (collapseMetadata) { return; } const title = authorName ? authorName : authorPhoneNumber; if (direction !== 'incoming' || conversationType !== 'group' || !title) { return null; } const withTapToViewExpired = isTapToView && isTapToViewExpired; const stickerSuffix = isSticker ? '_with_sticker' : ''; const tapToViewSuffix = withTapToViewExpired ? '--with-tap-to-view-expired' : ''; const moduleName = `module-message__author${stickerSuffix}${tapToViewSuffix}`; return (
); } // tslint:disable-next-line max-func-body-length cyclomatic-complexity public renderAttachment() { const { attachments, collapseMetadata, conversationType, direction, i18n, id, quote, showVisualAttachment, isSticker, text, } = this.props; const { imageBroken } = this.state; if (!attachments || !attachments[0]) { return null; } const firstAttachment = attachments[0]; // For attachments which aren't full-frame const withContentBelow = Boolean(text); const withContentAbove = Boolean(quote) || (conversationType === 'group' && direction === 'incoming'); const displayImage = canDisplayImage(attachments); if ( displayImage && !imageBroken && ((isImage(attachments) && hasImage(attachments)) || (isVideo(attachments) && hasVideoScreenshot(attachments))) ) { const prefix = isSticker ? 'sticker' : 'attachment'; const bottomOverlay = !isSticker && !collapseMetadata; // We only want users to tab into this if there's more than one const tabIndex = attachments.length > 1 ? 0 : -1; return (
{ showVisualAttachment({ attachment, messageId: id }); }} />
); } else if (!firstAttachment.pending && isAudio(attachments)) { return ( ); } else { const { pending, fileName, fileSize, contentType } = firstAttachment; const extension = getExtensionForDisplay({ contentType, fileName }); const isDangerous = isFileDangerous(fileName || ''); return ( ); } } // tslint:disable-next-line cyclomatic-complexity max-func-body-length public renderPreview() { const { attachments, conversationType, direction, i18n, openLink, previews, quote, } = this.props; // Attachments take precedence over Link Previews if (attachments && attachments.length) { return null; } if (!previews || previews.length < 1) { return null; } const first = previews[0]; if (!first) { return null; } const withContentAbove = Boolean(quote) || (conversationType === 'group' && direction === 'incoming'); const previewHasImage = first.image && isImageAttachment(first.image); const width = first.image && first.image.width; const isFullSizeImage = !first.isStickerPack && width && width >= MINIMUM_LINK_PREVIEW_IMAGE_WIDTH; return ( ); } public renderQuote() { const { conversationType, authorColor, direction, disableScroll, i18n, quote, scrollToQuotedMessage, } = this.props; if (!quote) { return null; } const withContentAbove = conversationType === 'group' && direction === 'incoming'; const quoteColor = direction === 'incoming' ? authorColor : quote.authorColor; const { referencedMessageNotFound } = quote; const clickHandler = disableScroll ? undefined : () => { scrollToQuotedMessage({ author: quote.authorId, sentAt: quote.sentAt, }); }; return ( ); } public renderEmbeddedContact() { const { collapseMetadata, contact, conversationType, direction, i18n, showContactDetail, text, } = this.props; if (!contact) { return null; } const withCaption = Boolean(text); const withContentAbove = conversationType === 'group' && direction === 'incoming'; const withContentBelow = withCaption || !collapseMetadata; const otherContent = (contact && contact.signalAccount) || withCaption; const tabIndex = otherContent ? 0 : -1; return ( { showContactDetail({ contact, signalAccount: contact.signalAccount }); }} withContentAbove={withContentAbove} withContentBelow={withContentBelow} tabIndex={tabIndex} /> ); } public renderSendMessageButton() { const { contact, openConversation, i18n } = this.props; if (!contact || !contact.signalAccount) { return null; } return ( ); } public renderAvatar() { const { authorAvatarPath, authorName, authorPhoneNumber, authorProfileName, collapseMetadata, authorColor, conversationType, direction, i18n, } = this.props; if ( collapseMetadata || conversationType !== 'group' || direction === 'outgoing' ) { return; } return (
); } public renderText() { const { text, textPending, i18n, direction, status } = this.props; const contents = direction === 'incoming' && status === 'error' ? i18n('incomingError') : text; if (!contents) { return null; } return (
); } public renderError(isCorrectSide: boolean) { const { status, direction } = this.props; if (!isCorrectSide || status !== 'error') { return null; } return (
); } public renderMenu(isCorrectSide: boolean, triggerId: string) { const { attachments, direction, disableMenu, id, isSticker, isTapToView, replyToMessage, } = this.props; if (!isCorrectSide || disableMenu) { return null; } const multipleAttachments = attachments && attachments.length > 1; const firstAttachment = attachments && attachments[0]; const downloadButton = !isSticker && !multipleAttachments && !isTapToView && firstAttachment && !firstAttachment.pending ? (
) : null; const replyButton = (
{ event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); replyToMessage(id); }} // This a menu meant for mouse use only role="button" className={classNames( 'module-message__buttons__reply', `module-message__buttons__download--${direction}` )} /> ); const menuButton = (
); const first = direction === 'incoming' ? downloadButton : menuButton; const last = direction === 'incoming' ? menuButton : downloadButton; return (
{first} {replyButton} {last}
); } public renderContextMenu(triggerId: string) { const { attachments, deleteMessage, direction, i18n, id, isSticker, isTapToView, replyToMessage, retrySend, showMessageDetail, status, } = this.props; const showRetry = status === 'error' && direction === 'outgoing'; const multipleAttachments = attachments && attachments.length > 1; const menu = ( {!isSticker && !multipleAttachments && !isTapToView && attachments && attachments[0] ? ( {i18n('downloadAttachment')} ) : null} { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); replyToMessage(id); }} > {i18n('replyToMessage')} { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); showMessageDetail(id); }} > {i18n('moreInfo')} {showRetry ? ( { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); retrySend(id); }} > {i18n('retrySend')} ) : null} { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); deleteMessage(id); }} > {i18n('deleteMessage')} ); return ReactDOM.createPortal(menu, document.body); } public getWidth(): number | undefined { const { attachments, isSticker, previews } = this.props; if (attachments && attachments.length) { if (isSticker) { // Padding is 8px, on both sides, plus two for 1px border return STICKER_SIZE + 8 * 2 + 2; } const dimensions = getGridDimensions(attachments); if (dimensions) { // Add two for 1px border return dimensions.width + 2; } } if (previews && previews.length) { const first = previews[0]; if (!first || !first.image) { return; } const { width } = first.image; if ( !first.isStickerPack && isImageAttachment(first.image) && width && width >= MINIMUM_LINK_PREVIEW_IMAGE_WIDTH ) { const dimensions = getImageDimensions(first.image); if (dimensions) { // Add two for 1px border return dimensions.width + 2; } } } return; } public isShowingImage() { const { isTapToView, attachments, previews } = this.props; const { imageBroken } = this.state; if (imageBroken || isTapToView) { return false; } if (attachments && attachments.length) { const displayImage = canDisplayImage(attachments); return ( displayImage && ((isImage(attachments) && hasImage(attachments)) || (isVideo(attachments) && hasVideoScreenshot(attachments))) ); } if (previews && previews.length) { const first = previews[0]; const { image } = first; if (!image) { return false; } return isImageAttachment(image); } return false; } public isAttachmentPending() { const { attachments } = this.props; if (!attachments || attachments.length < 1) { return false; } const first = attachments[0]; return Boolean(first.pending); } public renderTapToViewIcon() { const { direction, isTapToViewExpired } = this.props; const isDownloadPending = this.isAttachmentPending(); return !isTapToViewExpired && isDownloadPending ? (
) : (
); } public renderTapToViewText() { const { attachments, direction, i18n, isTapToViewExpired, isTapToViewError, } = this.props; const incomingString = isTapToViewExpired ? i18n('Message--tap-to-view-expired') : i18n( `Message--tap-to-view--incoming${ isVideo(attachments) ? '-video' : '' }` ); const outgoingString = i18n('Message--tap-to-view--outgoing'); const isDownloadPending = this.isAttachmentPending(); if (isDownloadPending) { return; } return isTapToViewError ? i18n('incomingError') : direction === 'outgoing' ? outgoingString : incomingString; } public renderTapToView() { const { collapseMetadata, conversationType, direction, isTapToViewExpired, isTapToViewError, } = this.props; const withContentBelow = !collapseMetadata; const withContentAbove = !collapseMetadata && conversationType === 'group' && direction === 'incoming'; return (
{isTapToViewError ? null : this.renderTapToViewIcon()}
); } public renderContents() { const { isTapToView } = this.props; if (isTapToView) { return ( <> {this.renderTapToView()} {this.renderMetadata()} ); } return ( <> {this.renderQuote()} {this.renderAttachment()} {this.renderPreview()} {this.renderEmbeddedContact()} {this.renderText()} {this.renderMetadata()} {this.renderSendMessageButton()} ); } // tslint:disable-next-line cyclomatic-complexity public handleOpen = ( event: React.KeyboardEvent | React.MouseEvent ) => { const { attachments, contact, displayTapToViewMessage, id, isTapToView, isTapToViewExpired, openConversation, showContactDetail, showVisualAttachment, } = this.props; const { imageBroken } = this.state; const isAttachmentPending = this.isAttachmentPending(); if (isTapToView) { if (!isTapToViewExpired && !isAttachmentPending) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); displayTapToViewMessage(id); } return; } if ( !imageBroken && attachments && attachments.length > 0 && !isAttachmentPending && canDisplayImage(attachments) && ((isImage(attachments) && hasImage(attachments)) || (isVideo(attachments) && hasVideoScreenshot(attachments))) ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); const attachment = attachments[0]; showVisualAttachment({ attachment, messageId: id }); return; } if ( attachments && attachments.length === 1 && !isAttachmentPending && !isAudio(attachments) ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); this.openGenericAttachment(); return; } if ( !isAttachmentPending && isAudio(attachments) && this.audioRef && this.audioRef.current ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (this.audioRef.current.paused) { // tslint:disable-next-line no-floating-promises; } else { // tslint:disable-next-line no-floating-promises this.audioRef.current.pause(); } } if (contact && contact.signalAccount) { openConversation(contact.signalAccount); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } if (contact) { showContactDetail({ contact, signalAccount: contact.signalAccount }); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }; public openGenericAttachment = (event?: React.MouseEvent) => { const { attachments, downloadAttachment, timestamp } = this.props; if (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } if (!attachments || attachments.length !== 1) { return; } const attachment = attachments[0]; const { fileName } = attachment; const isDangerous = isFileDangerous(fileName || ''); downloadAttachment({ isDangerous, attachment, timestamp, }); }; public handleKeyDown = (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => { if (event.key !== 'Enter' && event.key !== 'Space') { return; } this.handleOpen(event); }; public handleClick = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { // We don't want clicks on body text to result in the 'default action' for the message const { text } = this.props; if (text && text.length > 0) { return; } this.handleOpen(event); }; public renderContainer() { const { authorColor, direction, isSticker, isTapToView, isTapToViewExpired, isTapToViewError, } = this.props; const { isSelected } = this.state; const isAttachmentPending = this.isAttachmentPending(); const width = this.getWidth(); const isShowingImage = this.isShowingImage(); const containerClassnames = classNames( 'module-message__container', isSelected && !isSticker ? 'module-message__container--selected' : null, isSticker ? 'module-message__container--with-sticker' : null, !isSticker ? `module-message__container--${direction}` : null, isTapToView ? 'module-message__container--with-tap-to-view' : null, isTapToView && isTapToViewExpired ? 'module-message__container--with-tap-to-view-expired' : null, !isSticker && direction === 'incoming' ? `module-message__container--incoming-${authorColor}` : null, isTapToView && isAttachmentPending && !isTapToViewExpired ? 'module-message__container--with-tap-to-view-pending' : null, isTapToView && isAttachmentPending && !isTapToViewExpired ? `module-message__container--${direction}-${authorColor}-tap-to-view-pending` : null, isTapToViewError ? 'module-message__container--with-tap-to-view-error' : null ); const containerStyles = { width: isShowingImage ? width : undefined, }; return (
{this.renderAuthor()} {this.renderContents()} {this.renderAvatar()}
); } // tslint:disable-next-line cyclomatic-complexity public render() { const { authorPhoneNumber, attachments, conversationType, direction, id, isSticker, timestamp, } = this.props; const { expired, expiring, imageBroken, isSelected } = this.state; // This id is what connects our triple-dot click with our associated pop-up menu. // It needs to be unique. const triggerId = String(id || `${authorPhoneNumber}-${timestamp}`); if (expired) { return null; } if (isSticker && (imageBroken || !attachments || !attachments.length)) { return null; } return (
{this.renderError(direction === 'incoming')} {this.renderMenu(direction === 'outgoing', triggerId)} {this.renderContainer()} {this.renderError(direction === 'outgoing')} {this.renderMenu(direction === 'incoming', triggerId)} {this.renderContextMenu(triggerId)}
); } }