// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { isNumber, isObject, map, omit, reduce } from 'lodash'; import filesize from 'filesize'; import { LastMessageStatus, MessageAttributesType, ShallowChallengeError, } from '../../model-types.d'; import { TimelineItemType } from '../../components/conversation/TimelineItem'; import { PropsData } from '../../components/conversation/Message'; import { PropsData as TimerNotificationProps } from '../../components/conversation/TimerNotification'; import { PropsData as SafetyNumberNotificationProps } from '../../components/conversation/SafetyNumberNotification'; import { PropsData as VerificationNotificationProps } from '../../components/conversation/VerificationNotification'; import { PropsDataType as GroupsV2Props } from '../../components/conversation/GroupV2Change'; import { PropsDataType as GroupV1MigrationPropsType } from '../../components/conversation/GroupV1Migration'; import { PropsDataType as DeliveryIssuePropsType } from '../../components/conversation/DeliveryIssueNotification'; import { PropsData as GroupNotificationProps, ChangeType, } from '../../components/conversation/GroupNotification'; import { PropsType as ProfileChangeNotificationPropsType } from '../../components/conversation/ProfileChangeNotification'; import { QuotedAttachmentType } from '../../components/conversation/Quote'; import { getDomain, isStickerPack } from '../../types/LinkPreview'; import { ContactType, contactSelector } from '../../types/Contact'; import { BodyRangesType } from '../../types/Util'; import { LinkPreviewType } from '../../types/message/LinkPreviews'; import { ConversationColors } from '../../types/Colors'; import { CallMode } from '../../types/Calling'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../../protobuf'; import { AttachmentType, isVoiceMessage } from '../../types/Attachment'; import { CallingNotificationType } from '../../util/callingNotification'; import { missingCaseError } from '../../util/missingCaseError'; import { isNotNil } from '../../util/isNotNil'; import { ConversationType } from '../ducks/conversations'; import { CallSelectorType, CallStateType } from './calling'; import { GetConversationByIdType, isMissingRequiredProfileSharing, } from './conversations'; import { SendStatus, isDelivered, isMessageJustForMe, isRead, isSent, maxStatus, someSendStatus, } from '../../messages/MessageSendState'; const THREE_HOURS = 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000; type FormattedContact = Partial & Pick< ConversationType, | 'acceptedMessageRequest' | 'id' | 'isMe' | 'sharedGroupNames' | 'title' | 'type' | 'unblurredAvatarPath' >; type PropsForMessage = Omit; type PropsForUnsupportedMessage = { canProcessNow: boolean; contact: FormattedContact; }; // Top-level prop generation for the message bubble export function getPropsForBubble( message: MessageAttributesType, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType, ourConversationId: string, ourNumber: string | undefined, ourUuid: string | undefined, regionCode: string, selectedMessageId: string | undefined, selectedMessageCounter: number | undefined, callSelector: CallSelectorType, activeCall: CallStateType | undefined, accountSelector: (identifier?: string) => boolean ): TimelineItemType { if (isUnsupportedMessage(message)) { return { type: 'unsupportedMessage', data: getPropsForUnsupportedMessage( message, conversationSelector, ourConversationId, ourNumber, ourUuid ), }; } if (isGroupV2Change(message)) { return { type: 'groupV2Change', data: getPropsForGroupV2Change( message, conversationSelector, ourConversationId ), }; } if (isGroupV1Migration(message)) { return { type: 'groupV1Migration', data: getPropsForGroupV1Migration(message, conversationSelector), }; } if (isMessageHistoryUnsynced(message)) { return { type: 'linkNotification', data: null, }; } if (isExpirationTimerUpdate(message)) { return { type: 'timerNotification', data: getPropsForTimerNotification( message, conversationSelector, ourConversationId ), }; } if (isKeyChange(message)) { return { type: 'safetyNumberNotification', data: getPropsForSafetyNumberNotification(message, conversationSelector), }; } if (isVerifiedChange(message)) { return { type: 'verificationNotification', data: getPropsForVerificationNotification(message, conversationSelector), }; } if (isGroupUpdate(message)) { return { type: 'groupNotification', data: getPropsForGroupNotification( message, conversationSelector, ourConversationId, ourNumber, ourUuid ), }; } if (isEndSession(message)) { return { type: 'resetSessionNotification', data: null, }; } if (isCallHistory(message)) { return { type: 'callHistory', data: getPropsForCallHistory( message, conversationSelector, callSelector, activeCall ), }; } if (isProfileChange(message)) { return { type: 'profileChange', data: getPropsForProfileChange(message, conversationSelector), }; } if (isUniversalTimerNotification(message)) { return { type: 'universalTimerNotification', data: null, }; } if (isChatSessionRefreshed(message)) { return { type: 'chatSessionRefreshed', data: null, }; } if (isDeliveryIssue(message)) { return { type: 'deliveryIssue', data: getPropsForDeliveryIssue(message, conversationSelector), }; } return { type: 'message', data: getPropsForMessage( message, conversationSelector, ourConversationId, ourNumber, ourUuid, selectedMessageId, selectedMessageCounter, regionCode, accountSelector ), }; } export function isIncoming( message: Pick ): boolean { return message.type === 'incoming'; } export function isOutgoing( message: Pick ): boolean { return message.type === 'outgoing'; } export function hasErrors( message: Pick ): boolean { return message.errors ? message.errors.length > 0 : false; } export function getSource( message: MessageAttributesType, ourNumber: string | undefined ): string | undefined { if (isIncoming(message)) { return message.source; } return ourNumber; } export function getSourceDevice( message: MessageAttributesType, ourDeviceId: number ): string | number | undefined { const { sourceDevice } = message; if (isIncoming(message)) { return sourceDevice; } return sourceDevice || ourDeviceId; } export function getSourceUuid( message: MessageAttributesType, ourUuid: string | undefined ): string | undefined { if (isIncoming(message)) { return message.sourceUuid; } return ourUuid; } export function getContactId( message: MessageAttributesType, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType, ourConversationId: string, ourNumber: string | undefined, ourUuid: string | undefined ): string | undefined { const source = getSource(message, ourNumber); const sourceUuid = getSourceUuid(message, ourUuid); if (!source && !sourceUuid) { return ourConversationId; } const conversation = conversationSelector(sourceUuid || source); return conversation.id; } export function getContact( message: MessageAttributesType, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType, ourConversationId: string, ourNumber: string | undefined, ourUuid: string | undefined ): ConversationType { const source = getSource(message, ourNumber); const sourceUuid = getSourceUuid(message, ourUuid); if (!source && !sourceUuid) { return conversationSelector(ourConversationId); } return conversationSelector(sourceUuid || source); } export function getConversation( message: Pick, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType ): ConversationType { return conversationSelector(message.conversationId); } // Message export function getPropsForMessage( message: MessageAttributesType, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType, ourConversationId: string, ourNumber: string | undefined, ourUuid: string | undefined, selectedMessageId: string | undefined, selectedMessageCounter: number | undefined, regionCode: string, accountSelector: (identifier?: string) => boolean ): Omit { const contact = getContact( message, conversationSelector, ourConversationId, ourNumber, ourUuid ); const { expireTimer, expirationStartTimestamp } = message; const expirationLength = expireTimer ? expireTimer * 1000 : undefined; const expirationTimestamp = expirationStartTimestamp && expirationLength ? expirationStartTimestamp + expirationLength : undefined; const conversation = getConversation(message, conversationSelector); const isGroup = conversation.type === 'group'; const { sticker } = message; const isMessageTapToView = isTapToView(message); const reactions = (message.reactions || []).map(re => { const c = conversationSelector(re.fromId); return { emoji: re.emoji, timestamp: re.timestamp, from: c, }; }); const selectedReaction = ( (message.reactions || []).find(re => re.fromId === ourConversationId) || {} ).emoji; const isSelected = message.id === selectedMessageId; return { attachments: getAttachmentsForMessage(message), author: contact, bodyRanges: processBodyRanges(message.bodyRanges, conversationSelector), canDeleteForEveryone: canDeleteForEveryone(message), canDownload: canDownload(message, conversationSelector), canReply: canReply(message, ourConversationId, conversationSelector), contact: getPropsForEmbeddedContact(message, regionCode, accountSelector), conversationColor: conversation?.conversationColor ?? ConversationColors[0], conversationId: message.conversationId, conversationType: isGroup ? 'group' : 'direct', customColor: conversation?.customColor, deletedForEveryone: message.deletedForEveryone || false, direction: isIncoming(message) ? 'incoming' : 'outgoing', expirationLength, expirationTimestamp, id: message.id, isBlocked: conversation.isBlocked || false, isMessageRequestAccepted: conversation?.acceptedMessageRequest ?? true, isSelected, isSelectedCounter: isSelected ? selectedMessageCounter : undefined, isSticker: Boolean(sticker), isTapToView: isMessageTapToView, isTapToViewError: isMessageTapToView && isIncoming(message) && message.isTapToViewInvalid, isTapToViewExpired: isMessageTapToView && message.isErased, previews: getPropsForPreview(message), quote: getPropsForQuote(message, conversationSelector, ourConversationId), reactions, selectedReaction, status: getMessagePropStatus(message, ourConversationId), text: createNonBreakingLastSeparator(message.body), textPending: message.bodyPending, timestamp: message.sent_at, }; } export function processBodyRanges( bodyRanges: BodyRangesType | undefined, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType ): BodyRangesType | undefined { if (!bodyRanges) { return undefined; } return bodyRanges .filter(range => range.mentionUuid) .map(range => { const conversation = conversationSelector(range.mentionUuid); return { ...range, conversationID: conversation.id, replacementText: conversation.title, }; }) .sort((a, b) => b.start - a.start); } // Unsupported Message export function isUnsupportedMessage(message: MessageAttributesType): boolean { const versionAtReceive = message.supportedVersionAtReceive; const requiredVersion = message.requiredProtocolVersion; return ( isNumber(versionAtReceive) && isNumber(requiredVersion) && versionAtReceive < requiredVersion ); } function getPropsForUnsupportedMessage( message: MessageAttributesType, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType, ourConversationId: string, ourNumber: string | undefined, ourUuid: string | undefined ): PropsForUnsupportedMessage { const CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION = Proto.DataMessage.ProtocolVersion.CURRENT; const requiredVersion = message.requiredProtocolVersion; const canProcessNow = Boolean( CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION && requiredVersion && CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION >= requiredVersion ); return { canProcessNow, contact: getContact( message, conversationSelector, ourConversationId, ourNumber, ourUuid ), }; } // GroupV2 Change export function isGroupV2Change(message: MessageAttributesType): boolean { return Boolean(message.groupV2Change); } function getPropsForGroupV2Change( message: MessageAttributesType, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType, ourConversationId: string ): GroupsV2Props { const change = message.groupV2Change; if (!change) { throw new Error('getPropsForGroupV2Change: Change is missing!'); } const conversation = getConversation(message, conversationSelector); return { groupName: conversation?.type === 'group' ? conversation?.name : undefined, ourConversationId, change, }; } // GroupV1 Migration export function isGroupV1Migration(message: MessageAttributesType): boolean { return message.type === 'group-v1-migration'; } function getPropsForGroupV1Migration( message: MessageAttributesType, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType ): GroupV1MigrationPropsType { const migration = message.groupMigration; if (!migration) { // Backwards-compatibility with data schema in early betas const invitedGV2Members = message.invitedGV2Members || []; const droppedGV2MemberIds = message.droppedGV2MemberIds || []; const invitedMembers = invitedGV2Members.map(item => conversationSelector(item.conversationId) ); const droppedMembers = droppedGV2MemberIds.map(conversationId => conversationSelector(conversationId) ); return { areWeInvited: false, droppedMembers, invitedMembers, }; } const { areWeInvited, droppedMemberIds, invitedMembers: rawInvitedMembers, } = migration; const invitedMembers = rawInvitedMembers.map(item => conversationSelector(item.conversationId) ); const droppedMembers = droppedMemberIds.map(conversationId => conversationSelector(conversationId) ); return { areWeInvited, droppedMembers, invitedMembers, }; } // Message History Unsynced export function isMessageHistoryUnsynced( message: MessageAttributesType ): boolean { return message.type === 'message-history-unsynced'; } // Note: props are null! // Expiration Timer Update export function isExpirationTimerUpdate( message: Pick ): boolean { const flag = Proto.DataMessage.Flags.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE; // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise return Boolean(message.flags && message.flags & flag); } function getPropsForTimerNotification( message: MessageAttributesType, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType, ourConversationId: string ): TimerNotificationProps { const timerUpdate = message.expirationTimerUpdate; if (!timerUpdate) { throw new Error( 'getPropsForTimerNotification: missing expirationTimerUpdate!' ); } const { expireTimer, fromSync, source, sourceUuid } = timerUpdate; const disabled = !expireTimer; const sourceId = sourceUuid || source; const formattedContact = conversationSelector(sourceId); const basicProps = { ...formattedContact, disabled, expireTimer, type: 'fromOther' as const, }; if (fromSync) { return { ...basicProps, type: 'fromSync' as const, }; } if (formattedContact.id === ourConversationId) { return { ...basicProps, type: 'fromMe' as const, }; } if (!sourceId) { return { ...basicProps, type: 'fromMember' as const, }; } return basicProps; } // Key Change export function isKeyChange(message: MessageAttributesType): boolean { return message.type === 'keychange'; } function getPropsForSafetyNumberNotification( message: MessageAttributesType, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType ): SafetyNumberNotificationProps { const conversation = getConversation(message, conversationSelector); const isGroup = conversation?.type === 'group'; const identifier = message.key_changed; const contact = conversationSelector(identifier); return { isGroup, contact, }; } // Verified Change export function isVerifiedChange(message: MessageAttributesType): boolean { return message.type === 'verified-change'; } function getPropsForVerificationNotification( message: MessageAttributesType, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType ): VerificationNotificationProps { const type = message.verified ? 'markVerified' : 'markNotVerified'; const isLocal = message.local || false; const identifier = message.verifiedChanged; return { type, isLocal, contact: conversationSelector(identifier), }; } // Group Update (V1) export function isGroupUpdate( message: Pick ): boolean { return Boolean(message.group_update); } function getPropsForGroupNotification( message: MessageAttributesType, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType, ourConversationId: string, ourNumber: string | undefined, ourUuid: string | undefined ): GroupNotificationProps { const groupUpdate = message.group_update; if (!groupUpdate) { throw new Error( 'getPropsForGroupNotification: Message missing group_update' ); } const changes = []; if ( !groupUpdate.avatarUpdated && !groupUpdate.left && !groupUpdate.joined && !groupUpdate.name ) { changes.push({ type: 'general' as ChangeType, }); } if (groupUpdate.joined?.length) { changes.push({ type: 'add' as ChangeType, contacts: map( Array.isArray(groupUpdate.joined) ? groupUpdate.joined : [groupUpdate.joined], identifier => conversationSelector(identifier) ), }); } if (groupUpdate.left === 'You') { changes.push({ type: 'remove' as ChangeType, }); } else if (groupUpdate.left) { changes.push({ type: 'remove' as ChangeType, contacts: map( Array.isArray(groupUpdate.left) ? groupUpdate.left : [groupUpdate.left], identifier => conversationSelector(identifier) ), }); } if (groupUpdate.name) { changes.push({ type: 'name' as ChangeType, newName: groupUpdate.name, }); } if (groupUpdate.avatarUpdated) { changes.push({ type: 'avatar' as ChangeType, }); } const from = getContact( message, conversationSelector, ourConversationId, ourNumber, ourUuid ); return { from, changes, }; } // End Session export function isEndSession( message: Pick ): boolean { const flag = Proto.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION; // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise return Boolean(message.flags && message.flags & flag); } // Call History export function isCallHistory(message: MessageAttributesType): boolean { return message.type === 'call-history'; } export function getPropsForCallHistory( message: MessageAttributesType, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType, callSelector: CallSelectorType, activeCall: CallStateType | undefined ): CallingNotificationType { const { callHistoryDetails } = message; if (!callHistoryDetails) { throw new Error('getPropsForCallHistory: Missing callHistoryDetails'); } switch (callHistoryDetails.callMode) { // Old messages weren't saved with a call mode. case undefined: case CallMode.Direct: return { ...callHistoryDetails, callMode: CallMode.Direct, }; case CallMode.Group: { const { conversationId } = message; if (!conversationId) { throw new Error('getPropsForCallHistory: missing conversation ID'); } const creator = conversationSelector(callHistoryDetails.creatorUuid); let call = callSelector(conversationId); if (call && call.callMode !== CallMode.Group) { window.log.error( 'getPropsForCallHistory: there is an unexpected non-group call; pretending it does not exist' ); call = undefined; } return { activeCallConversationId: activeCall?.conversationId, callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId, creator, deviceCount: call?.peekInfo.deviceCount ?? 0, ended: callHistoryDetails.eraId !== call?.peekInfo.eraId, maxDevices: call?.peekInfo.maxDevices ?? Infinity, startedTime: callHistoryDetails.startedTime, }; } default: throw new Error( `getPropsForCallHistory: missing case ${missingCaseError( callHistoryDetails )}` ); } } // Profile Change export function isProfileChange(message: MessageAttributesType): boolean { return message.type === 'profile-change'; } function getPropsForProfileChange( message: MessageAttributesType, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType ): ProfileChangeNotificationPropsType { const change = message.profileChange; const { changedId } = message; const changedContact = conversationSelector(changedId); if (!change) { throw new Error('getPropsForProfileChange: profileChange is undefined'); } return { changedContact, change, } as ProfileChangeNotificationPropsType; } // Universal Timer Notification // Note: smart, so props not generated here export function isUniversalTimerNotification( message: MessageAttributesType ): boolean { return message.type === 'universal-timer-notification'; } // Chat Session Refreshed export function isChatSessionRefreshed( message: MessageAttributesType ): boolean { return message.type === 'chat-session-refreshed'; } // Note: props are null // Delivery Issue export function isDeliveryIssue(message: MessageAttributesType): boolean { return message.type === 'delivery-issue'; } function getPropsForDeliveryIssue( message: MessageAttributesType, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType ): DeliveryIssuePropsType { const sender = conversationSelector(message.sourceUuid); return { sender, }; } // Other utility functions export function isTapToView(message: MessageAttributesType): boolean { // If a message is deleted for everyone, that overrides all other styling if (message.deletedForEveryone) { return false; } return Boolean(message.isViewOnce || message.messageTimer); } function createNonBreakingLastSeparator(text?: string): string { if (!text) { return ''; } const nbsp = '\xa0'; const regex = /(\S)( +)(\S+\s*)$/; return text.replace(regex, (_match, start, spaces, end) => { const newSpaces = end.length < 12 ? reduce(spaces, accumulator => accumulator + nbsp, '') : spaces; return `${start}${newSpaces}${end}`; }); } export function getMessagePropStatus( message: Pick< MessageAttributesType, 'type' | 'errors' | 'sendStateByConversationId' >, ourConversationId: string ): LastMessageStatus | undefined { if (!isOutgoing(message)) { return undefined; } if (getLastChallengeError(message)) { return 'paused'; } const { sendStateByConversationId = {} } = message; if (isMessageJustForMe(sendStateByConversationId, ourConversationId)) { const status = sendStateByConversationId[ourConversationId]?.status ?? SendStatus.Pending; const sent = isSent(status); if (hasErrors(message)) { return sent ? 'partial-sent' : 'error'; } return sent ? 'read' : 'sending'; } const sendStates = Object.values( omit(sendStateByConversationId, ourConversationId) ); const highestSuccessfulStatus = sendStates.reduce( (result: SendStatus, { status }) => maxStatus(result, status), SendStatus.Pending ); if (hasErrors(message)) { return isSent(highestSuccessfulStatus) ? 'partial-sent' : 'error'; } if (isRead(highestSuccessfulStatus)) { return 'read'; } if (isDelivered(highestSuccessfulStatus)) { return 'delivered'; } if (isSent(highestSuccessfulStatus)) { return 'sent'; } return 'sending'; } export function getPropsForEmbeddedContact( message: MessageAttributesType, regionCode: string, accountSelector: (identifier?: string) => boolean ): ContactType | undefined { const contacts = message.contact; if (!contacts || !contacts.length) { return undefined; } const firstContact = contacts[0]; const numbers = firstContact?.number; const firstNumber = numbers && numbers[0] ? numbers[0].value : undefined; return contactSelector(firstContact, { regionCode, getAbsoluteAttachmentPath: window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, firstNumber, isNumberOnSignal: accountSelector(firstNumber), }); } export function getPropsForAttachment( attachment: AttachmentType ): AttachmentType | null { if (!attachment) { return null; } const { path, pending, size, screenshot, thumbnail } = attachment; return { ...attachment, fileSize: size ? filesize(size) : undefined, isVoiceMessage: isVoiceMessage(attachment), pending, url: path ? window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(path) : undefined, screenshot: screenshot ? { ...screenshot, url: window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath( screenshot.path ), } : undefined, thumbnail: thumbnail ? { ...thumbnail, url: window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath( thumbnail.path ), } : undefined, }; } function getPropsForPreview( message: MessageAttributesType ): Array { const previews = message.preview || []; return previews.map(preview => ({ ...preview, isStickerPack: isStickerPack(preview.url), domain: getDomain(preview.url), image: preview.image ? getPropsForAttachment(preview.image) : null, })); } export function getPropsForQuote( message: Pick, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType, ourConversationId: string | undefined ): PropsData['quote'] { const { quote } = message; if (!quote) { return undefined; } const { author, authorUuid, bodyRanges, id: sentAt, isViewOnce, referencedMessageNotFound, text, } = quote; const contact = conversationSelector(authorUuid || author); const authorId = contact.id; const authorName = contact.name; const authorPhoneNumber = contact.phoneNumber; const authorProfileName = contact.profileName; const authorTitle = contact.title; const isFromMe = authorId === ourConversationId; const firstAttachment = quote.attachments && quote.attachments[0]; const conversation = getConversation(message, conversationSelector); return { authorId, authorName, authorPhoneNumber, authorProfileName, authorTitle, bodyRanges: processBodyRanges(bodyRanges, conversationSelector), conversationColor: conversation.conversationColor ?? ConversationColors[0], customColor: conversation.customColor, isFromMe, rawAttachment: firstAttachment ? processQuoteAttachment(firstAttachment) : undefined, isViewOnce, referencedMessageNotFound, sentAt: Number(sentAt), text: createNonBreakingLastSeparator(text), }; } function processQuoteAttachment( attachment: AttachmentType ): QuotedAttachmentType { const { thumbnail } = attachment; const path = thumbnail && thumbnail.path && window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(thumbnail.path); const objectUrl = thumbnail && thumbnail.objectUrl; const thumbnailWithObjectUrl = (!path && !objectUrl) || !thumbnail ? undefined : { ...thumbnail, objectUrl: path || objectUrl }; return { ...attachment, isVoiceMessage: isVoiceMessage(attachment), thumbnail: thumbnailWithObjectUrl, }; } export function canReply( message: Pick< MessageAttributesType, | 'conversationId' | 'deletedForEveryone' | 'sendStateByConversationId' | 'type' >, ourConversationId: string, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType ): boolean { const conversation = getConversation(message, conversationSelector); const { deletedForEveryone, sendStateByConversationId } = message; if (!conversation) { return false; } // If GroupV1 groups have been disabled, we can't reply. if (conversation.isGroupV1AndDisabled) { return false; } // If mandatory profile sharing is enabled, and we haven't shared yet, then // we can't reply. if (isMissingRequiredProfileSharing(conversation)) { return false; } // We cannot reply if we haven't accepted the message request if (!conversation.acceptedMessageRequest) { return false; } // We cannot reply if this message is deleted for everyone if (deletedForEveryone) { return false; } // Groups where only admins can send messages if (conversation.announcementsOnly && !conversation.areWeAdmin) { return false; } // We can reply if this is outgoing and sent to at least one recipient if (isOutgoing(message)) { return ( isMessageJustForMe(sendStateByConversationId, ourConversationId) || someSendStatus(omit(sendStateByConversationId, ourConversationId), isSent) ); } // We can reply to incoming messages if (isIncoming(message)) { return true; } // Fail safe. return false; } export function canDeleteForEveryone(message: MessageAttributesType): boolean { // is someone else's message if (isIncoming(message)) { return false; } // has already been deleted for everyone if (message.deletedForEveryone) { return false; } // is too old to delete if (Date.now() - message.sent_at > THREE_HOURS) { return false; } return true; } export function canDownload( message: MessageAttributesType, conversationSelector: GetConversationByIdType ): boolean { if (isOutgoing(message)) { return true; } const conversation = getConversation(message, conversationSelector); const isAccepted = Boolean( conversation && conversation.acceptedMessageRequest ); if (!isAccepted) { return false; } // Ensure that all attachments are downloadable const { attachments } = message; if (attachments && attachments.length) { return attachments.every(attachment => Boolean(attachment.path)); } return true; } export function getAttachmentsForMessage( message: MessageAttributesType ): Array { const { sticker } = message; if (sticker && sticker.data) { const { data } = sticker; // We don't show anything if we don't have the sticker or the blurhash... if (!data.blurHash && (data.pending || !data.path)) { return []; } return [ { ...data, // We want to show the blurhash for stickers, not the spinner pending: false, url: data.path ? window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(data.path) : undefined, }, ]; } const attachments = message.attachments || []; return attachments .filter(attachment => !attachment.error) .map(attachment => getPropsForAttachment(attachment)) .filter(isNotNil); } export function getLastChallengeError( message: Pick ): ShallowChallengeError | undefined { const { errors } = message; if (!errors) { return undefined; } const challengeErrors = errors .filter((error): error is ShallowChallengeError => { return ( error.name === 'SendMessageChallengeError' && isNumber(error.retryAfter) && isObject(error.data) ); }) .sort((a, b) => a.retryAfter - b.retryAfter); return challengeErrors.pop(); }