// Copyright 2017-2020 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

import { join } from 'path';
import { app } from 'electron';

import type { IConfig } from 'config';

import {
} from '../ts/environment';

// In production mode, NODE_ENV cannot be customized by the user
if (app.isPackaged) {
} else {
  setEnvironment(parseEnvironment(process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'));

// Set environment vars to configure node-config before requiring it
process.env.NODE_ENV = getEnvironment();
process.env.NODE_CONFIG_DIR = join(__dirname, '..', 'config');

if (getEnvironment() === Environment.Production) {
  // harden production config against the local env
  process.env.NODE_CONFIG = '';
  process.env.NODE_CONFIG_STRICT_MODE = 'true';
  process.env.HOSTNAME = '';
  process.env.NODE_APP_INSTANCE = '';
  process.env.ALLOW_CONFIG_MUTATIONS = '';
  process.env.SUPPRESS_NO_CONFIG_WARNING = '';
  process.env.SIGNAL_ENABLE_HTTP = '';

// We load config after we've made our modifications to NODE_ENV
// Note: we use `require()` because esbuild moves the imports to the top of
// the module regardless of their actual placement in the file.
// See: https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/2011
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const config: IConfig = require('config');

// Log resulting env vars in use by config
].forEach(s => {
  console.log(`${s} ${config.util.getEnv(s)}`);

export default config;
export type { IConfig as ConfigType };