// Copyright 2019 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ThunkAction } from 'redux-thunk'; import { difference, fromPairs, omit, orderBy, pick, values, without, } from 'lodash'; import type { ReadonlyDeep } from 'type-fest'; import type { AttachmentType } from '../../types/Attachment'; import type { StateType as RootStateType } from '../reducer'; import * as groups from '../../groups'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import { calling } from '../../services/calling'; import { getOwn } from '../../util/getOwn'; import { assertDev, strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { drop } from '../../util/drop'; import type { DurationInSeconds } from '../../util/durations'; import * as universalExpireTimer from '../../util/universalExpireTimer'; import * as Attachment from '../../types/Attachment'; import { isFileDangerous } from '../../util/isFileDangerous'; import type { ShowSendAnywayDialogActionType, ToggleProfileEditorErrorActionType, } from './globalModals'; import { SHOW_SEND_ANYWAY_DIALOG, TOGGLE_PROFILE_EDITOR_ERROR, } from './globalModals'; import { MODIFY_LIST, DELETE_LIST, HIDE_MY_STORIES_FROM, VIEWERS_CHANGED, } from './storyDistributionLists'; import type { StoryDistributionListsActionType } from './storyDistributionLists'; import type { UUIDFetchStateKeyType, UUIDFetchStateType, } from '../../util/uuidFetchState'; import type { AvatarColorType, ConversationColorType, CustomColorType, } from '../../types/Colors'; import type { ConversationAttributesType, DraftEditMessageType, LastMessageStatus, MessageAttributesType, } from '../../model-types.d'; import type { DraftBodyRanges, HydratedBodyRangesType, } from '../../types/BodyRange'; import { CallMode } from '../../types/Calling'; import type { MediaItemType } from '../../types/MediaItem'; import type { UUIDStringType } from '../../types/UUID'; import { MY_STORY_ID, StorySendMode } from '../../types/Stories'; import * as Errors from '../../types/errors'; import { getGroupSizeRecommendedLimit, getGroupSizeHardLimit, } from '../../groups/limits'; import { isMessageUnread } from '../../util/isMessageUnread'; import { toggleSelectedContactForGroupAddition } from '../../groups/toggleSelectedContactForGroupAddition'; import type { GroupNameCollisionsWithIdsByTitle } from '../../util/groupMemberNameCollisions'; import { ContactSpoofingType } from '../../util/contactSpoofing'; import { writeProfile } from '../../services/writeProfile'; import { getConversationUuidsStoppingSend, getConversationIdsStoppedForVerification, getConversationSelector, getMe, getMessagesByConversation, } from '../selectors/conversations'; import type { AvatarDataType, AvatarUpdateType } from '../../types/Avatar'; import { getDefaultAvatars } from '../../types/Avatar'; import { getAvatarData } from '../../util/getAvatarData'; import { isSameAvatarData } from '../../util/isSameAvatarData'; import { longRunningTaskWrapper } from '../../util/longRunningTaskWrapper'; import { ComposerStep, ConversationVerificationState, OneTimeModalState, TargetedMessageSource, } from './conversationsEnums'; import { markViewed as messageUpdaterMarkViewed } from '../../services/MessageUpdater'; import type { BoundActionCreatorsMapObject } from '../../hooks/useBoundActions'; import { useBoundActions } from '../../hooks/useBoundActions'; import type { NoopActionType } from './noop'; import { conversationJobQueue, conversationQueueJobEnum, } from '../../jobs/conversationJobQueue'; import type { TimelineMessageLoadingState } from '../../util/timelineUtil'; import { isDirectConversation, isGroup, isGroupV2, } from '../../util/whatTypeOfConversation'; import { missingCaseError } from '../../util/missingCaseError'; import { viewSyncJobQueue } from '../../jobs/viewSyncJobQueue'; import { ReadStatus } from '../../messages/MessageReadStatus'; import { isIncoming, isOutgoing, processBodyRanges, } from '../selectors/message'; import { getActiveCallState } from '../selectors/calling'; import { sendDeleteForEveryoneMessage } from '../../util/sendDeleteForEveryoneMessage'; import type { ShowToastActionType } from './toast'; import { SHOW_TOAST } from './toast'; import { ToastType } from '../../types/Toast'; import { isMemberRequestingToJoin } from '../../util/isMemberRequestingToJoin'; import { removePendingMember } from '../../util/removePendingMember'; import { denyPendingApprovalRequest } from '../../util/denyPendingApprovalRequest'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../../protobuf'; import { addReportSpamJob } from '../../jobs/helpers/addReportSpamJob'; import { reportSpamJobQueue } from '../../jobs/reportSpamJobQueue'; import { modifyGroupV2, buildAddMembersChange, buildPromotePendingAdminApprovalMemberChange, buildUpdateAttributesChange, initiateMigrationToGroupV2 as doInitiateMigrationToGroupV2, } from '../../groups'; import { getMessageById } from '../../messages/getMessageById'; import type { PanelRenderType, PanelRequestType } from '../../types/Panels'; import type { ConversationQueueJobData } from '../../jobs/conversationJobQueue'; import { isOlderThan } from '../../util/timestamp'; import { DAY } from '../../util/durations'; import { isNotNil } from '../../util/isNotNil'; import { PanelType } from '../../types/Panels'; import { startConversation } from '../../util/startConversation'; import { UUIDKind } from '../../types/UUID'; import { removeLinkPreview } from '../../services/LinkPreview'; import type { ReplaceAttachmentsActionType, ResetComposerActionType, SetFocusActionType, SetQuotedMessageActionType, } from './composer'; import { SET_FOCUS, replaceAttachments, setComposerFocus, setQuoteByMessageId, resetComposer, handleLeaveConversation, } from './composer'; import { ReceiptType } from '../../types/Receipt'; import { sortByMessageOrder } from '../../util/maybeForwardMessages'; // State export type DBConversationType = ReadonlyDeep<{ id: string; activeAt?: number; lastMessage?: string | null; type: string; }>; export const InteractionModes = ['mouse', 'keyboard'] as const; export type InteractionModeType = ReadonlyDeep<typeof InteractionModes[number]>; export type MessageTimestamps = ReadonlyDeep< Pick<MessageAttributesType, 'sent_at' | 'received_at'> >; // eslint-disable-next-line local-rules/type-alias-readonlydeep export type MessageType = MessageAttributesType & { interactionType?: InteractionModeType; }; // eslint-disable-next-line local-rules/type-alias-readonlydeep export type MessageWithUIFieldsType = MessageAttributesType & { displayLimit?: number; isSpoilerExpanded?: boolean; }; export const ConversationTypes = ['direct', 'group'] as const; export type ConversationTypeType = ReadonlyDeep< typeof ConversationTypes[number] >; export type LastMessageType = ReadonlyDeep< | { deletedForEveryone: false; author?: string; bodyRanges?: HydratedBodyRangesType; prefix?: string; status?: LastMessageStatus; text: string; } | { deletedForEveryone: true } >; export type DraftPreviewType = ReadonlyDeep<{ text: string; prefix?: string; bodyRanges?: HydratedBodyRangesType; }>; export type ConversationType = ReadonlyDeep< { id: string; uuid?: UUIDStringType; pni?: UUIDStringType; e164?: string; name?: string; systemGivenName?: string; systemFamilyName?: string; systemNickname?: string; familyName?: string; firstName?: string; profileName?: string; username?: string; about?: string; aboutText?: string; aboutEmoji?: string; avatars?: ReadonlyArray<AvatarDataType>; avatarPath?: string; avatarHash?: string; profileAvatarPath?: string; unblurredAvatarPath?: string; areWeAdmin?: boolean; areWePending?: boolean; areWePendingApproval?: boolean; canChangeTimer?: boolean; canEditGroupInfo?: boolean; canAddNewMembers?: boolean; color?: AvatarColorType; conversationColor?: ConversationColorType; customColor?: CustomColorType; customColorId?: string; discoveredUnregisteredAt?: number; hideStory?: boolean; isArchived?: boolean; isBlocked?: boolean; removalStage?: 'justNotification' | 'messageRequest'; isGroupV1AndDisabled?: boolean; isPinned?: boolean; isUntrusted?: boolean; isVerified?: boolean; activeAt?: number; timestamp?: number; inboxPosition?: number; left?: boolean; lastMessage?: LastMessageType; markedUnread?: boolean; phoneNumber?: string; membersCount?: number; hasMessages?: boolean; accessControlAddFromInviteLink?: number; accessControlAttributes?: number; accessControlMembers?: number; announcementsOnly?: boolean; announcementsOnlyReady?: boolean; expireTimer?: DurationInSeconds; memberships?: ReadonlyArray<{ uuid: UUIDStringType; isAdmin: boolean; }>; pendingMemberships?: ReadonlyArray<{ uuid: UUIDStringType; addedByUserId?: UUIDStringType; }>; pendingApprovalMemberships?: ReadonlyArray<{ uuid: UUIDStringType; }>; bannedMemberships?: ReadonlyArray<UUIDStringType>; muteExpiresAt?: number; dontNotifyForMentionsIfMuted?: boolean; isMe: boolean; lastUpdated?: number; // This is used by the CompositionInput for @mentions sortedGroupMembers?: ReadonlyArray<ConversationType>; title: string; titleNoDefault?: string; searchableTitle?: string; unreadCount?: number; isSelected?: boolean; isFetchingUUID?: boolean; typingContactId?: string; recentMediaItems?: ReadonlyArray<MediaItemType>; profileSharing?: boolean; shouldShowDraft?: boolean; // Full information for re-hydrating composition area draftText?: string; draftEditMessage?: DraftEditMessageType; draftBodyRanges?: DraftBodyRanges; // Summary for the left pane draftPreview?: DraftPreviewType; sharedGroupNames: ReadonlyArray<string>; groupDescription?: string; groupVersion?: 1 | 2; groupId?: string; groupLink?: string; messageRequestsEnabled?: boolean; acceptedMessageRequest: boolean; secretParams?: string; publicParams?: string; profileKey?: string; voiceNotePlaybackRate?: number; badges: ReadonlyArray< | { id: string; } | { id: string; expiresAt: number; isVisible: boolean; } >; } & ( | { type: 'direct'; storySendMode?: undefined; acknowledgedGroupNameCollisions?: undefined; } | { type: 'group'; storySendMode: StorySendMode; acknowledgedGroupNameCollisions: GroupNameCollisionsWithIdsByTitle; } ) >; export type ProfileDataType = ReadonlyDeep< { firstName: string; } & Pick<ConversationType, 'aboutEmoji' | 'aboutText' | 'familyName'> >; export type ConversationLookupType = ReadonlyDeep<{ [key: string]: ConversationType; }>; export type CustomError = ReadonlyDeep< Error & { identifier?: string; number?: string; } >; type MessagePointerType = ReadonlyDeep<{ id: string; received_at: number; sent_at?: number; }>; type MessageMetricsType = ReadonlyDeep<{ newest?: MessagePointerType; oldest?: MessagePointerType; oldestUnseen?: MessagePointerType; totalUnseen: number; }>; // eslint-disable-next-line local-rules/type-alias-readonlydeep export type MessageLookupType = { [key: string]: MessageWithUIFieldsType; }; export type ConversationMessageType = ReadonlyDeep<{ isNearBottom?: boolean; messageChangeCounter: number; messageIds: ReadonlyArray<string>; messageLoadingState?: undefined | TimelineMessageLoadingState; metrics: MessageMetricsType; scrollToMessageId?: string; scrollToMessageCounter: number; }>; export type MessagesByConversationType = ReadonlyDeep<{ [key: string]: ConversationMessageType | undefined; }>; export type PreJoinConversationType = ReadonlyDeep<{ avatar?: { loading?: boolean; url?: string; }; groupDescription?: string; memberCount: number; title: string; approvalRequired: boolean; }>; type ComposerGroupCreationState = ReadonlyDeep<{ groupAvatar: undefined | Uint8Array; groupName: string; groupExpireTimer: DurationInSeconds; maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState; recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState; selectedConversationIds: ReadonlyArray<string>; userAvatarData: ReadonlyArray<AvatarDataType>; }>; type DistributionVerificationData = ReadonlyDeep<{ uuidsNeedingVerification: Array<UUIDStringType>; }>; export type ConversationVerificationData = ReadonlyDeep< | { type: ConversationVerificationState.PendingVerification; uuidsNeedingVerification: ReadonlyArray<UUIDStringType>; byDistributionId?: Record<string, DistributionVerificationData>; } | { type: ConversationVerificationState.VerificationCancelled; canceledAt: number; } >; type VerificationDataByConversation = ReadonlyDeep< Record<string, ConversationVerificationData> >; type ComposerStateType = ReadonlyDeep< | { step: ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation; searchTerm: string; uuidFetchState: UUIDFetchStateType; } | ({ step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers; searchTerm: string; uuidFetchState: UUIDFetchStateType; } & ComposerGroupCreationState) | ({ step: ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata; isEditingAvatar: boolean; } & ComposerGroupCreationState & ( | { isCreating: false; hasError: boolean } | { isCreating: true; hasError: false } )) >; type ContactSpoofingReviewStateType = ReadonlyDeep< | { type: ContactSpoofingType.DirectConversationWithSameTitle; safeConversationId: string; } | { type: ContactSpoofingType.MultipleGroupMembersWithSameTitle; groupConversationId: string; } >; // eslint-disable-next-line local-rules/type-alias-readonlydeep -- FIXME export type ConversationsStateType = Readonly<{ preJoinConversation?: PreJoinConversationType; invitedUuidsForNewlyCreatedGroup?: ReadonlyArray<string>; conversationLookup: ConversationLookupType; conversationsByE164: ConversationLookupType; conversationsByUuid: ConversationLookupType; conversationsByGroupId: ConversationLookupType; conversationsByUsername: ConversationLookupType; selectedConversationId?: string; targetedMessage: string | undefined; targetedMessageCounter: number; targetedMessageSource: TargetedMessageSource | undefined; targetedConversationPanels: ReadonlyArray<PanelRenderType>; targetedMessageForDetails?: MessageAttributesType; lastSelectedMessage: MessageTimestamps | undefined; selectedMessageIds: ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined; showArchived: boolean; composer?: ComposerStateType; contactSpoofingReview?: ContactSpoofingReviewStateType; /** * Each key is a conversation ID. Each value is a value representing the state of * verification: either a set of pending conversationIds to be approved, or a tombstone * telling jobs to cancel themselves up to that timestamp. */ verificationDataByConversation: VerificationDataByConversation; // Note: it's very important that both of these locations are always kept up to date messagesLookup: MessageLookupType; messagesByConversation: MessagesByConversationType; }>; // Helpers export const getConversationCallMode = ( conversation: ConversationType ): CallMode => { if ( conversation.left || conversation.isBlocked || conversation.isMe || !conversation.acceptedMessageRequest ) { return CallMode.None; } if (conversation.type === 'direct') { return CallMode.Direct; } if (conversation.type === 'group' && conversation.groupVersion === 2) { return CallMode.Group; } return CallMode.None; }; // Actions const CANCEL_CONVERSATION_PENDING_VERIFICATION = 'conversations/CANCEL_CONVERSATION_PENDING_VERIFICATION'; const CLEAR_CANCELLED_VERIFICATION = 'conversations/CLEAR_CANCELLED_VERIFICATION'; const CLEAR_CONVERSATIONS_PENDING_VERIFICATION = 'conversations/CLEAR_CONVERSATIONS_PENDING_VERIFICATION'; export const COLORS_CHANGED = 'conversations/COLORS_CHANGED'; export const COLOR_SELECTED = 'conversations/COLOR_SELECTED'; const COMPOSE_TOGGLE_EDITING_AVATAR = 'conversations/compose/COMPOSE_TOGGLE_EDITING_AVATAR'; const COMPOSE_ADD_AVATAR = 'conversations/compose/ADD_AVATAR'; const COMPOSE_REMOVE_AVATAR = 'conversations/compose/REMOVE_AVATAR'; const COMPOSE_REPLACE_AVATAR = 'conversations/compose/REPLACE_AVATAR'; const CUSTOM_COLOR_REMOVED = 'conversations/CUSTOM_COLOR_REMOVED'; const CONVERSATION_STOPPED_BY_MISSING_VERIFICATION = 'conversations/CONVERSATION_STOPPED_BY_MISSING_VERIFICATION'; const DISCARD_MESSAGES = 'conversations/DISCARD_MESSAGES'; const REPLACE_AVATARS = 'conversations/REPLACE_AVATARS'; export const TARGETED_CONVERSATION_CHANGED = 'conversations/TARGETED_CONVERSATION_CHANGED'; const PUSH_PANEL = 'conversations/PUSH_PANEL'; const POP_PANEL = 'conversations/POP_PANEL'; export const MESSAGE_CHANGED = 'MESSAGE_CHANGED'; export const MESSAGE_DELETED = 'MESSAGE_DELETED'; export const MESSAGE_EXPIRED = 'conversations/MESSAGE_EXPIRED'; export const SET_VOICE_NOTE_PLAYBACK_RATE = 'conversations/SET_VOICE_NOTE_PLAYBACK_RATE'; export const CONVERSATION_UNLOADED = 'CONVERSATION_UNLOADED'; export const SHOW_SPOILER = 'conversations/SHOW_SPOILER'; export type CancelVerificationDataByConversationActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof CANCEL_CONVERSATION_PENDING_VERIFICATION; payload: { canceledAt: number; }; }>; type ClearGroupCreationErrorActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'CLEAR_GROUP_CREATION_ERROR'; }>; type ClearInvitedUuidsForNewlyCreatedGroupActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'CLEAR_INVITED_UUIDS_FOR_NEWLY_CREATED_GROUP'; }>; type ClearVerificationDataByConversationActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof CLEAR_CONVERSATIONS_PENDING_VERIFICATION; }>; type ClearCancelledVerificationActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof CLEAR_CANCELLED_VERIFICATION; payload: { conversationId: string; }; }>; type CloseContactSpoofingReviewActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'CLOSE_CONTACT_SPOOFING_REVIEW'; }>; type CloseMaximumGroupSizeModalActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'CLOSE_MAXIMUM_GROUP_SIZE_MODAL'; }>; type CloseRecommendedGroupSizeModalActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'CLOSE_RECOMMENDED_GROUP_SIZE_MODAL'; }>; type ColorsChangedActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof COLORS_CHANGED; payload: { conversationColor?: ConversationColorType; customColorData?: { id: string; value: CustomColorType; }; }; }>; type ColorSelectedPayloadType = ReadonlyDeep<{ conversationId: string; conversationColor?: ConversationColorType; customColorData?: { id: string; value: CustomColorType; }; }>; export type ColorSelectedActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof COLOR_SELECTED; payload: ColorSelectedPayloadType; }>; type ComposeDeleteAvatarActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof COMPOSE_REMOVE_AVATAR; payload: AvatarDataType; }>; type ComposeReplaceAvatarsActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof COMPOSE_REPLACE_AVATAR; payload: { curr: AvatarDataType; prev?: AvatarDataType; }; }>; type ComposeSaveAvatarActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof COMPOSE_ADD_AVATAR; payload: AvatarDataType; }>; type CustomColorRemovedActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof CUSTOM_COLOR_REMOVED; payload: { colorId: string; }; }>; type DiscardMessagesActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof DISCARD_MESSAGES; payload: Readonly< | { conversationId: string; numberToKeepAtBottom: number; } | { conversationId: string; numberToKeepAtTop: number } >; }>; type SetPreJoinConversationActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'SET_PRE_JOIN_CONVERSATION'; payload: { data: PreJoinConversationType | undefined; }; }>; type ConversationAddedActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'CONVERSATION_ADDED'; payload: { id: string; data: ConversationType; }; }>; export type ConversationChangedActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'CONVERSATION_CHANGED'; payload: { id: string; data: ConversationType; }; }>; export type ConversationRemovedActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'CONVERSATION_REMOVED'; payload: { id: string; }; }>; export type ConversationUnloadedActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof CONVERSATION_UNLOADED; payload: { conversationId: string; }; }>; type CreateGroupPendingActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'CREATE_GROUP_PENDING'; }>; type CreateGroupFulfilledActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'CREATE_GROUP_FULFILLED'; payload: { invitedUuids: ReadonlyArray<UUIDStringType>; }; }>; type CreateGroupRejectedActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'CREATE_GROUP_REJECTED'; }>; export type RemoveAllConversationsActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'CONVERSATIONS_REMOVE_ALL'; payload: null; }>; export type MessageTargetedActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'MESSAGE_TARGETED'; payload: { messageId: string; conversationId: string; }; }>; export type ToggleSelectMessagesActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'TOGGLE_SELECT_MESSAGES'; payload: { toggledMessageId: string; messageIds: Array<string>; selected: boolean; }; }>; export type ToggleSelectModeActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'TOGGLE_SELECT_MODE'; payload: { on: boolean; }; }>; type ConversationStoppedByMissingVerificationActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof CONVERSATION_STOPPED_BY_MISSING_VERIFICATION; payload: { conversationId: string; distributionId?: string; untrustedUuids: ReadonlyArray<UUIDStringType>; }; }>; // eslint-disable-next-line local-rules/type-alias-readonlydeep -- FIXME export type MessageChangedActionType = { type: typeof MESSAGE_CHANGED; payload: { id: string; conversationId: string; data: MessageAttributesType; }; }; export type MessageDeletedActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof MESSAGE_DELETED; payload: { id: string; conversationId: string; }; }>; export type MessageExpandedActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'MESSAGE_EXPANDED'; payload: { id: string; displayLimit: number; }; }>; export type ShowSpoilerActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof SHOW_SPOILER; payload: { id: string; }; }>; // eslint-disable-next-line local-rules/type-alias-readonlydeep -- FIXME export type MessagesAddedActionType = Readonly<{ type: 'MESSAGES_ADDED'; payload: { conversationId: string; isActive: boolean; isJustSent: boolean; isNewMessage: boolean; messages: ReadonlyArray<MessageAttributesType>; }; }>; export type MessageExpiredActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof MESSAGE_EXPIRED; payload: { id: string; }; }>; export type RepairNewestMessageActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'REPAIR_NEWEST_MESSAGE'; payload: { conversationId: string; }; }>; export type RepairOldestMessageActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'REPAIR_OLDEST_MESSAGE'; payload: { conversationId: string; }; }>; // eslint-disable-next-line local-rules/type-alias-readonlydeep export type MessagesResetActionType = { type: 'MESSAGES_RESET'; payload: { conversationId: string; messages: ReadonlyArray<MessageAttributesType>; metrics: MessageMetricsType; scrollToMessageId?: string; // The set of provided messages should be trusted, even if it conflicts with metrics, // because we weren't looking for a specific time window of messages with our query. unboundedFetch: boolean; }; }; export type SetMessageLoadingStateActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'SET_MESSAGE_LOADING_STATE'; payload: { conversationId: string; messageLoadingState: undefined | TimelineMessageLoadingState; }; }>; export type SetIsNearBottomActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'SET_NEAR_BOTTOM'; payload: { conversationId: string; isNearBottom: boolean; }; }>; export type ScrollToMessageActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'SCROLL_TO_MESSAGE'; payload: { conversationId: string; messageId: string; }; }>; export type ClearTargetedMessageActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'CLEAR_TARGETED_MESSAGE'; payload: null; }>; export type ClearUnreadMetricsActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'CLEAR_UNREAD_METRICS'; payload: { conversationId: string; }; }>; export type TargetedConversationChangedActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof TARGETED_CONVERSATION_CHANGED; payload: { conversationId?: string; messageId?: string; switchToAssociatedView?: boolean; }; }>; type ReviewGroupMemberNameCollisionActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'REVIEW_GROUP_MEMBER_NAME_COLLISION'; payload: { groupConversationId: string; }; }>; type ReviewMessageRequestNameCollisionActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'REVIEW_MESSAGE_REQUEST_NAME_COLLISION'; payload: { safeConversationId: string; }; }>; type ShowInboxActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'SHOW_INBOX'; payload: null; }>; export type ShowArchivedConversationsActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'SHOW_ARCHIVED_CONVERSATIONS'; payload: null; }>; type SetComposeGroupAvatarActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'SET_COMPOSE_GROUP_AVATAR'; payload: { groupAvatar: undefined | Uint8Array }; }>; type SetComposeGroupNameActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'SET_COMPOSE_GROUP_NAME'; payload: { groupName: string }; }>; type SetComposeGroupExpireTimerActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'SET_COMPOSE_GROUP_EXPIRE_TIMER'; payload: { groupExpireTimer: DurationInSeconds }; }>; type SetComposeSearchTermActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'SET_COMPOSE_SEARCH_TERM'; payload: { searchTerm: string }; }>; type SetIsFetchingUUIDActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'SET_IS_FETCHING_UUID'; payload: { identifier: UUIDFetchStateKeyType; isFetching: boolean; }; }>; type SetRecentMediaItemsActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'SET_RECENT_MEDIA_ITEMS'; payload: { id: string; recentMediaItems: ReadonlyArray<MediaItemType>; }; }>; type ToggleComposeEditingAvatarActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof COMPOSE_TOGGLE_EDITING_AVATAR; }>; type StartComposingActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'START_COMPOSING'; }>; type ShowChooseGroupMembersActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'SHOW_CHOOSE_GROUP_MEMBERS'; }>; type StartSettingGroupMetadataActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'START_SETTING_GROUP_METADATA'; }>; export type ToggleConversationInChooseMembersActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: 'TOGGLE_CONVERSATION_IN_CHOOSE_MEMBERS'; payload: { conversationId: string; maxRecommendedGroupSize: number; maxGroupSize: number; }; }>; // eslint-disable-next-line local-rules/type-alias-readonlydeep -- FIXME type PushPanelActionType = Readonly<{ type: typeof PUSH_PANEL; payload: PanelRenderType; }>; type PopPanelActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof POP_PANEL; payload: null; }>; type ReplaceAvatarsActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof REPLACE_AVATARS; payload: { conversationId: string; avatars: ReadonlyArray<AvatarDataType>; }; }>; // eslint-disable-next-line local-rules/type-alias-readonlydeep -- FIXME export type ConversationActionType = | CancelVerificationDataByConversationActionType | ClearCancelledVerificationActionType | ClearGroupCreationErrorActionType | ClearInvitedUuidsForNewlyCreatedGroupActionType | ClearTargetedMessageActionType | ClearUnreadMetricsActionType | ClearVerificationDataByConversationActionType | CloseContactSpoofingReviewActionType | CloseMaximumGroupSizeModalActionType | CloseRecommendedGroupSizeModalActionType | ColorSelectedActionType | ColorsChangedActionType | ComposeDeleteAvatarActionType | ComposeReplaceAvatarsActionType | ComposeSaveAvatarActionType | ConversationAddedActionType | ConversationChangedActionType | ConversationRemovedActionType | ConversationStoppedByMissingVerificationActionType | ConversationUnloadedActionType | CreateGroupFulfilledActionType | CreateGroupPendingActionType | CreateGroupRejectedActionType | CustomColorRemovedActionType | DiscardMessagesActionType | MessageChangedActionType | MessageDeletedActionType | MessageExpandedActionType | MessageExpiredActionType | MessageTargetedActionType | MessagesAddedActionType | MessagesResetActionType | PopPanelActionType | PushPanelActionType | RemoveAllConversationsActionType | RepairNewestMessageActionType | RepairOldestMessageActionType | ReplaceAvatarsActionType | ReviewGroupMemberNameCollisionActionType | ReviewMessageRequestNameCollisionActionType | ScrollToMessageActionType | TargetedConversationChangedActionType | SetComposeGroupAvatarActionType | SetComposeGroupExpireTimerActionType | SetComposeGroupNameActionType | SetComposeSearchTermActionType | SetIsFetchingUUIDActionType | SetIsNearBottomActionType | SetMessageLoadingStateActionType | SetPreJoinConversationActionType | SetRecentMediaItemsActionType | ShowArchivedConversationsActionType | ShowChooseGroupMembersActionType | ShowInboxActionType | ShowSendAnywayDialogActionType | ShowSpoilerActionType | StartComposingActionType | StartSettingGroupMetadataActionType | ToggleComposeEditingAvatarActionType | ToggleConversationInChooseMembersActionType | ToggleSelectMessagesActionType | ToggleSelectModeActionType; // Action Creators export const actions = { onConversationOpened, onConversationClosed, acceptConversation, acknowledgeGroupMemberNameCollisions, addMembersToGroup, approvePendingMembershipFromGroupV2, blockAndReportSpam, blockConversation, blockGroupLinkRequests, cancelConversationVerification, changeHasGroupLink, clearCancelledConversationVerification, clearGroupCreationError, clearInvitedUuidsForNewlyCreatedGroup, clearTargetedMessage, clearUnreadMetrics, closeContactSpoofingReview, closeMaximumGroupSizeModal, closeRecommendedGroupSizeModal, colorSelected, composeDeleteAvatarFromDisk, composeReplaceAvatar, composeSaveAvatarToDisk, conversationAdded, conversationChanged, conversationRemoved, conversationStoppedByMissingVerification, createGroup, deleteAvatarFromDisk, deleteConversation, deleteMessages, deleteMessagesForEveryone, destroyMessages, discardEditMessage, discardMessages, doubleCheckMissingQuoteReference, generateNewGroupLink, getProfilesForConversation, initiateMigrationToGroupV2, kickOffAttachmentDownload, leaveGroup, loadNewerMessages, loadNewestMessages, loadOlderMessages, loadRecentMediaItems, markAttachmentAsCorrupted, markMessageRead, messageChanged, messageDeleted, messageExpanded, messageExpired, messagesAdded, messagesReset, myProfileChanged, onArchive, onMarkUnread, onMoveToInbox, onUndoArchive, openGiftBadge, popPanelForConversation, pushPanelForConversation, removeAllConversations, removeConversation, removeCustomColorOnConversations, removeMember, removeMemberFromGroup, repairNewestMessage, repairOldestMessage, replaceAvatar, resetAllChatColors, retryDeleteForEveryone, retryMessageSend, reviewGroupMemberNameCollision, reviewMessageRequestNameCollision, revokePendingMembershipsFromGroupV2, saveAttachment, saveAttachmentFromMessage, saveAvatarToDisk, scrollToMessage, showSpoiler, targetMessage, setAccessControlAddFromInviteLinkSetting, setAccessControlAttributesSetting, setAccessControlMembersSetting, setAnnouncementsOnly, setComposeGroupAvatar, setComposeGroupExpireTimer, setComposeGroupName, setComposeSearchTerm, setDisappearingMessages, setDontNotifyForMentionsIfMuted, setIsFetchingUUID, setIsNearBottom, setMessageLoadingState, setMessageToEdit, setMuteExpiration, setPinned, setPreJoinConversation, setVoiceNotePlaybackRate, showArchivedConversations, showChooseGroupMembers, showConversation, showExpiredIncomingTapToViewToast, showExpiredOutgoingTapToViewToast, showInbox, startComposing, startConversation, startSettingGroupMetadata, toggleAdmin, toggleComposeEditingAvatar, toggleConversationInChooseMembers, toggleGroupsForStorySend, toggleHideStories, toggleSelectMessage, toggleSelectMode, unblurAvatar, updateConversationModelSharedGroups, updateGroupAttributes, updateSharedGroups, verifyConversationsStoppingSend, }; export const useConversationsActions = (): BoundActionCreatorsMapObject< typeof actions > => useBoundActions(actions); function onArchive( conversationId: string ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, ConversationUnloadedActionType | ShowToastActionType > { return (dispatch, getState) => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('onArchive: Conversation not found!'); } conversation.setArchived(true); onConversationClosed(conversationId, 'archive')( dispatch, getState, undefined ); dispatch({ type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: ToastType.ConversationArchived, parameters: { conversationId, }, }, }); }; } function onUndoArchive( conversationId: string ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, TargetedConversationChangedActionType > { return (dispatch, getState) => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('onUndoArchive: Conversation not found!'); } conversation.setArchived(false); showConversation({ conversationId, })(dispatch, getState, null); }; } function onMarkUnread(conversationId: string): ShowToastActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('onMarkUnread: Conversation not found!'); } conversation.setMarkedUnread(true); return { type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: ToastType.ConversationMarkedUnread, }, }; } function onMoveToInbox(conversationId: string): ShowToastActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('onMoveToInbox: Conversation not found!'); } conversation.setArchived(false); return { type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: ToastType.ConversationUnarchived, }, }; } function acknowledgeGroupMemberNameCollisions( conversationId: string, groupNameCollisions: ReadonlyDeep<GroupNameCollisionsWithIdsByTitle> ): NoopActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error( 'acknowledgeGroupMemberNameCollisions: Conversation not found!' ); } conversation.acknowledgeGroupMemberNameCollisions(groupNameCollisions); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function blockGroupLinkRequests( conversationId: string, uuid: UUIDStringType ): NoopActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('blockGroupLinkRequests: Conversation not found!'); } void conversation.blockGroupLinkRequests(uuid); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function loadNewerMessages( conversationId: string, newestMessageId: string ): NoopActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('loadNewerMessages: Conversation not found!'); } void conversation.loadNewerMessages(newestMessageId); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function loadNewestMessages( conversationId: string, newestMessageId: string | undefined, setFocus: boolean | undefined ): NoopActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('loadNewestMessages: Conversation not found!'); } void conversation.loadNewestMessages(newestMessageId, setFocus); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function loadOlderMessages( conversationId: string, oldestMessageId: string ): NoopActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('loadOlderMessages: Conversation not found!'); } void conversation.loadOlderMessages(oldestMessageId); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function markMessageRead( conversationId: string, messageId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async (_dispatch, getState) => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('markMessageRead: Conversation not found!'); } if (!window.SignalContext.activeWindowService.isActive()) { return; } const activeCall = getActiveCallState(getState()); if (activeCall && !activeCall.pip) { return; } const message = await getMessageById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`markMessageRead: failed to load message ${messageId}`); } await conversation.markRead(message.get('received_at'), { newestSentAt: message.get('sent_at'), sendReadReceipts: true, }); }; } function removeMember( conversationId: string, memberConversationId: string ): NoopActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('removeMember: Conversation not found!'); } void longRunningTaskWrapper({ idForLogging: conversation.idForLogging(), name: 'removeMember', task: () => conversation.removeFromGroupV2(memberConversationId), }); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function unblurAvatar(conversationId: string): NoopActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('unblurAvatar: Conversation not found!'); } conversation.unblurAvatar(); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function updateSharedGroups(conversationId: string): NoopActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('updateSharedGroups: Conversation not found!'); } void conversation.throttledUpdateSharedGroups?.(); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function filterAvatarData( avatars: ReadonlyArray<AvatarDataType>, data: AvatarDataType ): Array<AvatarDataType> { return avatars.filter(avatarData => !isSameAvatarData(data, avatarData)); } function getNextAvatarId(avatars: ReadonlyArray<AvatarDataType>): number { return Math.max(...avatars.map(x => Number(x.id))) + 1; } async function getAvatarsAndUpdateConversation( conversations: ConversationsStateType, conversationId: string, getNextAvatarsData: ( avatars: ReadonlyArray<AvatarDataType>, nextId: number ) => ReadonlyArray<AvatarDataType> ): Promise<ReadonlyArray<AvatarDataType>> { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('getAvatarsAndUpdateConversation: No conversation found'); } const { conversationLookup } = conversations; const conversationAttrs = conversationLookup[conversationId]; const avatars = conversationAttrs.avatars || getAvatarData(conversation.attributes); const nextAvatarId = getNextAvatarId(avatars); const nextAvatars = getNextAvatarsData(avatars, nextAvatarId); // We don't save buffers to the db, but we definitely want it in-memory so // we don't have to re-generate them. // // Mutating here because we don't want to trigger a model change // because we're updating redux here manually ourselves. Au revoir Backbone! conversation.attributes.avatars = nextAvatars.map(avatarData => omit(avatarData, ['buffer']) ); window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); return nextAvatars; } function deleteAvatarFromDisk( avatarData: AvatarDataType, conversationId?: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, ReplaceAvatarsActionType> { return async (dispatch, getState) => { if (avatarData.imagePath) { await window.Signal.Migrations.deleteAvatar(avatarData.imagePath); } else { log.info( 'No imagePath for avatarData. Removing from userAvatarData, but not disk' ); } strictAssert(conversationId, 'conversationId not provided'); const avatars = await getAvatarsAndUpdateConversation( getState().conversations, conversationId, prevAvatarsData => filterAvatarData(prevAvatarsData, avatarData) ); dispatch({ type: REPLACE_AVATARS, payload: { conversationId, avatars, }, }); }; } function changeHasGroupLink( conversationId: string, value: boolean ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async dispatch => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('changeHasGroupLink: No conversation found'); } await longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'toggleGroupLink', idForLogging: conversation.idForLogging(), task: async () => conversation.toggleGroupLink(value), }); dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function setAnnouncementsOnly( conversationId: string, value: boolean ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async dispatch => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('setAnnouncementsOnly: No conversation found'); } await longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'updateAnnouncementsOnly', idForLogging: conversation.idForLogging(), task: async () => conversation.updateAnnouncementsOnly(value), }); dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function setAccessControlMembersSetting( conversationId: string, value: number ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async dispatch => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('setAccessControlMembersSetting: No conversation found'); } await longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'updateAccessControlMembers', idForLogging: conversation.idForLogging(), task: async () => conversation.updateAccessControlMembers(value), }); dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function setAccessControlAttributesSetting( conversationId: string, value: number ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async dispatch => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error( 'setAccessControlAttributesSetting: No conversation found' ); } await longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'updateAccessControlAttributes', idForLogging: conversation.idForLogging(), task: async () => conversation.updateAccessControlAttributes(value), }); dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function setDisappearingMessages( conversationId: string, seconds: DurationInSeconds ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async dispatch => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('setDisappearingMessages: No conversation found'); } const valueToSet = seconds > 0 ? seconds : undefined; await longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'updateExpirationTimer', idForLogging: conversation.idForLogging(), task: async () => conversation.updateExpirationTimer(valueToSet, { reason: 'setDisappearingMessages', }), }); dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function setDontNotifyForMentionsIfMuted( conversationId: string, newValue: boolean ): NoopActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('setDontNotifyForMentionsIfMuted: No conversation found'); } conversation.setDontNotifyForMentionsIfMuted(newValue); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function setMuteExpiration( conversationId: string, muteExpiresAt = 0 ): NoopActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('setMuteExpiration: No conversation found'); } conversation.setMuteExpiration( muteExpiresAt >= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ? muteExpiresAt : Date.now() + muteExpiresAt ); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function setPinned( conversationId: string, value: boolean ): NoopActionType | ShowToastActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('setPinned: No conversation found'); } if (value) { const pinnedConversationIds = window.storage.get( 'pinnedConversationIds', new Array<string>() ); if (pinnedConversationIds.length >= 4) { return { type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: ToastType.PinnedConversationsFull, }, }; } conversation.pin(); } else { conversation.unpin(); } return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function deleteMessages({ conversationId, messageIds, lastSelectedMessage, }: { conversationId: string; messageIds: ReadonlyArray<string>; lastSelectedMessage?: MessageTimestamps; }): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async (dispatch, getState) => { if (!messageIds || messageIds.length === 0) { log.warn('deleteMessages: No message ids provided'); return; } const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('deleteMessage: No conversation found'); } let outgoingDeleted = 0; let incomingDeleted = 0; await Promise.all( messageIds.map(async messageId => { const message = await getMessageById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`deleteMessages: Message ${messageId} missing!`); } const messageConversationId = message.get('conversationId'); if (conversationId !== messageConversationId) { throw new Error( `deleteMessages: message conversation ${messageConversationId} doesn't match provided conversation ${conversationId}` ); } if (isOutgoing(message.attributes)) { outgoingDeleted += 1; } else { incomingDeleted += 1; } }) ); let nearbyMessageId: string | null = null; if (nearbyMessageId == null && lastSelectedMessage != null) { const foundMessageId = await window.Signal.Data.getNearbyMessageFromDeletedSet({ conversationId, lastSelectedMessage, deletedMessageIds: messageIds, includeStoryReplies: false, storyId: undefined, }); if (foundMessageId != null) { nearbyMessageId = foundMessageId; } } await window.Signal.Data.removeMessages(messageIds); if (outgoingDeleted > 0) { conversation.decrementSentMessageCount(outgoingDeleted); } if (incomingDeleted > 0) { conversation.decrementMessageCount(incomingDeleted); } popPanelForConversation()(dispatch, getState, undefined); if (nearbyMessageId != null) { dispatch(scrollToMessage(conversationId, nearbyMessageId)); } }; } function destroyMessages( conversationId: string ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, ConversationUnloadedActionType | NoopActionType > { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('destroyMessages: No conversation found'); } await longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'destroymessages', idForLogging: conversation.idForLogging(), task: async () => { onConversationClosed(conversationId, 'delete messages')( dispatch, getState, undefined ); await conversation.destroyMessages(); drop(conversation.updateLastMessage()); }, }); dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function discardEditMessage( conversationId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, never> { return () => { window.ConversationController.get(conversationId)?.set( { draftEditMessage: undefined, draftBodyRanges: undefined, draft: undefined, quotedMessageId: undefined, }, { unset: true } ); }; } function setMessageToEdit( conversationId: string, messageId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, SetFocusActionType> { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { return; } const message = (await getMessageById(messageId))?.attributes; if (!message) { return; } if (!message.body) { return; } let attachmentThumbnail: string | undefined; if (message.attachments) { const thumbnailPath = message.attachments[0]?.thumbnail?.path; attachmentThumbnail = thumbnailPath ? window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(thumbnailPath) : undefined; } conversation.set({ draftEditMessage: { body: message.body, editHistoryLength: message.editHistory?.length ?? 0, attachmentThumbnail, preview: message.preview ? message.preview[0] : undefined, targetMessageId: messageId, quote: message.quote, }, draftBodyRanges: processBodyRanges(message, { conversationSelector: getConversationSelector(getState()), }), }); dispatch({ type: SET_FOCUS, payload: { conversationId, }, }); }; } function generateNewGroupLink( conversationId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async dispatch => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('generateNewGroupLink: No conversation found'); } await longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'refreshGroupLink', idForLogging: conversation.idForLogging(), task: async () => conversation.refreshGroupLink(), }); dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } /** * Not an actual redux action creator, so it doesn't produce an action (or dispatch * itself) because updates are managed through the backbone model, which will trigger * necessary updates and refresh conversation_view. * * In practice, it's similar to an already-connected thunk action. Later on we will * replace it with an actual action that fits in with the redux approach. */ export const markViewed = (messageId: string): void => { const message = window.MessageController.getById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`markViewed: Message ${messageId} missing!`); } if (message.get('readStatus') === ReadStatus.Viewed) { return; } const senderE164 = message.get('source'); const senderUuid = message.get('sourceUuid'); const timestamp = message.get('sent_at'); message.set(messageUpdaterMarkViewed(message.attributes, Date.now())); if (isIncoming(message.attributes)) { const convoAttributes = message.getConversation()?.attributes; const conversationId = message.get('conversationId'); drop( conversationJobQueue.add({ type: conversationQueueJobEnum.enum.Receipts, conversationId, receiptsType: ReceiptType.Viewed, receipts: [ { messageId, conversationId, senderE164, senderUuid, timestamp, isDirectConversation: convoAttributes ? isDirectConversation(convoAttributes) : true, }, ], }) ); } drop( viewSyncJobQueue.add({ viewSyncs: [ { messageId, senderE164, senderUuid, timestamp, }, ], }) ); }; function setAccessControlAddFromInviteLinkSetting( conversationId: string, value: boolean ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async dispatch => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error( 'setAccessControlAddFromInviteLinkSetting: No conversation found' ); } await longRunningTaskWrapper({ idForLogging: conversation.idForLogging(), name: 'updateAccessControlAddFromInviteLink', task: async () => conversation.updateAccessControlAddFromInviteLink(value), }); dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function discardMessages( payload: Readonly<DiscardMessagesActionType['payload']> ): DiscardMessagesActionType { return { type: DISCARD_MESSAGES, payload }; } function replaceAvatar( curr: AvatarDataType, prev?: AvatarDataType, conversationId?: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, ReplaceAvatarsActionType> { return async (dispatch, getState) => { strictAssert(conversationId, 'conversationId not provided'); const avatars = await getAvatarsAndUpdateConversation( getState().conversations, conversationId, (prevAvatarsData, nextId) => { const newAvatarData = { ...curr, id: prev?.id ?? nextId, }; const existingAvatarsData = prev ? filterAvatarData(prevAvatarsData, prev) : prevAvatarsData; return [newAvatarData, ...existingAvatarsData]; } ); dispatch({ type: REPLACE_AVATARS, payload: { conversationId, avatars, }, }); }; } function saveAvatarToDisk( avatarData: AvatarDataType, conversationId?: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, ReplaceAvatarsActionType> { return async (dispatch, getState) => { if (!avatarData.buffer) { throw new Error('saveAvatarToDisk: No avatar Uint8Array provided'); } strictAssert(conversationId, 'conversationId not provided'); const imagePath = await window.Signal.Migrations.writeNewAvatarData( avatarData.buffer ); const avatars = await getAvatarsAndUpdateConversation( getState().conversations, conversationId, (prevAvatarsData, id) => { const newAvatarData = { ...avatarData, imagePath, id, }; return [newAvatarData, ...prevAvatarsData]; } ); dispatch({ type: REPLACE_AVATARS, payload: { conversationId, avatars, }, }); }; } function myProfileChanged( profileData: ProfileDataType, avatar: AvatarUpdateType ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType | ToggleProfileEditorErrorActionType > { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const conversation = getMe(getState()); try { await writeProfile( { ...conversation, ...profileData, }, avatar ); // writeProfile above updates the backbone model which in turn updates // redux through it's on:change event listener. Once we lose Backbone // we'll need to manually sync these new changes. dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); } catch (err) { log.error('myProfileChanged', Errors.toLogFormat(err)); dispatch({ type: TOGGLE_PROFILE_EDITOR_ERROR }); } }; } function removeCustomColorOnConversations( colorId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, CustomColorRemovedActionType> { return async dispatch => { const conversationsToUpdate: Array<ConversationAttributesType> = []; // We don't want to trigger a model change because we're updating redux // here manually ourselves. Au revoir Backbone! window.getConversations().forEach(conversation => { if (conversation.get('customColorId') === colorId) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign delete conversation.attributes.conversationColor; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign delete conversation.attributes.customColor; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign delete conversation.attributes.customColorId; conversationsToUpdate.push(conversation.attributes); } }); if (conversationsToUpdate.length) { await window.Signal.Data.updateConversations(conversationsToUpdate); } dispatch({ type: CUSTOM_COLOR_REMOVED, payload: { colorId, }, }); }; } function resetAllChatColors(): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, ColorsChangedActionType > { return async dispatch => { // Calling this with no args unsets all the colors in the db await window.Signal.Data.updateAllConversationColors(); // We don't want to trigger a model change because we're updating redux // here manually ourselves. Au revoir Backbone! window.getConversations().forEach(conversation => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign delete conversation.attributes.conversationColor; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign delete conversation.attributes.customColor; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign delete conversation.attributes.customColorId; }); dispatch({ type: COLORS_CHANGED, payload: { conversationColor: undefined, customColorData: undefined, }, }); }; } function kickOffAttachmentDownload( options: Readonly<{ messageId: string }> ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async dispatch => { const message = await getMessageById(options.messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error( `kickOffAttachmentDownload: Message ${options.messageId} missing!` ); } const didUpdateValues = await message.queueAttachmentDownloads(); if (didUpdateValues) { drop( window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(message.attributes, { ourUuid: window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedUuid().toString(), }) ); } dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } type AttachmentOptions = ReadonlyDeep<{ messageId: string; attachment: AttachmentType; }>; function markAttachmentAsCorrupted( options: AttachmentOptions ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async dispatch => { const message = await getMessageById(options.messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error( `markAttachmentAsCorrupted: Message ${options.messageId} missing!` ); } message.markAttachmentAsCorrupted(options.attachment); dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function openGiftBadge( messageId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, ShowToastActionType> { return async dispatch => { const message = await getMessageById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`openGiftBadge: Message ${messageId} missing!`); } dispatch({ type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: isIncoming(message.attributes) ? ToastType.CannotOpenGiftBadgeIncoming : ToastType.CannotOpenGiftBadgeOutgoing, }, }); }; } function retryMessageSend( messageId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async dispatch => { const message = await getMessageById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`retryMessageSend: Message ${messageId} missing!`); } await message.retrySend(); dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } export function retryDeleteForEveryone( messageId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async dispatch => { const message = await getMessageById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`retryDeleteForEveryone: Message ${messageId} missing!`); } if (isOlderThan(message.get('sent_at'), DAY)) { throw new Error( 'retryDeleteForEveryone: Message too old to retry delete for everyone!' ); } try { const conversation = message.getConversation(); if (!conversation) { throw new Error( `retryDeleteForEveryone: Conversation for ${messageId} missing!` ); } const jobData: ConversationQueueJobData = { type: conversationQueueJobEnum.enum.DeleteForEveryone, conversationId: conversation.id, messageId, recipients: conversation.getRecipients(), revision: conversation.get('revision'), targetTimestamp: message.get('sent_at'), }; log.info( `retryDeleteForEveryone: Adding job for message ${message.idForLogging()}!` ); await conversationJobQueue.add(jobData); dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); } catch (error) { log.error( 'retryDeleteForEveryone: Failed to queue delete for everyone', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } }; } // update the conversation voice note playback rate preference for the conversation export function setVoiceNotePlaybackRate({ conversationId, rate, }: { conversationId: string; rate: number; }): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, ConversationChangedActionType> { return async dispatch => { const conversationModel = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (conversationModel) { if (rate === 1) { delete conversationModel.attributes.voiceNotePlaybackRate; } else { conversationModel.attributes.voiceNotePlaybackRate = rate; } window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversationModel.attributes); } const conversation = conversationModel?.format(); if (conversation) { dispatch({ type: 'CONVERSATION_CHANGED', payload: { id: conversationId, data: { ...conversation, voiceNotePlaybackRate: rate, }, }, }); } }; } function colorSelected({ conversationId, conversationColor, customColorData, }: ColorSelectedPayloadType): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, ColorSelectedActionType > { return async dispatch => { // We don't want to trigger a model change because we're updating redux // here manually ourselves. Au revoir Backbone! const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (conversation) { if (conversationColor) { conversation.attributes.conversationColor = conversationColor; if (customColorData) { conversation.attributes.customColor = customColorData.value; conversation.attributes.customColorId = customColorData.id; } else { delete conversation.attributes.customColor; delete conversation.attributes.customColorId; } } else { delete conversation.attributes.conversationColor; delete conversation.attributes.customColor; delete conversation.attributes.customColorId; } window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); } dispatch({ type: COLOR_SELECTED, payload: { conversationId, conversationColor, customColorData, }, }); }; } function toggleComposeEditingAvatar(): ToggleComposeEditingAvatarActionType { return { type: COMPOSE_TOGGLE_EDITING_AVATAR, }; } export function cancelConversationVerification( canceledAt?: number ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, CancelVerificationDataByConversationActionType > { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const conversationIdsBlocked = getConversationIdsStoppedForVerification(state); dispatch({ type: CANCEL_CONVERSATION_PENDING_VERIFICATION, payload: { canceledAt: canceledAt ?? Date.now(), }, }); // Start the blocked conversation queues up again conversationIdsBlocked.forEach(conversationId => { conversationJobQueue.resolveVerificationWaiter(conversationId); }); }; } function verifyConversationsStoppingSend(): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, ClearVerificationDataByConversationActionType > { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const uuidsStoppingSend = getConversationUuidsStoppingSend(state); const conversationIdsBlocked = getConversationIdsStoppedForVerification(state); log.info( `verifyConversationsStoppingSend: Starting with ${conversationIdsBlocked.length} blocked ` + `conversations and ${uuidsStoppingSend.length} conversations to verify.` ); // Mark conversations as approved/verified as appropriate const promises: Array<Promise<unknown>> = []; uuidsStoppingSend.forEach(async uuid => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(uuid); if (!conversation) { log.warn( `verifyConversationsStoppingSend: Cannot verify missing converastion for uuid ${uuid}` ); return; } log.info( `verifyConversationsStoppingSend: Verifying conversation ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); if (conversation.isUnverified()) { promises.push(conversation.setVerifiedDefault()); } promises.push(conversation.setApproved()); }); dispatch({ type: CLEAR_CONVERSATIONS_PENDING_VERIFICATION, }); await Promise.all(promises); // Start the blocked conversation queues up again conversationIdsBlocked.forEach(conversationId => { conversationJobQueue.resolveVerificationWaiter(conversationId); }); }; } export function clearCancelledConversationVerification( conversationId: string ): ClearCancelledVerificationActionType { return { type: CLEAR_CANCELLED_VERIFICATION, payload: { conversationId, }, }; } function composeSaveAvatarToDisk( avatarData: AvatarDataType ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, ComposeSaveAvatarActionType> { return async dispatch => { if (!avatarData.buffer) { throw new Error('No avatar Uint8Array provided'); } const imagePath = await window.Signal.Migrations.writeNewAvatarData( avatarData.buffer ); dispatch({ type: COMPOSE_ADD_AVATAR, payload: { ...avatarData, imagePath, }, }); }; } function composeDeleteAvatarFromDisk( avatarData: AvatarDataType ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, ComposeDeleteAvatarActionType> { return async dispatch => { if (avatarData.imagePath) { await window.Signal.Migrations.deleteAvatar(avatarData.imagePath); } else { log.info( 'No imagePath for avatarData. Removing from userAvatarData, but not disk' ); } dispatch({ type: COMPOSE_REMOVE_AVATAR, payload: avatarData, }); }; } function composeReplaceAvatar( curr: AvatarDataType, prev?: AvatarDataType ): ComposeReplaceAvatarsActionType { return { type: COMPOSE_REPLACE_AVATAR, payload: { curr, prev, }, }; } function setPreJoinConversation( data: PreJoinConversationType | undefined ): SetPreJoinConversationActionType { return { type: 'SET_PRE_JOIN_CONVERSATION', payload: { data, }, }; } function conversationAdded( id: string, data: ConversationType ): ConversationAddedActionType { return { type: 'CONVERSATION_ADDED', payload: { id, data, }, }; } function conversationChanged( id: string, data: ConversationType ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, ConversationChangedActionType> { return dispatch => { calling.groupMembersChanged(id); dispatch({ type: 'CONVERSATION_CHANGED', payload: { id, data, }, }); }; } function conversationRemoved(id: string): ConversationRemovedActionType { return { type: 'CONVERSATION_REMOVED', payload: { id, }, }; } function createGroup( createGroupV2 = groups.createGroupV2 ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, | CreateGroupPendingActionType | CreateGroupFulfilledActionType | CreateGroupRejectedActionType | TargetedConversationChangedActionType > { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const { composer } = getState().conversations; if ( composer?.step !== ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata || composer.isCreating ) { assertDev(false, 'Cannot create group in this stage; doing nothing'); return; } dispatch({ type: 'CREATE_GROUP_PENDING' }); try { const conversation = await createGroupV2({ name: composer.groupName.trim(), avatar: composer.groupAvatar, avatars: composer.userAvatarData.map(avatarData => omit(avatarData, ['buffer']) ), expireTimer: composer.groupExpireTimer, conversationIds: composer.selectedConversationIds, }); dispatch({ type: 'CREATE_GROUP_FULFILLED', payload: { invitedUuids: (conversation.get('pendingMembersV2') || []).map( member => member.uuid ), }, }); showConversation({ conversationId: conversation.id, switchToAssociatedView: true, })(dispatch, getState, null); } catch (err) { log.error('Failed to create group', Errors.toLogFormat(err)); dispatch({ type: 'CREATE_GROUP_REJECTED' }); } }; } function removeAllConversations(): RemoveAllConversationsActionType { return { type: 'CONVERSATIONS_REMOVE_ALL', payload: null, }; } function targetMessage( messageId: string, conversationId: string ): MessageTargetedActionType { return { type: 'MESSAGE_TARGETED', payload: { messageId, conversationId, }, }; } function toggleSelectMessage( conversationId: string, messageId: string, shift: boolean, selected: boolean ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, ToggleSelectMessagesActionType> { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const { conversations } = state; let toggledMessageIds: ReadonlyArray<string>; if (shift && conversations.lastSelectedMessage != null) { if (conversationId !== conversations.selectedConversationId) { throw new Error("toggleSelectMessage: conversationId doesn't match"); } const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (conversation == null) { throw new Error('toggleSelectMessage: conversation not found'); } const toggledMessage = getOwn(conversations.messagesLookup, messageId); strictAssert( toggledMessage != null, 'toggleSelectMessage: toggled message not found' ); // Sort the messages by their order in the conversation const [after, before] = sortByMessageOrder( [toggledMessage, conversations.lastSelectedMessage], message => message ); const betweenIds = await window.Signal.Data.getMessagesBetween( conversationId, { after: { sent_at: after.sent_at, received_at: after.received_at, }, before: { sent_at: before.sent_at, received_at: before.received_at, }, includeStoryReplies: !isGroup(conversation.attributes), } ); toggledMessageIds = [messageId, ...betweenIds]; } else { toggledMessageIds = [messageId]; } dispatch({ type: 'TOGGLE_SELECT_MESSAGES', payload: { toggledMessageId: messageId, messageIds: toggledMessageIds, selected, }, }); }; } function toggleSelectMode(on: boolean): ToggleSelectModeActionType { return { type: 'TOGGLE_SELECT_MODE', payload: { on }, }; } function getProfilesForConversation(conversationId: string): NoopActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('getProfilesForConversation: no conversation found'); } void conversation.getProfiles(); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function conversationStoppedByMissingVerification(payload: { conversationId: string; distributionId?: string; untrustedUuids: ReadonlyArray<UUIDStringType>; }): ConversationStoppedByMissingVerificationActionType { // Fetching profiles to ensure that we have their latest identity key in storage payload.untrustedUuids.forEach(uuid => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(uuid); if (!conversation) { log.error( `conversationStoppedByMissingVerification: uuid ${uuid} not found!` ); return; } // Intentionally not awaiting here void conversation.getProfiles(); }); return { type: CONVERSATION_STOPPED_BY_MISSING_VERIFICATION, payload, }; } function messageChanged( id: string, conversationId: string, data: MessageAttributesType ): MessageChangedActionType { return { type: MESSAGE_CHANGED, payload: { id, conversationId, data, }, }; } function messageDeleted( id: string, conversationId: string ): MessageDeletedActionType { return { type: MESSAGE_DELETED, payload: { id, conversationId, }, }; } function messageExpanded( id: string, displayLimit: number ): MessageExpandedActionType { return { type: 'MESSAGE_EXPANDED', payload: { id, displayLimit, }, }; } function showSpoiler(id: string): ShowSpoilerActionType { return { type: SHOW_SPOILER, payload: { id, }, }; } function messageExpired(id: string): MessageExpiredActionType { return { type: MESSAGE_EXPIRED, payload: { id, }, }; } function messagesAdded({ conversationId, isActive, isJustSent, isNewMessage, messages, }: { conversationId: string; isActive: boolean; isJustSent: boolean; isNewMessage: boolean; messages: ReadonlyArray<MessageAttributesType>; }): MessagesAddedActionType { return { type: 'MESSAGES_ADDED', payload: { conversationId, isActive, isJustSent, isNewMessage, messages, }, }; } function repairNewestMessage( conversationId: string ): RepairNewestMessageActionType { return { type: 'REPAIR_NEWEST_MESSAGE', payload: { conversationId, }, }; } function repairOldestMessage( conversationId: string ): RepairOldestMessageActionType { return { type: 'REPAIR_OLDEST_MESSAGE', payload: { conversationId, }, }; } function reviewGroupMemberNameCollision( groupConversationId: string ): ReviewGroupMemberNameCollisionActionType { return { type: 'REVIEW_GROUP_MEMBER_NAME_COLLISION', payload: { groupConversationId }, }; } function reviewMessageRequestNameCollision( payload: Readonly<{ safeConversationId: string; }> ): ReviewMessageRequestNameCollisionActionType { return { type: 'REVIEW_MESSAGE_REQUEST_NAME_COLLISION', payload }; } // eslint-disable-next-line local-rules/type-alias-readonlydeep export type MessageResetOptionsType = { conversationId: string; messages: ReadonlyArray<MessageAttributesType>; metrics: MessageMetricsType; scrollToMessageId?: string; unboundedFetch?: boolean; }; function messagesReset({ conversationId, messages, metrics, scrollToMessageId, unboundedFetch, }: MessageResetOptionsType): MessagesResetActionType { for (const message of messages) { strictAssert( message.conversationId === conversationId, `messagesReset(${conversationId}): invalid message conversationId ` + `${message.conversationId}` ); } return { type: 'MESSAGES_RESET', payload: { unboundedFetch: Boolean(unboundedFetch), conversationId, messages, metrics, scrollToMessageId, }, }; } function setMessageLoadingState( conversationId: string, messageLoadingState: undefined | TimelineMessageLoadingState ): SetMessageLoadingStateActionType { return { type: 'SET_MESSAGE_LOADING_STATE', payload: { conversationId, messageLoadingState, }, }; } function setIsNearBottom( conversationId: string, isNearBottom: boolean ): SetIsNearBottomActionType { return { type: 'SET_NEAR_BOTTOM', payload: { conversationId, isNearBottom, }, }; } function setIsFetchingUUID( identifier: UUIDFetchStateKeyType, isFetching: boolean ): SetIsFetchingUUIDActionType { return { type: 'SET_IS_FETCHING_UUID', payload: { identifier, isFetching, }, }; } export type PushPanelForConversationActionType = ReadonlyDeep< (panel: PanelRequestType) => unknown >; function pushPanelForConversation( panel: PanelRequestType ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, PushPanelActionType> { return async (dispatch, getState) => { if (panel.type === PanelType.MessageDetails) { const { messageId } = panel.args; const state = getState(); const message = state.conversations.messagesLookup[messageId] || (await getMessageById(messageId))?.attributes; if (!message) { throw new Error( 'pushPanelForConversation: could not find message for MessageDetails' ); } dispatch({ type: PUSH_PANEL, payload: { type: PanelType.MessageDetails, args: { message, }, }, }); return; } dispatch({ type: PUSH_PANEL, payload: panel, }); }; } export type PopPanelForConversationActionType = ReadonlyDeep<() => unknown>; function popPanelForConversation(): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, PopPanelActionType > { return (dispatch, getState) => { const { conversations } = getState(); const { targetedConversationPanels: selectedConversationPanels } = conversations; if (!selectedConversationPanels.length) { return; } dispatch({ type: POP_PANEL, payload: null, }); }; } function deleteMessagesForEveryone( messageIds: ReadonlyArray<string> ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType | ShowToastActionType > { return async dispatch => { let hasError = false; await Promise.all( messageIds.map(async messageId => { try { const message = window.MessageController.getById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error( `deleteMessageForEveryone: Message ${messageId} missing!` ); } const conversation = message.getConversation(); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('deleteMessageForEveryone: no conversation'); } await sendDeleteForEveryoneMessage(conversation.attributes, { id: message.id, timestamp: message.get('sent_at'), }); } catch (error) { hasError = true; log.error( 'Error queuing delete-for-everyone job', Errors.toLogFormat(error), messageId ); } }) ); if (hasError) { dispatch({ type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: ToastType.DeleteForEveryoneFailed, }, }); } else { dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); } }; } function approvePendingMembershipFromGroupV2( conversationId: string, memberId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async dispatch => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error( `approvePendingMembershipFromGroupV2: No conversation found for conversation ${conversationId}` ); } const logId = conversation.idForLogging(); const pendingMember = window.ConversationController.get(memberId); if (!pendingMember) { throw new Error( `approvePendingMembershipFromGroupV2/${logId}: No member found for conversation ${conversationId}` ); } const uuid = pendingMember.getCheckedUuid( `approvePendingMembershipFromGroupV2/${logId}` ); if ( isGroupV2(conversation.attributes) && isMemberRequestingToJoin(conversation.attributes, uuid) ) { await modifyGroupV2({ conversation, usingCredentialsFrom: [pendingMember], createGroupChange: async () => { // This user's pending state may have changed in the time between the user's // button press and when we get here. It's especially important to check here // in conflict/retry cases. if (!isMemberRequestingToJoin(conversation.attributes, uuid)) { log.warn( `approvePendingMembershipFromGroupV2/${logId}: ${uuid} is not requesting ` + 'to join the group. Returning early.' ); return undefined; } return buildPromotePendingAdminApprovalMemberChange({ group: conversation.attributes, uuid, }); }, name: 'approvePendingMembershipFromGroupV2', }); } dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function revokePendingMembershipsFromGroupV2( conversationId: string, memberIds: ReadonlyArray<string> ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async dispatch => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error( `approvePendingMembershipFromGroupV2: No conversation found for conversation ${conversationId}` ); } if (!isGroupV2(conversation.attributes)) { return; } // Only pending memberships can be revoked for multiple members at once if (memberIds.length > 1) { const uuids = memberIds.map(id => { const uuid = window.ConversationController.get(id)?.getUuid(); strictAssert(uuid, `UUID does not exist for ${id}`); return uuid; }); await conversation.modifyGroupV2({ name: 'removePendingMember', usingCredentialsFrom: [], createGroupChange: () => removePendingMember(conversation.attributes, uuids), extraConversationsForSend: memberIds, }); return; } const [memberId] = memberIds; const pendingMember = window.ConversationController.get(memberId); if (!pendingMember) { const logId = conversation.idForLogging(); throw new Error( `revokePendingMembershipsFromGroupV2/${logId}: No conversation found for conversation ${memberId}` ); } const uuid = pendingMember.getCheckedUuid( 'revokePendingMembershipsFromGroupV2' ); if (isMemberRequestingToJoin(conversation.attributes, uuid)) { await conversation.modifyGroupV2({ name: 'denyPendingApprovalRequest', usingCredentialsFrom: [], createGroupChange: () => denyPendingApprovalRequest(conversation.attributes, uuid), extraConversationsForSend: [memberId], }); } else if (conversation.isMemberPending(uuid)) { await conversation.modifyGroupV2({ name: 'removePendingMember', usingCredentialsFrom: [], createGroupChange: () => removePendingMember(conversation.attributes, [uuid]), extraConversationsForSend: [memberId], }); } dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function blockAndReportSpam( conversationId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, ShowToastActionType> { return async dispatch => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { log.error( `blockAndReportSpam: Expected a conversation to be found for ${conversationId}. Doing nothing.` ); return; } const messageRequestEnum = Proto.SyncMessage.MessageRequestResponse.Type; const idForLogging = conversation.idForLogging(); void longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'blockAndReportSpam', idForLogging, task: async () => { await Promise.all([ conversation.syncMessageRequestResponse(messageRequestEnum.BLOCK), addReportSpamJob({ conversation: conversation.attributes, getMessageServerGuidsForSpam: window.Signal.Data.getMessageServerGuidsForSpam, jobQueue: reportSpamJobQueue, }), ]); dispatch({ type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: ToastType.ReportedSpamAndBlocked, }, }); }, }); }; } function acceptConversation(conversationId: string): NoopActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error( 'acceptConversation: Expected a conversation to be found. Doing nothing' ); } const messageRequestEnum = Proto.SyncMessage.MessageRequestResponse.Type; void longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'acceptConversation', idForLogging: conversation.idForLogging(), task: conversation.syncMessageRequestResponse.bind( conversation, messageRequestEnum.ACCEPT ), }); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function removeConversation(conversationId: string): ShowToastActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error( 'acceptConversation: Expected a conversation to be found. Doing nothing' ); } drop(conversation.removeContact()); return { type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: ToastType.ConversationRemoved, parameters: { title: conversation.getTitle(), }, }, }; } function blockConversation(conversationId: string): NoopActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error( 'blockConversation: Expected a conversation to be found. Doing nothing' ); } const messageRequestEnum = Proto.SyncMessage.MessageRequestResponse.Type; void longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'blockConversation', idForLogging: conversation.idForLogging(), task: conversation.syncMessageRequestResponse.bind( conversation, messageRequestEnum.BLOCK ), }); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function deleteConversation(conversationId: string): NoopActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error( 'deleteConversation: Expected a conversation to be found. Doing nothing' ); } const messageRequestEnum = Proto.SyncMessage.MessageRequestResponse.Type; void longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'deleteConversation', idForLogging: conversation.idForLogging(), task: conversation.syncMessageRequestResponse.bind( conversation, messageRequestEnum.DELETE ), }); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function initiateMigrationToGroupV2(conversationId: string): NoopActionType { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error( 'deleteConversation: Expected a conversation to be found. Doing nothing' ); } void longRunningTaskWrapper({ idForLogging: conversation.idForLogging(), name: 'initiateMigrationToGroupV2', task: () => doInitiateMigrationToGroupV2(conversation), }); return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } function loadRecentMediaItems( conversationId: string, limit: number ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, SetRecentMediaItemsActionType> { return async dispatch => { const { getAbsoluteAttachmentPath } = window.Signal.Migrations; const messages: Array<MessageAttributesType> = await window.Signal.Data.getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments( conversationId, { limit, } ); // Cache these messages in memory to ensure Lightbox can find them messages.forEach(message => { window.MessageController.register(message.id, message); }); const recentMediaItems = messages .filter(message => message.attachments !== undefined) .reduce( (acc, message) => [ ...acc, ...(message.attachments || []).map( (attachment: AttachmentType, index: number): MediaItemType => { const { thumbnail } = attachment; return { objectURL: getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(attachment.path || ''), thumbnailObjectUrl: thumbnail?.path ? getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(thumbnail.path) : '', contentType: attachment.contentType, index, attachment, message: { attachments: message.attachments || [], conversationId: window.ConversationController.get(message.sourceUuid)?.id || message.conversationId, id: message.id, received_at: message.received_at, received_at_ms: Number(message.received_at_ms), sent_at: message.sent_at, }, }; } ), ], [] as Array<MediaItemType> ); dispatch({ type: 'SET_RECENT_MEDIA_ITEMS', payload: { id: conversationId, recentMediaItems }, }); }; } export type SaveAttachmentActionCreatorType = ReadonlyDeep< (attachment: AttachmentType, timestamp?: number, index?: number) => unknown >; function saveAttachment( attachment: AttachmentType, timestamp = Date.now(), index = 0 ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, ShowToastActionType> { return async dispatch => { const { fileName = '' } = attachment; const isDangerous = isFileDangerous(fileName); if (isDangerous) { dispatch({ type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: ToastType.DangerousFileType, }, }); return; } const { readAttachmentData, saveAttachmentToDisk } = window.Signal.Migrations; const fullPath = await Attachment.save({ attachment, index: index + 1, readAttachmentData, saveAttachmentToDisk, timestamp, }); if (fullPath) { dispatch({ type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: ToastType.FileSaved, parameters: { fullPath, }, }, }); } }; } export function saveAttachmentFromMessage( messageId: string, providedAttachment?: AttachmentType ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, ShowToastActionType> { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const message = await getMessageById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error( `saveAttachmentFromMessage: Message ${messageId} missing!` ); } const { attachments, sent_at: timestamp } = message.attributes; if (!attachments || attachments.length < 1) { return; } const attachment = providedAttachment && attachments.includes(providedAttachment) ? providedAttachment : attachments[0]; saveAttachment(attachment, timestamp)(dispatch, getState, null); }; } function clearInvitedUuidsForNewlyCreatedGroup(): ClearInvitedUuidsForNewlyCreatedGroupActionType { return { type: 'CLEAR_INVITED_UUIDS_FOR_NEWLY_CREATED_GROUP' }; } function clearGroupCreationError(): ClearGroupCreationErrorActionType { return { type: 'CLEAR_GROUP_CREATION_ERROR' }; } function clearTargetedMessage(): ClearTargetedMessageActionType { return { type: 'CLEAR_TARGETED_MESSAGE', payload: null, }; } function clearUnreadMetrics( conversationId: string ): ClearUnreadMetricsActionType { return { type: 'CLEAR_UNREAD_METRICS', payload: { conversationId, }, }; } function closeContactSpoofingReview(): CloseContactSpoofingReviewActionType { return { type: 'CLOSE_CONTACT_SPOOFING_REVIEW' }; } function closeMaximumGroupSizeModal(): CloseMaximumGroupSizeModalActionType { return { type: 'CLOSE_MAXIMUM_GROUP_SIZE_MODAL' }; } function closeRecommendedGroupSizeModal(): CloseRecommendedGroupSizeModalActionType { return { type: 'CLOSE_RECOMMENDED_GROUP_SIZE_MODAL' }; } export function scrollToMessage( conversationId: string, messageId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, ScrollToMessageActionType> { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('scrollToMessage: No conversation found'); } const message = await getMessageById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`scrollToMessage: failed to load message ${messageId}`); } if (message.get('conversationId') !== conversationId) { throw new Error( `scrollToMessage: ${messageId} didn't have conversationId ${conversationId}` ); } const state = getState(); let isInMemory = true; if (!window.MessageController.getById(messageId)) { isInMemory = false; } // Message might be in memory, but not in the redux anymore because // we call `messageReset()` in `loadAndScroll()`. const messagesByConversation = getMessagesByConversation(state)[conversationId]; if (!messagesByConversation?.messageIds.includes(messageId)) { isInMemory = false; } if (isInMemory) { dispatch({ type: 'SCROLL_TO_MESSAGE', payload: { conversationId, messageId, }, }); return; } drop(conversation.loadAndScroll(messageId)); }; } function setComposeGroupAvatar( groupAvatar: undefined | Uint8Array ): SetComposeGroupAvatarActionType { return { type: 'SET_COMPOSE_GROUP_AVATAR', payload: { groupAvatar }, }; } function setComposeGroupName(groupName: string): SetComposeGroupNameActionType { return { type: 'SET_COMPOSE_GROUP_NAME', payload: { groupName }, }; } function setComposeGroupExpireTimer( groupExpireTimer: DurationInSeconds ): SetComposeGroupExpireTimerActionType { return { type: 'SET_COMPOSE_GROUP_EXPIRE_TIMER', payload: { groupExpireTimer }, }; } function setComposeSearchTerm( searchTerm: string ): SetComposeSearchTermActionType { return { type: 'SET_COMPOSE_SEARCH_TERM', payload: { searchTerm }, }; } function startComposing(): StartComposingActionType { return { type: 'START_COMPOSING' }; } function showChooseGroupMembers(): ShowChooseGroupMembersActionType { return { type: 'SHOW_CHOOSE_GROUP_MEMBERS' }; } function startSettingGroupMetadata(): StartSettingGroupMetadataActionType { return { type: 'START_SETTING_GROUP_METADATA' }; } function toggleConversationInChooseMembers( conversationId: string ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, ToggleConversationInChooseMembersActionType > { return dispatch => { const maxRecommendedGroupSize = getGroupSizeRecommendedLimit(151); const maxGroupSize = Math.max( getGroupSizeHardLimit(1001), maxRecommendedGroupSize + 1 ); assertDev( maxGroupSize > maxRecommendedGroupSize, 'Expected the hard max group size to be larger than the recommended maximum' ); dispatch({ type: 'TOGGLE_CONVERSATION_IN_CHOOSE_MEMBERS', payload: { conversationId, maxGroupSize, maxRecommendedGroupSize }, }); }; } function toggleHideStories( conversationId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return dispatch => { const conversationModel = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (conversationModel) { conversationModel.toggleHideStories(); } dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function removeMemberFromGroup( conversationId: string, contactId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return dispatch => { const conversationModel = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (conversationModel) { const idForLogging = conversationModel.idForLogging(); void longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'removeMemberFromGroup', idForLogging, task: () => conversationModel.removeFromGroupV2(contactId), }); } dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function addMembersToGroup( conversationId: string, contactIds: ReadonlyArray<string>, { onSuccess, onFailure, }: { onSuccess?: () => unknown; onFailure?: () => unknown; } = {} ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, never> { return async () => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('addMembersToGroup: No conversation found'); } const idForLogging = conversation.idForLogging(); try { await longRunningTaskWrapper({ name: 'addMembersToGroup', idForLogging, task: () => modifyGroupV2({ name: 'addMembersToGroup', conversation, usingCredentialsFrom: contactIds .map(id => window.ConversationController.get(id)) .filter(isNotNil), createGroupChange: async () => buildAddMembersChange(conversation.attributes, contactIds), }), }); onSuccess?.(); } catch { onFailure?.(); } }; } function updateGroupAttributes( conversationId: string, attributes: Readonly<{ avatar?: undefined | Uint8Array; description?: string; title?: string; }>, { onSuccess, onFailure, }: { onSuccess?: () => unknown; onFailure?: () => unknown; } = {} ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, never> { return async () => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('updateGroupAttributes: No conversation found'); } const { id, publicParams, revision, secretParams } = conversation.attributes; try { await modifyGroupV2({ name: 'updateGroupAttributes', conversation, usingCredentialsFrom: [], createGroupChange: async () => buildUpdateAttributesChange( { id, publicParams, revision, secretParams }, attributes ), }); onSuccess?.(); } catch { onFailure?.(); } }; } function leaveGroup( conversationId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, never> { return async () => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('leaveGroup: No conversation found'); } await longRunningTaskWrapper({ idForLogging: conversation.idForLogging(), name: 'leaveGroup', task: () => conversation.leaveGroupV2(), }); }; } function toggleGroupsForStorySend( conversationIds: ReadonlyArray<string> ): ThunkAction<Promise<void>, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return async dispatch => { await Promise.all( conversationIds.map(async conversationId => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { return; } const oldStorySendMode = conversation.getStorySendMode(); const newStorySendMode = oldStorySendMode === StorySendMode.Always ? StorySendMode.Never : StorySendMode.Always; conversation.set({ storySendMode: newStorySendMode, }); window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); conversation.captureChange('storySendMode'); }) ); dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function toggleAdmin( conversationId: string, contactId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return dispatch => { const conversationModel = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (conversationModel) { void conversationModel.toggleAdmin(contactId); } dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function updateConversationModelSharedGroups( conversationId: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, NoopActionType> { return dispatch => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (conversation && conversation.throttledUpdateSharedGroups) { void conversation.throttledUpdateSharedGroups(); } dispatch({ type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }); }; } function showExpiredIncomingTapToViewToast(): ShowToastActionType { log.info( 'showExpiredIncomingTapToViewToastShowing expired tap-to-view toast for an incoming message' ); return { type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: ToastType.TapToViewExpiredIncoming, }, }; } function showExpiredOutgoingTapToViewToast(): ShowToastActionType { log.info('Showing expired tap-to-view toast for an outgoing message'); return { type: SHOW_TOAST, payload: { toastType: ToastType.TapToViewExpiredOutgoing, }, }; } function showInbox(): ShowInboxActionType { return { type: 'SHOW_INBOX', payload: null, }; } type ShowConversationArgsType = ReadonlyDeep<{ conversationId?: string; messageId?: string; switchToAssociatedView?: boolean; }>; export type ShowConversationType = ReadonlyDeep< (options: ShowConversationArgsType) => unknown >; function showConversation({ conversationId, messageId, switchToAssociatedView, }: ShowConversationArgsType): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, TargetedConversationChangedActionType > { return (dispatch, getState) => { const { conversations } = getState(); if (conversationId === conversations.selectedConversationId) { if (conversationId && messageId) { scrollToMessage(conversationId, messageId)(dispatch, getState, null); } return; } // notify composer in case we need to stop recording a voice note if (conversations.selectedConversationId) { log.error('conversations - handleLeave'); dispatch(handleLeaveConversation(conversations.selectedConversationId)); } dispatch({ type: TARGETED_CONVERSATION_CHANGED, payload: { conversationId, messageId, switchToAssociatedView, }, }); }; } function onConversationOpened( conversationId: string, messageId?: string ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, | ReplaceAttachmentsActionType | ResetComposerActionType | SetFocusActionType | SetQuotedMessageActionType > { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('onConversationOpened: Conversation not found'); } conversation.onOpenStart(); if (messageId) { const message = await getMessageById(messageId); if (message) { drop(conversation.loadAndScroll(messageId)); return; } log.warn(`onOpened: Did not find message ${messageId}`); } const { retryPlaceholders } = window.Signal.Services; if (retryPlaceholders) { await retryPlaceholders.findByConversationAndMarkOpened(conversation.id); } const loadAndUpdate = async () => { drop( Promise.all([ conversation.loadNewestMessages(undefined, undefined), conversation.updateLastMessage(), conversation.updateUnread(), ]) ); }; drop(loadAndUpdate()); dispatch(setComposerFocus(conversation.id)); const quotedMessageId = conversation.get('quotedMessageId'); if (quotedMessageId) { setQuoteByMessageId(conversation.id, quotedMessageId)( dispatch, getState, undefined ); } drop(conversation.fetchLatestGroupV2Data()); strictAssert( conversation.throttledMaybeMigrateV1Group !== undefined, 'Conversation model should be initialized' ); drop(conversation.throttledMaybeMigrateV1Group()); strictAssert( conversation.throttledFetchSMSOnlyUUID !== undefined, 'Conversation model should be initialized' ); drop(conversation.throttledFetchSMSOnlyUUID()); const ourUuid = window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid(UUIDKind.ACI); if ( !isGroup(conversation.attributes) || (ourUuid && conversation.hasMember(ourUuid)) ) { strictAssert( conversation.throttledGetProfiles !== undefined, 'Conversation model should be initialized' ); await conversation.throttledGetProfiles(); } drop(conversation.updateVerified()); replaceAttachments( conversation.get('id'), conversation.get('draftAttachments') || [] )(dispatch, getState, undefined); dispatch(resetComposer(conversationId)); }; } function onConversationClosed( conversationId: string, reason: string ): ThunkAction<void, RootStateType, unknown, ConversationUnloadedActionType> { return async dispatch => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('onConversationClosed: Conversation not found'); } const logId = `onConversationClosed/${conversation.idForLogging()}`; log.info(`${logId}: unloading due to ${reason}`); if (conversation.get('draftChanged')) { if (conversation.hasDraft()) { log.info(`${logId}: new draft info needs update`); const now = Date.now(); const activeAt = conversation.get('active_at') || now; conversation.set({ active_at: activeAt, draftChanged: false, draftTimestamp: now, timestamp: now, }); } else { log.info(`${logId}: clearing draft info`); conversation.set({ draftChanged: false, draftTimestamp: null, }); } window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); drop(conversation.updateLastMessage()); } removeLinkPreview(conversationId); dispatch({ type: CONVERSATION_UNLOADED, payload: { conversationId, }, }); }; } function showArchivedConversations(): ShowArchivedConversationsActionType { return { type: 'SHOW_ARCHIVED_CONVERSATIONS', payload: null, }; } function doubleCheckMissingQuoteReference(messageId: string): NoopActionType { const message = window.MessageController.getById(messageId); if (message) { void message.doubleCheckMissingQuoteReference(); } return { type: 'NOOP', payload: null, }; } // Reducer export function getEmptyState(): ConversationsStateType { return { conversationLookup: {}, conversationsByE164: {}, conversationsByUuid: {}, conversationsByGroupId: {}, conversationsByUsername: {}, verificationDataByConversation: {}, messagesByConversation: {}, messagesLookup: {}, targetedMessage: undefined, targetedMessageCounter: 0, targetedMessageSource: undefined, lastSelectedMessage: undefined, selectedMessageIds: undefined, showArchived: false, targetedConversationPanels: [], }; } export function updateConversationLookups( added: ConversationType | undefined, removed: ConversationType | undefined, state: ConversationsStateType ): Pick< ConversationsStateType, | 'conversationsByE164' | 'conversationsByUuid' | 'conversationsByGroupId' | 'conversationsByUsername' > { const result = { conversationsByE164: state.conversationsByE164, conversationsByUuid: state.conversationsByUuid, conversationsByGroupId: state.conversationsByGroupId, conversationsByUsername: state.conversationsByUsername, }; if (removed && removed.e164) { result.conversationsByE164 = omit(result.conversationsByE164, removed.e164); } if (removed && removed.uuid) { result.conversationsByUuid = omit(result.conversationsByUuid, removed.uuid); } if (removed && removed.pni) { result.conversationsByUuid = omit(result.conversationsByUuid, removed.pni); } if (removed && removed.groupId) { result.conversationsByGroupId = omit( result.conversationsByGroupId, removed.groupId ); } if (removed && removed.username) { result.conversationsByUsername = omit( result.conversationsByUsername, removed.username ); } if (added && added.e164) { result.conversationsByE164 = { ...result.conversationsByE164, [added.e164]: added, }; } if (added && added.uuid) { result.conversationsByUuid = { ...result.conversationsByUuid, [added.uuid]: added, }; } if (added && added.pni) { result.conversationsByUuid = { ...result.conversationsByUuid, [added.pni]: added, }; } if (added && added.groupId) { result.conversationsByGroupId = { ...result.conversationsByGroupId, [added.groupId]: added, }; } if (added && added.username) { result.conversationsByUsername = { ...result.conversationsByUsername, [added.username]: added, }; } return result; } function closeComposerModal( state: Readonly<ConversationsStateType>, modalToClose: 'maximumGroupSizeModalState' | 'recommendedGroupSizeModalState' ): ConversationsStateType { const { composer } = state; if (composer?.step !== ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers) { assertDev( false, "Can't close the modal in this composer step. Doing nothing" ); return state; } if (composer[modalToClose] !== OneTimeModalState.Showing) { return state; } return { ...state, composer: { ...composer, [modalToClose]: OneTimeModalState.Shown, }, }; } function getVerificationDataForConversation({ conversationId, distributionId, state, untrustedUuids, }: { conversationId: string; distributionId?: string; state: Readonly<VerificationDataByConversation>; untrustedUuids: ReadonlyArray<UUIDStringType>; }): VerificationDataByConversation { const existing = getOwn(state, conversationId); if ( !existing || existing.type === ConversationVerificationState.VerificationCancelled ) { return { [conversationId]: { type: ConversationVerificationState.PendingVerification as const, uuidsNeedingVerification: distributionId ? [] : untrustedUuids, ...(distributionId ? { byDistributionId: { [distributionId]: { uuidsNeedingVerification: untrustedUuids, }, }, } : undefined), }, }; } const existingUuids = distributionId ? existing.byDistributionId?.[distributionId]?.uuidsNeedingVerification : existing.uuidsNeedingVerification; const uuidsNeedingVerification: ReadonlyArray<UUIDStringType> = Array.from( new Set([...(existingUuids || []), ...untrustedUuids]) ); return { [conversationId]: { ...existing, type: ConversationVerificationState.PendingVerification as const, ...(distributionId ? undefined : { uuidsNeedingVerification }), ...(distributionId ? { byDistributionId: { ...existing.byDistributionId, [distributionId]: { uuidsNeedingVerification, }, }, } : undefined), }, }; } // Return same data, and we do nothing. Return undefined, and we'll delete the list. type DistributionVisitor = ReadonlyDeep< ( id: string, data: DistributionVerificationData ) => DistributionVerificationData | undefined >; function visitListsInVerificationData( existing: VerificationDataByConversation, visitor: DistributionVisitor ): VerificationDataByConversation { let result = existing; Object.entries(result).forEach(([conversationId, conversationData]) => { if ( conversationData.type !== ConversationVerificationState.PendingVerification ) { return; } const { byDistributionId } = conversationData; if (!byDistributionId) { return; } let updatedByDistributionId = byDistributionId; Object.entries(byDistributionId).forEach( ([distributionId, distributionData]) => { const visitorResult = visitor(distributionId, distributionData); if (!visitorResult) { updatedByDistributionId = omit(updatedByDistributionId, [ distributionId, ]); } else if (visitorResult !== distributionData) { updatedByDistributionId = { ...updatedByDistributionId, [distributionId]: visitorResult, }; } } ); const listCount = Object.keys(updatedByDistributionId).length; if ( conversationData.uuidsNeedingVerification.length === 0 && listCount === 0 ) { result = omit(result, [conversationId]); } else if (listCount === 0) { result = { ...result, [conversationId]: omit(conversationData, ['byDistributionId']), }; } else if (updatedByDistributionId !== byDistributionId) { result = { ...result, [conversationId]: { ...conversationData, byDistributionId: updatedByDistributionId, }, }; } }); return result; } function maybeUpdateSelectedMessageForDetails( { messageId, targetedMessageForDetails, }: { messageId: string; targetedMessageForDetails: MessageAttributesType | undefined; }, state: ConversationsStateType ): ConversationsStateType { if (!state.targetedMessageForDetails) { return state; } if (state.targetedMessageForDetails.id !== messageId) { return state; } return { ...state, targetedMessageForDetails, }; } export function reducer( state: Readonly<ConversationsStateType> = getEmptyState(), action: Readonly<ConversationActionType | StoryDistributionListsActionType> ): ConversationsStateType { if (action.type === CLEAR_CONVERSATIONS_PENDING_VERIFICATION) { return { ...state, verificationDataByConversation: {}, }; } if (action.type === CLEAR_CANCELLED_VERIFICATION) { const { conversationId } = action.payload; const { verificationDataByConversation } = state; const existing = getOwn(verificationDataByConversation, conversationId); // If there are active verifications required, this will do nothing. if ( existing && existing.type === ConversationVerificationState.PendingVerification ) { return state; } return { ...state, verificationDataByConversation: omit( verificationDataByConversation, conversationId ), }; } if (action.type === CANCEL_CONVERSATION_PENDING_VERIFICATION) { const { canceledAt } = action.payload; const { verificationDataByConversation } = state; const newverificationDataByConversation: Record< string, ConversationVerificationData > = {}; const entries = Object.entries(verificationDataByConversation); if (!entries.length) { log.warn( 'CANCEL_CONVERSATION_PENDING_VERIFICATION: No conversations pending verification' ); return state; } for (const [conversationId, data] of entries) { if ( data.type === ConversationVerificationState.VerificationCancelled && data.canceledAt > canceledAt ) { newverificationDataByConversation[conversationId] = data; } else { newverificationDataByConversation[conversationId] = { type: ConversationVerificationState.VerificationCancelled, canceledAt, }; } } return { ...state, verificationDataByConversation: newverificationDataByConversation, }; } if (action.type === 'CLEAR_INVITED_UUIDS_FOR_NEWLY_CREATED_GROUP') { return omit(state, 'invitedUuidsForNewlyCreatedGroup'); } if (action.type === 'CLEAR_GROUP_CREATION_ERROR') { const { composer } = state; if (composer?.step !== ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata) { assertDev( false, "Can't clear group creation error in this composer state. Doing nothing" ); return state; } return { ...state, composer: { ...composer, hasError: false, }, }; } if (action.type === 'CLOSE_CONTACT_SPOOFING_REVIEW') { return omit(state, 'contactSpoofingReview'); } if (action.type === 'CLOSE_MAXIMUM_GROUP_SIZE_MODAL') { return closeComposerModal(state, 'maximumGroupSizeModalState' as const); } if (action.type === 'CLOSE_RECOMMENDED_GROUP_SIZE_MODAL') { return closeComposerModal(state, 'recommendedGroupSizeModalState' as const); } if (action.type === DISCARD_MESSAGES) { if (state.selectedMessageIds != null) { log.info('Not discarding messages because we are in select mode'); return state; } const { conversationId } = action.payload; if ('numberToKeepAtBottom' in action.payload) { const { numberToKeepAtBottom } = action.payload; const conversationMessages = getOwn( state.messagesByConversation, conversationId ); if (!conversationMessages) { return state; } const { messageIds: oldMessageIds } = conversationMessages; if (oldMessageIds.length <= numberToKeepAtBottom) { return state; } const messageIdsToRemove = oldMessageIds.slice(0, -numberToKeepAtBottom); const messageIdsToKeep = oldMessageIds.slice(-numberToKeepAtBottom); return { ...state, messagesLookup: omit(state.messagesLookup, messageIdsToRemove), messagesByConversation: { ...state.messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...conversationMessages, messageIds: messageIdsToKeep, }, }, }; } if ('numberToKeepAtTop' in action.payload) { const { numberToKeepAtTop } = action.payload; const conversationMessages = getOwn( state.messagesByConversation, conversationId ); if (!conversationMessages) { return state; } const { messageIds: oldMessageIds } = conversationMessages; if (oldMessageIds.length <= numberToKeepAtTop) { return state; } const messageIdsToRemove = oldMessageIds.slice(numberToKeepAtTop); const messageIdsToKeep = oldMessageIds.slice(0, numberToKeepAtTop); return { ...state, messagesLookup: omit(state.messagesLookup, messageIdsToRemove), messagesByConversation: { ...state.messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...conversationMessages, messageIds: messageIdsToKeep, }, }, }; } throw missingCaseError(action.payload); } if (action.type === 'SET_PRE_JOIN_CONVERSATION') { const { payload } = action; const { data } = payload; return { ...state, preJoinConversation: data, }; } if (action.type === 'CONVERSATION_ADDED') { const { payload } = action; const { id, data } = payload; const { conversationLookup } = state; return { ...state, conversationLookup: { ...conversationLookup, [id]: data, }, ...updateConversationLookups(data, undefined, state), }; } if (action.type === 'CONVERSATION_CHANGED') { const { payload } = action; const { id, data } = payload; const { conversationLookup } = state; const { selectedConversationId } = state; let { showArchived } = state; const existing = conversationLookup[id]; // We only modify the lookup if we already had that conversation and the conversation // changed. if (!existing || data === existing) { return state; } const keysToOmit: Array<keyof ConversationsStateType> = []; if (selectedConversationId === id) { // Archived -> Inbox: we go back to the normal inbox view if (existing.isArchived && !data.isArchived) { showArchived = false; } // Inbox -> Archived: no conversation is selected // Note: With today's stacked conversations architecture, this can result in weird // behavior - no selected conversation in the left pane, but a conversation show // in the right pane. if (!existing.isArchived && data.isArchived) { keysToOmit.push('selectedConversationId'); } if (!existing.isBlocked && data.isBlocked) { keysToOmit.push('contactSpoofingReview'); } } return { ...omit(state, keysToOmit), selectedConversationId, showArchived, conversationLookup: { ...conversationLookup, [id]: data, }, ...updateConversationLookups(data, existing, state), }; } if (action.type === 'CONVERSATION_REMOVED') { const { payload } = action; const { id } = payload; const { conversationLookup } = state; const existing = getOwn(conversationLookup, id); // No need to make a change if we didn't have a record of this conversation! if (!existing) { return state; } return { ...state, conversationLookup: omit(conversationLookup, [id]), ...updateConversationLookups(undefined, existing, state), }; } if (action.type === CONVERSATION_UNLOADED) { const { payload } = action; const { conversationId } = payload; const existingConversation = state.messagesByConversation[conversationId]; if (!existingConversation) { return state; } const { messageIds } = existingConversation; const selectedConversationId = state.selectedConversationId !== conversationId ? state.selectedConversationId : undefined; return { ...omit(state, 'contactSpoofingReview'), selectedConversationId, targetedConversationPanels: [], messagesLookup: omit(state.messagesLookup, [...messageIds]), messagesByConversation: omit(state.messagesByConversation, [ conversationId, ]), }; } if (action.type === 'CONVERSATIONS_REMOVE_ALL') { return getEmptyState(); } if (action.type === 'CREATE_GROUP_PENDING') { const { composer } = state; if (composer?.step !== ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata) { // This should be unlikely, but it can happen if someone closes the composer while // a group is being created. return state; } return { ...state, composer: { ...composer, hasError: false, isCreating: true, }, }; } if (action.type === 'CREATE_GROUP_FULFILLED') { // We don't do much here and instead rely on `showConversation` to do most of // the work. return { ...state, invitedUuidsForNewlyCreatedGroup: action.payload.invitedUuids, }; } if (action.type === 'CREATE_GROUP_REJECTED') { const { composer } = state; if (composer?.step !== ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata) { // This should be unlikely, but it can happen if someone closes the composer while // a group is being created. return state; } return { ...state, composer: { ...composer, hasError: true, isCreating: false, }, }; } if (action.type === 'MESSAGE_TARGETED') { const { messageId, conversationId } = action.payload; if (state.selectedConversationId !== conversationId) { return state; } return { ...state, targetedMessage: messageId, targetedMessageCounter: state.targetedMessageCounter + 1, targetedMessageSource: TargetedMessageSource.Focus, }; } if (action.type === 'TOGGLE_SELECT_MESSAGES') { const { toggledMessageId, messageIds, selected } = action.payload; let { selectedMessageIds = [] } = state; if (selected) { selectedMessageIds = selectedMessageIds.concat(messageIds); } else { selectedMessageIds = selectedMessageIds.filter( id => !messageIds.includes(id) ); } const lastSelectedMessage = getOwn(state.messagesLookup, toggledMessageId); strictAssert(lastSelectedMessage, 'Message not found in lookup'); return { ...state, lastSelectedMessage: selected ? pick(lastSelectedMessage, 'sent_at', 'received_at') : undefined, selectedMessageIds, }; } if (action.type === 'TOGGLE_SELECT_MODE') { const { on } = action.payload; const { selectedMessageIds = [] } = state; return { ...state, lastSelectedMessage: undefined, selectedMessageIds: on ? selectedMessageIds : undefined, }; } if (action.type === MODIFY_LIST) { const { id: listId, isBlockList, membersToRemove, membersToAdd, } = action.payload; const removedUuids = new Set(isBlockList ? membersToAdd : membersToRemove); const nextVerificationData = visitListsInVerificationData( state.verificationDataByConversation, (id, data): DistributionVerificationData | undefined => { if (listId === id) { const uuidsNeedingVerification = data.uuidsNeedingVerification.filter( uuid => !removedUuids.has(uuid) ); if (!uuidsNeedingVerification.length) { return undefined; } return { ...data, uuidsNeedingVerification, }; } return data; } ); if (nextVerificationData === state.verificationDataByConversation) { return state; } return { ...state, verificationDataByConversation: nextVerificationData, }; } if (action.type === DELETE_LIST) { const { listId } = action.payload; const nextVerificationData = visitListsInVerificationData( state.verificationDataByConversation, (id, data): DistributionVerificationData | undefined => { if (listId === id) { return undefined; } return data; } ); if (nextVerificationData === state.verificationDataByConversation) { return state; } return { ...state, verificationDataByConversation: nextVerificationData, }; } if (action.type === HIDE_MY_STORIES_FROM) { const removedUuids = new Set(action.payload); const nextVerificationData = visitListsInVerificationData( state.verificationDataByConversation, (id, data): DistributionVerificationData | undefined => { if (MY_STORY_ID === id) { const uuidsNeedingVerification = data.uuidsNeedingVerification.filter( uuid => !removedUuids.has(uuid) ); if (!uuidsNeedingVerification.length) { return undefined; } return { ...data, uuidsNeedingVerification, }; } return data; } ); if (nextVerificationData === state.verificationDataByConversation) { return state; } return { ...state, verificationDataByConversation: nextVerificationData, }; } if (action.type === VIEWERS_CHANGED) { const { listId, memberUuids } = action.payload; const newUuids = new Set(memberUuids); const nextVerificationData = visitListsInVerificationData( state.verificationDataByConversation, (id, data): DistributionVerificationData | undefined => { if (listId === id) { const uuidsNeedingVerification = data.uuidsNeedingVerification.filter( uuid => newUuids.has(uuid) ); if (!uuidsNeedingVerification.length) { return undefined; } return { ...data, uuidsNeedingVerification, }; } return data; } ); if (nextVerificationData === state.verificationDataByConversation) { return state; } return { ...state, verificationDataByConversation: nextVerificationData, }; } if (action.type === CONVERSATION_STOPPED_BY_MISSING_VERIFICATION) { const { conversationId, distributionId, untrustedUuids } = action.payload; const nextVerificationData = getVerificationDataForConversation({ conversationId, distributionId, state: state.verificationDataByConversation, untrustedUuids, }); return { ...state, verificationDataByConversation: { ...state.verificationDataByConversation, ...nextVerificationData, }, }; } if (action.type === SHOW_SEND_ANYWAY_DIALOG) { const verificationDataByConversation = { ...state.verificationDataByConversation, }; Object.entries(action.payload.untrustedByConversation).forEach( ([conversationId, conversationData]) => { const nextConversation = getVerificationDataForConversation({ state: verificationDataByConversation, conversationId, untrustedUuids: conversationData.uuids, }); Object.assign(verificationDataByConversation, nextConversation); if (!conversationData.byDistributionId) { return; } Object.entries(conversationData.byDistributionId).forEach( ([distributionId, distributionData]) => { const nextDistribution = getVerificationDataForConversation({ state: verificationDataByConversation, distributionId, conversationId, untrustedUuids: distributionData.uuids, }); Object.assign(verificationDataByConversation, nextDistribution); } ); } ); return { ...state, verificationDataByConversation, }; } if (action.type === MESSAGE_CHANGED) { const { id, conversationId, data } = action.payload; const existingConversation = state.messagesByConversation[conversationId]; // We don't keep track of messages unless their conversation is loaded... if (!existingConversation) { return maybeUpdateSelectedMessageForDetails( { messageId: id, targetedMessageForDetails: data }, state ); } // ...and we've already loaded that message once const existingMessage = getOwn(state.messagesLookup, id); if (!existingMessage) { return maybeUpdateSelectedMessageForDetails( { messageId: id, targetedMessageForDetails: data }, state ); } const conversationAttrs = state.conversationLookup[conversationId]; const isGroupStoryReply = isGroup(conversationAttrs) && data.storyId; if (isGroupStoryReply) { return state; } const toIncrement = data.reactions?.length || existingMessage.editHistory?.length !== data.editHistory?.length ? 1 : 0; const updatedMessage = { ...data, displayLimit: existingMessage.displayLimit, isSpoilerExpanded: existingMessage.isSpoilerExpanded, }; return { ...maybeUpdateSelectedMessageForDetails( { messageId: id, targetedMessageForDetails: updatedMessage, }, state ), messagesByConversation: { ...state.messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, messageChangeCounter: (existingConversation.messageChangeCounter || 0) + toIncrement, }, }, messagesLookup: { ...state.messagesLookup, [id]: updatedMessage, }, }; } if (action.type === MESSAGE_EXPIRED) { return maybeUpdateSelectedMessageForDetails( { messageId: action.payload.id, targetedMessageForDetails: undefined }, state ); } if (action.type === 'MESSAGE_EXPANDED') { const { id, displayLimit } = action.payload; const existingMessage = state.messagesLookup[id]; if (!existingMessage) { return state; } const updatedMessage = { ...existingMessage, displayLimit, }; return { ...state, ...maybeUpdateSelectedMessageForDetails( { messageId: id, targetedMessageForDetails: updatedMessage, }, state ), messagesLookup: { ...state.messagesLookup, [id]: updatedMessage, }, }; } if (action.type === SHOW_SPOILER) { const { id } = action.payload; const existingMessage = state.messagesLookup[id]; if (!existingMessage) { return state; } const updatedMessage = { ...existingMessage, isSpoilerExpanded: true, }; return { ...state, ...maybeUpdateSelectedMessageForDetails( { messageId: id, targetedMessageForDetails: updatedMessage, }, state ), messagesLookup: { ...state.messagesLookup, [id]: updatedMessage, }, }; } if (action.type === 'MESSAGES_RESET') { const { conversationId, messages, metrics, scrollToMessageId, unboundedFetch, } = action.payload; const { messagesByConversation, messagesLookup } = state; const existingConversation = messagesByConversation[conversationId]; const lookup = fromPairs(messages.map(message => [message.id, message])); const sorted = orderBy( values(lookup), ['received_at', 'sent_at'], ['ASC', 'ASC'] ); let { newest, oldest } = metrics; // If our metrics are a little out of date, we'll fix them up if (sorted.length > 0) { const first = sorted[0]; if (first && (!oldest || first.received_at <= oldest.received_at)) { oldest = pick(first, ['id', 'received_at', 'sent_at']); } const last = sorted[sorted.length - 1]; if ( last && (!newest || unboundedFetch || last.received_at >= newest.received_at) ) { newest = pick(last, ['id', 'received_at', 'sent_at']); } } const messageIds = sorted.map(message => message.id); return { ...state, ...(state.selectedConversationId === conversationId ? { targetedMessage: scrollToMessageId, targetedMessageCounter: state.targetedMessageCounter + 1, targetedMessageSource: TargetedMessageSource.Reset, } : {}), messagesLookup: { ...messagesLookup, ...lookup, }, messagesByConversation: { ...messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { messageChangeCounter: 0, scrollToMessageId, scrollToMessageCounter: existingConversation ? existingConversation.scrollToMessageCounter + 1 : 0, messageIds, metrics: { ...metrics, newest, oldest, }, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'SET_MESSAGE_LOADING_STATE') { const { payload } = action; const { conversationId, messageLoadingState } = payload; const { messagesByConversation } = state; const existingConversation = messagesByConversation[conversationId]; if (!existingConversation) { return state; } return { ...state, messagesByConversation: { ...messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, messageLoadingState, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'SET_NEAR_BOTTOM') { const { payload } = action; const { conversationId, isNearBottom } = payload; const { messagesByConversation } = state; const existingConversation = messagesByConversation[conversationId]; if ( !existingConversation || existingConversation.isNearBottom === isNearBottom ) { return state; } return { ...state, messagesByConversation: { ...messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, isNearBottom, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'SCROLL_TO_MESSAGE') { const { payload } = action; const { conversationId, messageId } = payload; const { messagesByConversation, messagesLookup } = state; const existingConversation = messagesByConversation[conversationId]; if (!existingConversation) { return state; } if (!messagesLookup[messageId]) { return state; } if (!existingConversation.messageIds.includes(messageId)) { return state; } return { ...state, targetedMessage: messageId, targetedMessageCounter: state.targetedMessageCounter + 1, targetedMessageSource: TargetedMessageSource.NavigateToMessage, messagesByConversation: { ...messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, messageLoadingState: undefined, scrollToMessageId: messageId, scrollToMessageCounter: existingConversation.scrollToMessageCounter + 1, }, }, }; } if (action.type === MESSAGE_DELETED) { const { id, conversationId } = action.payload; const { messagesByConversation, messagesLookup } = state; const existingConversation = messagesByConversation[conversationId]; if (!existingConversation) { return maybeUpdateSelectedMessageForDetails( { messageId: id, targetedMessageForDetails: undefined }, state ); } // Assuming that we always have contiguous groups of messages in memory, the removal // of one message at one end of our message set be replaced with the message right // next to it. const oldIds = existingConversation.messageIds; let { newest, oldest } = existingConversation.metrics; if (oldIds.length > 1) { const firstId = oldIds[0]; const lastId = oldIds[oldIds.length - 1]; if (oldest && oldest.id === firstId && firstId === id) { const second = messagesLookup[oldIds[1]]; oldest = second ? pick(second, ['id', 'received_at', 'sent_at']) : undefined; } if (newest && newest.id === lastId && lastId === id) { const penultimate = messagesLookup[oldIds[oldIds.length - 2]]; newest = penultimate ? pick(penultimate, ['id', 'received_at', 'sent_at']) : undefined; } } // Removing it from our caches const messageIds = without(existingConversation.messageIds, id); let metrics; if (messageIds.length === 0) { metrics = { totalUnseen: 0, }; } else { metrics = { ...existingConversation.metrics, oldest, newest, }; } return { ...maybeUpdateSelectedMessageForDetails( { messageId: id, targetedMessageForDetails: undefined }, state ), messagesLookup: omit(messagesLookup, id), messagesByConversation: { [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, messageIds, metrics, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'REPAIR_NEWEST_MESSAGE') { const { conversationId } = action.payload; const { messagesByConversation, messagesLookup } = state; const existingConversation = getOwn(messagesByConversation, conversationId); if (!existingConversation) { return state; } const { messageIds } = existingConversation; const lastId = messageIds && messageIds.length ? messageIds[messageIds.length - 1] : undefined; const last = lastId ? getOwn(messagesLookup, lastId) : undefined; const newest = last ? pick(last, ['id', 'received_at', 'sent_at']) : undefined; return { ...state, messagesByConversation: { ...messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, metrics: { ...existingConversation.metrics, newest, }, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'REPAIR_OLDEST_MESSAGE') { const { conversationId } = action.payload; const { messagesByConversation, messagesLookup } = state; const existingConversation = getOwn(messagesByConversation, conversationId); if (!existingConversation) { return state; } const { messageIds } = existingConversation; const firstId = messageIds && messageIds.length ? messageIds[0] : undefined; const first = firstId ? getOwn(messagesLookup, firstId) : undefined; const oldest = first ? pick(first, ['id', 'received_at', 'sent_at']) : undefined; return { ...state, messagesByConversation: { ...messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, metrics: { ...existingConversation.metrics, oldest, }, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'REVIEW_GROUP_MEMBER_NAME_COLLISION') { return { ...state, contactSpoofingReview: { type: ContactSpoofingType.MultipleGroupMembersWithSameTitle, ...action.payload, }, }; } if (action.type === 'REVIEW_MESSAGE_REQUEST_NAME_COLLISION') { return { ...state, contactSpoofingReview: { type: ContactSpoofingType.DirectConversationWithSameTitle, ...action.payload, }, }; } if (action.type === 'MESSAGES_ADDED') { const { conversationId, isActive, isJustSent, isNewMessage, messages } = action.payload; const { messagesByConversation, messagesLookup } = state; const existingConversation = messagesByConversation[conversationId]; if (!existingConversation) { return state; } let { newest, oldest, oldestUnseen, totalUnseen } = existingConversation.metrics; if (messages.length < 1) { return state; } const lookup = fromPairs( existingConversation.messageIds.map(id => [id, messagesLookup[id]]) ); messages.forEach(message => { lookup[message.id] = message; }); const sorted = orderBy( values(lookup), ['received_at', 'sent_at'], ['ASC', 'ASC'] ); const messageIds = sorted.map(message => message.id); const first = sorted[0]; const last = sorted[sorted.length - 1]; if (!newest) { newest = pick(first, ['id', 'received_at', 'sent_at']); } if (!oldest) { oldest = pick(last, ['id', 'received_at', 'sent_at']); } const existingTotal = existingConversation.messageIds.length; if (isNewMessage && existingTotal > 0) { const lastMessageId = existingConversation.messageIds[existingTotal - 1]; // If our messages in memory don't include the most recent messages, then we // won't add new messages to our message list. const haveLatest = newest && newest.id === lastMessageId; if (!haveLatest) { if (isJustSent) { log.warn( 'reducer/MESSAGES_ADDED: isJustSent is true, but haveLatest is false' ); } return state; } } // Update oldest and newest if we receive older/newer // messages (or duplicated timestamps!) if (first && oldest && first.received_at <= oldest.received_at) { oldest = pick(first, ['id', 'received_at', 'sent_at']); } if (last && newest && last.received_at >= newest.received_at) { newest = pick(last, ['id', 'received_at', 'sent_at']); } const newIds = messages.map(message => message.id); const newMessageIds = difference(newIds, existingConversation.messageIds); const { isNearBottom } = existingConversation; if ((!isNearBottom || !isActive) && !oldestUnseen) { const oldestId = newMessageIds.find(messageId => { const message = lookup[messageId]; return message && isMessageUnread(message); }); if (oldestId) { oldestUnseen = pick(lookup[oldestId], [ 'id', 'received_at', 'sent_at', ]) as MessagePointerType; } } // If this is a new incoming message, we'll increment our totalUnseen count if (isNewMessage && !isJustSent && oldestUnseen) { const newUnread: number = newMessageIds.reduce((sum, messageId) => { const message = lookup[messageId]; return sum + (message && isMessageUnread(message) ? 1 : 0); }, 0); totalUnseen = (totalUnseen || 0) + newUnread; } return { ...state, messagesLookup: { ...messagesLookup, ...lookup, }, messagesByConversation: { ...messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, messageIds, messageLoadingState: undefined, scrollToMessageId: isJustSent ? last.id : undefined, metrics: { ...existingConversation.metrics, newest, oldest, totalUnseen, oldestUnseen, }, }, }, }; } if (action.type === 'CLEAR_TARGETED_MESSAGE') { return { ...state, targetedMessage: undefined, targetedMessageCounter: 0, targetedMessageSource: undefined, }; } if (action.type === 'CLEAR_UNREAD_METRICS') { const { payload } = action; const { conversationId } = payload; const existingConversation = state.messagesByConversation[conversationId]; if (!existingConversation) { return state; } return { ...state, messagesByConversation: { ...state.messagesByConversation, [conversationId]: { ...existingConversation, metrics: { ...existingConversation.metrics, oldestUnseen: undefined, totalUnseen: 0, }, }, }, }; } if (action.type === TARGETED_CONVERSATION_CHANGED) { const { payload } = action; const { conversationId, messageId, switchToAssociatedView } = payload; const nextState = { ...omit(state, 'contactSpoofingReview'), selectedConversationId: conversationId, targetedMessage: messageId, targetedMessageSource: TargetedMessageSource.NavigateToMessage, }; if (switchToAssociatedView && conversationId) { const conversation = getOwn(state.conversationLookup, conversationId); if (!conversation) { return nextState; } return { ...omit(nextState, 'composer', 'selectedMessageIds'), showArchived: Boolean(conversation.isArchived), }; } return nextState; } if (action.type === 'SHOW_INBOX') { return { ...omit(state, 'composer'), showArchived: false, }; } if (action.type === 'SHOW_ARCHIVED_CONVERSATIONS') { return { ...omit(state, 'composer'), showArchived: true, }; } if (action.type === PUSH_PANEL) { if (action.payload.type === PanelType.MessageDetails) { return { ...state, targetedConversationPanels: [ ...state.targetedConversationPanels, action.payload, ], targetedMessageForDetails: action.payload.args.message, }; } return { ...state, targetedConversationPanels: [ ...state.targetedConversationPanels, action.payload, ], }; } if (action.type === POP_PANEL) { const { targetedConversationPanels: selectedConversationPanels } = state; const nextPanels = [...selectedConversationPanels]; const panel = nextPanels.pop(); if (!panel) { return state; } if (panel.type === PanelType.MessageDetails) { return { ...state, targetedConversationPanels: nextPanels, targetedMessageForDetails: undefined, }; } return { ...state, targetedConversationPanels: nextPanels, }; } if (action.type === 'SET_RECENT_MEDIA_ITEMS') { const { id, recentMediaItems } = action.payload; const { conversationLookup } = state; const conversationData = conversationLookup[id]; if (!conversationData) { return state; } const data = { ...conversationData, recentMediaItems, }; return { ...state, conversationLookup: { ...conversationLookup, [id]: data, }, ...updateConversationLookups(data, undefined, state), }; } if (action.type === 'START_COMPOSING') { if (state.composer?.step === ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation) { return state; } return { ...state, showArchived: false, composer: { step: ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation, searchTerm: '', uuidFetchState: {}, }, }; } if (action.type === 'SHOW_CHOOSE_GROUP_MEMBERS') { let selectedConversationIds: ReadonlyArray<string>; let recommendedGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState; let maximumGroupSizeModalState: OneTimeModalState; let groupName: string; let groupAvatar: undefined | Uint8Array; let groupExpireTimer: DurationInSeconds; let userAvatarData = getDefaultAvatars(true); switch (state.composer?.step) { case ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers: return state; case ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata: ({ selectedConversationIds, recommendedGroupSizeModalState, maximumGroupSizeModalState, groupName, groupAvatar, groupExpireTimer, userAvatarData, } = state.composer); break; default: selectedConversationIds = []; recommendedGroupSizeModalState = OneTimeModalState.NeverShown; maximumGroupSizeModalState = OneTimeModalState.NeverShown; groupName = ''; groupExpireTimer = universalExpireTimer.get(); break; } return { ...state, showArchived: false, composer: { step: ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers, searchTerm: '', uuidFetchState: {}, selectedConversationIds, recommendedGroupSizeModalState, maximumGroupSizeModalState, groupName, groupAvatar, groupExpireTimer, userAvatarData, }, }; } if (action.type === 'START_SETTING_GROUP_METADATA') { const { composer } = state; switch (composer?.step) { case ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers: return { ...state, showArchived: false, composer: { step: ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata, isEditingAvatar: false, isCreating: false, hasError: false, ...pick(composer, [ 'groupAvatar', 'groupName', 'groupExpireTimer', 'maximumGroupSizeModalState', 'recommendedGroupSizeModalState', 'selectedConversationIds', 'userAvatarData', ]), }, }; case ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata: return state; default: assertDev( false, 'Cannot transition to setting group metadata from this state' ); return state; } } if (action.type === 'SET_COMPOSE_GROUP_AVATAR') { const { composer } = state; switch (composer?.step) { case ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers: case ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata: return { ...state, composer: { ...composer, groupAvatar: action.payload.groupAvatar, }, }; default: assertDev( false, 'Setting compose group avatar at this step is a no-op' ); return state; } } if (action.type === 'SET_COMPOSE_GROUP_NAME') { const { composer } = state; switch (composer?.step) { case ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers: case ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata: return { ...state, composer: { ...composer, groupName: action.payload.groupName, }, }; default: assertDev(false, 'Setting compose group name at this step is a no-op'); return state; } } if (action.type === 'SET_COMPOSE_GROUP_EXPIRE_TIMER') { const { composer } = state; switch (composer?.step) { case ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers: case ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata: return { ...state, composer: { ...composer, groupExpireTimer: action.payload.groupExpireTimer, }, }; default: assertDev(false, 'Setting compose group name at this step is a no-op'); return state; } } if (action.type === 'SET_COMPOSE_SEARCH_TERM') { const { composer } = state; if (!composer) { assertDev( false, 'Setting compose search term with the composer closed is a no-op' ); return state; } if ( composer.step !== ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation && composer.step !== ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers ) { assertDev( false, `Setting compose search term at step ${composer.step} is a no-op` ); return state; } return { ...state, composer: { ...composer, searchTerm: action.payload.searchTerm, }, }; } if (action.type === 'SET_IS_FETCHING_UUID') { const { composer } = state; if (!composer) { assertDev( false, 'Setting compose uuid fetch state with the composer closed is a no-op' ); return state; } if ( composer.step !== ComposerStep.StartDirectConversation && composer.step !== ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers ) { assertDev( false, 'Setting compose uuid fetch state at this step is a no-op' ); return state; } const { identifier, isFetching } = action.payload; const { uuidFetchState } = composer; return { ...state, composer: { ...composer, uuidFetchState: isFetching ? { ...composer.uuidFetchState, [identifier]: isFetching, } : omit(uuidFetchState, identifier), }, }; } if (action.type === COMPOSE_TOGGLE_EDITING_AVATAR) { const { composer } = state; switch (composer?.step) { case ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata: return { ...state, composer: { ...composer, isEditingAvatar: !composer.isEditingAvatar, }, }; default: assertDev(false, 'Setting editing avatar at this step is a no-op'); return state; } } if (action.type === COMPOSE_ADD_AVATAR) { const { payload } = action; const { composer } = state; switch (composer?.step) { case ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers: case ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata: return { ...state, composer: { ...composer, userAvatarData: [ { ...payload, id: getNextAvatarId(composer.userAvatarData), }, ...composer.userAvatarData, ], }, }; default: assertDev(false, 'Adding an avatar at this step is a no-op'); return state; } } if (action.type === COMPOSE_REMOVE_AVATAR) { const { payload } = action; const { composer } = state; switch (composer?.step) { case ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers: case ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata: return { ...state, composer: { ...composer, userAvatarData: filterAvatarData(composer.userAvatarData, payload), }, }; default: assertDev(false, 'Removing an avatar at this step is a no-op'); return state; } } if (action.type === COMPOSE_REPLACE_AVATAR) { const { curr, prev } = action.payload; const { composer } = state; switch (composer?.step) { case ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers: case ComposerStep.SetGroupMetadata: return { ...state, composer: { ...composer, userAvatarData: [ { ...curr, id: prev?.id ?? getNextAvatarId(composer.userAvatarData), }, ...(prev ? filterAvatarData(composer.userAvatarData, prev) : composer.userAvatarData), ], }, }; default: assertDev(false, 'Replacing an avatar at this step is a no-op'); return state; } } if (action.type === 'TOGGLE_CONVERSATION_IN_CHOOSE_MEMBERS') { const { composer } = state; if (composer?.step !== ComposerStep.ChooseGroupMembers) { assertDev( false, 'Toggling conversation members is a no-op in this composer step' ); return state; } return { ...state, composer: { ...composer, ...toggleSelectedContactForGroupAddition( action.payload.conversationId, { maxGroupSize: action.payload.maxGroupSize, maxRecommendedGroupSize: action.payload.maxRecommendedGroupSize, maximumGroupSizeModalState: composer.maximumGroupSizeModalState, // We say you're already in the group, even though it hasn't been created yet. numberOfContactsAlreadyInGroup: 1, recommendedGroupSizeModalState: composer.recommendedGroupSizeModalState, selectedConversationIds: composer.selectedConversationIds, } ), }, }; } if (action.type === COLORS_CHANGED) { const { conversationLookup } = state; const { conversationColor, customColorData } = action.payload; const nextState = { ...state, }; Object.keys(conversationLookup).forEach(id => { const existing = conversationLookup[id]; const added = { ...existing, conversationColor, customColor: customColorData?.value, customColorId: customColorData?.id, }; Object.assign( nextState, updateConversationLookups(added, existing, nextState), { conversationLookup: { ...nextState.conversationLookup, [id]: added, }, } ); }); return nextState; } if (action.type === COLOR_SELECTED) { const { conversationLookup } = state; const { conversationId, conversationColor, customColorData } = action.payload; const existing = conversationLookup[conversationId]; if (!existing) { return state; } const changed = { ...existing, conversationColor, customColor: customColorData?.value, customColorId: customColorData?.id, }; return { ...state, conversationLookup: { ...conversationLookup, [conversationId]: changed, }, ...updateConversationLookups(changed, existing, state), }; } if (action.type === CUSTOM_COLOR_REMOVED) { const { conversationLookup } = state; const { colorId } = action.payload; const nextState = { ...state, }; Object.keys(conversationLookup).forEach(id => { const existing = conversationLookup[id]; if (existing.customColorId !== colorId) { return; } const changed = { ...existing, conversationColor: undefined, customColor: undefined, customColorId: undefined, }; Object.assign( nextState, updateConversationLookups(changed, existing, nextState), { conversationLookup: { ...nextState.conversationLookup, [id]: changed, }, } ); }); return nextState; } if (action.type === REPLACE_AVATARS) { const { conversationLookup } = state; const { conversationId, avatars } = action.payload; const conversation = conversationLookup[conversationId]; if (!conversation) { return state; } const changed = { ...conversation, avatars, }; return { ...state, conversationLookup: { ...conversationLookup, [conversationId]: changed, }, ...updateConversationLookups(changed, conversation, state), }; } return state; }