// Copyright 2020-2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-disable camelcase */ import type * as Backbone from 'backbone'; import { render } from 'mustache'; import type { ConversationModel } from '../models/conversations'; import { getMessageById } from '../messages/getMessageById'; import { getContactId } from '../messages/helpers'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import type { GroupNameCollisionsWithIdsByTitle } from '../util/groupMemberNameCollisions'; import { isGroup } from '../util/whatTypeOfConversation'; import { getActiveCallState } from '../state/selectors/calling'; import { ReactWrapperView } from './ReactWrapperView'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { createConversationView } from '../state/roots/createConversationView'; import { ToastConversationArchived } from '../components/ToastConversationArchived'; import { ToastConversationMarkedUnread } from '../components/ToastConversationMarkedUnread'; import { ToastConversationUnarchived } from '../components/ToastConversationUnarchived'; import { ToastMessageBodyTooLong } from '../components/ToastMessageBodyTooLong'; import { ToastOriginalMessageNotFound } from '../components/ToastOriginalMessageNotFound'; import { openLinkInWebBrowser } from '../util/openLinkInWebBrowser'; import { showToast } from '../util/showToast'; import { UUIDKind } from '../types/UUID'; import type { UUIDStringType } from '../types/UUID'; import { removeLinkPreview, suspendLinkPreviews, } from '../services/LinkPreview'; import { SECOND } from '../util/durations'; import { startConversation } from '../util/startConversation'; import { longRunningTaskWrapper } from '../util/longRunningTaskWrapper'; import { clearConversationDraftAttachments } from '../util/clearConversationDraftAttachments'; import type { BackbonePanelRenderType, PanelRenderType } from '../types/Panels'; import { PanelType, isPanelHandledByReact } from '../types/Panels'; type BackbonePanelType = { panelType: PanelType; view: Backbone.View }; const { getMessagesBySentAt } = window.Signal.Data; type MessageActionsType = { showMessageDetail: (messageId: string) => unknown; startConversation: (e164: string, uuid: UUIDStringType) => unknown; }; export class ConversationView extends window.Backbone.View { // Sub-views private contactModalView?: Backbone.View; private conversationView?: Backbone.View; private lightboxView?: ReactWrapperView; private stickerPreviewModalView?: Backbone.View; // Panel support private panels: Array = []; private previousFocus?: HTMLElement; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any constructor(...args: Array) { super(...args); // Events on Conversation model this.listenTo(this.model, 'destroy', this.stopListening); // These are triggered by InboxView this.listenTo(this.model, 'opened', this.onOpened); this.listenTo(this.model, 'unload', (reason: string) => this.unload(`model trigger - ${reason}`) ); // These are triggered by background.ts for keyboard handling this.listenTo(this.model, 'escape-pressed', () => { window.reduxActions.conversations.popPanelForConversation(this.model.id); }); this.listenTo(this.model, 'show-message-details', this.showMessageDetail); this.listenTo(this.model, 'pushPanel', this.pushPanel); this.listenTo(this.model, 'popPanel', this.popPanel); this.render(); this.setupConversationView(); window.reduxActions.composer.replaceAttachments( this.model.get('id'), this.model.get('draftAttachments') || [] ); } // We need this ignore because the backbone types really want this to be a string // property, but the property isn't set until after super() is run, meaning that this // classname wouldn't be applied when Backbone creates our el. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore className(): string { return 'conversation'; } // Same situation as className(). // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore id(): string { return `conversation-${this.model.cid}`; } // Backbone.View is demanded as the return type here, and we can't // satisfy it because of the above difference in signature: className is a function // when it should be a plain string property. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore render(): ConversationView { const template = $('#conversation').html(); this.$el.html(render(template, {})); return this; } setupConversationView(): void { // setupHeader const conversationHeaderProps = { id: this.model.id, onSearchInConversation: () => { const { searchInConversation } = window.reduxActions.search; searchInConversation(this.model.id); }, onGoBack: () => { window.reduxActions.conversations.popPanelForConversation( this.model.id ); }, onArchive: () => { this.model.setArchived(true); this.model.trigger('unload', 'archive'); showToast(ToastConversationArchived, { undo: () => { this.model.setArchived(false); window.reduxActions.conversations.showConversation({ conversationId: this.model.id, }); }, }); }, onMarkUnread: () => { this.model.setMarkedUnread(true); showToast(ToastConversationMarkedUnread); }, onMoveToInbox: () => { this.model.setArchived(false); showToast(ToastConversationUnarchived); }, }; // setupTimeline const contactSupport = () => { const baseUrl = 'https://support.signal.org/hc/LOCALE/requests/new?desktop&chat_refreshed'; const locale = window.getLocale(); const supportLocale = window.Signal.Util.mapToSupportLocale(locale); const url = baseUrl.replace('LOCALE', supportLocale); openLinkInWebBrowser(url); }; const learnMoreAboutDeliveryIssue = () => { openLinkInWebBrowser( 'https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/4404859745690' ); }; const scrollToQuotedMessage = async ( options: Readonly<{ authorId: string; sentAt: number; }> ) => { const { authorId, sentAt } = options; const conversationId = this.model.id; const messages = await getMessagesBySentAt(sentAt); const message = messages.find(item => Boolean( item.conversationId === conversationId && authorId && getContactId(item) === authorId ) ); if (!message) { showToast(ToastOriginalMessageNotFound); return; } window.reduxActions.conversations.scrollToMessage( conversationId, message.id ); }; const markMessageRead = async (messageId: string) => { if (!window.SignalContext.activeWindowService.isActive()) { return; } const activeCall = getActiveCallState(window.reduxStore.getState()); if (activeCall && !activeCall.pip) { return; } const message = await getMessageById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`markMessageRead: failed to load message ${messageId}`); } await this.model.markRead(message.get('received_at'), { newestSentAt: message.get('sent_at'), sendReadReceipts: true, }); }; const timelineProps = { id: this.model.id, ...this.getMessageActions(), acknowledgeGroupMemberNameCollisions: ( groupNameCollisions: Readonly ): void => { this.model.acknowledgeGroupMemberNameCollisions(groupNameCollisions); }, blockGroupLinkRequests: (uuid: UUIDStringType) => { this.model.blockGroupLinkRequests(uuid); }, contactSupport, learnMoreAboutDeliveryIssue, loadNewerMessages: this.model.loadNewerMessages.bind(this.model), loadNewestMessages: this.model.loadNewestMessages.bind(this.model), loadOlderMessages: this.model.loadOlderMessages.bind(this.model), markMessageRead, removeMember: (conversationId: string) => { longRunningTaskWrapper({ idForLogging: this.model.idForLogging(), name: 'removeMember', task: () => this.model.removeFromGroupV2(conversationId), }); }, scrollToQuotedMessage, unblurAvatar: () => { this.model.unblurAvatar(); }, updateSharedGroups: () => this.model.throttledUpdateSharedGroups?.(), }; // setupCompositionArea window.reduxActions.composer.resetComposer(); const compositionAreaProps = { id: this.model.id, onTextTooLong: () => showToast(ToastMessageBodyTooLong), onCancelJoinRequest: async () => { await window.showConfirmationDialog({ dialogName: 'GroupV2CancelRequestToJoin', message: window.i18n( 'GroupV2--join--cancel-request-to-join--confirmation' ), okText: window.i18n('GroupV2--join--cancel-request-to-join--yes'), cancelText: window.i18n('GroupV2--join--cancel-request-to-join--no'), resolve: () => { longRunningTaskWrapper({ idForLogging: this.model.idForLogging(), name: 'onCancelJoinRequest', task: async () => this.model.cancelJoinRequest(), }); }, }); }, onClearAttachments: () => clearConversationDraftAttachments( this.model.id, this.model.get('draftAttachments') ), onSelectMediaQuality: (isHQ: boolean) => { window.reduxActions.composer.setMediaQualitySetting(isHQ); }, onCloseLinkPreview: () => { suspendLinkPreviews(); removeLinkPreview(); }, }; // createConversationView root const JSX = createConversationView(window.reduxStore, { conversationId: this.model.id, compositionAreaProps, conversationHeaderProps, timelineProps, }); this.conversationView = new ReactWrapperView({ JSX }); this.$('.ConversationView__template').append(this.conversationView.el); } getMessageActions(): MessageActionsType { const showMessageDetail = (messageId: string) => { this.showMessageDetail(messageId); }; return { showMessageDetail, startConversation, }; } unload(reason: string): void { log.info( 'unloading conversation', this.model.idForLogging(), 'due to:', reason ); const { conversationUnloaded } = window.reduxActions.conversations; if (conversationUnloaded) { conversationUnloaded(this.model.id); } if (this.model.get('draftChanged')) { if (this.model.hasDraft()) { const now = Date.now(); const active_at = this.model.get('active_at') || now; this.model.set({ active_at, draftChanged: false, draftTimestamp: now, timestamp: now, }); } else { this.model.set({ draftChanged: false, draftTimestamp: null, }); } window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(this.model.attributes); this.model.updateLastMessage(); } this.conversationView?.remove(); if (this.contactModalView) { this.contactModalView.remove(); } if (this.stickerPreviewModalView) { this.stickerPreviewModalView.remove(); } if (this.lightboxView) { this.lightboxView.remove(); } if (this.panels && this.panels.length) { for (let i = 0, max = this.panels.length; i < max; i += 1) { const panel = this.panels[i]; panel.view.remove(); } } removeLinkPreview(); suspendLinkPreviews(); this.remove(); } async onOpened(messageId: string): Promise { this.model.onOpenStart(); if (messageId) { const message = await getMessageById(messageId); if (message) { this.model.loadAndScroll(messageId); return; } log.warn(`onOpened: Did not find message ${messageId}`); } const { retryPlaceholders } = window.Signal.Services; if (retryPlaceholders) { await retryPlaceholders.findByConversationAndMarkOpened(this.model.id); } const loadAndUpdate = async () => { Promise.all([ this.model.loadNewestMessages(undefined, undefined), this.model.updateLastMessage(), this.model.updateUnread(), ]); }; loadAndUpdate(); window.reduxActions.composer.setComposerFocus(this.model.id); const quotedMessageId = this.model.get('quotedMessageId'); if (quotedMessageId) { window.reduxActions.composer.setQuoteByMessageId( this.model.id, quotedMessageId ); } this.model.fetchLatestGroupV2Data(); strictAssert( this.model.throttledMaybeMigrateV1Group !== undefined, 'Conversation model should be initialized' ); this.model.throttledMaybeMigrateV1Group(); strictAssert( this.model.throttledFetchSMSOnlyUUID !== undefined, 'Conversation model should be initialized' ); this.model.throttledFetchSMSOnlyUUID(); const ourUuid = window.textsecure.storage.user.getUuid(UUIDKind.ACI); if ( !isGroup(this.model.attributes) || (ourUuid && this.model.hasMember(ourUuid)) ) { strictAssert( this.model.throttledGetProfiles !== undefined, 'Conversation model should be initialized' ); await this.model.throttledGetProfiles(); } this.model.updateVerified(); } showMessageDetail(messageId: string): void { window.reduxActions.conversations.pushPanelForConversation(this.model.id, { type: PanelType.MessageDetails, args: { messageId }, }); } getMessageDetail({ messageId, }: { messageId: string; }): Backbone.View | undefined { const message = window.MessageController.getById(messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error(`showMessageDetail: Message ${messageId} missing!`); } if (!message.isNormalBubble()) { return; } const getProps = () => ({ ...message.getPropsForMessageDetail( window.ConversationController.getOurConversationIdOrThrow() ), ...this.getMessageActions(), }); const onClose = () => { this.stopListening(message, 'change', update); window.reduxActions.conversations.popPanelForConversation(this.model.id); }; const view = new ReactWrapperView({ className: 'panel message-detail-wrapper', JSX: window.Signal.State.Roots.createMessageDetail( window.reduxStore, getProps() ), onClose, }); const update = () => view.update( window.Signal.State.Roots.createMessageDetail( window.reduxStore, getProps() ) ); this.listenTo(message, 'change', update); this.listenTo(message, 'expired', onClose); // We could listen to all involved contacts, but we'll call that overkill view.render(); return view; } pushPanel(panel: PanelRenderType): void { if (isPanelHandledByReact(panel)) { return; } this.panels = this.panels || []; if (this.panels.length === 0) { this.previousFocus = document.activeElement as HTMLElement; } const { type } = panel as BackbonePanelRenderType; let view: Backbone.View | undefined; if (panel.type === PanelType.MessageDetails) { view = this.getMessageDetail(panel.args); } if (!view) { return; } this.panels.push({ panelType: type, view, }); view.$el.insertAfter(this.$('.panel').last()); view.$el.one('animationend', () => { if (view) { view.$el.addClass('panel--static'); } }); } popPanel(poppedPanel: PanelRenderType): void { if (!this.panels || !this.panels.length) { return; } if ( this.panels.length === 0 && this.previousFocus && this.previousFocus.focus ) { this.previousFocus.focus(); this.previousFocus = undefined; } const panel = this.panels[this.panels.length - 1]; if (!panel) { return; } if (isPanelHandledByReact(poppedPanel)) { return; } this.panels.pop(); if (panel.panelType !== poppedPanel.type) { log.warn('popPanel: last panel was not of same type'); return; } if (this.panels.length > 0) { this.panels[this.panels.length - 1].view.$el.fadeIn(250); } let timeout: ReturnType | undefined; const removePanel = () => { if (!timeout) { return; } clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = undefined; panel.view.remove(); }; panel.view.$el.addClass('panel--remove').one('transitionend', removePanel); // Backup, in case things go wrong with the transitionend event timeout = setTimeout(removePanel, SECOND); } } window.Whisper.ConversationView = ConversationView;