// Copyright 2018 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

/* eslint-disable no-console */
import * as fs from 'fs';
import { join, relative } from 'path';
import normalizePath from 'normalize-path';
import pMap from 'p-map';
import FastGlob from 'fast-glob';

import type { ExceptionType, RuleType } from './types';
import { REASONS } from './types';
import { ENCODING, loadJSON, sortExceptions, writeExceptions } from './util';

const ALL_REASONS = REASONS.join('|');

const rulesPath = join(__dirname, 'rules.json');
const exceptionsPath = join(__dirname, 'exceptions.json');
const basePath = join(__dirname, '../../..');

const searchPattern = normalizePath(join(basePath, '**/*.{js,ts,tsx}'));

const excludedFilesRegexp = RegExp(

    // Non-distributed files

    // Compiled files

    // High-traffic files in our project

    // Generated files

    // Copied from dependency

    // Test files

    // Github workflows

    // Modules we trust

    // Submodules we trust

    // Modules used only in test/development scenarios
    '^node_modules/emotion/.+', // Currently only used in storybook
    '^node_modules/es5-shim/.+', // Currently only used in storybook
    '^node_modules/es6-shim/.+', // Currently only used in storybook
    '^node_modules/file-system-cache/.+', // Currently only used in storybook
    '^node_modules/handlebars/.+', // Used by nyc#istanbul-reports
    '^node_modules/read-config-file/.+', // Used by electron-builder
    '^node_modules/read-pkg/.+', // Used by npm-run-all
    '^node_modules/tiny-lr/.+', // Used by grunt-contrib-watch

    // used by danger

    // Used by Storybook

    // Used by Webpack
    '^node_modules/css-select/.+', // Used by html-webpack-plugin
    '^node_modules/follow-redirects/.+', // Used by webpack-dev-server
    '^node_modules/selfsigned/.+', // Used by webpack-dev-server
    '^node_modules/renderkid/.+', // Used by html-webpack-plugin
    '^node_modules/spdy-transport/.+', // Used by webpack-dev-server
    '^node_modules/spdy/.+', // Used by webpack-dev-server
    '^node_modules/v8-compile-cache/.+', // Used by webpack-cli
    '^node_modules/watchpack/.+', // Used by webpack

    // Sticker Creator

function setupRules(allRules: Array<RuleType>) {
  allRules.forEach((rule: RuleType, index: number) => {
    if (!rule.name) {
      throw new Error(`Rule at index ${index} is missing a name`);

    if (!rule.expression) {
      throw new Error(`Rule '${rule.name}' is missing an expression`);

    // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
    rule.regex = new RegExp(rule.expression, 'g');

async function main(argv: ReadonlyArray<string>): Promise<void> {
  const shouldRemoveUnusedExceptions = argv.includes(

  const now = new Date();

  const rules: Array<RuleType> = loadJSON(rulesPath);

  const exceptions: Array<ExceptionType> = loadJSON(exceptionsPath);
  let unusedExceptions = exceptions;

  const results: Array<ExceptionType> = [];
  let scannedCount = 0;

  await pMap(
    await FastGlob(searchPattern, { onlyFiles: true }),
    async (file: string) => {
      const relativePath = relative(basePath, file).replace(/\\/g, '/');

      const isFileExcluded = excludedFilesRegexp.test(relativePath);
      if (isFileExcluded) {

      scannedCount += 1;

      const lines = (await fs.promises.readFile(file, ENCODING)).split(/\r?\n/);

      rules.forEach((rule: RuleType) => {
        const excludedModules = rule.excludedModules || [];
        if (excludedModules.some(module => relativePath.startsWith(module))) {

        lines.forEach((line: string) => {
          if (!rule.regex.test(line)) {
          // recreate this rule since it has g flag, and carries local state
          if (rule.expression) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
            rule.regex = new RegExp(rule.expression, 'g');

          const matchedException = unusedExceptions.find(
            exception =>
              exception.rule === rule.name &&
              exception.path === relativePath &&
              (line.length < 300
                ? exception.line?.trim() === line.trim()
                : exception.line === undefined)

          if (matchedException) {
            unusedExceptions = unusedExceptions.filter(
              exception => exception !== matchedException
          } else {
              rule: rule.name,
              path: relativePath,
              line: line.length < 300 ? line : undefined,
              reasonCategory: ALL_REASONS,
              updated: now.toJSON(),
              reasonDetail: '<optional>',
    // Without this, we may run into "too many open files" errors.
    { concurrency: 100 }

  let unusedExceptionsLogMessage: string;

  if (shouldRemoveUnusedExceptions && unusedExceptions.length) {
    unusedExceptionsLogMessage = `${unusedExceptions.length} unused exceptions (automatically removed),`;

    const unusedExceptionsSet = new Set(unusedExceptions);
    const newExceptions = exceptions.filter(
      exception => !unusedExceptionsSet.has(exception)
    writeExceptions(exceptionsPath, newExceptions);

    unusedExceptions = [];
  } else {
    unusedExceptionsLogMessage = `${unusedExceptions.length} unused exceptions,`;

    `${scannedCount} files scanned.`,
    `${results.length} questionable lines,`,
    `${exceptions.length} total exceptions.`

  if (results.length === 0 && unusedExceptions.length === 0) {

  console.log('Questionable lines:');
  console.log(JSON.stringify(sortExceptions(results), null, '  '));

  if (unusedExceptions.length) {
      'Unused exceptions! Run with --remove-unused-exceptions to automatically remove them.'
    console.log(JSON.stringify(sortExceptions(unusedExceptions), null, '  '));


main(process.argv).catch(err => {