// @ts-ignore: untyped json import untypedData from 'emoji-datasource'; import emojiRegex from 'emoji-regex'; import { compact, flatMap, get, groupBy, isNumber, keyBy, map, mapValues, sortBy, take, } from 'lodash'; import Fuse from 'fuse.js'; import PQueue from 'p-queue'; import is from '@sindresorhus/is'; export type ValuesOf> = T[number]; export const skinTones = ['1F3FB', '1F3FC', '1F3FD', '1F3FE', '1F3FF']; export type SkinToneKey = '1F3FB' | '1F3FC' | '1F3FD' | '1F3FE' | '1F3FF'; export type SizeClassType = '' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'jumbo'; export type EmojiSkinVariation = { unified: string; non_qualified: null; image: string; sheet_x: number; sheet_y: number; added_in: string; has_img_apple: boolean; has_img_google: boolean; has_img_twitter: boolean; has_img_emojione: boolean; has_img_facebook: boolean; has_img_messenger: boolean; }; export type EmojiData = { name: string; unified: string; non_qualified: string | null; docomo: string | null; au: string | null; softbank: string | null; google: string | null; image: string; sheet_x: number; sheet_y: number; short_name: string; short_names: Array; text: string | null; texts: Array | null; category: string; sort_order: number; added_in: string; has_img_apple: boolean; has_img_google: boolean; has_img_twitter: boolean; has_img_emojione: boolean; has_img_facebook: boolean; has_img_messenger: boolean; skin_variations?: { [key: string]: EmojiSkinVariation; }; }; const data = (untypedData as Array) .filter(emoji => emoji.has_img_apple) .map(emoji => // Why this weird map? // the emoji dataset has two separate categories for Emotions and People // yet in our UI we display these as a single merged category. In order // for the emojis to be sorted properly we're manually incrementing the // sort_order for the People & Body emojis so that they fall below the // Smiley & Emotions category. emoji.category === 'People & Body' ? { ...emoji, sort_order: emoji.sort_order + 1000 } : emoji ); // @ts-ignore const ROOT_PATH = get( // tslint:disable-next-line no-typeof-undefined typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : null, 'ROOT_PATH', '' ); const makeImagePath = (src: string) => { return `${ROOT_PATH}node_modules/emoji-datasource-apple/img/apple/64/${src}`; }; const imageQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 10 }); const images = new Set(); export const preloadImages = async () => { // Preload images const preload = async (src: string) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const img = new Image(); img.onload = resolve; img.onerror = reject; img.src = src; images.add(img); // tslint:disable-next-line no-string-based-set-timeout setTimeout(reject, 5000); }); // tslint:disable-next-line no-console console.log('Preloading emoji images'); const start = Date.now(); data.forEach(emoji => { // tslint:disable-next-line no-floating-promises promise-function-async imageQueue.add(() => preload(makeImagePath(emoji.image))); if (emoji.skin_variations) { Object.values(emoji.skin_variations).forEach(variation => { // tslint:disable-next-line no-floating-promises promise-function-async imageQueue.add(() => preload(makeImagePath(variation.image))); }); } }); await imageQueue.onEmpty(); const end = Date.now(); // tslint:disable-next-line no-console console.log(`Done preloading emoji images in ${end - start}ms`); }; const dataByShortName = keyBy(data, 'short_name'); const imageByEmoji: { [key: string]: string } = {}; const dataByEmoji: { [key: string]: EmojiData } = {}; export const dataByCategory = mapValues( groupBy(data, ({ category }) => { if (category === 'Activities') { return 'activity'; } if (category === 'Animals & Nature') { return 'animal'; } if (category === 'Flags') { return 'flag'; } if (category === 'Food & Drink') { return 'food'; } if (category === 'Objects') { return 'object'; } if (category === 'Travel & Places') { return 'travel'; } if (category === 'Smileys & Emotion') { return 'emoji'; } if (category === 'People & Body') { return 'emoji'; } if (category === 'Symbols') { return 'symbol'; } return 'misc'; }), arr => sortBy(arr, 'sort_order') ); export function getEmojiData( shortName: keyof typeof dataByShortName, skinTone?: SkinToneKey | number ): EmojiData | EmojiSkinVariation { const base = dataByShortName[shortName]; if (skinTone && base.skin_variations) { const variation = isNumber(skinTone) ? skinTones[skinTone - 1] : skinTone; if (base.skin_variations[variation]) { return base.skin_variations[variation]; } // For emojis that have two people in them which can have diff skin tones // the Map is of SkinTone-SkinTone. If we don't find the correct skin tone // in the list of variations then we assume it is one of those double skin // emojis and we default to both people having same skin. return base.skin_variations[`${variation}-${variation}`]; } return base; } export function getImagePath( shortName: keyof typeof dataByShortName, skinTone?: SkinToneKey | number ): string { const emojiData = getEmojiData(shortName, skinTone); return makeImagePath(emojiData.image); } const fuse = new Fuse(data, { shouldSort: true, threshold: 0.2, maxPatternLength: 32, minMatchCharLength: 1, tokenize: true, tokenSeparator: /[-_\s]+/, keys: ['name', 'short_name', 'short_names'], }); export function search(query: string, count: number = 0) { const results = fuse.search(query.substr(0, 32)); if (count) { return take(results, count); } return results; } const shortNames = new Set([ ...map(data, 'short_name'), ...compact(flatMap(data, 'short_names')), ]); export function isShortName(name: string) { return shortNames.has(name); } export function unifiedToEmoji(unified: string) { return unified .split('-') .map(c => String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(c, 16))) .join(''); } export function convertShortName( shortName: string, skinTone: number | SkinToneKey = 0 ) { const base = dataByShortName[shortName]; if (!base) { return ''; } const toneKey = is.number(skinTone) ? skinTones[skinTone - 1] : skinTone; if (skinTone && base.skin_variations) { const variation = base.skin_variations[toneKey]; if (variation) { return unifiedToEmoji(variation.unified); } } return unifiedToEmoji(base.unified); } export function emojiToImage(emoji: string): string | undefined { return imageByEmoji[emoji]; } export function replaceColons(str: string) { return str.replace(/:[a-z0-9-_+]+:(?::skin-tone-[1-5]:)?/gi, m => { const [shortName = '', skinTone = '0'] = m .replace('skin-tone-', '') .toLowerCase() .split(':') .filter(Boolean); if (shortName && isShortName(shortName)) { return convertShortName(shortName, parseInt(skinTone, 10)); } return m; }); } function getCountOfAllMatches(str: string, regex: RegExp) { let match = regex.exec(str); let count = 0; if (!regex.global) { return match ? 1 : 0; } while (match) { count += 1; match = regex.exec(str); } return count; } export function getSizeClass(str: string): SizeClassType { // Do we have non-emoji characters? if (str.replace(emojiRegex(), '').trim().length > 0) { return ''; } const emojiCount = getCountOfAllMatches(str, emojiRegex()); if (emojiCount > 8) { return ''; } else if (emojiCount > 6) { return 'small'; } else if (emojiCount > 4) { return 'medium'; } else if (emojiCount > 2) { return 'large'; } else { return 'jumbo'; } } data.forEach(emoji => { const { short_name, short_names, skin_variations, image } = emoji; if (short_names) { short_names.forEach(name => { dataByShortName[name] = emoji; }); } imageByEmoji[convertShortName(short_name)] = makeImagePath(image); dataByEmoji[convertShortName(short_name)] = emoji; if (skin_variations) { Object.entries(skin_variations).forEach(([tone, variation]) => { imageByEmoji[ convertShortName(short_name, tone as SkinToneKey) ] = makeImagePath(variation.image); dataByEmoji[convertShortName(short_name, tone as SkinToneKey)] = emoji; }); } });