/* global _: false */ /* global Backbone: false */ /* global Whisper: false */ /* global textsecure: false */ /* global ConversationController: false */ /* global i18n: false */ /* global getAccountManager: false */ /* eslint-disable more/no-then */ // eslint-disable-next-line func-names (function () { 'use strict'; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; const { Message: TypedMessage } = window.Signal.Types; const { deleteAttachmentData } = window.Signal.Migrations; window.Whisper.Message = Backbone.Model.extend({ database: Whisper.Database, storeName: 'messages', initialize(attributes) { if (_.isObject(attributes)) { this.set(TypedMessage.initializeSchemaVersion(attributes)); } this.on('change:attachments', this.updateImageUrl); this.on('destroy', this.onDestroy); this.on('change:expirationStartTimestamp', this.setToExpire); this.on('change:expireTimer', this.setToExpire); this.on('unload', this.unload); this.setToExpire(); this.VOICE_FLAG = textsecure.protobuf.AttachmentPointer.Flags.VOICE_MESSAGE; }, idForLogging() { return `${this.get('source')}.${this.get('sourceDevice')} ${this.get('sent_at')}`; }, defaults() { return { timestamp: new Date().getTime(), attachments: [], }; }, validate(attributes) { const required = ['conversationId', 'received_at', 'sent_at']; const missing = _.filter(required, attr => !attributes[attr]); if (missing.length) { console.log(`Message missing attributes: ${missing}`); } }, isEndSession() { const flag = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION; // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise return !!(this.get('flags') & flag); }, isExpirationTimerUpdate() { const flag = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE; // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise return !!(this.get('flags') & flag); }, isGroupUpdate() { return !!(this.get('group_update')); }, isIncoming() { return this.get('type') === 'incoming'; }, isUnread() { return !!this.get('unread'); }, // overriding this to allow for this.unset('unread'), save to db, then fetch() // to propagate. We don't want the unset key in the db so our unread index stays // small. /* eslint-disable */ /* jscs:disable */ fetch(options) { options = options ? _.clone(options) : {}; if (options.parse === void 0) options.parse = true; const model = this; const success = options.success; options.success = function (resp) { model.attributes = {}; // this is the only changed line if (!model.set(model.parse(resp, options), options)) return false; if (success) success(model, resp, options); model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options); }; const error = options.error; options.error = function (resp) { if (error) error(model, resp, options); model.trigger('error', model, resp, options); }; return this.sync('read', this, options); }, /* jscs:enable */ /* eslint-enable */ /* eslint-disable more/no-then */ getNameForNumber(number) { const conversation = ConversationController.get(number); if (!conversation) { return number; } return conversation.getDisplayName(); }, getDescription() { if (this.isGroupUpdate()) { const groupUpdate = this.get('group_update'); if (groupUpdate.left === 'You') { return i18n('youLeftTheGroup'); } else if (groupUpdate.left) { return i18n('leftTheGroup', this.getNameForNumber(groupUpdate.left)); } const messages = [i18n('updatedTheGroup')]; if (groupUpdate.name) { messages.push(i18n('titleIsNow', groupUpdate.name)); } if (groupUpdate.joined && groupUpdate.joined.length) { const names = _.map(groupUpdate.joined, this.getNameForNumber.bind(this)); if (names.length > 1) { messages.push(i18n('multipleJoinedTheGroup', names.join(', '))); } else { messages.push(i18n('joinedTheGroup', names[0])); } } return messages.join(' '); } if (this.isEndSession()) { return i18n('sessionEnded'); } if (this.isIncoming() && this.hasErrors()) { return i18n('incomingError'); } return this.get('body'); }, isKeyChange() { return this.get('type') === 'keychange'; }, getNotificationText() { const description = this.getDescription(); if (description) { return description; } if (this.get('attachments').length > 0) { return i18n('mediaMessage'); } if (this.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) { const { expireTimer } = this.get('expirationTimerUpdate'); return i18n( 'timerSetTo', Whisper.ExpirationTimerOptions.getAbbreviated(expireTimer) ); } if (this.isKeyChange()) { const conversation = this.getModelForKeyChange(); return i18n('keychanged', conversation.getTitle()); } return ''; }, async onDestroy() { this.revokeImageUrl(); const attachments = this.get('attachments'); await Promise.all(attachments.map(deleteAttachmentData)); }, updateImageUrl() { this.revokeImageUrl(); const attachment = this.get('attachments')[0]; if (attachment) { const blob = new Blob([attachment.data], { type: attachment.contentType, }); this.imageUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); } else { this.imageUrl = null; } }, unload() { if (this.quoteThumbnail) { URL.revokeObjectURL(this.quoteThumbnail.objectUrl); this.quoteThumbnail = null; } if (this.quotedMessage) { this.quotedMessage = null; } const quote = this.get('quote'); const attachments = (quote && quote.attachments) || []; attachments.forEach((attachment) => { if (attachment.thumbnail && attachment.thumbnail.objectUrl) { URL.revokeObjectURL(attachment.thumbnail.objectUrl); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign attachment.thumbnail.objectUrl = null; } }); this.revokeImageUrl(); }, revokeImageUrl() { if (this.imageUrl) { URL.revokeObjectURL(this.imageUrl); this.imageUrl = null; } }, getImageUrl() { if (this.imageUrl === undefined) { this.updateImageUrl(); } return this.imageUrl; }, getQuoteObjectUrl() { const thumbnail = this.quoteThumbnail; if (!thumbnail || !thumbnail.objectUrl) { return null; } return thumbnail.objectUrl; }, getQuoteContact() { const quote = this.get('quote'); if (!quote) { return null; } const { author } = quote; if (!author) { return null; } return ConversationController.get(author); }, processAttachment(attachment, externalObjectUrl) { const { thumbnail } = attachment; const objectUrl = (thumbnail && thumbnail.objectUrl) || externalObjectUrl; const thumbnailWithObjectUrl = !objectUrl ? null : Object.assign({}, attachment.thumbnail || {}, { objectUrl, }); return Object.assign({}, attachment, { // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise isVoiceMessage: Boolean(attachment.flags & this.VOICE_FLAG), thumbnail: thumbnailWithObjectUrl, }); }, getPropsForQuote() { const quote = this.get('quote'); if (!quote) { return null; } const objectUrl = this.getQuoteObjectUrl(); const OUR_NUMBER = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const { author } = quote; const contact = this.getQuoteContact(); const authorTitle = contact ? contact.getTitle() : author; const authorProfileName = contact ? contact.getProfileName() : null; const authorColor = contact ? contact.getColor() : 'grey'; const isFromMe = contact ? contact.id === OUR_NUMBER : false; const isIncoming = this.isIncoming(); const onClick = () => { const { quotedMessage } = this; if (quotedMessage) { this.trigger('scroll-to-message', { id: quotedMessage.id }); } }; return { attachments: (quote.attachments || []).map(attachment => this.processAttachment(attachment, objectUrl)), authorColor, authorProfileName, authorTitle, isFromMe, isIncoming, onClick: this.quotedMessage ? onClick : null, text: quote.text, }; }, getConversation() { // This needs to be an unsafe call, because this method is called during // initial module setup. We may be in the middle of the initial fetch to // the database. return ConversationController.getUnsafe(this.get('conversationId')); }, getExpirationTimerUpdateSource() { if (!this.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) { throw new Error('Message is not a timer update!'); } const conversationId = this.get('expirationTimerUpdate').source; return ConversationController.getOrCreate(conversationId, 'private'); }, getContact() { let conversationId = this.get('source'); if (!this.isIncoming()) { conversationId = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); } return ConversationController.getOrCreate(conversationId, 'private'); }, getModelForKeyChange() { const id = this.get('key_changed'); if (!this.modelForKeyChange) { const c = ConversationController.getOrCreate(id, 'private'); this.modelForKeyChange = c; } return this.modelForKeyChange; }, getModelForVerifiedChange() { const id = this.get('verifiedChanged'); if (!this.modelForVerifiedChange) { const c = ConversationController.getOrCreate(id, 'private'); this.modelForVerifiedChange = c; } return this.modelForVerifiedChange; }, isOutgoing() { return this.get('type') === 'outgoing'; }, hasErrors() { return _.size(this.get('errors')) > 0; }, getStatus(number) { const readBy = this.get('read_by') || []; if (readBy.indexOf(number) >= 0) { return 'read'; } const deliveredTo = this.get('delivered_to') || []; if (deliveredTo.indexOf(number) >= 0) { return 'delivered'; } const sentTo = this.get('sent_to') || []; if (sentTo.indexOf(number) >= 0) { return 'sent'; } return null; }, send(promise) { this.trigger('pending'); return promise.then((result) => { const now = Date.now(); this.trigger('done'); if (result.dataMessage) { this.set({ dataMessage: result.dataMessage }); } const sentTo = this.get('sent_to') || []; this.save({ sent_to: _.union(sentTo, result.successfulNumbers), sent: true, expirationStartTimestamp: now, }); this.sendSyncMessage(); }).catch((result) => { const now = Date.now(); this.trigger('done'); if (result.dataMessage) { this.set({ dataMessage: result.dataMessage }); } let promises = []; if (result instanceof Error) { this.saveErrors(result); if (result.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError') { promises.push(getAccountManager().rotateSignedPreKey()); } else if (result.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError') { const c = ConversationController.get(result.number); promises.push(c.getProfiles()); } } else { this.saveErrors(result.errors); if (result.successfulNumbers.length > 0) { const sentTo = this.get('sent_to') || []; this.set({ sent_to: _.union(sentTo, result.successfulNumbers), sent: true, expirationStartTimestamp: now, }); promises.push(this.sendSyncMessage()); } promises = promises.concat(_.map(result.errors, (error) => { if (error.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError') { const c = ConversationController.get(error.number); promises.push(c.getProfiles()); } })); } return Promise.all(promises).then(() => { this.trigger('send-error', this.get('errors')); }); }); }, someRecipientsFailed() { const c = this.getConversation(); if (!c || c.isPrivate()) { return false; } const recipients = c.contactCollection.length - 1; const errors = this.get('errors'); if (!errors) { return false; } if (errors.length > 0 && recipients > 0 && errors.length < recipients) { return true; } return false; }, sendSyncMessage() { this.syncPromise = this.syncPromise || Promise.resolve(); this.syncPromise = this.syncPromise.then(() => { const dataMessage = this.get('dataMessage'); if (this.get('synced') || !dataMessage) { return Promise.resolve(); } return textsecure.messaging.sendSyncMessage( dataMessage, this.get('sent_at'), this.get('destination'), this.get('expirationStartTimestamp') ).then(() => { this.save({ synced: true, dataMessage: null }); }); }); }, saveErrors(providedErrors) { let errors = providedErrors; if (!(errors instanceof Array)) { errors = [errors]; } errors.forEach((e) => { console.log( 'Message.saveErrors:', e && e.reason ? e.reason : null, e && e.stack ? e.stack : e ); }); errors = errors.map((e) => { if (e.constructor === Error || e.constructor === TypeError || e.constructor === ReferenceError) { return _.pick(e, 'name', 'message', 'code', 'number', 'reason'); } return e; }); errors = errors.concat(this.get('errors') || []); return this.save({ errors }); }, hasNetworkError() { const error = _.find( this.get('errors'), e => (e.name === 'MessageError' || e.name === 'OutgoingMessageError' || e.name === 'SendMessageNetworkError' || e.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError') ); return !!error; }, removeOutgoingErrors(number) { const errors = _.partition( this.get('errors'), e => e.number === number && (e.name === 'MessageError' || e.name === 'OutgoingMessageError' || e.name === 'SendMessageNetworkError' || e.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError' || e.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError') ); this.set({ errors: errors[1] }); return errors[0][0]; }, isReplayableError(e) { return (e.name === 'MessageError' || e.name === 'OutgoingMessageError' || e.name === 'SendMessageNetworkError' || e.name === 'SignedPreKeyRotationError' || e.name === 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError'); }, resend(number) { const error = this.removeOutgoingErrors(number); if (error) { const promise = new textsecure.ReplayableError(error).replay(); this.send(promise); } }, handleDataMessage(dataMessage, confirm) { // This function is called from the background script in a few scenarios: // 1. on an incoming message // 2. on a sent message sync'd from another device // 3. in rare cases, an incoming message can be retried, though it will // still go through one of the previous two codepaths const message = this; const source = message.get('source'); const type = message.get('type'); let conversationId = message.get('conversationId'); if (dataMessage.group) { conversationId = dataMessage.group.id; } const GROUP_TYPES = textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type; const conversation = ConversationController.get(conversationId); return conversation.queueJob(() => new Promise((resolve) => { const now = new Date().getTime(); let attributes = { type: 'private' }; if (dataMessage.group) { let groupUpdate = null; attributes = { type: 'group', groupId: dataMessage.group.id, }; if (dataMessage.group.type === GROUP_TYPES.UPDATE) { attributes = { type: 'group', groupId: dataMessage.group.id, name: dataMessage.group.name, avatar: dataMessage.group.avatar, members: _.union(dataMessage.group.members, conversation.get('members')), }; groupUpdate = conversation.changedAttributes(_.pick( dataMessage.group, 'name', 'avatar' )) || {}; const difference = _.difference( attributes.members, conversation.get('members') ); if (difference.length > 0) { groupUpdate.joined = difference; } if (conversation.get('left')) { console.log('re-added to a left group'); attributes.left = false; } } else if (dataMessage.group.type === GROUP_TYPES.QUIT) { if (source === textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()) { attributes.left = true; groupUpdate = { left: 'You' }; } else { groupUpdate = { left: source }; } attributes.members = _.without(conversation.get('members'), source); } if (groupUpdate !== null) { message.set({ group_update: groupUpdate }); } } message.set({ attachments: dataMessage.attachments, body: dataMessage.body, conversationId: conversation.id, decrypted_at: now, errors: [], flags: dataMessage.flags, hasAttachments: dataMessage.hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments: dataMessage.hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments: dataMessage.hasVisualMediaAttachments, quote: dataMessage.quote, schemaVersion: dataMessage.schemaVersion, }); if (type === 'outgoing') { const receipts = Whisper.DeliveryReceipts.forMessage(conversation, message); receipts.forEach(() => message.set({ delivered: (message.get('delivered') || 0) + 1, })); } attributes.active_at = now; conversation.set(attributes); if (message.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) { message.set({ expirationTimerUpdate: { source, expireTimer: dataMessage.expireTimer, }, }); conversation.set({ expireTimer: dataMessage.expireTimer }); } else if (dataMessage.expireTimer) { message.set({ expireTimer: dataMessage.expireTimer }); } // NOTE: Remove once the above uses // `Conversation::updateExpirationTimer`: const { expireTimer } = dataMessage; const shouldLogExpireTimerChange = message.isExpirationTimerUpdate() || expireTimer; if (shouldLogExpireTimerChange) { console.log( 'Updating expireTimer for conversation', conversation.idForLogging(), 'to', expireTimer, 'via `handleDataMessage`' ); } if (!message.isEndSession() && !message.isGroupUpdate()) { if (dataMessage.expireTimer) { if (dataMessage.expireTimer !== conversation.get('expireTimer')) { conversation.updateExpirationTimer( dataMessage.expireTimer, source, message.get('received_at') ); } } else if (conversation.get('expireTimer')) { conversation.updateExpirationTimer( null, source, message.get('received_at') ); } } if (type === 'incoming') { const readSync = Whisper.ReadSyncs.forMessage(message); if (readSync) { if (message.get('expireTimer') && !message.get('expirationStartTimestamp')) { message.set('expirationStartTimestamp', readSync.get('read_at')); } } if (readSync || message.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) { message.unset('unread'); // This is primarily to allow the conversation to mark all older messages as // read, as is done when we receive a read sync for a message we already // know about. Whisper.ReadSyncs.notifyConversation(message); } else { conversation.set('unreadCount', conversation.get('unreadCount') + 1); } } if (type === 'outgoing') { const reads = Whisper.ReadReceipts.forMessage(conversation, message); if (reads.length) { const readBy = reads.map(receipt => receipt.get('reader')); message.set({ read_by: _.union(message.get('read_by'), readBy), }); } message.set({ recipients: conversation.getRecipients() }); } const conversationTimestamp = conversation.get('timestamp'); if (!conversationTimestamp || message.get('sent_at') > conversationTimestamp) { conversation.set({ lastMessage: message.getNotificationText(), timestamp: message.get('sent_at'), }); } if (dataMessage.profileKey) { const profileKey = dataMessage.profileKey.toArrayBuffer(); if (source === textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()) { conversation.set({ profileSharing: true }); } else if (conversation.isPrivate()) { conversation.set({ profileKey }); } else { ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( source, 'private' ).then((sender) => { sender.setProfileKey(profileKey); }); } } const handleError = (error) => { const errorForLog = error && error.stack ? error.stack : error; console.log('handleDataMessage', message.idForLogging(), 'error:', errorForLog); return resolve(); }; message.save().then(() => { conversation.save().then(() => { try { conversation.trigger('newmessage', message); } catch (e) { return handleError(e); } // We fetch() here because, between the message.save() above and the previous // line's trigger() call, we might have marked all messages unread in the // database. This message might already be read! const previousUnread = message.get('unread'); return message.fetch().then(() => { try { if (previousUnread !== message.get('unread')) { console.log('Caught race condition on new message read state! ' + 'Manually starting timers.'); // We call markRead() even though the message is already marked read // because we need to start expiration timers, etc. message.markRead(); } if (message.get('unread')) { return conversation.notify(message).then(() => { confirm(); return resolve(); }, handleError); } confirm(); return resolve(); } catch (e) { return handleError(e); } }, () => { try { console.log( 'handleDataMessage: Message', message.idForLogging(), 'was deleted' ); confirm(); return resolve(); } catch (e) { return handleError(e); } }); }, handleError); }, handleError); })); }, markRead(readAt) { this.unset('unread'); if (this.get('expireTimer') && !this.get('expirationStartTimestamp')) { this.set('expirationStartTimestamp', readAt || Date.now()); } Whisper.Notifications.remove(Whisper.Notifications.where({ messageId: this.id, })); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.save().then(resolve, reject); }); }, isExpiring() { return this.get('expireTimer') && this.get('expirationStartTimestamp'); }, isExpired() { return this.msTilExpire() <= 0; }, msTilExpire() { if (!this.isExpiring()) { return Infinity; } const now = Date.now(); const start = this.get('expirationStartTimestamp'); const delta = this.get('expireTimer') * 1000; let msFromNow = (start + delta) - now; if (msFromNow < 0) { msFromNow = 0; } return msFromNow; }, setToExpire() { if (this.isExpiring() && !this.get('expires_at')) { const start = this.get('expirationStartTimestamp'); const delta = this.get('expireTimer') * 1000; const expiresAt = start + delta; // This method can be called due to the expiration-related .set() calls in // handleDataMessage(), but the .save() here would conflict with the // same call at the end of handleDataMessage(). So we only call .save() // here if we've previously saved this model. if (!this.isNew()) { this.save('expires_at', expiresAt); } Whisper.ExpiringMessagesListener.update(); console.log('message', this.get('sent_at'), 'expires at', expiresAt); } }, }); Whisper.MessageCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Whisper.Message, database: Whisper.Database, storeName: 'messages', comparator(left, right) { if (left.get('received_at') === right.get('received_at')) { return (left.get('sent_at') || 0) - (right.get('sent_at') || 0); } return (left.get('received_at') || 0) - (right.get('received_at') || 0); }, initialize(models, options) { if (options) { this.conversation = options.conversation; } }, destroyAll() { return Promise.all(this.models.map(m => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { m.destroy().then(resolve).fail(reject); }))); }, fetchSentAt(timestamp) { return new Promise((resolve => this.fetch({ index: { // 'receipt' index on sent_at name: 'receipt', only: timestamp, }, }).always(resolve))); }, getLoadedUnreadCount() { return this.reduce((total, model) => { const unread = model.get('unread') && model.isIncoming(); return total + (unread ? 1 : 0); }, 0); }, fetchConversation(conversationId, providedLimit, providedUnreadCount) { let limit = providedLimit; let unreadCount = providedUnreadCount; if (typeof limit !== 'number') { limit = 100; } if (typeof unreadCount !== 'number') { unreadCount = 0; } let startingLoadedUnread = 0; if (unreadCount > 0) { startingLoadedUnread = this.getLoadedUnreadCount(); } return new Promise((resolve) => { let upper; if (this.length === 0) { // fetch the most recent messages first upper = Number.MAX_VALUE; } else { // not our first rodeo, fetch older messages. upper = this.at(0).get('received_at'); } const options = { remove: false, limit }; options.index = { // 'conversation' index on [conversationId, received_at] name: 'conversation', lower: [conversationId], upper: [conversationId, upper], order: 'desc', // SELECT messages WHERE conversationId = this.id ORDER // received_at DESC }; this.fetch(options).always(resolve); }).then(() => { if (unreadCount <= 0) { return Promise.resolve(); } const loadedUnread = this.getLoadedUnreadCount(); if (loadedUnread >= unreadCount) { return Promise.resolve(); } if (startingLoadedUnread === loadedUnread) { // that fetch didn't get us any more unread. stop fetching more. return Promise.resolve(); } console.log('fetchConversation: doing another fetch to get all unread'); return this.fetchConversation(conversationId, limit, unreadCount); }); }, fetchNextExpiring() { this.fetch({ index: { name: 'expires_at' }, limit: 1 }); }, fetchExpired() { console.log('loading expired messages'); this.fetch({ conditions: { expires_at: { $lte: Date.now() } }, addIndividually: true, }); }, }); }());