// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import { cloneDeep, noop } from 'lodash'; import type { PeekInfo } from '@signalapp/ringrtc'; import type { StateType as RootStateType } from '../../../state/reducer'; import { reducer as rootReducer } from '../../../state/reducer'; import { noopAction } from '../../../state/ducks/noop'; import type { ActiveCallStateType, CallingActionType, CallingStateType, DirectCallStateType, GroupCallReactionsReceivedActionType, GroupCallStateChangeActionType, GroupCallStateType, HandleCallLinkUpdateType, SendGroupCallReactionActionType, StartCallLinkLobbyType, } from '../../../state/ducks/calling'; import { actions, getActiveCall, getEmptyState, reducer, } from '../../../state/ducks/calling'; import { isAnybodyElseInGroupCall } from '../../../state/ducks/callingHelpers'; import { truncateAudioLevel } from '../../../calling/truncateAudioLevel'; import { calling as callingService } from '../../../services/calling'; import { CallState, CallViewMode, GroupCallConnectionState, GroupCallJoinState, } from '../../../types/Calling'; import { CallMode } from '../../../types/CallDisposition'; import { generateAci } from '../../../types/ServiceId'; import { getDefaultConversation } from '../../../test-both/helpers/getDefaultConversation'; import type { UnwrapPromise } from '../../../types/Util'; import { FAKE_CALL_LINK, FAKE_CALL_LINK_WITH_ADMIN_KEY, getCallLinkState, } from '../../../test-both/helpers/fakeCallLink'; import { strictAssert } from '../../../util/assert'; const ACI_1 = generateAci(); const NOW = new Date('2020-01-23T04:56:00.000'); type CallingStateTypeWithActiveCall = CallingStateType & { activeCallState: ActiveCallStateType; }; describe('calling duck', () => { const directCallState: DirectCallStateType = { callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', callState: CallState.Accepted, isIncoming: false, isVideoCall: false, hasRemoteVideo: false, }; const stateWithDirectCall: CallingStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), callsByConversation: { [directCallState.conversationId]: directCallState, }, }; const stateWithActiveDirectCall: CallingStateTypeWithActiveCall = { ...stateWithDirectCall, activeCallState: { state: 'Active', callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: directCallState.conversationId, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: false, localAudioLevel: 0, viewMode: CallViewMode.Paginated, showParticipantsList: false, outgoingRing: true, pip: false, settingsDialogOpen: false, joinedAt: null, }, }; const stateWithIncomingDirectCall: CallingStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), callsByConversation: { 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id': { callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', callState: CallState.Ringing, isIncoming: true, isVideoCall: false, hasRemoteVideo: false, } satisfies DirectCallStateType, }, }; const creatorAci = generateAci(); const differentCreatorAci = generateAci(); const remoteAci = generateAci(); const ringerAci = generateAci(); const stateWithGroupCall: CallingStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), callsByConversation: { 'fake-group-call-conversation-id': { callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, localDemuxId: 1, peekInfo: { acis: [creatorAci], pendingAcis: [], creatorAci, eraId: 'xyz', maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [ { aci: remoteAci, demuxId: 123, hasRemoteAudio: true, hasRemoteVideo: true, mediaKeysReceived: true, presenting: false, sharingScreen: false, videoAspectRatio: 4 / 3, }, ], } satisfies GroupCallStateType, }, }; const stateWithNotJoinedGroupCall: CallingStateType = { ...getEmptyState(), callsByConversation: { 'fake-group-call-conversation-id': { callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.NotConnected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, localDemuxId: 1, peekInfo: { acis: [], pendingAcis: [], creatorAci, eraId: 'xyz', maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 0, }, remoteParticipants: [], } satisfies GroupCallStateType, }, }; const stateWithIncomingGroupCall: CallingStateType = { ...stateWithGroupCall, callsByConversation: { ...stateWithGroupCall.callsByConversation, 'fake-group-call-conversation-id': { ...stateWithGroupCall.callsByConversation[ 'fake-group-call-conversation-id' ], ringId: BigInt(123), ringerAci: generateAci(), }, }, }; const groupCallActiveCallState: ActiveCallStateType = { state: 'Active', callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: false, localAudioLevel: 0, viewMode: CallViewMode.Paginated, showParticipantsList: false, outgoingRing: false, pip: false, settingsDialogOpen: false, joinedAt: null, }; const stateWithActiveGroupCall: CallingStateTypeWithActiveCall = { ...stateWithGroupCall, activeCallState: groupCallActiveCallState, }; const ourAci = generateAci(); const getEmptyRootState = () => { const rootState = rootReducer(undefined, noopAction()); return { ...rootState, user: { ...rootState.user, ourAci, }, }; }; function useFakeTimers() { beforeEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { this.sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); this.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers({ now: NOW, }); }); afterEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { this.sandbox.restore(); }); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any let oldEvents: any; beforeEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { this.sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); oldEvents = window.Events; window.Events = { getCallRingtoneNotification: sinon.spy(), // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } as any; }); afterEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { this.sandbox.restore(); window.Events = oldEvents; }); describe('actions', () => { describe('getPresentingSources', () => { beforeEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { this.callingServiceGetPresentingSources = this.sandbox .stub(callingService, 'getPresentingSources') .resolves([ { id: 'foo.bar', name: 'Foo Bar', thumbnail: 'xyz', }, ]); }); it('retrieves sources from the calling service', async function (this: Mocha.Context) { const { getPresentingSources } = actions; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await getPresentingSources()(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); sinon.assert.calledOnce(this.callingServiceGetPresentingSources); }); it('dispatches SET_PRESENTING_SOURCES', async () => { const { getPresentingSources } = actions; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await getPresentingSources()(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); sinon.assert.calledOnce(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/SET_PRESENTING_SOURCES', payload: [ { id: 'foo.bar', name: 'Foo Bar', thumbnail: 'xyz', }, ], }); }); }); describe('remoteSharingScreenChange', () => { it("updates whether someone's screen is being shared", () => { const { remoteSharingScreenChange } = actions; const payload = { conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', isSharingScreen: true, }; const state: CallingStateTypeWithActiveCall = { ...stateWithActiveDirectCall, }; const nextState = reducer(state, remoteSharingScreenChange(payload)); const expectedState: CallingStateTypeWithActiveCall = { ...stateWithActiveDirectCall, callsByConversation: { [directCallState.conversationId]: { ...directCallState, isSharingScreen: true, } satisfies DirectCallStateType, }, }; assert.deepEqual(nextState, expectedState); }); }); describe('setPresenting', () => { beforeEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { this.callingServiceSetPresenting = this.sandbox.stub( callingService, 'setPresenting' ); }); it('calls setPresenting on the calling service', async function (this: Mocha.Context) { const { setPresenting } = actions; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const presentedSource = { id: 'window:786', name: 'Application', }; const getState = (): RootStateType => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: { ...stateWithActiveGroupCall, }, }); await setPresenting(presentedSource)(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledOnce(this.callingServiceSetPresenting); sinon.assert.calledWith( this.callingServiceSetPresenting, 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', false, presentedSource ); }); it('dispatches SET_PRESENTING', async () => { const { setPresenting } = actions; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const presentedSource = { id: 'window:786', name: 'Application', }; const getState = (): RootStateType => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: { ...stateWithActiveGroupCall, }, }); await setPresenting(presentedSource)(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledOnce(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/SET_PRESENTING', payload: presentedSource, }); }); it('turns off presenting when no value is passed in', async () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const { setPresenting } = actions; const presentedSource = { id: 'window:786', name: 'Application', }; const getState = (): RootStateType => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: { ...stateWithActiveGroupCall, }, }); await setPresenting(presentedSource)(dispatch, getState, null); const action = dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; const nextState = reducer(getState().calling, action); assert.isDefined(nextState.activeCallState); strictAssert( nextState.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.equal( nextState.activeCallState?.presentingSource, presentedSource ); assert.isUndefined( nextState.activeCallState?.presentingSourcesAvailable ); }); it('sets the presenting value when one is passed in', async () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const { setPresenting } = actions; const getState = (): RootStateType => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: { ...stateWithActiveGroupCall, }, }); await setPresenting()(dispatch, getState, null); const action = dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; const nextState = reducer(getState().calling, action); assert.isDefined(nextState.activeCallState); strictAssert( nextState.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.isUndefined(nextState.activeCallState?.presentingSource); assert.isUndefined( nextState.activeCallState?.presentingSourcesAvailable ); }); }); describe('acceptCall', () => { const { acceptCall } = actions; beforeEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { this.callingServiceAccept = this.sandbox .stub(callingService, 'acceptDirectCall') .resolves(); this.callingServiceJoin = this.sandbox .stub(callingService, 'joinGroupCall') .resolves(); }); describe('accepting a direct call', () => { const getState = (): RootStateType => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: stateWithIncomingDirectCall, }); it('dispatches an ACCEPT_CALL_PENDING action', async () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await acceptCall({ conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', asVideoCall: true, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledOnce(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/ACCEPT_CALL_PENDING', payload: { conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', asVideoCall: true, }, }); await acceptCall({ conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', asVideoCall: false, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledTwice(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/ACCEPT_CALL_PENDING', payload: { conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', asVideoCall: false, }, }); }); it('asks the calling service to accept the call', async function (this: Mocha.Context) { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await acceptCall({ conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', asVideoCall: true, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledOnce(this.callingServiceAccept); sinon.assert.calledWith( this.callingServiceAccept, 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', true ); await acceptCall({ conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', asVideoCall: false, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledTwice(this.callingServiceAccept); sinon.assert.calledWith( this.callingServiceAccept, 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', false ); }); it('updates the active call state with ACCEPT_CALL_PENDING', async () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await acceptCall({ conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', asVideoCall: true, })(dispatch, getState, null); const action = dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; const result = reducer(stateWithIncomingDirectCall, action); assert.deepEqual(result.activeCallState, { state: 'Active', callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, localAudioLevel: 0, viewMode: CallViewMode.Paginated, showParticipantsList: false, outgoingRing: false, pip: false, settingsDialogOpen: false, joinedAt: null, } satisfies ActiveCallStateType); }); }); describe('accepting a group call', () => { const getState = (): RootStateType => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: stateWithIncomingGroupCall, }); it('dispatches an ACCEPT_CALL_PENDING action', async () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await acceptCall({ conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', asVideoCall: true, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledOnce(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/ACCEPT_CALL_PENDING', payload: { conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', asVideoCall: true, }, }); await acceptCall({ conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', asVideoCall: false, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledTwice(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/ACCEPT_CALL_PENDING', payload: { conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', asVideoCall: false, }, }); }); it('asks the calling service to join the call', async function (this: Mocha.Context) { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await acceptCall({ conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', asVideoCall: true, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledOnce(this.callingServiceJoin); sinon.assert.calledWith( this.callingServiceJoin, 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', true, true ); await acceptCall({ conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', asVideoCall: false, })(dispatch, getState, null); sinon.assert.calledTwice(this.callingServiceJoin); sinon.assert.calledWith( this.callingServiceJoin, 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', true, false ); }); it('updates the active call state with ACCEPT_CALL_PENDING', async () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await acceptCall({ conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', asVideoCall: true, })(dispatch, getState, null); const action = dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; const result = reducer(stateWithIncomingGroupCall, action); assert.deepEqual(result.activeCallState, { state: 'Active', callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, localAudioLevel: 0, viewMode: CallViewMode.Paginated, showParticipantsList: false, outgoingRing: false, pip: false, settingsDialogOpen: false, joinedAt: null, } satisfies ActiveCallStateType); }); }); }); describe('cancelCall', () => { const { cancelCall } = actions; beforeEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { this.callingServiceStopCallingLobby = this.sandbox.stub( callingService, 'stopCallingLobby' ); }); it('stops the calling lobby for that conversation', function (this: Mocha.Context) { cancelCall({ conversationId: '123' }); sinon.assert.calledOnce(this.callingServiceStopCallingLobby); sinon.assert.calledWith(this.callingServiceStopCallingLobby, '123'); }); it('completely removes an active direct call from the state', () => { const result = reducer( stateWithActiveDirectCall, cancelCall({ conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id' }) ); assert.notProperty( result.callsByConversation, 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id' ); assert.isUndefined(result.activeCallState); }); it('removes the active group call, but leaves it in the state', () => { const result = reducer( stateWithActiveGroupCall, cancelCall({ conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id' }) ); assert.property( result.callsByConversation, 'fake-group-call-conversation-id' ); assert.isUndefined(result.activeCallState); }); }); describe('cancelIncomingGroupCallRing', () => { const { cancelIncomingGroupCallRing } = actions; it('does nothing if there is no associated group call', () => { const state = getEmptyState(); const action = cancelIncomingGroupCallRing({ conversationId: 'garbage', ringId: BigInt(1), }); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.strictEqual(result, state); }); it("does nothing if the ring to cancel isn't the same one", () => { const action = cancelIncomingGroupCallRing({ conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', ringId: BigInt(999), }); const result = reducer(stateWithIncomingGroupCall, action); assert.strictEqual(result, stateWithIncomingGroupCall); }); it('removes the ring state, but not the call', () => { const action = cancelIncomingGroupCallRing({ conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', ringId: BigInt(123), }); const result = reducer(stateWithIncomingGroupCall, action); const call = result.callsByConversation['fake-group-call-conversation-id']; // It'd be nice to do this with an assert, but Chai doesn't understand it. if (call?.callMode !== CallMode.Group) { throw new Error('Expected to find a group call'); } assert.isUndefined(call.ringId); assert.isUndefined(call.ringerAci); }); }); describe('declineCall', () => { const { declineCall } = actions; let declineDirectCall: sinon.SinonStub; let declineGroupCall: sinon.SinonStub; beforeEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { declineDirectCall = this.sandbox.stub( callingService, 'declineDirectCall' ); declineGroupCall = this.sandbox.stub( callingService, 'declineGroupCall' ); }); describe('declining a direct call', () => { const getState = (): RootStateType => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: stateWithIncomingDirectCall, }); it('dispatches a DECLINE_DIRECT_CALL action', () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); declineCall({ conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id' })( dispatch, getState, null ); sinon.assert.calledOnce(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/DECLINE_DIRECT_CALL', payload: { conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', }, }); }); it('asks the calling service to decline the call', () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); declineCall({ conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id' })( dispatch, getState, null ); sinon.assert.calledOnce(declineDirectCall); sinon.assert.calledWith( declineDirectCall, 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id' ); }); it('removes the call from the state', () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); declineCall({ conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id' })( dispatch, getState, null ); const action = dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; const result = reducer(stateWithIncomingGroupCall, action); assert.notProperty( result.callsByConversation, 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id' ); }); }); describe('declining a group call', () => { const getState = (): RootStateType => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: stateWithIncomingGroupCall, }); it('dispatches a CANCEL_INCOMING_GROUP_CALL_RING action', () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); declineCall({ conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id' })( dispatch, getState, null ); sinon.assert.calledOnce(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/CANCEL_INCOMING_GROUP_CALL_RING', payload: { conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', ringId: BigInt(123), }, }); }); it('asks the calling service to decline the call', () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); declineCall({ conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id' })( dispatch, getState, null ); sinon.assert.calledOnce(declineGroupCall); sinon.assert.calledWith( declineGroupCall, 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', BigInt(123) ); }); // NOTE: The state effects of this action are tested with // `cancelIncomingGroupCallRing`. }); }); describe('groupCallAudioLevelsChange', () => { const { groupCallAudioLevelsChange } = actions; const remoteDeviceStates = [ { audioLevel: 0.3, demuxId: 1 }, { audioLevel: 0.4, demuxId: 2 }, { audioLevel: 0.5, demuxId: 3 }, { audioLevel: 0.2, demuxId: 7 }, { audioLevel: 0.1, demuxId: 8 }, { audioLevel: 0, demuxId: 9 }, ]; const remoteAudioLevels = new Map([ [1, truncateAudioLevel(0.3)], [2, truncateAudioLevel(0.4)], [3, truncateAudioLevel(0.5)], [7, truncateAudioLevel(0.2)], [8, truncateAudioLevel(0.1)], ]); it("does nothing if there's no relevant call", () => { const action = groupCallAudioLevelsChange({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'garbage', localAudioLevel: 1, remoteDeviceStates, }); const result = reducer(stateWithActiveGroupCall, action); assert.strictEqual(result, stateWithActiveGroupCall); }); it('does nothing if the state change would be a no-op', () => { const state = { ...stateWithActiveGroupCall, callsByConversation: { 'fake-group-call-conversation-id': { ...stateWithActiveGroupCall.callsByConversation[ 'fake-group-call-conversation-id' ], remoteAudioLevels, }, }, }; const action = groupCallAudioLevelsChange({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', localAudioLevel: 0.001, remoteDeviceStates, }); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.strictEqual(result, state); }); it('updates the set of speaking participants, including yourself', () => { const action = groupCallAudioLevelsChange({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', localAudioLevel: 0.8, remoteDeviceStates, }); const result = reducer(stateWithActiveGroupCall, action); strictAssert( result.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.strictEqual( result.activeCallState?.localAudioLevel, truncateAudioLevel(0.8) ); const call = result.callsByConversation['fake-group-call-conversation-id']; if (call?.callMode !== CallMode.Group) { throw new Error('Expected a group call to be found'); } assert.deepStrictEqual(call.remoteAudioLevels, remoteAudioLevels); }); }); describe('groupCallStateChange', () => { const { groupCallStateChange } = actions; function getAction( ...args: Parameters ): GroupCallStateChangeActionType { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); groupCallStateChange(...args)(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); return dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; } it('saves a new call to the map of conversations', () => { const result = reducer( getEmptyState(), getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.Joining, localDemuxId: 1, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: false, peekInfo: { acis: [creatorAci], pendingAcis: [], creatorAci, eraId: 'xyz', maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [ { aci: remoteAci, demuxId: 123, hasRemoteAudio: true, hasRemoteVideo: true, mediaKeysReceived: true, presenting: false, sharingScreen: false, videoAspectRatio: 4 / 3, }, ], }) ); assert.deepEqual( result.callsByConversation['fake-group-call-conversation-id'], { callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.Joining, localDemuxId: 1, peekInfo: { acis: [creatorAci], pendingAcis: [], creatorAci, eraId: 'xyz', maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [ { aci: remoteAci, demuxId: 123, hasRemoteAudio: true, hasRemoteVideo: true, mediaKeysReceived: true, presenting: false, sharingScreen: false, videoAspectRatio: 4 / 3, }, ], raisedHands: [], } ); }); it('updates a call in the map of conversations', () => { const result = reducer( stateWithGroupCall, getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.Joined, localDemuxId: 1, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: false, peekInfo: { acis: [ACI_1], pendingAcis: [], maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [ { aci: remoteAci, demuxId: 456, hasRemoteAudio: false, hasRemoteVideo: true, mediaKeysReceived: true, presenting: false, sharingScreen: false, videoAspectRatio: 16 / 9, }, ], }) ); assert.deepEqual( result.callsByConversation['fake-group-call-conversation-id'], { callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.Joined, localDemuxId: 1, peekInfo: { acis: [ACI_1], pendingAcis: [], maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [ { aci: remoteAci, demuxId: 456, hasRemoteAudio: false, hasRemoteVideo: true, mediaKeysReceived: true, presenting: false, sharingScreen: false, videoAspectRatio: 16 / 9, }, ], raisedHands: [], } ); }); it("keeps the existing ring state if you haven't joined the call", () => { const state = { ...stateWithGroupCall, callsByConversation: { ...stateWithGroupCall.callsByConversation, 'fake-group-call-conversation-id': { ...stateWithGroupCall.callsByConversation[ 'fake-group-call-conversation-id' ], ringId: BigInt(456), ringerAci, }, }, }; const result = reducer( state, getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, localDemuxId: 1, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: false, peekInfo: { acis: [ACI_1], pendingAcis: [], maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [ { aci: remoteAci, demuxId: 456, hasRemoteAudio: false, hasRemoteVideo: true, mediaKeysReceived: true, presenting: false, sharingScreen: false, videoAspectRatio: 16 / 9, }, ], }) ); assert.include( result.callsByConversation['fake-group-call-conversation-id'], { callMode: CallMode.Group, ringId: BigInt(456), ringerAci, } ); }); it("removes the ring state if you've joined the call", () => { const state = { ...stateWithGroupCall, callsByConversation: { ...stateWithGroupCall.callsByConversation, 'fake-group-call-conversation-id': { ...stateWithGroupCall.callsByConversation[ 'fake-group-call-conversation-id' ], ringId: BigInt(456), ringerAci, }, }, }; const result = reducer( state, getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, localDemuxId: 1, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.Joined, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: false, peekInfo: { acis: [ACI_1], pendingAcis: [], maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [ { aci: remoteAci, demuxId: 456, hasRemoteAudio: false, hasRemoteVideo: true, mediaKeysReceived: true, presenting: false, sharingScreen: false, videoAspectRatio: 16 / 9, }, ], }) ); assert.notProperty( result.callsByConversation['fake-group-call-conversation-id'], 'ringId' ); assert.notProperty( result.callsByConversation['fake-group-call-conversation-id'], 'ringerAci' ); }); it("if no call is active, doesn't touch the active call state", () => { const result = reducer( stateWithGroupCall, getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.Joined, localDemuxId: 1, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: false, peekInfo: { acis: [ACI_1], pendingAcis: [], maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [ { aci: remoteAci, demuxId: 456, hasRemoteAudio: false, hasRemoteVideo: true, mediaKeysReceived: true, presenting: false, sharingScreen: false, videoAspectRatio: 16 / 9, }, ], }) ); assert.isUndefined(result.activeCallState); }); it("if the call is not active, doesn't touch the active call state", () => { const result = reducer( stateWithActiveGroupCall, getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'another-fake-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.Joined, localDemuxId: 1, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, peekInfo: { acis: [ACI_1], pendingAcis: [], maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [ { aci: remoteAci, demuxId: 456, hasRemoteAudio: false, hasRemoteVideo: true, mediaKeysReceived: true, presenting: false, sharingScreen: false, videoAspectRatio: 16 / 9, }, ], }) ); assert.deepEqual(result.activeCallState, { state: 'Active', callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: false, localAudioLevel: 0, viewMode: CallViewMode.Paginated, showParticipantsList: false, outgoingRing: false, pip: false, settingsDialogOpen: false, joinedAt: null, } satisfies ActiveCallStateType); }); it('if the call is active, updates the active call state', () => { const result = reducer( stateWithActiveGroupCall, getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.Joined, localDemuxId: 1, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, peekInfo: { acis: [ACI_1], pendingAcis: [], maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [ { aci: remoteAci, demuxId: 456, hasRemoteAudio: false, hasRemoteVideo: true, mediaKeysReceived: true, presenting: false, sharingScreen: false, videoAspectRatio: 16 / 9, }, ], }) ); assert.strictEqual( result.activeCallState?.conversationId, 'fake-group-call-conversation-id' ); strictAssert( result.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.isTrue(result.activeCallState?.hasLocalAudio); assert.isTrue(result.activeCallState?.hasLocalVideo); }); it("doesn't stop ringing if nobody is in the call", () => { const state = { ...stateWithActiveGroupCall, activeCallState: { ...stateWithActiveGroupCall.activeCallState, outgoingRing: true, }, }; const result = reducer( state, getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.Joined, localDemuxId: 1, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, peekInfo: { acis: [], pendingAcis: [], maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 0, }, remoteParticipants: [], }) ); strictAssert( result.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.isTrue(result.activeCallState?.outgoingRing); }); it('stops ringing if someone enters the call', () => { const state: CallingStateType = { ...stateWithActiveGroupCall, activeCallState: { ...stateWithActiveGroupCall.activeCallState, outgoingRing: true, }, }; const result = reducer( state, getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.Joined, localDemuxId: 1, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, peekInfo: { acis: [ACI_1], pendingAcis: [], maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [], }) ); strictAssert( result.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.isFalse(result.activeCallState?.outgoingRing); }); it('mutes self in lobby when getting peek info with a lot of devices', () => { const result = reducer( { ...stateWithNotJoinedGroupCall, activeCallState: groupCallActiveCallState, }, getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connecting, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, localDemuxId: 1, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, peekInfo: { acis: Array(20).map(generateAci), pendingAcis: [], maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 20, }, remoteParticipants: [], }) ); strictAssert( result.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.isFalse(result.activeCallState?.hasLocalAudio); }); it('does not mute self when getting peek info with few devices', () => { const result = reducer( { ...stateWithNotJoinedGroupCall, activeCallState: groupCallActiveCallState, }, getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connecting, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, localDemuxId: 1, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, peekInfo: { acis: [ACI_1], pendingAcis: [], maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [], }) ); strictAssert( result.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.isTrue(result.activeCallState?.hasLocalAudio); }); it('does not mute self when connected with many devices', () => { const result = reducer( stateWithActiveGroupCall, getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.Joined, localDemuxId: 1, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, peekInfo: { acis: Array(20).map(generateAci), pendingAcis: [], maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 20, }, remoteParticipants: [], }) ); strictAssert( result.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.isTrue(result.activeCallState?.hasLocalAudio); }); }); describe('handleCallLinkUpdate', () => { const { roomId, name, restrictions, expiration, revoked, rootKey, adminKey, } = FAKE_CALL_LINK; beforeEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { this.callingServiceReadCallLink = this.sandbox .stub(callingService, 'readCallLink') .resolves(getCallLinkState(FAKE_CALL_LINK)); }); const doAction = async ( payload: HandleCallLinkUpdateType ): Promise<{ dispatch: sinon.SinonSpy }> => { const { handleCallLinkUpdate } = actions; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await handleCallLinkUpdate(payload)(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); return { dispatch }; }; it('reads the call link from calling service', async function (this: Mocha.Context) { await doAction({ rootKey, adminKey: null }); sinon.assert.calledOnce(this.callingServiceReadCallLink); }); it('dispatches HANDLE_CALL_LINK_UPDATE', async () => { const { dispatch } = await doAction({ rootKey, adminKey: null }); sinon.assert.calledOnce(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/HANDLE_CALL_LINK_UPDATE', payload: { callLink: { name, restrictions, expiration, revoked, roomId, rootKey, adminKey, storageID: undefined, storageVersion: undefined, storageUnknownFields: undefined, storageNeedsSync: false, }, }, }); }); it('can save adminKey', async () => { const { dispatch } = await doAction({ rootKey, adminKey: 'banana' }); sinon.assert.calledOnce(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/HANDLE_CALL_LINK_UPDATE', payload: { callLink: { name, restrictions, expiration, revoked, roomId, rootKey, adminKey: 'banana', storageID: undefined, storageVersion: undefined, storageUnknownFields: undefined, storageNeedsSync: false, }, }, }); }); }); describe('startCallLinkLobby', () => { const callLobbyData = { callMode: CallMode.Adhoc, connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.NotConnected, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, peekInfo: [], remoteParticipants: [], }; const callLinkState = getCallLinkState(FAKE_CALL_LINK); const getStateWithAdminKey = (): RootStateType => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: { ...getEmptyState(), callLinks: { [FAKE_CALL_LINK_WITH_ADMIN_KEY.roomId]: FAKE_CALL_LINK_WITH_ADMIN_KEY, }, }, }); beforeEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { this.callingServiceReadCallLink = this.sandbox .stub(callingService, 'readCallLink') .resolves(callLinkState); this.callingServiceStartCallLinkLobby = this.sandbox .stub(callingService, 'startCallLinkLobby') .resolves(callLobbyData); }); const doAction = async ( payload: StartCallLinkLobbyType ): Promise<{ dispatch: sinon.SinonSpy }> => { const { startCallLinkLobby } = actions; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await startCallLinkLobby(payload)(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); return { dispatch }; }; it('reads the link and dispatches START_CALL_LINK_LOBBY', async function (this: Mocha.Context) { const { roomId, rootKey } = FAKE_CALL_LINK; const { dispatch } = await doAction({ rootKey }); sinon.assert.calledTwice(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/WAITING_FOR_CALL_LINK_LOBBY', payload: { roomId, }, }); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/START_CALL_LINK_LOBBY', payload: { ...callLobbyData, callLinkState, callLinkRoomId: roomId, callLinkRootKey: rootKey, conversationId: roomId, isConversationTooBigToRing: false, }, }); }); it('preserves adminKey', () => { const { startCallLinkLobby } = actions; const { roomId, rootKey, adminKey } = FAKE_CALL_LINK_WITH_ADMIN_KEY; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const result = reducer( getStateWithAdminKey().calling, startCallLinkLobby({ rootKey, })( dispatch, getStateWithAdminKey, null ) as unknown as Readonly ); assert.equal(result.callLinks[roomId]?.adminKey, adminKey); }); }); describe('peekNotConnectedGroupCall', () => { const { peekNotConnectedGroupCall } = actions; beforeEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { this.callingServicePeekGroupCall = this.sandbox.stub( callingService, 'peekGroupCall' ); this.callingServiceUpdateCallHistoryForGroupCallOnPeek = this.sandbox.stub( callingService, 'updateCallHistoryForGroupCallOnPeek' ); this.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); }); describe('thunk', () => { function noopTest(connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState) { return async function test(this: Mocha.Context) { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await peekNotConnectedGroupCall({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', })( dispatch, () => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: { ...stateWithGroupCall, callsByConversation: { 'fake-group-call-conversation-id': { ...stateWithGroupCall.callsByConversation[ 'fake-group-call-conversation-id' ], connectionState, }, }, }, }), null ); sinon.assert.notCalled(dispatch); sinon.assert.notCalled(this.callingServicePeekGroupCall); }; } it( 'no-ops if trying to peek at a connecting group call', noopTest(GroupCallConnectionState.Connecting) ); it( 'no-ops if trying to peek at a connected group call', noopTest(GroupCallConnectionState.Connected) ); it( 'no-ops if trying to peek at a reconnecting group call', noopTest(GroupCallConnectionState.Reconnecting) ); // These tests are incomplete. }); }); describe('returnToActiveCall', () => { const { returnToActiveCall } = actions; it('does nothing if not in PiP mode', () => { const result = reducer(stateWithActiveDirectCall, returnToActiveCall()); assert.deepEqual(result, stateWithActiveDirectCall); }); it('closes the PiP', () => { const state: CallingStateType = { ...stateWithActiveDirectCall, activeCallState: { ...stateWithActiveDirectCall.activeCallState, pip: true, }, }; const result = reducer(state, returnToActiveCall()); assert.deepEqual(result, stateWithActiveDirectCall); }); }); describe('receiveIncomingGroupCall', () => { const { receiveIncomingGroupCall } = actions; it('does nothing if the call was already ringing', () => { const action = receiveIncomingGroupCall({ conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', ringId: BigInt(456), ringerAci, }); const result = reducer(stateWithIncomingGroupCall, action); assert.strictEqual(result, stateWithIncomingGroupCall); }); it('does nothing if the call was already joined', () => { const state = { ...stateWithGroupCall, callsByConversation: { ...stateWithGroupCall.callsByConversation, 'fake-group-call-conversation-id': { ...stateWithGroupCall.callsByConversation[ 'fake-group-call-conversation-id' ], joinState: GroupCallJoinState.Joined, }, }, }; const action = receiveIncomingGroupCall({ conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', ringId: BigInt(456), ringerAci, }); const result = reducer(state, action); assert.strictEqual(result, state); }); it('creates a new group call if one did not exist', () => { const action = receiveIncomingGroupCall({ conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', ringId: BigInt(456), ringerAci, }); const result = reducer(getEmptyState(), action); assert.deepEqual( result.callsByConversation['fake-group-call-conversation-id'], { callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.NotConnected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, localDemuxId: undefined, peekInfo: { acis: [], pendingAcis: [], maxDevices: Infinity, deviceCount: 0, }, remoteParticipants: [], ringId: BigInt(456), ringerAci, } ); }); it('attaches ring state to an existing call', () => { const action = receiveIncomingGroupCall({ conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', ringId: BigInt(456), ringerAci, }); const result = reducer(stateWithGroupCall, action); assert.include( result.callsByConversation['fake-group-call-conversation-id'], { ringId: BigInt(456), ringerAci, } ); }); }); describe('receiveGroupCallReactions', () => { useFakeTimers(); const { receiveGroupCallReactions } = actions; const getState = (): RootStateType => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: { ...stateWithActiveGroupCall, }, }); function getAction( ...args: Parameters ): GroupCallReactionsReceivedActionType { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); receiveGroupCallReactions(...args)(dispatch, getState, null); return dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; } it('adds reactions by timestamp', function (this: Mocha.Context) { const firstAction = getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', reactions: [ { demuxId: 123, value: '❤️', }, ], }); const firstResult = reducer(getState().calling, firstAction); strictAssert( firstResult.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.deepEqual(firstResult.activeCallState?.reactions, [ { timestamp: NOW.getTime(), demuxId: 123, value: '❤️', }, ]); const secondDate = new Date(NOW.getTime() + 1234); this.sandbox.useFakeTimers({ now: secondDate }); const secondAction = getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', reactions: [ { demuxId: 456, value: '🎉', }, ], }); const secondResult = reducer(firstResult, secondAction); strictAssert( secondResult.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.deepEqual(secondResult.activeCallState?.reactions, [ { timestamp: NOW.getTime(), demuxId: 123, value: '❤️', }, { timestamp: secondDate.getTime(), demuxId: 456, value: '🎉', }, ]); }); it('sets multiple reactions with the same timestamp', () => { const action = getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', reactions: [ { demuxId: 123, value: '❤️', }, { demuxId: 456, value: '🎉', }, ], }); const result = reducer(getState().calling, action); strictAssert( result.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.deepEqual(result.activeCallState?.reactions, [ { timestamp: NOW.getTime(), demuxId: 123, value: '❤️', }, { timestamp: NOW.getTime(), demuxId: 456, value: '🎉', }, ]); }); }); describe('sendGroupCallReactions', () => { useFakeTimers(); beforeEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { this.callingServiceSendGroupCallReaction = this.sandbox.stub( callingService, 'sendGroupCallReaction' ); }); const { sendGroupCallReaction } = actions; const getState = (): RootStateType => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: { ...stateWithActiveGroupCall, }, }); function getAction( ...args: Parameters ): SendGroupCallReactionActionType { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); sendGroupCallReaction(...args)(dispatch, getState, null); return dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; } it('adds a local copy', () => { const action = getAction({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-group-call-conversation-id', value: '❤️', }); const result = reducer(getState().calling, action); strictAssert( result.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.deepEqual(result.activeCallState?.reactions, [ { timestamp: NOW.getTime(), demuxId: 1, value: '❤️', }, ]); }); }); describe('setLocalAudio', () => { const { setLocalAudio } = actions; beforeEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { this.callingServiceSetOutgoingAudio = this.sandbox.stub( callingService, 'setOutgoingAudio' ); }); it('dispatches a SET_LOCAL_AUDIO_FULFILLED action', () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); setLocalAudio({ enabled: true })( dispatch, () => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: stateWithActiveDirectCall, }), null ); sinon.assert.calledOnce(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/SET_LOCAL_AUDIO_FULFILLED', payload: { enabled: true }, }); }); it('updates the outgoing audio for the active call', function (this: Mocha.Context) { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); setLocalAudio({ enabled: false })( dispatch, () => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: stateWithActiveDirectCall, }), null ); sinon.assert.calledOnce(this.callingServiceSetOutgoingAudio); sinon.assert.calledWith( this.callingServiceSetOutgoingAudio, 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', false ); setLocalAudio({ enabled: true })( dispatch, () => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: stateWithActiveDirectCall, }), null ); sinon.assert.calledTwice(this.callingServiceSetOutgoingAudio); sinon.assert.calledWith( this.callingServiceSetOutgoingAudio, 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', true ); }); it('updates the local audio state with SET_LOCAL_AUDIO_FULFILLED', () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); setLocalAudio({ enabled: false })( dispatch, () => ({ ...getEmptyRootState(), calling: stateWithActiveDirectCall, }), null ); const action = dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; const result = reducer(stateWithActiveDirectCall, action); strictAssert( result.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.isFalse(result.activeCallState?.hasLocalAudio); }); }); describe('setOutgoingRing', () => { const { setOutgoingRing } = actions; it('enables a desire to ring', () => { const action = setOutgoingRing(true); const result = reducer(stateWithActiveGroupCall, action); strictAssert( result.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.isTrue(result.activeCallState?.outgoingRing); }); it('disables a desire to ring', () => { const action = setOutgoingRing(false); const result = reducer(stateWithActiveDirectCall, action); strictAssert( result.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.isFalse(result.activeCallState?.outgoingRing); }); }); describe('startCallingLobby', () => { const { startCallingLobby } = actions; let rootState: RootStateType; let startCallingLobbyStub: sinon.SinonStub; beforeEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { startCallingLobbyStub = this.sandbox .stub(callingService, 'startCallingLobby') .resolves(); const emptyRootState = getEmptyRootState(); rootState = { ...emptyRootState, conversations: { ...emptyRootState.conversations, conversationLookup: { 'fake-conversation-id': getDefaultConversation(), }, }, }; }); describe('thunk', () => { it('asks the calling service to start the lobby', async () => { await startCallingLobby({ conversationId: 'fake-conversation-id', isVideoCall: true, })(noop, () => rootState, null); sinon.assert.calledOnce(startCallingLobbyStub); }); it('requests audio by default', async () => { await startCallingLobby({ conversationId: 'fake-conversation-id', isVideoCall: true, })(noop, () => rootState, null); sinon.assert.calledWithMatch(startCallingLobbyStub, { hasLocalAudio: true, }); }); it("doesn't request audio if the group call already has 8 devices", async () => { await startCallingLobby({ conversationId: 'fake-conversation-id', isVideoCall: true, })( noop, () => { const callingState = cloneDeep(stateWithGroupCall); const call = callingState.callsByConversation[ 'fake-group-call-conversation-id' ] as GroupCallStateType; const peekInfo = call.peekInfo as unknown as PeekInfo; peekInfo.deviceCount = 8; return { ...rootState, calling: callingState }; }, null ); sinon.assert.calledWithMatch(startCallingLobbyStub, { hasLocalVideo: true, }); }); it('requests video when starting a video call', async () => { await startCallingLobby({ conversationId: 'fake-conversation-id', isVideoCall: true, })(noop, () => rootState, null); sinon.assert.calledWithMatch(startCallingLobbyStub, { hasLocalVideo: true, }); }); it("doesn't request video when not a video call", async () => { await startCallingLobby({ conversationId: 'fake-conversation-id', isVideoCall: false, })(noop, () => rootState, null); sinon.assert.calledWithMatch(startCallingLobbyStub, { hasLocalVideo: false, }); }); it('dispatches two actions if the calling lobby returns something', async () => { startCallingLobbyStub.resolves({ callMode: CallMode.Direct, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, }); const dispatch = sinon.stub(); const conversationId = 'fake-conversation-id'; await startCallingLobby({ conversationId, isVideoCall: true, })(dispatch, () => rootState, null); sinon.assert.calledTwice(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/WAITING_FOR_CALLING_LOBBY', payload: { conversationId, }, }); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/START_CALLING_LOBBY', payload: { callMode: 'Direct', hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, conversationId, isConversationTooBigToRing: false, }, }); }); it('dispatches two actions if the calling lobby returns nothing', async () => { const dispatch = sinon.stub(); const conversationId = 'fake-conversation-id'; await startCallingLobby({ conversationId, isVideoCall: true, })(dispatch, () => rootState, null); sinon.assert.calledTwice(dispatch); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/WAITING_FOR_CALLING_LOBBY', payload: { conversationId, }, }); sinon.assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: 'calling/CALL_LOBBY_FAILED', payload: { conversationId, }, }); }); }); describe('action', () => { const getState = async ( callingState: CallingStateType, callingServiceResult: UnwrapPromise< ReturnType >, conversationId = 'fake-conversation-id' ): Promise => { startCallingLobbyStub.resolves(callingServiceResult); const dispatch = sinon.stub(); await startCallingLobby({ conversationId, isVideoCall: true, })(dispatch, () => ({ ...rootState, calling: callingState }), null); const waitingAction = dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.equal(waitingAction.type, 'calling/WAITING_FOR_CALLING_LOBBY'); const action = dispatch.getCall(1).args[0]; return reducer(callingState, action); }; it('saves a direct call and makes it active', async () => { const result = await getState(getEmptyState(), { callMode: CallMode.Direct as const, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, }); assert.deepEqual(result.callsByConversation['fake-conversation-id'], { callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: 'fake-conversation-id', isIncoming: false, isVideoCall: true, }); assert.deepEqual(result.activeCallState, { state: 'Active', callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: 'fake-conversation-id', hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, localAudioLevel: 0, viewMode: CallViewMode.Paginated, showParticipantsList: false, pip: false, settingsDialogOpen: false, outgoingRing: true, joinedAt: null, } satisfies ActiveCallStateType); }); it('saves a group call and makes it active', async () => { const result = await getState(getEmptyState(), { callMode: CallMode.Group, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, peekInfo: { acis: [creatorAci], pendingAcis: [], creatorAci, eraId: 'xyz', maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [ { aci: remoteAci, demuxId: 123, hasRemoteAudio: true, hasRemoteVideo: true, mediaKeysReceived: true, presenting: false, sharingScreen: false, videoAspectRatio: 4 / 3, }, ], }); assert.deepEqual(result.callsByConversation['fake-conversation-id'], { callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: 'fake-conversation-id', connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, localDemuxId: undefined, peekInfo: { acis: [creatorAci], pendingAcis: [], creatorAci, eraId: 'xyz', maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [ { aci: remoteAci, demuxId: 123, hasRemoteAudio: true, hasRemoteVideo: true, mediaKeysReceived: true, presenting: false, sharingScreen: false, videoAspectRatio: 4 / 3, }, ], }); assert.deepEqual( result.activeCallState?.conversationId, 'fake-conversation-id' ); strictAssert( result.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.isFalse(result.activeCallState?.outgoingRing); }); it('chooses fallback peek info if none is sent and there is no existing call', async () => { const result = await getState(getEmptyState(), { callMode: CallMode.Group, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, peekInfo: undefined, remoteParticipants: [], }); const call = result.callsByConversation['fake-conversation-id']; assert.deepEqual(call?.callMode === CallMode.Group && call.peekInfo, { acis: [], pendingAcis: [], maxDevices: Infinity, deviceCount: 0, }); }); it("doesn't overwrite an existing group call's peek info if none was sent", async () => { const result = await getState(stateWithGroupCall, { callMode: CallMode.Group, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, peekInfo: undefined, remoteParticipants: [ { aci: remoteAci, demuxId: 123, hasRemoteAudio: true, hasRemoteVideo: true, mediaKeysReceived: true, presenting: false, sharingScreen: false, videoAspectRatio: 4 / 3, }, ], }); const call = result.callsByConversation['fake-group-call-conversation-id']; assert.deepEqual(call?.callMode === CallMode.Group && call.peekInfo, { acis: [creatorAci], pendingAcis: [], creatorAci, eraId: 'xyz', maxDevices: 16, deviceCount: 1, }); }); it("can overwrite an existing group call's peek info", async () => { const state = { ...getEmptyState(), callsByConversation: { 'fake-conversation-id': { ...stateWithGroupCall.callsByConversation[ 'fake-group-call-conversation-id' ], conversationId: 'fake-conversation-id', }, }, }; const result = await getState(state, { callMode: CallMode.Group, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, peekInfo: { acis: [differentCreatorAci], pendingAcis: [], creatorAci: differentCreatorAci, eraId: 'abc', maxDevices: 5, deviceCount: 1, }, remoteParticipants: [ { aci: remoteAci, demuxId: 123, hasRemoteAudio: true, hasRemoteVideo: true, mediaKeysReceived: true, presenting: false, sharingScreen: false, videoAspectRatio: 4 / 3, }, ], }); const call = result.callsByConversation['fake-conversation-id']; assert.deepEqual(call?.callMode === CallMode.Group && call.peekInfo, { acis: [differentCreatorAci], pendingAcis: [], creatorAci: differentCreatorAci, eraId: 'abc', maxDevices: 5, deviceCount: 1, }); }); it("doesn't overwrite an existing group call's ring state if it was set previously", async () => { const result = await getState( { ...stateWithGroupCall, callsByConversation: { 'fake-group-call-conversation-id': { ...stateWithGroupCall.callsByConversation[ 'fake-group-call-conversation-id' ], ringId: BigInt(987), ringerAci, }, }, }, { callMode: CallMode.Group, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, peekInfo: undefined, remoteParticipants: [ { aci: remoteAci, demuxId: 123, hasRemoteAudio: true, hasRemoteVideo: true, mediaKeysReceived: true, presenting: false, sharingScreen: false, videoAspectRatio: 4 / 3, }, ], } ); const call = result.callsByConversation['fake-group-call-conversation-id']; // It'd be nice to do this with an assert, but Chai doesn't understand it. if (call?.callMode !== CallMode.Group) { throw new Error('Expected to find a group call'); } assert.strictEqual(call.ringId, BigInt(987)); assert.strictEqual(call.ringerAci, ringerAci); }); it('enables outgoingRing for a group call when there is no existing call', async () => { const result = await getState(getEmptyState(), { callMode: CallMode.Group, hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: true, connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState.Connected, joinState: GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined, peekInfo: undefined, remoteParticipants: [], }); strictAssert( result.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.isTrue(result.activeCallState?.outgoingRing); }); }); }); describe('startCall', () => { const { startCall } = actions; beforeEach(function (this: Mocha.Context) { this.callingStartOutgoingDirectCall = this.sandbox.stub( callingService, 'startOutgoingDirectCall' ); this.callingJoinGroupCall = this.sandbox .stub(callingService, 'joinGroupCall') .resolves(); }); it('asks the calling service to start an outgoing direct call', async function (this: Mocha.Context) { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await startCall({ callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: '123', hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: false, })(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); sinon.assert.calledOnce(this.callingStartOutgoingDirectCall); sinon.assert.calledWith( this.callingStartOutgoingDirectCall, '123', true, false ); sinon.assert.notCalled(this.callingJoinGroupCall); }); it('asks the calling service to join a group call', async function (this: Mocha.Context) { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await startCall({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: '123', hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: false, })(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); sinon.assert.calledOnce(this.callingJoinGroupCall); sinon.assert.calledWith(this.callingJoinGroupCall, '123', true, false); sinon.assert.notCalled(this.callingStartOutgoingDirectCall); }); it('saves direct calls and makes them active', async () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await startCall({ callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: 'fake-conversation-id', hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: false, })(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); const action = dispatch.getCall(0).args[0]; const result = reducer(getEmptyState(), action); assert.deepEqual(result.callsByConversation['fake-conversation-id'], { callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: 'fake-conversation-id', callState: CallState.Prering, isIncoming: false, isVideoCall: false, }); assert.deepEqual(result.activeCallState, { state: 'Active', callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: 'fake-conversation-id', hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: false, localAudioLevel: 0, viewMode: CallViewMode.Paginated, showParticipantsList: false, pip: false, settingsDialogOpen: false, outgoingRing: true, joinedAt: null, }); }); it("doesn't dispatch any actions for group calls", async () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); await startCall({ callMode: CallMode.Group, conversationId: '123', hasLocalAudio: true, hasLocalVideo: false, })(dispatch, getEmptyRootState, null); sinon.assert.notCalled(dispatch); }); }); describe('toggleSettings', () => { const { toggleSettings } = actions; it('toggles the settings dialog', () => { const afterOneToggle = reducer( stateWithActiveDirectCall, toggleSettings() ); const afterTwoToggles = reducer(afterOneToggle, toggleSettings()); const afterThreeToggles = reducer(afterTwoToggles, toggleSettings()); strictAssert( afterOneToggle.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active #1' ); assert.isTrue(afterOneToggle.activeCallState?.settingsDialogOpen); strictAssert( afterTwoToggles.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active #2' ); assert.isFalse(afterTwoToggles.activeCallState?.settingsDialogOpen); strictAssert( afterThreeToggles.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active #3' ); assert.isTrue(afterThreeToggles.activeCallState?.settingsDialogOpen); }); }); describe('toggleParticipants', () => { const { toggleParticipants } = actions; it('toggles the participants list', () => { const afterOneToggle = reducer( stateWithActiveDirectCall, toggleParticipants() ); const afterTwoToggles = reducer(afterOneToggle, toggleParticipants()); const afterThreeToggles = reducer( afterTwoToggles, toggleParticipants() ); strictAssert( afterOneToggle.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active #1' ); assert.isTrue(afterOneToggle.activeCallState?.showParticipantsList); strictAssert( afterTwoToggles.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active #2' ); assert.isFalse(afterTwoToggles.activeCallState?.showParticipantsList); strictAssert( afterThreeToggles.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active #3' ); assert.isTrue(afterThreeToggles.activeCallState?.showParticipantsList); }); }); describe('togglePip', () => { const { togglePip } = actions; it('toggles the PiP', () => { const afterOneToggle = reducer(stateWithActiveDirectCall, togglePip()); const afterTwoToggles = reducer(afterOneToggle, togglePip()); const afterThreeToggles = reducer(afterTwoToggles, togglePip()); strictAssert( afterOneToggle.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active #1' ); assert.isTrue(afterOneToggle.activeCallState?.pip); strictAssert( afterTwoToggles.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active #2' ); assert.isFalse(afterTwoToggles.activeCallState?.pip); strictAssert( afterThreeToggles.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active #3' ); assert.isTrue(afterThreeToggles.activeCallState?.pip); }); }); describe('switchToPresentationView', () => { const { switchToPresentationView, switchFromPresentationView, changeCallView, } = actions; it('toggles presentation view from paginated view', () => { const afterOneToggle = reducer( stateWithActiveGroupCall, switchToPresentationView() ); const afterTwoToggles = reducer( afterOneToggle, switchToPresentationView() ); const afterThreeToggles = reducer( afterOneToggle, switchFromPresentationView() ); strictAssert( afterOneToggle.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active #1' ); assert.strictEqual( afterOneToggle.activeCallState?.viewMode, CallViewMode.Presentation ); strictAssert( afterTwoToggles.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active #2' ); assert.strictEqual( afterTwoToggles.activeCallState?.viewMode, CallViewMode.Presentation ); strictAssert( afterThreeToggles.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active #3' ); assert.strictEqual( afterThreeToggles.activeCallState?.viewMode, CallViewMode.Paginated ); }); it('switches to previously selected view after presentation', () => { const stateOverflow = reducer( stateWithActiveGroupCall, changeCallView(CallViewMode.Overflow) ); const statePresentation = reducer( stateOverflow, switchToPresentationView() ); const stateAfterPresentation = reducer( statePresentation, switchFromPresentationView() ); strictAssert( stateAfterPresentation.activeCallState?.state === 'Active', 'state is active' ); assert.strictEqual( stateAfterPresentation.activeCallState?.viewMode, CallViewMode.Overflow ); }); }); }); describe('helpers', () => { describe('getActiveCall', () => { it('returns undefined if there are no calls', () => { assert.isUndefined(getActiveCall(getEmptyState())); }); it('returns undefined if there is no active call', () => { assert.isUndefined(getActiveCall(stateWithDirectCall)); }); it('returns the active call', () => { assert.deepEqual(getActiveCall(stateWithActiveDirectCall), { callMode: CallMode.Direct, conversationId: 'fake-direct-call-conversation-id', callState: CallState.Accepted, isIncoming: false, isVideoCall: false, hasRemoteVideo: false, }); }); }); describe('isAnybodyElseInGroupCall', () => { it('returns false with no peek info', () => { assert.isFalse(isAnybodyElseInGroupCall(undefined, remoteAci)); }); it('returns false if the peek info has no participants', () => { assert.isFalse(isAnybodyElseInGroupCall({ acis: [] }, remoteAci)); }); it('returns false if the peek info has one participant, you', () => { assert.isFalse( isAnybodyElseInGroupCall({ acis: [creatorAci] }, creatorAci) ); }); it('returns true if the peek info has one participant, someone else', () => { assert.isTrue( isAnybodyElseInGroupCall({ acis: [creatorAci] }, remoteAci) ); }); it('returns true if the peek info has two participants, you and someone else', () => { assert.isTrue( isAnybodyElseInGroupCall({ acis: [creatorAci, remoteAci] }, remoteAci) ); }); }); }); });