const path = require('path'); const { assert } = require('chai'); const Privacy = require('../../js/modules/privacy'); const APP_ROOT_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..'); describe('Privacy', () => { describe('redactPhoneNumbers', () => { it('should redact all phone numbers', () => { const text = 'This is a log line with a phone number +12223334455\n' + 'and another one +13334445566'; const actual = Privacy.redactPhoneNumbers(text); const expected = 'This is a log line with a phone number +[REDACTED]455\n' + 'and another one +[REDACTED]566'; assert.equal(actual, expected); }); }); describe('redactGroupIds', () => { it('should redact all group IDs', () => { const text = 'This is a log line with two group IDs: group(123456789)\n' + 'and group(abcdefghij)'; const actual = Privacy.redactGroupIds(text); const expected = 'This is a log line with two group IDs: group([REDACTED]789)\n' + 'and group([REDACTED]hij)'; assert.equal(actual, expected); }); }); describe('redactAll', () => { it('should redact all sensitive information', () => { const encodedAppRootPath = APP_ROOT_PATH.replace(/ /g, '%20'); const text = 'This is a log line with sensitive information:\n' + `path1 ${APP_ROOT_PATH}/main.js\n` + 'phone1 +12223334455 ipsum\n' + 'group1 group(123456789) doloret\n' + `path2 file:///${encodedAppRootPath}/js/background.js.` + 'phone2 +13334445566 lorem\n' + 'group2 group(abcdefghij) doloret\n'; const actual = Privacy.redactAll(text); const expected = 'This is a log line with sensitive information:\n' + 'path1 [REDACTED]/main.js\n' + 'phone1 +[REDACTED]455 ipsum\n' + 'group1 group([REDACTED]789) doloret\n' + 'path2 file:///[REDACTED]/js/background.js.' + 'phone2 +[REDACTED]566 lorem\n' + 'group2 group([REDACTED]hij) doloret\n'; assert.equal(actual, expected); }); }); describe('_redactPath', () => { it('should redact file paths', () => { const testPath = '/Users/meow/Library/Application Support/Signal Beta'; const text = 'This is a log line with sensitive information:\n' + `path1 ${testPath}/main.js\n` + 'phone1 +12223334455 ipsum\n'; const actual = Privacy._redactPath(testPath)(text); const expected = 'This is a log line with sensitive information:\n' + 'path1 [REDACTED]/main.js\n' + 'phone1 +12223334455 ipsum\n'; assert.equal(actual, expected); }); it('should redact URL-encoded paths', () => { const testPath = '/Users/meow/Library/Application Support/Signal Beta'; const encodedTestPath = encodeURI(testPath); const text = 'This is a log line with sensitive information:\n' + `path1 ${testPath}/main.js\n` + 'phone1 +12223334455 ipsum\n' + 'group1 group(123456789) doloret\n' + `path2 file:///${encodedTestPath}/js/background.js.`; const actual = Privacy._redactPath(testPath)(text); const expected = 'This is a log line with sensitive information:\n' + 'path1 [REDACTED]/main.js\n' + 'phone1 +12223334455 ipsum\n' + 'group1 group(123456789) doloret\n' + 'path2 file:///[REDACTED]/js/background.js.'; assert.equal(actual, expected); }); it('should redact stack traces with both forward and backslashes', () => { const testPath = 'C:/Users/Meow/AppData/Local/Programs/signal-desktop-beta'; const modifiedTestPath = 'C:\\Users\\Meow\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\signal-desktop-beta'; const text = 'This is a log line with sensitive information:\n' + `path1 ${testPath}\\main.js\n` + 'phone1 +12223334455 ipsum\n' + 'group1 group(123456789) doloret\n' + `path2 ${modifiedTestPath}\\js\\background.js.`; const actual = Privacy._redactPath(testPath)(text); const expected = 'This is a log line with sensitive information:\n' + 'path1 [REDACTED]\\main.js\n' + 'phone1 +12223334455 ipsum\n' + 'group1 group(123456789) doloret\n' + 'path2 [REDACTED]\\js\\background.js.'; assert.equal(actual, expected); }); it('should redact stack traces with escaped backslashes', () => { const testPath = 'C:\\Users\\Meow\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\signal-desktop-beta'; const modifiedTestPath = 'C:\\\\Users\\\\Meow\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Programs\\\\signal-desktop-beta'; const text = 'This is a log line with sensitive information:\n' + `path1 ${testPath}\\main.js\n` + 'phone1 +12223334455 ipsum\n' + 'group1 group(123456789) doloret\n' + `path2 ${modifiedTestPath}\\js\\background.js.`; const actual = Privacy._redactPath(testPath)(text); const expected = 'This is a log line with sensitive information:\n' + 'path1 [REDACTED]\\main.js\n' + 'phone1 +12223334455 ipsum\n' + 'group1 group(123456789) doloret\n' + 'path2 [REDACTED]\\js\\background.js.'; assert.equal(actual, expected); }); }); });