// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { isNumber } from 'lodash'; import { v4 as generateUuid } from 'uuid'; import * as Errors from '../../types/errors'; import { strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; import { repeat, zipObject } from '../../util/iterables'; import type { CallbackResultType } from '../../textsecure/Types.d'; import type { MessageModel } from '../../models/messages'; import type { MessageReactionType } from '../../model-types.d'; import type { ConversationModel } from '../../models/conversations'; import * as reactionUtil from '../../reactions/util'; import { isSent, SendStatus } from '../../messages/MessageSendState'; import { getMessageById } from '../../messages/getMessageById'; import { isMe, isDirectConversation, isGroupV2, } from '../../util/whatTypeOfConversation'; import { getSendOptions } from '../../util/getSendOptions'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../../protobuf'; import { handleMessageSend } from '../../util/handleMessageSend'; import { ourProfileKeyService } from '../../services/ourProfileKey'; import { canReact, isStory } from '../../state/selectors/message'; import { findAndFormatContact } from '../../util/findAndFormatContact'; import type { ServiceIdString } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import { handleMultipleSendErrors } from './handleMultipleSendErrors'; import { incrementMessageCounter } from '../../util/incrementMessageCounter'; import type { ConversationQueueJobBundle, ReactionJobData, } from '../conversationJobQueue'; import { isConversationAccepted } from '../../util/isConversationAccepted'; import { isConversationUnregistered } from '../../util/isConversationUnregistered'; import type { LoggerType } from '../../types/Logging'; import { sendToGroup } from '../../util/sendToGroup'; export async function sendReaction( conversation: ConversationModel, { isFinalAttempt, messaging, shouldContinue, timeRemaining, log, }: ConversationQueueJobBundle, data: ReactionJobData ): Promise { const { messageId, revision } = data; const ourAci = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); await window.ConversationController.load(); const ourConversationId = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationIdOrThrow(); const message = await getMessageById(messageId); if (!message) { log.info( `message ${messageId} was not found, maybe because it was deleted. Giving up on sending its reactions` ); return; } strictAssert( !isStory(message.attributes), 'Story reactions should be handled by sendStoryReaction' ); const { pendingReaction, emojiToRemove } = reactionUtil.getNewestPendingOutgoingReaction( getReactions(message), ourConversationId ); if (!pendingReaction) { log.info(`no pending reaction for ${messageId}. Doing nothing`); return; } if (!canReact(message.attributes, ourConversationId, findAndFormatContact)) { log.info(`could not react to ${messageId}. Removing this pending reaction`); markReactionFailed(message, pendingReaction); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(message.attributes, { ourAci }); return; } if (!shouldContinue) { log.info( `reacting to message ${messageId} ran out of time. Giving up on sending it` ); markReactionFailed(message, pendingReaction); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(message.attributes, { ourAci }); return; } let sendErrors: Array = []; const saveErrors = (errors: Array): void => { sendErrors = errors; }; let originalError: Error | undefined; try { const messageConversation = message.getConversation(); if (messageConversation !== conversation) { log.error( `message conversation '${messageConversation?.idForLogging()}' does not match job conversation ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); return; } const expireTimer = messageConversation.get('expireTimer'); const { allRecipientServiceIds, recipientServiceIdsWithoutMe, untrustedServiceIds, } = getRecipients(log, pendingReaction, conversation); if (untrustedServiceIds.length) { window.reduxActions.conversations.conversationStoppedByMissingVerification( { conversationId: conversation.id, untrustedServiceIds, } ); throw new Error( `Reaction for message ${messageId} sending blocked because ${untrustedServiceIds.length} conversation(s) were untrusted. Failing this attempt.` ); } const profileKey = conversation.get('profileSharing') ? await ourProfileKeyService.get() : undefined; const { emoji, targetAuthorAci, ...restOfPendingReaction } = pendingReaction; const reactionForSend = { ...restOfPendingReaction, emoji: emoji || emojiToRemove, targetAuthorAci, remove: !emoji, }; const ephemeralMessageForReactionSend = new window.Whisper.Message({ id: generateUuid(), type: 'outgoing', conversationId: conversation.get('id'), sent_at: pendingReaction.timestamp, received_at: incrementMessageCounter(), received_at_ms: pendingReaction.timestamp, timestamp: pendingReaction.timestamp, sendStateByConversationId: zipObject( Object.keys(pendingReaction.isSentByConversationId || {}), repeat({ status: SendStatus.Pending, updatedAt: Date.now(), }) ), }); ephemeralMessageForReactionSend.doNotSave = true; let didFullySend: boolean; const successfulConversationIds = new Set(); if (recipientServiceIdsWithoutMe.length === 0) { log.info('sending sync reaction message only'); const dataMessage = await messaging.getDataOrEditMessage({ attachments: [], expireTimer, groupV2: conversation.getGroupV2Info({ members: recipientServiceIdsWithoutMe, }), preview: [], profileKey, reaction: reactionForSend, recipients: allRecipientServiceIds, timestamp: pendingReaction.timestamp, }); await ephemeralMessageForReactionSend.sendSyncMessageOnly( dataMessage, saveErrors ); didFullySend = true; successfulConversationIds.add(ourConversationId); } else { const sendOptions = await getSendOptions(conversation.attributes); const { ContentHint } = Proto.UnidentifiedSenderMessage.Message; let promise: Promise; if (isDirectConversation(conversation.attributes)) { if (!isConversationAccepted(conversation.attributes)) { log.info( `conversation ${conversation.idForLogging()} is not accepted; refusing to send` ); markReactionFailed(message, pendingReaction); return; } if (isConversationUnregistered(conversation.attributes)) { log.info( `conversation ${conversation.idForLogging()} is unregistered; refusing to send` ); markReactionFailed(message, pendingReaction); return; } if (conversation.isBlocked()) { log.info( `conversation ${conversation.idForLogging()} is blocked; refusing to send` ); markReactionFailed(message, pendingReaction); return; } log.info('sending direct reaction message'); promise = messaging.sendMessageToServiceId({ serviceId: recipientServiceIdsWithoutMe[0], messageText: undefined, attachments: [], quote: undefined, preview: [], sticker: undefined, reaction: reactionForSend, deletedForEveryoneTimestamp: undefined, timestamp: pendingReaction.timestamp, expireTimer, contentHint: ContentHint.RESENDABLE, groupId: undefined, profileKey, options: sendOptions, urgent: true, includePniSignatureMessage: true, }); } else { log.info('sending group reaction message'); promise = conversation.queueJob( 'conversationQueue/sendReaction', abortSignal => { // Note: this will happen for all old jobs queued before 5.32.x if (isGroupV2(conversation.attributes) && !isNumber(revision)) { log.error('No revision provided, but conversation is GroupV2'); } const groupV2Info = conversation.getGroupV2Info({ members: recipientServiceIdsWithoutMe, }); if (groupV2Info && isNumber(revision)) { groupV2Info.revision = revision; } return sendToGroup({ abortSignal, contentHint: ContentHint.RESENDABLE, groupSendOptions: { groupV2: groupV2Info, reaction: reactionForSend, timestamp: pendingReaction.timestamp, expireTimer, profileKey, }, messageId, sendOptions, sendTarget: conversation.toSenderKeyTarget(), sendType: 'reaction', urgent: true, }); } ); } await ephemeralMessageForReactionSend.send( handleMessageSend(promise, { messageIds: [messageId], sendType: 'reaction', }), saveErrors ); // Because message.send swallows and processes errors, we'll await the inner promise // to get the SendMessageProtoError, which gives us information upstream /// processors need to detect certain kinds of errors. try { await promise; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { originalError = error; } else { log.error( `promise threw something other than an error: ${Errors.toLogFormat( error )}` ); } } didFullySend = true; const reactionSendStateByConversationId = ephemeralMessageForReactionSend.get('sendStateByConversationId') || {}; for (const [conversationId, sendState] of Object.entries( reactionSendStateByConversationId )) { if (isSent(sendState.status)) { successfulConversationIds.add(conversationId); } else { didFullySend = false; } } if (!ephemeralMessageForReactionSend.doNotSave) { const reactionMessage = ephemeralMessageForReactionSend; await reactionMessage.hydrateStoryContext(message.attributes, { shouldSave: false, }); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(reactionMessage.attributes, { ourAci, forceSave: true, }); void conversation.addSingleMessage( window.MessageController.register(reactionMessage.id, reactionMessage) ); } } const newReactions = reactionUtil.markOutgoingReactionSent( getReactions(message), pendingReaction, successfulConversationIds ); setReactions(message, newReactions); if (!didFullySend) { throw new Error('reaction did not fully send'); } } catch (thrownError: unknown) { await handleMultipleSendErrors({ errors: [thrownError, ...sendErrors], isFinalAttempt, log, markFailed: () => markReactionFailed(message, pendingReaction), timeRemaining, // In the case of a failed group send thrownError will not be SentMessageProtoError, // but we should have been able to harvest the original error. In the Note to Self // send case, thrownError will be the error we care about, and we won't have an // originalError. toThrow: originalError || thrownError, }); } finally { await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(message.attributes, { ourAci }); } } const getReactions = ( message: MessageModel ): ReadonlyArray => message.get('reactions') || []; const setReactions = ( message: MessageModel, reactions: Array ): void => { if (reactions.length) { message.set('reactions', reactions); } else { message.unset('reactions'); } }; function getRecipients( log: LoggerType, reaction: Readonly, conversation: ConversationModel ): { allRecipientServiceIds: Array; recipientServiceIdsWithoutMe: Array; untrustedServiceIds: Array; } { const allRecipientServiceIds: Array = []; const recipientServiceIdsWithoutMe: Array = []; const untrustedServiceIds: Array = []; const currentConversationRecipients = conversation.getMemberConversationIds(); for (const id of reactionUtil.getUnsentConversationIds(reaction)) { const recipient = window.ConversationController.get(id); if (!recipient) { continue; } const recipientIdentifier = recipient.getSendTarget(); const isRecipientMe = isMe(recipient.attributes); if ( !recipientIdentifier || (!currentConversationRecipients.has(id) && !isRecipientMe) ) { continue; } if (recipient.isUntrusted()) { const serviceId = recipient.getServiceId(); if (!serviceId) { log.error( `sendReaction/getRecipients: Untrusted conversation ${recipient.idForLogging()} missing serviceId.` ); continue; } untrustedServiceIds.push(serviceId); continue; } if (recipient.isUnregistered()) { continue; } if (recipient.isBlocked()) { continue; } allRecipientServiceIds.push(recipientIdentifier); if (!isRecipientMe) { recipientServiceIdsWithoutMe.push(recipientIdentifier); } } return { allRecipientServiceIds, recipientServiceIdsWithoutMe, untrustedServiceIds, }; } function markReactionFailed( message: MessageModel, pendingReaction: MessageReactionType ): void { const newReactions = reactionUtil.markOutgoingReactionFailed( getReactions(message), pendingReaction ); setReactions(message, newReactions); }