// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { MessageAttributesType } from '../model-types.d'; import { deletePackReference } from '../types/Stickers'; import { isStory } from '../messages/helpers'; import { isDirectConversation } from './whatTypeOfConversation'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; export async function cleanupMessage( message: MessageAttributesType ): Promise { const { id, conversationId } = message; window.reduxActions?.conversations.messageDeleted(id, conversationId); const parentConversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); parentConversation?.debouncedUpdateLastMessage?.(); window.MessageController.unregister(id); await deleteMessageData(message); } async function cleanupStoryReplies( story: MessageAttributesType, pagination?: { messageId: string; receivedAt: number; } ): Promise { const storyId = story.id; const parentConversation = window.ConversationController.get( story.conversationId ); const isGroupConversation = Boolean( parentConversation && !isDirectConversation(parentConversation.attributes) ); const replies = await window.Signal.Data.getRecentStoryReplies( storyId, pagination ); const logId = `cleanupStoryReplies(${storyId}/isGroup=${isGroupConversation})`; const lastMessage = replies[replies.length - 1]; const lastMessageId = lastMessage?.id; const lastReceivedAt = lastMessage?.received_at; log.info( `${logId}: Cleaning ${replies.length} replies, ending with message ${lastMessageId}` ); if (!replies.length) { return; } if (pagination?.messageId === lastMessageId) { log.info( `${logId}: Returning early; last message id is pagination starting id` ); return; } if (isGroupConversation) { // Cleanup all group replies await Promise.all( replies.map(reply => { const replyMessageModel = window.MessageController.register( reply.id, reply ); return replyMessageModel.eraseContents(); }) ); } else { // Refresh the storyReplyContext data for 1:1 conversations await Promise.all( replies.map(async reply => { const model = window.MessageController.register(reply.id, reply); model.unset('storyReplyContext'); await model.hydrateStoryContext(story, { shouldSave: true }); }) ); } return cleanupStoryReplies(story, { messageId: lastMessageId, receivedAt: lastReceivedAt, }); } export async function deleteMessageData( message: MessageAttributesType ): Promise { await window.Signal.Migrations.deleteExternalMessageFiles(message); if (isStory(message)) { // Attachments have been deleted from disk; remove from memory before replies update const storyWithoutAttachments = { ...message, attachments: undefined }; await cleanupStoryReplies(storyWithoutAttachments); } const { sticker } = message; if (!sticker) { return; } const { packId } = sticker; if (packId) { await deletePackReference(message.id, packId); } }