// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { createReadStream } from 'fs'; import type { AttachmentWithHydratedData, UploadedAttachmentType, } from '../types/Attachment'; import { MIMETypeToString } from '../types/MIME'; import { getRandomBytes } from '../Crypto'; import { strictAssert } from './assert'; import { backupsService } from '../services/backups'; import { tusUpload } from './uploads/tusProtocol'; import { defaultFileReader } from './uploads/uploads'; import type { AttachmentV3ResponseType } from '../textsecure/WebAPI'; import { type EncryptedAttachmentV2, encryptAttachmentV2ToDisk, safeUnlinkSync, type PlaintextSourceType, type HardcodedIVForEncryptionType, } from '../AttachmentCrypto'; import { missingCaseError } from './missingCaseError'; import { uuidToBytes } from './uuidToBytes'; const CDNS_SUPPORTING_TUS = new Set([3]); export async function uploadAttachment( attachment: AttachmentWithHydratedData ): Promise<UploadedAttachmentType> { const { server } = window.textsecure; strictAssert(server, 'WebAPI must be initialized'); const keys = getRandomBytes(64); const { cdnKey, cdnNumber, encrypted } = await encryptAndUploadAttachment({ plaintext: { data: attachment.data }, keys, uploadType: 'standard', }); const { blurHash, caption, clientUuid, fileName, flags, height, width } = attachment; return { cdnKey, cdnNumber, clientUuid: clientUuid ? uuidToBytes(clientUuid) : undefined, key: keys, iv: encrypted.iv, size: attachment.data.byteLength, digest: encrypted.digest, plaintextHash: encrypted.plaintextHash, contentType: MIMETypeToString(attachment.contentType), fileName, flags, width, height, caption, blurHash, }; } export async function encryptAndUploadAttachment({ plaintext, keys, dangerousIv, uploadType, }: { plaintext: PlaintextSourceType; keys: Uint8Array; dangerousIv?: HardcodedIVForEncryptionType; uploadType: 'standard' | 'backup'; }): Promise<{ cdnKey: string; cdnNumber: number; encrypted: EncryptedAttachmentV2; }> { const { server } = window.textsecure; strictAssert(server, 'WebAPI must be initialized'); let uploadForm: AttachmentV3ResponseType; let absoluteCiphertextPath: string | undefined; try { switch (uploadType) { case 'standard': uploadForm = await server.getAttachmentUploadForm(); break; case 'backup': uploadForm = await server.getBackupMediaUploadForm( await backupsService.credentials.getHeadersForToday() ); break; default: throw missingCaseError(uploadType); } const encrypted = await encryptAttachmentV2ToDisk({ plaintext, keys, dangerousIv, }); absoluteCiphertextPath = window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath( encrypted.path ); await uploadFile({ absoluteCiphertextPath, ciphertextFileSize: encrypted.ciphertextSize, uploadForm, }); return { cdnKey: uploadForm.key, cdnNumber: uploadForm.cdn, encrypted }; } finally { if (absoluteCiphertextPath) { safeUnlinkSync(absoluteCiphertextPath); } } } export async function uploadFile({ absoluteCiphertextPath, ciphertextFileSize, uploadForm, }: { absoluteCiphertextPath: string; ciphertextFileSize: number; uploadForm: AttachmentV3ResponseType; }): Promise<void> { const { server } = window.textsecure; strictAssert(server, 'WebAPI must be initialized'); if (CDNS_SUPPORTING_TUS.has(uploadForm.cdn)) { const fetchFn = server.createFetchForAttachmentUpload(uploadForm); await tusUpload({ endpoint: uploadForm.signedUploadLocation, // the upload form headers are already included in the created fetch function headers: {}, fileName: uploadForm.key, filePath: absoluteCiphertextPath, fileSize: ciphertextFileSize, reader: defaultFileReader, fetchFn, }); } else { await server.putEncryptedAttachment( createReadStream(absoluteCiphertextPath), uploadForm ); } }