// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { PublicKey, Fingerprint } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client'; import type { ConversationType } from '../state/ducks/conversations'; import { assertDev } from './assert'; import { uuidToBytes } from './uuidToBytes'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import type { SafetyNumberType } from '../types/safetyNumber'; import { isAciString } from './isAciString'; const ITERATION_COUNT = 5200; const SERVICE_ID_VERSION = 2; // Number of digits in a safety number block const BLOCK_SIZE = 5; export async function generateSafetyNumber( contact: ConversationType ): Promise<SafetyNumberType> { const logId = `generateSafetyNumbers(${contact.id})`; log.info(`${logId}: starting`); const { storage } = window.textsecure; const ourAci = storage.user.getCheckedAci(); const us = storage.protocol.getIdentityRecord(ourAci); const ourKeyBuffer = us ? us.publicKey : null; const theirAci = isAciString(contact.serviceId) ? contact.serviceId : undefined; const them = theirAci ? await storage.protocol.getOrMigrateIdentityRecord(theirAci) : undefined; const theirKeyBuffer = them?.publicKey; if (!ourKeyBuffer) { throw new Error('Could not load our key'); } if (!theirKeyBuffer) { throw new Error('Could not load their key'); } const ourKey = PublicKey.deserialize(Buffer.from(ourKeyBuffer)); const theirKey = PublicKey.deserialize(Buffer.from(theirKeyBuffer)); assertDev(theirAci, 'Should have their serviceId'); const fingerprint = Fingerprint.new( ITERATION_COUNT, SERVICE_ID_VERSION, Buffer.from(uuidToBytes(ourAci)), ourKey, Buffer.from(uuidToBytes(theirAci)), theirKey ); const securityNumber = fingerprint.displayableFingerprint().toString(); const numberBlocks = []; for (let i = 0; i < securityNumber.length; i += BLOCK_SIZE) { numberBlocks.push(securityNumber.substring(i, i + BLOCK_SIZE)); } const qrData = fingerprint.scannableFingerprint().toBuffer(); return { numberBlocks, qrData }; }