// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { z } from 'zod'; import { isBoolean, isNumber } from 'lodash'; import type { CallbackResultType } from '../textsecure/Types.d'; import dataInterface from '../sql/Client'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { OutgoingMessageError, SendMessageNetworkError, SendMessageProtoError, UnregisteredUserError, } from '../textsecure/Errors'; import { SEALED_SENDER } from '../types/SealedSender'; import type { ServiceIdString } from '../types/ServiceId'; const { insertSentProto, updateConversation } = dataInterface; export const sendTypesEnum = z.enum([ // Core user interactions, default urgent 'message', 'story', // non-urgent 'callingMessage', // excluded from send log; only call-initiation messages are urgent 'deleteForEveryone', 'expirationTimerUpdate', // non-urgent 'groupChange', // non-urgent 'reaction', 'typing', // excluded from send log; non-urgent // Responding to incoming messages, all non-urgent 'deliveryReceipt', 'readReceipt', 'viewedReceipt', // Encryption housekeeping, default non-urgent 'nullMessage', 'profileKeyUpdate', 'resendFromLog', // excluded from send log, only urgent if original message was urgent 'retryRequest', // excluded from send log 'senderKeyDistributionMessage', // only urgent if associated message is // Sync messages sent during link, default non-urgent 'blockSyncRequest', 'configurationSyncRequest', 'contactSyncRequest', // urgent because it blocks the link process 'keySyncRequest', // urgent because it blocks the link process 'pniIdentitySyncRequest', // urgent because we need our PNI to be fully functional // The actual sync messages, which we never send, just receive - non-urgent 'blockSync', 'configurationSync', 'contactSync', 'keySync', 'pniIdentitySync', // Syncs, default non-urgent 'deleteForMeSync', 'fetchLatestManifestSync', 'fetchLocalProfileSync', 'messageRequestSync', 'readSync', // urgent 'sentSync', 'stickerPackSync', 'verificationSync', 'viewOnceSync', 'viewSync', 'callEventSync', 'callLinkUpdateSync', 'callLogEventSync', // No longer used, all non-urgent 'legacyGroupChange', 'resetSession', ]); export type SendTypesType = z.infer<typeof sendTypesEnum>; export function shouldSaveProto(sendType: SendTypesType): boolean { if (sendType === 'callingMessage') { return false; } if (sendType === 'resendFromLog') { return false; } if (sendType === 'retryRequest') { return false; } if (sendType === 'typing') { return false; } return true; } function processError(error: unknown): void { if ( error instanceof OutgoingMessageError || error instanceof SendMessageNetworkError ) { const conversation = window.ConversationController.getOrCreate( error.identifier, 'private' ); if (error.code === 401 || error.code === 403) { if ( conversation.get('sealedSender') === SEALED_SENDER.ENABLED || conversation.get('sealedSender') === SEALED_SENDER.UNRESTRICTED ) { log.warn( `handleMessageSend: Got 401/403 for ${conversation.idForLogging()}, removing profile key` ); void conversation.setProfileKey(undefined); } if (conversation.get('sealedSender') === SEALED_SENDER.UNKNOWN) { log.warn( `handleMessageSend: Got 401/403 for ${conversation.idForLogging()}, setting sealedSender = DISABLED` ); conversation.set('sealedSender', SEALED_SENDER.DISABLED); updateConversation(conversation.attributes); } } if (error.code === 404) { log.warn( `handleMessageSend: Got 404 for ${conversation.idForLogging()}, marking unregistered.` ); conversation.setUnregistered(); } } if (error instanceof UnregisteredUserError) { const conversation = window.ConversationController.getOrCreate( error.serviceId, 'private' ); log.warn( `handleMessageSend: Got 404 for ${conversation.idForLogging()}, marking unregistered.` ); conversation.setUnregistered(); } } export async function handleMessageSend( promise: Promise<CallbackResultType>, options: { messageIds: Array<string>; sendType: SendTypesType; } ): Promise<CallbackResultType> { try { const result = await promise; await maybeSaveToSendLog(result, options); await handleMessageSendResult( result.failoverServiceIds, result.unidentifiedDeliveries ); return result; } catch (err) { processError(err); if (err instanceof SendMessageProtoError) { await handleMessageSendResult( err.failoverServiceIds, err.unidentifiedDeliveries ); err.errors?.forEach(processError); } throw err; } } async function handleMessageSendResult( failoverServiceIds: Array<ServiceIdString> | undefined, unidentifiedDeliveries: Array<ServiceIdString> | undefined ): Promise<void> { await Promise.all( (failoverServiceIds || []).map(async serviceId => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(serviceId); if ( conversation && conversation.get('sealedSender') !== SEALED_SENDER.DISABLED ) { log.info( `Setting sealedSender to DISABLED for conversation ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); conversation.set({ sealedSender: SEALED_SENDER.DISABLED, }); window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); } }) ); await Promise.all( (unidentifiedDeliveries || []).map(async serviceId => { const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(serviceId); if ( conversation && conversation.get('sealedSender') === SEALED_SENDER.UNKNOWN ) { if (conversation.get('accessKey')) { log.info( `Setting sealedSender to ENABLED for conversation ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); conversation.set({ sealedSender: SEALED_SENDER.ENABLED, }); } else { log.info( `Setting sealedSender to UNRESTRICTED for conversation ${conversation.idForLogging()}` ); conversation.set({ sealedSender: SEALED_SENDER.UNRESTRICTED, }); } window.Signal.Data.updateConversation(conversation.attributes); } }) ); } async function maybeSaveToSendLog( result: CallbackResultType, { messageIds, sendType, }: { messageIds: Array<string>; sendType: SendTypesType; } ): Promise<void> { const { contentHint, contentProto, recipients, timestamp, urgent, hasPniSignatureMessage, } = result; if (!shouldSaveProto(sendType)) { return; } if (!isNumber(contentHint) || !contentProto || !recipients || !timestamp) { log.warn( `handleMessageSend: Missing necessary information to save to log for ${sendType} message ${timestamp}` ); return; } const identifiers = Object.keys(recipients); if (identifiers.length === 0) { log.warn( `handleMessageSend: ${sendType} message ${timestamp} had no recipients` ); return; } // If the identifier count is greater than one, we've done the save elsewhere if (identifiers.length > 1) { return; } await insertSentProto( { timestamp, proto: Buffer.from(contentProto), contentHint, urgent: isBoolean(urgent) ? urgent : true, hasPniSignatureMessage: Boolean(hasPniSignatureMessage), }, { messageIds, recipients, } ); }