// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { createWriteStream } from 'node:fs'; import { stat } from 'node:fs/promises'; import { isNumber } from 'lodash'; import type { Readable, Writable } from 'stream'; import { Transform } from 'stream'; import { pipeline } from 'stream/promises'; import { ensureFile } from 'fs-extra'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { AttachmentSizeError, mightBeOnBackupTier, type AttachmentType, AttachmentVariant, } from '../types/Attachment'; import * as Bytes from '../Bytes'; import { getAttachmentCiphertextLength, safeUnlink, splitKeys, type ReencryptedAttachmentV2, decryptAndReencryptLocally, measureSize, } from '../AttachmentCrypto'; import type { ProcessedAttachment } from './Types.d'; import type { WebAPIType } from './WebAPI'; import { createName, getRelativePath } from '../util/attachmentPath'; import { MediaTier } from '../types/AttachmentDownload'; import { getBackupMediaRootKey, deriveBackupMediaKeyMaterial, type BackupMediaKeyMaterialType, } from '../services/backups/crypto'; import { backupsService } from '../services/backups'; import { getMediaIdForAttachment, getMediaIdForAttachmentThumbnail, } from '../services/backups/util/mediaId'; import { MAX_BACKUP_THUMBNAIL_SIZE } from '../types/VisualAttachment'; import { missingCaseError } from '../util/missingCaseError'; import { IV_LENGTH, MAC_LENGTH } from '../types/Crypto'; import { BackupCredentialType } from '../types/backups'; const DEFAULT_BACKUP_CDN_NUMBER = 3; export function getCdnKey(attachment: ProcessedAttachment): string { const cdnKey = attachment.cdnId || attachment.cdnKey; strictAssert(cdnKey, 'Attachment was missing cdnId or cdnKey'); return cdnKey; } function getBackupMediaOuterEncryptionKeyMaterial( attachment: AttachmentType ): BackupMediaKeyMaterialType { const mediaId = getMediaIdForAttachment(attachment); const backupKey = getBackupMediaRootKey(); return deriveBackupMediaKeyMaterial(backupKey, mediaId.bytes); } function getBackupThumbnailInnerEncryptionKeyMaterial( attachment: AttachmentType ): BackupMediaKeyMaterialType { const mediaId = getMediaIdForAttachmentThumbnail(attachment); const backupKey = getBackupMediaRootKey(); return deriveBackupMediaKeyMaterial(backupKey, mediaId.bytes); } function getBackupThumbnailOuterEncryptionKeyMaterial( attachment: AttachmentType ): BackupMediaKeyMaterialType { const mediaId = getMediaIdForAttachmentThumbnail(attachment); const backupKey = getBackupMediaRootKey(); return deriveBackupMediaKeyMaterial(backupKey, mediaId.bytes); } export async function getCdnNumberForBackupTier( attachment: ProcessedAttachment ): Promise { strictAssert( attachment.backupLocator, 'Attachment was missing backupLocator' ); let backupCdnNumber = attachment.backupLocator.cdnNumber; if (backupCdnNumber == null) { const mediaId = getMediaIdForAttachment(attachment); const backupCdnInfo = await backupsService.getBackupCdnInfo(mediaId.string); if (backupCdnInfo.isInBackupTier) { backupCdnNumber = backupCdnInfo.cdnNumber; } else { backupCdnNumber = DEFAULT_BACKUP_CDN_NUMBER; } } return backupCdnNumber; } export async function downloadAttachment( server: WebAPIType, attachment: ProcessedAttachment, options: { disableRetries?: boolean; logPrefix?: string; mediaTier?: MediaTier; onSizeUpdate: (totalBytes: number) => void; timeout?: number; variant: AttachmentVariant; abortSignal: AbortSignal; } ): Promise { const logId = `downloadAttachment/${options.logPrefix ?? ''}`; const { digest, incrementalMac, chunkSize, key, size } = attachment; strictAssert(digest, `${logId}: missing digest`); strictAssert(key, `${logId}: missing key`); strictAssert(isNumber(size), `${logId}: missing size`); const mediaTier = options?.mediaTier ?? (mightBeOnBackupTier(attachment) ? MediaTier.BACKUP : MediaTier.STANDARD); let downloadResult: Awaited>; let { downloadPath } = attachment; let downloadOffset = 0; if (downloadPath) { const absoluteDownloadPath = window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteDownloadsPath(downloadPath); try { ({ size: downloadOffset } = await stat(absoluteDownloadPath)); } catch (error) { if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') { log.error( 'downloadAttachment: Failed to get file size for previous download', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); try { await safeUnlink(downloadPath); } catch { downloadPath = undefined; } } } } // Start over if we go over the size if (downloadOffset >= size && downloadPath) { log.warn('downloadAttachment: went over, retrying'); await safeUnlink(downloadPath); downloadOffset = 0; } if (downloadOffset !== 0) { log.info(`${logId}: resuming from ${downloadOffset}`); } if (mediaTier === MediaTier.STANDARD) { strictAssert( options.variant !== AttachmentVariant.ThumbnailFromBackup, 'Thumbnails can only be downloaded from backup tier' ); const cdnKey = getCdnKey(attachment); const { cdnNumber } = attachment; const downloadStream = await server.getAttachment({ cdnKey, cdnNumber, options: { ...options, downloadOffset, }, }); log.info( `${logId}: calling downloadToDisk with ${downloadPath ? '' : 'no '}downloadPath` ); downloadResult = await downloadToDisk({ downloadOffset, downloadPath, downloadStream, onSizeUpdate: options.onSizeUpdate, size, }); } else { const mediaId = options.variant === AttachmentVariant.ThumbnailFromBackup ? getMediaIdForAttachmentThumbnail(attachment) : getMediaIdForAttachment(attachment); const cdnNumber = await getCdnNumberForBackupTier(attachment); const cdnCredentials = await backupsService.credentials.getCDNReadCredentials( cdnNumber, BackupCredentialType.Media ); const backupDir = await backupsService.api.getBackupDir(); const mediaDir = await backupsService.api.getMediaDir(); const downloadStream = await server.getAttachmentFromBackupTier({ mediaId: mediaId.string, backupDir, mediaDir, headers: cdnCredentials.headers, cdnNumber, options: { ...options, downloadOffset, }, }); downloadResult = await downloadToDisk({ downloadStream, downloadPath, downloadOffset, onSizeUpdate: options.onSizeUpdate, size: getAttachmentCiphertextLength( options.variant === AttachmentVariant.ThumbnailFromBackup ? // be generous, accept downloads of up to twice what we expect for thumbnail MAX_BACKUP_THUMBNAIL_SIZE * 2 : size ), }); } const { absolutePath: cipherTextAbsolutePath, downloadSize } = downloadResult; try { switch (options.variant) { case AttachmentVariant.Default: case undefined: { const { aesKey, macKey } = splitKeys(Bytes.fromBase64(key)); return await decryptAndReencryptLocally({ type: 'standard', ciphertextPath: cipherTextAbsolutePath, idForLogging: logId, aesKey, macKey, size, theirDigest: Bytes.fromBase64(digest), theirIncrementalMac: incrementalMac ? Bytes.fromBase64(incrementalMac) : undefined, theirChunkSize: chunkSize, outerEncryption: mediaTier === 'backup' ? getBackupMediaOuterEncryptionKeyMaterial(attachment) : undefined, getAbsoluteAttachmentPath: window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, }); } case AttachmentVariant.ThumbnailFromBackup: { strictAssert( mediaTier === 'backup', 'Thumbnail must be downloaded from backup tier' ); const thumbnailEncryptionKeys = getBackupThumbnailInnerEncryptionKeyMaterial(attachment); // backup thumbnails don't get trimmed, so we just calculate the size as the // ciphertextSize, less IV and MAC const calculatedSize = downloadSize - IV_LENGTH - MAC_LENGTH; return { ...(await decryptAndReencryptLocally({ type: 'backupThumbnail', ciphertextPath: cipherTextAbsolutePath, idForLogging: logId, size: calculatedSize, ...thumbnailEncryptionKeys, outerEncryption: getBackupThumbnailOuterEncryptionKeyMaterial(attachment), getAbsoluteAttachmentPath: window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, })), size: calculatedSize, }; } default: { throw missingCaseError(options.variant); } } } finally { if (!downloadPath) { await safeUnlink(cipherTextAbsolutePath); } } } async function downloadToDisk({ downloadOffset = 0, downloadPath, downloadStream, onSizeUpdate, size, }: { downloadOffset?: number; downloadPath?: string; downloadStream: Readable; onSizeUpdate: (totalBytes: number) => void; size: number; }): Promise<{ absolutePath: string; downloadSize: number }> { const absoluteTargetPath = downloadPath ? window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteDownloadsPath(downloadPath) : window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath( getRelativePath(createName()) ); await ensureFile(absoluteTargetPath); let writeStream: Writable; if (downloadPath) { writeStream = createWriteStream(absoluteTargetPath, { flags: 'a', start: downloadOffset, }); } else { strictAssert( !downloadOffset, 'Download cannot be resumed without downloadPath' ); writeStream = createWriteStream(absoluteTargetPath); } const targetSize = getAttachmentCiphertextLength(size) - downloadOffset; let downloadSize = 0; try { await pipeline( downloadStream, checkSize(targetSize), measureSize({ downloadOffset, onSizeUpdate, onComplete: bytesSeen => { downloadSize = bytesSeen; }, }), writeStream ); } catch (error) { if (downloadPath) { log.warn(`downloadToDisk: stopping at ${downloadSize}`); } else { try { await safeUnlink(absoluteTargetPath); } catch (cleanupError) { log.error( 'downloadToDisk: Error while cleaning up', Errors.toLogFormat(cleanupError) ); } } throw error; } return { absolutePath: absoluteTargetPath, downloadSize }; } // A simple transform that throws if it sees more than maxBytes on the stream. function checkSize(expectedBytes: number) { let totalBytes = 0; // TODO (DESKTOP-7046): remove size buffer const maximumSizeBeforeError = expectedBytes * 1.05; return new Transform({ transform(chunk, encoding, callback) { totalBytes += chunk.byteLength; if (totalBytes > maximumSizeBeforeError) { callback( new AttachmentSizeError( `checkSize: Received ${totalBytes} bytes, max is ${maximumSizeBeforeError}` ) ); return; } if (totalBytes > expectedBytes) { log.warn( `checkSize: Received ${totalBytes} bytes, expected ${expectedBytes}` ); } this.push(chunk, encoding); callback(); }, }); }