// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { createWriteStream } from 'fs'; import { isNumber } from 'lodash'; import type { Readable } from 'stream'; import { Transform } from 'stream'; import { pipeline } from 'stream/promises'; import { ensureFile } from 'fs-extra'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { dropNull } from '../util/dropNull'; import { AttachmentSizeError, type AttachmentType, type DownloadedAttachmentType, } from '../types/Attachment'; import * as MIME from '../types/MIME'; import * as Bytes from '../Bytes'; import { getFirstBytes, decryptAttachmentV1 } from '../Crypto'; import { decryptAttachmentV2, getAttachmentDownloadSize, safeUnlinkSync, } from '../AttachmentCrypto'; import type { ProcessedAttachment } from './Types.d'; import type { WebAPIType } from './WebAPI'; import { createName, getRelativePath } from '../windows/attachments'; export function getCdn(attachment: ProcessedAttachment): string { const { cdnId, cdnKey } = attachment; const cdn = cdnId || cdnKey; strictAssert(cdn, 'Attachment was missing cdnId or cdnKey'); return cdn; } export async function downloadAttachmentV1( server: WebAPIType, attachment: ProcessedAttachment, options?: { disableRetries?: boolean; timeout?: number; } ): Promise { const { cdnNumber, key, digest, size, contentType } = attachment; const cdn = getCdn(attachment); const encrypted = await server.getAttachment( cdn, dropNull(cdnNumber), options ); strictAssert(digest, 'Failure: Ask sender to update Signal and resend.'); strictAssert(key, 'attachment has no key'); const paddedData = decryptAttachmentV1( encrypted, Bytes.fromBase64(key), Bytes.fromBase64(digest) ); if (!isNumber(size)) { throw new Error( `downloadAttachment: Size was not provided, actual size was ${paddedData.byteLength}` ); } const data = getFirstBytes(paddedData, size); return { ...attachment, size, contentType: contentType ? MIME.stringToMIMEType(contentType) : MIME.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, data, }; } export async function downloadAttachmentV2( server: WebAPIType, attachment: ProcessedAttachment, options?: { disableRetries?: boolean; timeout?: number; } ): Promise { const { cdnNumber, contentType, digest, key, size } = attachment; const cdn = getCdn(attachment); const logId = `downloadAttachmentV2(${cdn}):`; strictAssert(digest, `${logId}: missing digest`); strictAssert(key, `${logId}: missing key`); strictAssert(isNumber(size), `${logId}: missing size`); const downloadStream = await server.getAttachmentV2( cdn, dropNull(cdnNumber), options ); log.info(`${logId} got download stream`); const cipherTextRelativePath = await downloadToDisk({ downloadStream, size }); log.info(`${logId} downloaded encrypted file to disk`); const cipherTextAbsolutePath = window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(cipherTextRelativePath); const { path, plaintextHash } = await decryptAttachmentV2({ ciphertextPath: cipherTextAbsolutePath, id: cdn, keys: Bytes.fromBase64(key), size, theirDigest: Bytes.fromBase64(digest), }); log.info(`${logId} successfully decrypted`); safeUnlinkSync(cipherTextAbsolutePath); return { ...attachment, path, size, contentType: contentType ? MIME.stringToMIMEType(contentType) : MIME.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, plaintextHash, }; } async function downloadToDisk({ downloadStream, size, }: { downloadStream: Readable; size: number; }): Promise { const relativeTargetPath = getRelativePath(createName()); const absoluteTargetPath = window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(relativeTargetPath); await ensureFile(absoluteTargetPath); const writeStream = createWriteStream(absoluteTargetPath); const targetSize = getAttachmentDownloadSize(size); try { await pipeline(downloadStream, checkSize(targetSize), writeStream); } catch (error) { try { safeUnlinkSync(absoluteTargetPath); } catch (cleanupError) { log.error( 'downloadToDisk: Error while cleaning up', Errors.toLogFormat(cleanupError) ); } throw error; } return relativeTargetPath; } // A simple transform that throws if it sees more than maxBytes on the stream. function checkSize(expectedBytes: number) { let totalBytes = 0; return new Transform({ transform(chunk, encoding, callback) { totalBytes += chunk.byteLength; if (totalBytes > expectedBytes) { callback( new AttachmentSizeError( `checkSize: Received ${totalBytes} bytes, max is ${expectedBytes}, ` ) ); return; } this.push(chunk, encoding); callback(); }, }); }