// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import Delta from 'quill-delta'; import sinon, { SinonStub } from 'sinon'; import Quill, { KeyboardStatic } from 'quill'; import { MutableRefObject } from 'react'; import { MentionCompletion, MentionCompletionOptions, } from '../../../quill/mentions/completion'; import { ConversationType } from '../../../state/ducks/conversations'; import { MemberRepository } from '../../../quill/memberRepository'; const me: ConversationType = { id: '666777', uuid: 'pqrstuv', title: 'Fred Savage', firstName: 'Fred', profileName: 'Fred S.', type: 'direct', lastUpdated: Date.now(), markedUnread: false, }; const members: Array = [ { id: '555444', uuid: 'abcdefg', title: 'Mahershala Ali', firstName: 'Mahershala', profileName: 'Mahershala A.', type: 'direct', lastUpdated: Date.now(), markedUnread: false, }, { id: '333222', uuid: 'hijklmno', title: 'Shia LaBeouf', firstName: 'Shia', profileName: 'Shia L.', type: 'direct', lastUpdated: Date.now(), markedUnread: false, }, me, ]; declare global { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace namespace NodeJS { interface Global { document: { body: { appendChild: unknown; }; createElement: unknown; }; } } } describe('MentionCompletion', () => { const mockSetMentionPickerElement = sinon.spy(); let mockQuill: Omit< Partial<{ [K in keyof Quill]: SinonStub }>, 'keyboard' > & { keyboard: Partial<{ [K in keyof KeyboardStatic]: SinonStub }>; }; let mentionCompletion: MentionCompletion; beforeEach(function beforeEach() { global.document = { body: { appendChild: sinon.spy(), }, createElement: sinon.spy(), }; const memberRepositoryRef: MutableRefObject = { current: new MemberRepository(members), }; const options: MentionCompletionOptions = { i18n: sinon.stub(), me, memberRepositoryRef, setMentionPickerElement: mockSetMentionPickerElement, }; mockQuill = { getContents: sinon.stub(), getLeaf: sinon.stub(), getSelection: sinon.stub(), keyboard: { addBinding: sinon.stub() }, on: sinon.stub(), setSelection: sinon.stub(), updateContents: sinon.stub(), }; mentionCompletion = new MentionCompletion( (mockQuill as unknown) as Quill, options ); sinon.stub(mentionCompletion, 'render'); }); describe('onTextChange', () => { let possiblyShowMemberResultsStub: sinon.SinonStub<[], ConversationType[]>; beforeEach(() => { possiblyShowMemberResultsStub = sinon.stub( mentionCompletion, 'possiblyShowMemberResults' ); }); describe('given a change that should show members', () => { const newContents = new Delta().insert('@a'); beforeEach(() => { mockQuill.getContents?.returns(newContents); possiblyShowMemberResultsStub.returns(members); }); it('shows member results', () => { mentionCompletion.onTextChange(); assert.equal(mentionCompletion.results, members); assert.equal(mentionCompletion.index, 0); }); }); describe('given a change that should clear results', () => { const newContents = new Delta().insert('foo '); let clearResultsStub: SinonStub<[], void>; beforeEach(() => { mentionCompletion.results = members; mockQuill.getContents?.returns(newContents); possiblyShowMemberResultsStub.returns([]); clearResultsStub = sinon.stub(mentionCompletion, 'clearResults'); }); it('clears member results', () => { mentionCompletion.onTextChange(); assert.equal(clearResultsStub.called, true); }); }); }); describe('completeMention', () => { describe('given a completable mention', () => { let insertMentionStub: SinonStub< [ConversationType, number, number, (boolean | undefined)?], void >; beforeEach(() => { mentionCompletion.results = members; mockQuill.getSelection?.returns({ index: 5 }); mockQuill.getLeaf?.returns([{ text: '@shia' }, 5]); insertMentionStub = sinon.stub(mentionCompletion, 'insertMention'); }); it('inserts the currently selected mention at the current cursor position', () => { mentionCompletion.completeMention(1); const [ member, distanceFromCursor, adjustCursorAfterBy, withTrailingSpace, ] = insertMentionStub.getCall(0).args; assert.equal(member, members[1]); assert.equal(distanceFromCursor, 0); assert.equal(adjustCursorAfterBy, 5); assert.equal(withTrailingSpace, true); }); it('can infer the member to complete with', () => { mentionCompletion.index = 1; mentionCompletion.completeMention(); const [ member, distanceFromCursor, adjustCursorAfterBy, withTrailingSpace, ] = insertMentionStub.getCall(0).args; assert.equal(member, members[1]); assert.equal(distanceFromCursor, 0); assert.equal(adjustCursorAfterBy, 5); assert.equal(withTrailingSpace, true); }); describe('from the middle of a string', () => { beforeEach(() => { mockQuill.getSelection?.returns({ index: 9 }); mockQuill.getLeaf?.returns([{ text: 'foo @shia bar' }, 9]); }); it('inserts correctly', () => { mentionCompletion.completeMention(1); const [ member, distanceFromCursor, adjustCursorAfterBy, withTrailingSpace, ] = insertMentionStub.getCall(0).args; assert.equal(member, members[1]); assert.equal(distanceFromCursor, 4); assert.equal(adjustCursorAfterBy, 5); assert.equal(withTrailingSpace, true); }); }); describe('given a completable mention starting with a capital letter', () => { const text = '@Sh'; const index = text.length; beforeEach(function beforeEach() { mockQuill.getSelection?.returns({ index }); const blot = { text, }; mockQuill.getLeaf?.returns([blot, index]); mentionCompletion.completeMention(1); }); it('inserts the currently selected mention at the current cursor position', () => { const [ member, distanceFromCursor, adjustCursorAfterBy, withTrailingSpace, ] = insertMentionStub.getCall(0).args; assert.equal(member, members[1]); assert.equal(distanceFromCursor, 0); assert.equal(adjustCursorAfterBy, 3); assert.equal(withTrailingSpace, true); }); }); }); }); });