// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import React from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { memoize } from 'lodash'; import { mapDispatchToProps } from '../actions'; import { CallManager } from '../../components/CallManager'; import { calling as callingService } from '../../services/calling'; import { getIntl, getTheme } from '../selectors/user'; import { getMe, getConversationSelector } from '../selectors/conversations'; import { getActiveCall } from '../ducks/calling'; import type { ConversationType } from '../ducks/conversations'; import { getIncomingCall } from '../selectors/calling'; import { isGroupCallOutboundRingEnabled } from '../../util/isGroupCallOutboundRingEnabled'; import type { ActiveCallType, GroupCallRemoteParticipantType, } from '../../types/Calling'; import { isAciString } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import type { AciString } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import { CallMode, CallState } from '../../types/Calling'; import type { StateType } from '../reducer'; import { missingCaseError } from '../../util/missingCaseError'; import { SmartCallingDeviceSelection } from './CallingDeviceSelection'; import type { SafetyNumberProps } from '../../components/SafetyNumberChangeDialog'; import { SmartSafetyNumberViewer } from './SafetyNumberViewer'; import { callingTones } from '../../util/callingTones'; import { bounceAppIconStart, bounceAppIconStop, } from '../../shims/bounceAppIcon'; import { FALLBACK_NOTIFICATION_TITLE, NotificationSetting, NotificationType, notificationService, } from '../../services/notifications'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import { getPreferredBadgeSelector } from '../selectors/badges'; import { isConversationTooBigToRing } from '../../conversations/isConversationTooBigToRing'; import { strictAssert } from '../../util/assert'; function renderDeviceSelection(): JSX.Element { return ; } function renderSafetyNumberViewer(props: SafetyNumberProps): JSX.Element { return ; } const getGroupCallVideoFrameSource = callingService.getGroupCallVideoFrameSource.bind(callingService); async function notifyForCall( conversationId: string, title: string, isVideoCall: boolean ): Promise { const shouldNotify = !window.SignalContext.activeWindowService.isActive() && window.Events.getCallSystemNotification(); if (!shouldNotify) { return; } let notificationTitle: string; const notificationSetting = notificationService.getNotificationSetting(); switch (notificationSetting) { case NotificationSetting.Off: case NotificationSetting.NoNameOrMessage: notificationTitle = FALLBACK_NOTIFICATION_TITLE; break; case NotificationSetting.NameOnly: case NotificationSetting.NameAndMessage: notificationTitle = title; break; default: log.error(missingCaseError(notificationSetting)); notificationTitle = FALLBACK_NOTIFICATION_TITLE; break; } const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); strictAssert(conversation, 'notifyForCall: conversation not found'); const { url, absolutePath } = await conversation.getAvatarOrIdenticon(); notificationService.notify({ conversationId, title: notificationTitle, iconPath: absolutePath, iconUrl: url, message: isVideoCall ? window.i18n('icu:incomingVideoCall') : window.i18n('icu:incomingAudioCall'), sentAt: 0, // The ringtone plays so we don't need sound for the notification silent: true, type: NotificationType.IncomingCall, }); } const playRingtone = callingTones.playRingtone.bind(callingTones); const stopRingtone = callingTones.stopRingtone.bind(callingTones); const mapStateToActiveCallProp = ( state: StateType ): undefined | ActiveCallType => { const { calling } = state; const { activeCallState } = calling; if (!activeCallState) { return undefined; } const call = getActiveCall(calling); if (!call) { log.error('There was an active call state but no corresponding call'); return undefined; } const conversationSelector = getConversationSelector(state); const conversation = conversationSelector(activeCallState.conversationId); if (!conversation) { log.error('The active call has no corresponding conversation'); return undefined; } const conversationSelectorByAci = memoize< (aci: AciString) => undefined | ConversationType >(aci => { const convoForAci = window.ConversationController.lookupOrCreate({ serviceId: aci, reason: 'CallManager.mapStateToActiveCallProp', }); return convoForAci ? conversationSelector(convoForAci.id) : undefined; }); const baseResult = { conversation, hasLocalAudio: activeCallState.hasLocalAudio, hasLocalVideo: activeCallState.hasLocalVideo, localAudioLevel: activeCallState.localAudioLevel, viewMode: activeCallState.viewMode, joinedAt: activeCallState.joinedAt, outgoingRing: activeCallState.outgoingRing, pip: activeCallState.pip, presentingSource: activeCallState.presentingSource, presentingSourcesAvailable: activeCallState.presentingSourcesAvailable, settingsDialogOpen: activeCallState.settingsDialogOpen, showNeedsScreenRecordingPermissionsWarning: Boolean( activeCallState.showNeedsScreenRecordingPermissionsWarning ), showParticipantsList: activeCallState.showParticipantsList, }; switch (call.callMode) { case CallMode.Direct: if ( call.isIncoming && (call.callState === CallState.Prering || call.callState === CallState.Ringing) ) { return; } strictAssert( isAciString(conversation.serviceId), 'Conversation must have aci' ); return { ...baseResult, callEndedReason: call.callEndedReason, callMode: CallMode.Direct, callState: call.callState, peekedParticipants: [], remoteParticipants: [ { hasRemoteVideo: Boolean(call.hasRemoteVideo), presenting: Boolean(call.isSharingScreen), title: conversation.title, serviceId: conversation.serviceId, }, ], }; case CallMode.Group: { const conversationsWithSafetyNumberChanges: Array = []; const groupMembers: Array = []; const remoteParticipants: Array = []; const peekedParticipants: Array = []; const { memberships = [] } = conversation; // Active calls should have peek info, but TypeScript doesn't know that so we have a // fallback. const { peekInfo = { deviceCount: 0, maxDevices: Infinity, acis: [], }, } = call; for (let i = 0; i < memberships.length; i += 1) { const { aci } = memberships[i]; const member = conversationSelector(aci); if (!member) { log.error('Group member has no corresponding conversation'); continue; } groupMembers.push(member); } for (let i = 0; i < call.remoteParticipants.length; i += 1) { const remoteParticipant = call.remoteParticipants[i]; const remoteConversation = conversationSelectorByAci( remoteParticipant.aci ); if (!remoteConversation) { log.error('Remote participant has no corresponding conversation'); continue; } remoteParticipants.push({ ...remoteConversation, demuxId: remoteParticipant.demuxId, hasRemoteAudio: remoteParticipant.hasRemoteAudio, hasRemoteVideo: remoteParticipant.hasRemoteVideo, presenting: remoteParticipant.presenting, sharingScreen: remoteParticipant.sharingScreen, speakerTime: remoteParticipant.speakerTime, videoAspectRatio: remoteParticipant.videoAspectRatio, }); } for ( let i = 0; i < activeCallState.safetyNumberChangedAcis.length; i += 1 ) { const aci = activeCallState.safetyNumberChangedAcis[i]; const remoteConversation = conversationSelectorByAci(aci); if (!remoteConversation) { log.error('Remote participant has no corresponding conversation'); continue; } conversationsWithSafetyNumberChanges.push(remoteConversation); } for (let i = 0; i < peekInfo.acis.length; i += 1) { const peekedParticipantAci = peekInfo.acis[i]; const peekedConversation = conversationSelectorByAci(peekedParticipantAci); if (!peekedConversation) { log.error('Remote participant has no corresponding conversation'); continue; } peekedParticipants.push(peekedConversation); } return { ...baseResult, callMode: CallMode.Group, connectionState: call.connectionState, conversationsWithSafetyNumberChanges, deviceCount: peekInfo.deviceCount, groupMembers, isConversationTooBigToRing: isConversationTooBigToRing(conversation), joinState: call.joinState, maxDevices: peekInfo.maxDevices, peekedParticipants, remoteParticipants, remoteAudioLevels: call.remoteAudioLevels || new Map(), }; } default: throw missingCaseError(call); } }; const mapStateToIncomingCallProp = (state: StateType) => { const call = getIncomingCall(state); if (!call) { return undefined; } const conversation = getConversationSelector(state)(call.conversationId); if (!conversation) { log.error('The incoming call has no corresponding conversation'); return undefined; } switch (call.callMode) { case CallMode.Direct: return { callMode: CallMode.Direct as const, conversation, isVideoCall: call.isVideoCall, }; case CallMode.Group: { if (!call.ringerAci) { log.error('The incoming group call has no ring state'); return undefined; } const conversationSelector = getConversationSelector(state); const ringer = conversationSelector(call.ringerAci); const otherMembersRung = (conversation.sortedGroupMembers ?? []).filter( c => c.id !== ringer.id && !c.isMe ); return { callMode: CallMode.Group as const, conversation, otherMembersRung, ringer, }; } default: throw missingCaseError(call); } }; const mapStateToProps = (state: StateType) => { const incomingCall = mapStateToIncomingCallProp(state); return { activeCall: mapStateToActiveCallProp(state), bounceAppIconStart, bounceAppIconStop, availableCameras: state.calling.availableCameras, getGroupCallVideoFrameSource, getPreferredBadge: getPreferredBadgeSelector(state), i18n: getIntl(state), isGroupCallOutboundRingEnabled: isGroupCallOutboundRingEnabled(), incomingCall, me: getMe(state), notifyForCall, playRingtone, stopRingtone, renderDeviceSelection, renderSafetyNumberViewer, theme: getTheme(state), isConversationTooBigToRing: incomingCall ? isConversationTooBigToRing(incomingCall.conversation) : false, }; }; const smart = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps); export const SmartCallManager = smart(CallManager);