// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import { v4 as generateUuid } from 'uuid'; import { times } from 'lodash'; import { ConversationModel } from '../models/conversations'; import type { ConversationAttributesType } from '../model-types.d'; import { generateAci } from '../types/ServiceId'; import { DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, MONTH } from '../util/durations'; import { routineProfileRefresh } from '../routineProfileRefresh'; import type { getProfile } from '../util/getProfile'; describe('routineProfileRefresh', () => { let sinonSandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox; let getProfileFn: sinon.SinonStub< Parameters<typeof getProfile>, ReturnType<typeof getProfile> >; beforeEach(() => { sinonSandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); getProfileFn = sinon.stub(); }); afterEach(() => { sinonSandbox.restore(); }); function makeConversation( overrideAttributes: Partial<ConversationAttributesType> = {} ): ConversationModel { const result = new ConversationModel({ accessKey: generateUuid(), active_at: Date.now(), draftAttachments: [], draftBodyRanges: [], draftTimestamp: null, id: generateUuid(), inbox_position: 0, isPinned: false, lastMessageDeletedForEveryone: false, lastMessageStatus: 'sent', left: false, markedUnread: false, messageCount: 2, messageCountBeforeMessageRequests: 0, messageRequestResponseType: 0, muteExpiresAt: 0, profileAvatar: undefined, profileKeyCredential: generateUuid(), profileKeyCredentialExpiration: Date.now() + 2 * DAY, profileSharing: true, quotedMessageId: null, sealedSender: 1, sentMessageCount: 1, sharedGroupNames: [], timestamp: Date.now(), type: 'private', serviceId: generateAci(), version: 2, expireTimerVersion: 1, ...overrideAttributes, }); return result; } function makeGroup( groupMembers: Array<ConversationModel> ): ConversationModel { const result = makeConversation({ type: 'group' }); // This is easier than setting up all of the scaffolding for `getMembers`. sinonSandbox.stub(result, 'getMembers').returns(groupMembers); return result; } function makeStorage(lastAttemptAt?: number) { return { get: sinonSandbox .stub() .withArgs('lastAttemptedToRefreshProfilesAt') .returns(lastAttemptAt), put: sinonSandbox.stub().resolves(undefined), }; } it('does nothing when the last refresh time is less one hour', async () => { const conversation1 = makeConversation(); const conversation2 = makeConversation(); const storage = makeStorage(Date.now() - 47 * MINUTE); await routineProfileRefresh({ allConversations: [conversation1, conversation2], ourConversationId: generateUuid(), storage, getProfileFn, id: 1, }); sinon.assert.notCalled(getProfileFn); sinon.assert.notCalled(storage.put); }); it('asks conversations to get their profiles', async () => { const conversation1 = makeConversation(); const conversation2 = makeConversation(); await routineProfileRefresh({ allConversations: [conversation1, conversation2], ourConversationId: generateUuid(), storage: makeStorage(), getProfileFn, id: 1, }); sinon.assert.calledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: conversation1.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: conversation1.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); sinon.assert.calledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: conversation2.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: conversation2.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); }); it('skips unregistered conversations and those fetched in the last three days', async () => { const normal = makeConversation(); const recentlyFetched = makeConversation({ profileLastFetchedAt: Date.now() - DAY * 2 - HOUR * 3, }); const unregisteredAndStale = makeConversation({ firstUnregisteredAt: Date.now() - 2 * MONTH, }); await routineProfileRefresh({ allConversations: [normal, recentlyFetched, unregisteredAndStale], ourConversationId: generateUuid(), storage: makeStorage(), getProfileFn, id: 1, }); sinon.assert.calledOnce(getProfileFn); sinon.assert.calledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: normal.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: normal.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); sinon.assert.neverCalledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: recentlyFetched.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: recentlyFetched.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); sinon.assert.neverCalledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: unregisteredAndStale.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: unregisteredAndStale.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); }); it('skips your own conversation', async () => { const notMe = makeConversation(); const me = makeConversation(); await routineProfileRefresh({ allConversations: [notMe, me], ourConversationId: me.id, storage: makeStorage(), getProfileFn, id: 1, }); sinon.assert.calledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: notMe.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: notMe.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); sinon.assert.neverCalledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: me.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: me.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); }); it('includes your own conversation if profileKeyCredential is expired', async () => { const notMe = makeConversation(); const me = makeConversation({ profileKey: 'fakeProfileKey', profileKeyCredential: undefined, profileKeyCredentialExpiration: undefined, }); await routineProfileRefresh({ allConversations: [notMe, me], ourConversationId: me.id, storage: makeStorage(), getProfileFn, id: 1, }); sinon.assert.calledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: notMe.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: notMe.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); sinon.assert.calledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: me.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: me.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); }); it('skips conversations that were refreshed in last three days', async () => { const neverRefreshed = makeConversation(); const refreshedToday = makeConversation({ profileLastFetchedAt: Date.now() - HOUR * 5, }); const refreshedYesterday = makeConversation({ profileLastFetchedAt: Date.now() - DAY, }); const refreshedTwoDaysAgo = makeConversation({ profileLastFetchedAt: Date.now() - DAY * 2, }); const refreshedThreeDaysAgo = makeConversation({ profileLastFetchedAt: Date.now() - DAY * 3 - 1, }); await routineProfileRefresh({ allConversations: [ neverRefreshed, refreshedToday, refreshedYesterday, refreshedTwoDaysAgo, refreshedThreeDaysAgo, ], ourConversationId: generateUuid(), storage: makeStorage(), getProfileFn, id: 1, }); sinon.assert.calledTwice(getProfileFn); sinon.assert.calledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: neverRefreshed.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: neverRefreshed.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); sinon.assert.neverCalledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: refreshedToday.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: refreshedToday.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); sinon.assert.neverCalledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: refreshedYesterday.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: refreshedYesterday.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); sinon.assert.neverCalledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: refreshedTwoDaysAgo.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: refreshedTwoDaysAgo.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); sinon.assert.calledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: refreshedThreeDaysAgo.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: refreshedThreeDaysAgo.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); }); it('only refreshes profiles for the 50 conversations with the oldest profileLastFetchedAt', async () => { const me = makeConversation(); const normalConversations = times(25, () => makeConversation()); const neverFetched = times(10, () => makeConversation({ profileLastFetchedAt: undefined, }) ); const unregisteredUsers = times(10, () => makeConversation({ firstUnregisteredAt: Date.now() - MONTH * 2, }) ); const shouldNotBeIncluded = [ // Recently-active groups with no other members makeGroup([]), makeGroup([me]), ...unregisteredUsers, ]; await routineProfileRefresh({ allConversations: [ me, ...unregisteredUsers, ...normalConversations, ...neverFetched, ], ourConversationId: me.id, storage: makeStorage(), getProfileFn, id: 1, }); [...normalConversations, ...neverFetched].forEach(conversation => { sinon.assert.calledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: conversation.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: conversation.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); }); [me, ...shouldNotBeIncluded].forEach(conversation => { sinon.assert.neverCalledWith(getProfileFn, { serviceId: conversation.getServiceId() ?? null, e164: conversation.get('e164') ?? null, groupId: null, }); }); }); });