// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import { range } from 'lodash'; import { Proto } from '@signalapp/mock-server'; import type { StorageStateRecord } from '@signalapp/mock-server'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import path from 'path'; import * as durations from '../../util/durations'; import type { App, Bootstrap } from './fixtures'; import { initStorage, debug } from './fixtures'; const { StickerPackOperation } = Proto.SyncMessage; const FIXTURES = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'fixtures'); const IdentifierType = Proto.ManifestRecord.Identifier.Type; const EMPTY = new Uint8Array(0); export type StickerPackType = Readonly<{ id: Buffer; key: Buffer; stickerCount: number; }>; const STICKER_PACKS: ReadonlyArray = [ { id: Buffer.from('c40ed069cdc2b91eccfccf25e6bcddfc', 'hex'), key: Buffer.from( 'cefadd6e81c128680aead1711eb5c92c10f63bdfbc78528a4519ba682de396e4', 'hex' ), stickerCount: 1, }, { id: Buffer.from('ae8fedafda4768fd3384d4b3b9db963d', 'hex'), key: Buffer.from( '53f4aa8b95e1c2e75afab2328fe67eb6d7affbcd4f50cd4da89dfc325dbc73ca', 'hex' ), stickerCount: 1, }, ]; function getStickerPackLink(pack: StickerPackType): string { return ( `https://signal.art/addstickers/#pack_id=${pack.id.toString('hex')}&` + `pack_key=${pack.key.toString('hex')}` ); } function getStickerPackRecordPredicate( pack: StickerPackType ): (record: StorageStateRecord) => boolean { return ({ type, record }: StorageStateRecord): boolean => { if (type !== IdentifierType.STICKER_PACK) { return false; } return pack.id.equals(record.stickerPack?.packId ?? EMPTY); }; } describe('storage service', function (this: Mocha.Suite) { this.timeout(durations.MINUTE); this.retries(4); let bootstrap: Bootstrap; let app: App; beforeEach(async () => { ({ bootstrap, app } = await initStorage()); const { server } = bootstrap; await Promise.all( STICKER_PACKS.map(async ({ id, stickerCount }) => { const hexId = id.toString('hex'); await server.storeStickerPack({ id, manifest: await fs.readFile( path.join(FIXTURES, `stickerpack-${hexId}.bin`) ), stickers: await Promise.all( range(0, stickerCount).map(async index => fs.readFile( path.join(FIXTURES, `stickerpack-${hexId}-${index}.bin`) ) ) ), }); }) ); }); afterEach(async function (this: Mocha.Context) { if (!bootstrap) { return; } await bootstrap.maybeSaveLogs(this.currentTest, app); await app.close(); await bootstrap.teardown(); }); it('should install/uninstall stickers', async () => { const { phone, desktop, contacts } = bootstrap; const [firstContact] = contacts; const window = await app.getWindow(); const leftPane = window.locator('#LeftPane'); const conversationView = window.locator( '.Inbox__conversation > .ConversationView' ); debug('sending two sticker pack links'); await firstContact.sendText( desktop, `First sticker pack ${getStickerPackLink(STICKER_PACKS[0])}` ); await firstContact.sendText( desktop, `Second sticker pack ${getStickerPackLink(STICKER_PACKS[1])}` ); await leftPane .locator(`[data-testid="${firstContact.toContact().aci}"]`) .click(); { debug('installing first sticker pack via UI'); const state = await phone.expectStorageState('initial state'); await conversationView .locator(`a:has-text("${STICKER_PACKS[0].id.toString('hex')}")`) .click({ noWaitAfter: true }); await window .locator( '.module-sticker-manager__preview-modal__footer--install button >> "Install"' ) .click(); debug('waiting for sync message'); const { syncMessage } = await phone.waitForSyncMessage(entry => Boolean(entry.syncMessage.stickerPackOperation?.length) ); const [syncOp] = syncMessage.stickerPackOperation ?? []; assert.isTrue(STICKER_PACKS[0].id.equals(syncOp?.packId ?? EMPTY)); assert.isTrue(STICKER_PACKS[0].key.equals(syncOp?.packKey ?? EMPTY)); assert.strictEqual(syncOp?.type, StickerPackOperation.Type.INSTALL); debug('waiting for storage service update'); const stateAfter = await phone.waitForStorageState({ after: state }); const stickerPack = stateAfter.findRecord( getStickerPackRecordPredicate(STICKER_PACKS[0]) ); assert.ok( stickerPack, 'New storage state should have sticker pack record' ); assert.isTrue( STICKER_PACKS[0].key.equals( stickerPack?.record.stickerPack?.packKey ?? EMPTY ), 'Wrong sticker pack key' ); assert.strictEqual( stickerPack?.record.stickerPack?.position, 6, 'Wrong sticker pack position' ); } { debug('uninstalling first sticker pack via UI'); const state = await phone.expectStorageState('initial state'); await conversationView .locator(`a:has-text("${STICKER_PACKS[0].id.toString('hex')}")`) .click({ noWaitAfter: true }); await window .locator( '.module-sticker-manager__preview-modal__footer--install button ' + '>> "Uninstall"' ) .click(); // Confirm await window .locator('.module-Button--destructive >> "Uninstall"') .click(); debug('waiting for sync message'); const { syncMessage } = await phone.waitForSyncMessage(entry => Boolean(entry.syncMessage.stickerPackOperation?.length) ); const [syncOp] = syncMessage.stickerPackOperation ?? []; assert.isTrue(STICKER_PACKS[0].id.equals(syncOp?.packId ?? EMPTY)); assert.strictEqual(syncOp?.type, StickerPackOperation.Type.REMOVE); debug('waiting for storage service update'); const stateAfter = await phone.waitForStorageState({ after: state }); const stickerPack = stateAfter.findRecord( getStickerPackRecordPredicate(STICKER_PACKS[0]) ); assert.ok( stickerPack, 'New storage state should have sticker pack record' ); assert.deepStrictEqual( stickerPack?.record.stickerPack?.packKey, EMPTY, 'Sticker pack key should be removed' ); const deletedAt = stickerPack?.record.stickerPack?.deletedAtTimestamp?.toNumber() ?? 0; assert.isAbove( deletedAt, Date.now() - durations.HOUR, 'Sticker pack should have deleted at timestamp' ); } debug('opening sticker manager'); await conversationView .locator('.CompositionArea .module-sticker-button__button') .click(); const stickerManager = conversationView.locator( '[data-testid=StickerManager]' ); debug('switching to Installed tab'); await stickerManager.locator('.Tabs__tab >> "Installed"').click(); { debug('installing first sticker pack via storage service'); const state = await phone.expectStorageState('initial state'); await phone.setStorageState( state.updateRecord( getStickerPackRecordPredicate(STICKER_PACKS[0]), record => ({ ...record, stickerPack: { ...record?.stickerPack, packKey: STICKER_PACKS[0].key, position: 7, deletedAtTimestamp: undefined, }, }) ) ); await phone.sendFetchStorage({ timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), }); debug('waiting for sticker pack to become visible'); await stickerManager .locator(`[data-testid="${STICKER_PACKS[0].id.toString('hex')}"]`) .waitFor(); } { debug('installing second sticker pack via sync message'); const state = await phone.expectStorageState('initial state'); await phone.sendStickerPackSync({ type: 'install', packId: STICKER_PACKS[1].id, packKey: STICKER_PACKS[1].key, timestamp: bootstrap.getTimestamp(), }); debug('waiting for sticker pack to become visible'); await stickerManager .locator(`[data-testid="${STICKER_PACKS[1].id.toString('hex')}"]`) .waitFor(); debug('waiting for storage service update'); const stateAfter = await phone.waitForStorageState({ after: state }); const stickerPack = stateAfter.findRecord( getStickerPackRecordPredicate(STICKER_PACKS[1]) ); assert.ok( stickerPack, 'New storage state should have sticker pack record' ); assert.isTrue( STICKER_PACKS[1].key.equals( stickerPack?.record.stickerPack?.packKey ?? EMPTY ), 'Wrong sticker pack key' ); assert.strictEqual( stickerPack?.record.stickerPack?.position, 7, 'Wrong sticker pack position' ); } debug('Verifying the final manifest version'); const finalState = await phone.expectStorageState('consistency check'); assert.strictEqual(finalState.version, 5); }); });