// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import classNames from 'classnames'; import type { ReactElement } from 'react'; import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import { useSpring, animated } from '@react-spring/web'; import { AUDIO_LEVEL_INTERVAL_MS } from '../calling/constants'; import { missingCaseError } from '../util/missingCaseError'; export const SPEAKING_LINGER_MS = 200; const BASE_CLASS_NAME = 'CallingAudioIndicator'; const CONTENT_CLASS_NAME = `${BASE_CLASS_NAME}__content`; const MIN_BAR_HEIGHT = 2; const SIDE_SCALE_FACTOR = 0.75; const MAX_CENTRAL_BAR_DELTA = 9; /* Should match css */ const CONTENT_WIDTH = 14; const CONTENT_HEIGHT = 14; const BAR_WIDTH = 2; const CONTENT_PADDING = 1; enum BarPosition { Left, Center, Right, } function generateBarPath(position: BarPosition, audioLevel: number): string { let x: number; if (position === BarPosition.Left) { x = CONTENT_PADDING; } else if (position === BarPosition.Center) { x = CONTENT_WIDTH / 2 - BAR_WIDTH / 2; } else if (position === BarPosition.Right) { x = CONTENT_WIDTH - CONTENT_PADDING - BAR_WIDTH; } else { throw missingCaseError(position); } x = Math.round(x); let height: number; if (position === BarPosition.Left || position === BarPosition.Right) { height = MIN_BAR_HEIGHT + audioLevel * MAX_CENTRAL_BAR_DELTA * SIDE_SCALE_FACTOR; } else if (position === BarPosition.Center) { height = MIN_BAR_HEIGHT + audioLevel * MAX_CENTRAL_BAR_DELTA; } else { throw missingCaseError(position); } // Take the round corners off the height height -= 2; const y = (CONTENT_HEIGHT - height) / 2; const left = x; const right = x + BAR_WIDTH; const top = y.toFixed(2); const bottom = (y + height).toFixed(2); return ( `M ${left} ${top} ` + `L ${left} ${bottom} ` + `A 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 ${right} ${bottom} ` + `L ${right} ${top} ` + `A 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 ${left} ${top}` ); } function generateCombinedPath(audioLevel: number): string { return ( `${generateBarPath(BarPosition.Left, audioLevel)} ` + `${generateBarPath(BarPosition.Center, audioLevel)} ` + `${generateBarPath(BarPosition.Right, audioLevel)} ` ); } function Bars({ audioLevel }: { audioLevel: number }): ReactElement { const animatedProps = useSpring({ from: { audioLevel: 0 }, config: { duration: AUDIO_LEVEL_INTERVAL_MS }, }); useEffect(() => { animatedProps.audioLevel.stop(); void animatedProps.audioLevel.start(audioLevel); }, [audioLevel, animatedProps]); return ( <animated.path d={animatedProps.audioLevel.to(generateCombinedPath)} fill="#ffffff" /> ); } export type Props = Readonly<{ hasAudio: boolean; audioLevel: number; shouldShowSpeaking: boolean; }>; export function CallingAudioIndicator({ hasAudio, audioLevel, shouldShowSpeaking, }: Props): ReactElement { if (!hasAudio) { return ( <div className={classNames( BASE_CLASS_NAME, `${BASE_CLASS_NAME}--with-content` )} > <div className={classNames( CONTENT_CLASS_NAME, `${CONTENT_CLASS_NAME}--muted` )} /> </div> ); } if (shouldShowSpeaking) { return ( <div className={classNames( BASE_CLASS_NAME, `${BASE_CLASS_NAME}--with-content` )} > <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" className={CONTENT_CLASS_NAME} viewBox={`0 0 ${CONTENT_WIDTH} ${CONTENT_HEIGHT}`} width={CONTENT_WIDTH} height={CONTENT_HEIGHT} style={{ transform: 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)' }} > <Bars audioLevel={audioLevel} /> </svg> </div> ); } // Render an empty spacer so that names don't move around. return <div className={BASE_CLASS_NAME} />; }