import * as React from 'react'; import { Editor } from 'draft-js'; import { noop } from 'lodash'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { EmojiButton, EmojiPickDataType, Props as EmojiButtonProps, } from './emoji/EmojiButton'; import { Props as StickerButtonProps, StickerButton, } from './stickers/StickerButton'; import { CompositionInput, InputApi, Props as CompositionInputProps, } from './CompositionInput'; import { countStickers } from './stickers/lib'; import { LocalizerType } from '../types/Util'; export type OwnProps = { readonly i18n: LocalizerType; readonly compositionApi?: React.MutableRefObject<{ focusInput: () => void; setDisabled: (disabled: boolean) => void; setShowMic: (showMic: boolean) => void; setMicActive: (micActive: boolean) => void; attSlotRef: React.RefObject; reset: InputApi['reset']; resetEmojiResults: InputApi['resetEmojiResults']; }>; readonly micCellEl?: HTMLElement; readonly attCellEl?: HTMLElement; readonly attachmentListEl?: HTMLElement; onChooseAttachment(): unknown; }; export type Props = Pick< CompositionInputProps, 'onSubmit' | 'onEditorSizeChange' | 'onEditorStateChange' | 'startingText' > & Pick< EmojiButtonProps, 'onPickEmoji' | 'onSetSkinTone' | 'recentEmojis' | 'skinTone' > & Pick< StickerButtonProps, | 'knownPacks' | 'receivedPacks' | 'installedPacks' | 'blessedPacks' | 'recentStickers' | 'clearInstalledStickerPack' | 'onClickAddPack' | 'onPickSticker' | 'clearShowIntroduction' | 'showPickerHint' | 'clearShowPickerHint' > & OwnProps; const emptyElement = (el: HTMLElement) => { // tslint:disable-next-line no-inner-html el.innerHTML = ''; }; // tslint:disable-next-line max-func-body-length export const CompositionArea = ({ i18n, attachmentListEl, micCellEl, onChooseAttachment, // CompositionInput onSubmit, compositionApi, onEditorSizeChange, onEditorStateChange, startingText, // EmojiButton onPickEmoji, onSetSkinTone, recentEmojis, skinTone, // StickerButton knownPacks, receivedPacks, installedPacks, blessedPacks, recentStickers, clearInstalledStickerPack, onClickAddPack, onPickSticker, clearShowIntroduction, showPickerHint, clearShowPickerHint, }: Props) => { const [disabled, setDisabled] = React.useState(false); const [showMic, setShowMic] = React.useState(!startingText); const [micActive, setMicActive] = React.useState(false); const [dirty, setDirty] = React.useState(false); const [large, setLarge] = React.useState(false); const editorRef = React.useRef(null); const inputApiRef = React.useRef(); const handleForceSend = React.useCallback( () => { setLarge(false); if (inputApiRef.current) { inputApiRef.current.submit(); } }, [inputApiRef, setLarge] ); const handleSubmit = React.useCallback( (...args) => { setLarge(false); onSubmit(...args); }, [setLarge, onSubmit] ); const focusInput = React.useCallback( () => { if (editorRef.current) { editorRef.current.focus(); } }, [editorRef] ); const withStickers = countStickers({ knownPacks, blessedPacks, installedPacks, receivedPacks, }) > 0; // A ref to grab a slot where backbone can insert link previews and attachments const attSlotRef = React.useRef(null); if (compositionApi) { compositionApi.current = { focusInput, setDisabled, setShowMic, setMicActive, attSlotRef, reset: () => { if (inputApiRef.current) { inputApiRef.current.reset(); } }, resetEmojiResults: () => { if (inputApiRef.current) { inputApiRef.current.resetEmojiResults(); } }, }; } const insertEmoji = React.useCallback( (e: EmojiPickDataType) => { if (inputApiRef.current) { inputApiRef.current.insertEmoji(e); onPickEmoji(e); } }, [inputApiRef, onPickEmoji] ); const handleToggleLarge = React.useCallback( () => { setLarge(l => !l); }, [setLarge] ); // The following is a work-around to allow react to lay-out backbone-managed // dom nodes until those functions are in React const micCellRef = React.useRef(null); React.useLayoutEffect( () => { const { current: micCellContainer } = micCellRef; if (micCellContainer && micCellEl) { emptyElement(micCellContainer); micCellContainer.appendChild(micCellEl); } return noop; }, [micCellRef, micCellEl, large, dirty, showMic] ); React.useLayoutEffect( () => { const { current: attSlot } = attSlotRef; if (attSlot && attachmentListEl) { attSlot.appendChild(attachmentListEl); } return noop; }, [attSlotRef, attachmentListEl] ); const emojiButtonFragment = (
); const micButtonFragment = showMic ? (
) : null; const attButton = (
); const sendButtonFragment = (
); const stickerButtonPlacement = large ? 'top-start' : 'top-end'; const stickerButtonFragment = withStickers ? (
) : null; return (
{!large ? emojiButtonFragment : null}
{!large ? ( <> {stickerButtonFragment} {!dirty ? micButtonFragment : null} {attButton} ) : null}
{large ? (
{emojiButtonFragment} {stickerButtonFragment} {attButton} {!dirty ? micButtonFragment : null} {dirty || !showMic ? sendButtonFragment : null}
) : null}
); };