// Copyright 2017-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* eslint-env node */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ import { ipcRenderer as ipc } from 'electron'; import _ from 'lodash'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as bunyan from 'bunyan'; import { uploadDebugLogs } from './debuglogs'; import { redactAll } from '../../js/modules/privacy'; import { LogEntryType, LogLevel, cleanArgs, getLogLevelString, isLogEntry, } from './shared'; import * as log from './log'; import { reallyJsonStringify } from '../util/reallyJsonStringify'; // To make it easier to visually scan logs, we make all levels the same length const levelMaxLength: number = Object.keys(bunyan.levelFromName).reduce( (maxLength, level) => Math.max(maxLength, level.length), 0 ); // Backwards-compatible logging, simple strings and no level (defaulted to INFO) function now() { const date = new Date(); return date.toJSON(); } function consoleLog(...args: ReadonlyArray) { logAtLevel(LogLevel.Info, ...args); } if (window.console) { console._log = console.log; console.log = consoleLog; } // The mechanics of preparing a log for publish function getHeader() { let header = window.navigator.userAgent; header += ` node/${window.getNodeVersion()}`; header += ` env/${window.getEnvironment()}`; return header; } const getLevel = _.memoize((level: LogLevel): string => { const text = getLogLevelString(level); return text.toUpperCase().padEnd(levelMaxLength, ' '); }); function formatLine(mightBeEntry: Readonly): string { const entry: LogEntryType = isLogEntry(mightBeEntry) ? mightBeEntry : { level: LogLevel.Error, msg: `Invalid IPC data when fetching logs. Here's what we could recover: ${reallyJsonStringify( mightBeEntry )}`, time: new Date().toISOString(), }; return `${getLevel(entry.level)} ${entry.time} ${entry.msg}`; } function fetch(): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { ipc.send('fetch-log'); ipc.on('fetched-log', (_event, logEntries: unknown) => { let body: string; if (Array.isArray(logEntries)) { body = logEntries.map(formatLine).join('\n'); } else { const entry: LogEntryType = { level: LogLevel.Error, msg: 'Invalid IPC data when fetching logs; dropping all logs', time: new Date().toISOString(), }; body = formatLine(entry); } const result = `${getHeader()}\n${redactAll(body)}`; resolve(result); }); }); } let globalLogger: undefined | bunyan; export function initialize(): void { if (globalLogger) { throw new Error('Already called initialize!'); } const basePath = ipc.sendSync('get-user-data-path'); const logFile = path.join(basePath, 'logs', 'app.log'); const loggerOptions: bunyan.LoggerOptions = { name: 'app', streams: [ { type: 'rotating-file', path: logFile, period: '1d', count: 3, }, ], }; globalLogger = bunyan.createLogger(loggerOptions); } const publish = uploadDebugLogs; // A modern logging interface for the browser const env = window.getEnvironment(); const IS_PRODUCTION = env === 'production'; // The Bunyan API: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#log-method-api function logAtLevel(level: LogLevel, ...args: ReadonlyArray): void { if (!IS_PRODUCTION) { const prefix = getLogLevelString(level) .toUpperCase() .padEnd(levelMaxLength, ' '); console._log(prefix, now(), ...args); } const levelString = getLogLevelString(level); const msg = cleanArgs(args); const time = new Date().toISOString(); if (!globalLogger) { throw new Error('Logger has not been initialized yet'); return; } globalLogger[levelString]({ time }, msg); } log.setLogAtLevel(logAtLevel); window.log = { fatal: log.fatal, error: log.error, warn: log.warn, info: log.info, debug: log.debug, trace: log.trace, fetch, publish, }; window.onerror = (_message, _script, _line, _col, error) => { const errorInfo = error && error.stack ? error.stack : JSON.stringify(error); window.log.error(`Top-level unhandled error: ${errorInfo}`); }; window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', rejectionEvent => { const error = rejectionEvent.reason; const errorString = error && error.stack ? error.stack : JSON.stringify(error); window.log.error(`Top-level unhandled promise rejection: ${errorString}`); });