// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { readFile, open, mkdtemp, mkdir, rename, unlink } from 'fs/promises'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import { gunzip as nativeGunzip } from 'zlib'; import { tmpdir } from 'os'; import path from 'path'; import got from 'got'; import pMap from 'p-map'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { getGotOptions } from './got'; import { checkIntegrity } from './util'; const gunzip = promisify(nativeGunzip); const SUPPORTED_VERSION = '2'; const MAX_CONCURRENCY = 5; type BlockMapFileJSONType = Readonly<{ version: string; files: ReadonlyArray< Readonly<{ name: string; offset: number; checksums: ReadonlyArray; sizes: ReadonlyArray; }> >; }>; export type BlockMapBlockType = Readonly<{ offset: number; size: number; checksum: string; }>; export type BlockMapType = ReadonlyArray; export type DiffType = { action: 'download' | 'copy'; size: number; readOffset: number; writeOffset: number; }; export type ComputeDiffResultType = ReadonlyArray>; export type PrepareDownloadResultType = Readonly<{ downloadSize: number; oldFile: string; newUrl: string; sha512: string; diff: ComputeDiffResultType; // This could be used by caller to avoid extra download of the blockmap newBlockMap: Buffer; }>; export type PrepareDownloadOptionsType = Readonly<{ oldFile: string; newUrl: string; sha512: string; }>; export function getBlockMapFileName(fileName: string): string { return `${fileName}.blockmap`; } export async function parseBlockMap(data: Buffer): Promise { const unpacked = await gunzip(data); const json: BlockMapFileJSONType = JSON.parse(unpacked.toString()); strictAssert( json.version === SUPPORTED_VERSION, `Unsupported blockmap version: ${json.version}` ); strictAssert( json.files.length === 1, `Unsupported blockmap file count: ${json.files.length}` ); const [file] = json.files; let { offset } = file; const blocks = new Array(); for (const [i, checksum] of file.checksums.entries()) { const size = file.sizes[i]; strictAssert(size !== undefined, `missing block size: ${i}`); blocks.push({ offset, size, checksum, }); offset += size; } return blocks; } export function computeDiff( oldMap: BlockMapType, newMap: BlockMapType ): ComputeDiffResultType { const oldChecksums = new Map>(); for (const oldBlock of oldMap) { let list = oldChecksums.get(oldBlock.checksum); if (!list) { list = []; oldChecksums.set(oldBlock.checksum, list); } list.push(oldBlock); } const diff = new Array(); let writeOffset = 0; for (const newBlock of newMap) { const oldBlocks = oldChecksums.get(newBlock.checksum); if (oldBlocks) { const oldBlock = oldBlocks.shift(); strictAssert(oldBlock, 'Missing expected old block'); if (oldBlocks.length === 0) { oldChecksums.delete(newBlock.checksum); } strictAssert( oldBlock.size === newBlock.size, `Block size mismatch: ${newBlock.checksum}, ` + `${oldBlock.size} != ${newBlock.size}` ); diff.push({ action: 'copy', size: oldBlock.size, readOffset: oldBlock.offset, writeOffset, }); writeOffset += oldBlock.size; continue; } diff.push({ action: 'download', size: newBlock.size, readOffset: newBlock.offset, writeOffset, }); writeOffset += newBlock.size; } const optimizedDiff = new Array(); for (const entry of diff) { const last = optimizedDiff.length !== 0 ? optimizedDiff[optimizedDiff.length - 1] : undefined; const { action, readOffset, size } = entry; if ( !last || last.action !== action || last.readOffset + last.size !== readOffset ) { optimizedDiff.push(entry); continue; } last.size += size; } return optimizedDiff; } export async function prepareDownload({ oldFile, newUrl, sha512, }: PrepareDownloadOptionsType): Promise { const oldBlockMap = await parseBlockMap( await readFile(getBlockMapFileName(oldFile)) ); const newBlockMapData = await got( getBlockMapFileName(newUrl), getGotOptions() ).buffer(); const newBlockMap = await parseBlockMap(newBlockMapData); const diff = computeDiff(oldBlockMap, newBlockMap); let downloadSize = 0; for (const { action, size } of diff) { if (action === 'download') { downloadSize += size; } } return { downloadSize, diff, oldFile, newUrl, newBlockMap: newBlockMapData, sha512, }; } export function isValidPreparedData( { oldFile, newUrl, sha512 }: PrepareDownloadResultType, options: PrepareDownloadOptionsType ): boolean { return ( oldFile === options.oldFile && newUrl === options.newUrl && sha512 === options.sha512 ); } export async function download( newFile: string, { diff, oldFile, newUrl, sha512 }: PrepareDownloadResultType, statusCallback?: (downloadedSize: number) => void ): Promise { const input = await open(oldFile, 'r'); const tempDir = await mkdtemp(path.join(tmpdir(), 'signal-temp-')); await mkdir(tempDir, { recursive: true }); const tempFile = path.join(tempDir, path.basename(newFile)); const output = await open(tempFile, 'w'); // Share agent const gotOptions = getGotOptions(); let downloadedSize = 0; let isAborted = false; try { await pMap( diff, async ({ action, readOffset, size, writeOffset }) => { if (action === 'copy') { const chunk = Buffer.alloc(size); const { bytesRead } = await input.read( chunk, 0, chunk.length, readOffset ); strictAssert( bytesRead === size, `Not enough data to read from offset=${readOffset} size=${size}` ); await output.write(chunk, 0, chunk.length, writeOffset); return; } strictAssert(action === 'download', 'invalid action type'); const stream = got.stream(`${newUrl}`, { ...gotOptions, headers: { range: `bytes=${readOffset}-${readOffset + size - 1}`, }, }); stream.once('response', ({ statusCode }) => { if (statusCode !== 206) { stream.destroy(new Error(`Invalid status code: ${statusCode}`)); } }); let lastOffset = writeOffset; for await (const chunk of stream) { strictAssert( lastOffset - writeOffset + chunk.length <= size, 'Server returned more data than expected' ); await output.write(chunk, 0, chunk.length, lastOffset); lastOffset += chunk.length; downloadedSize += chunk.length; if (!isAborted) { statusCallback?.(downloadedSize); } } strictAssert( lastOffset - writeOffset === size, `Not enough data to download from offset=${readOffset} size=${size}` ); }, { concurrency: MAX_CONCURRENCY } ); } catch (error) { isAborted = true; throw error; } finally { await Promise.all([input.close(), output.close()]); } const checkResult = await checkIntegrity(tempFile, sha512); strictAssert(checkResult.ok, checkResult.error ?? ''); // Finally move the file into its final location try { await unlink(newFile); } catch (_) { // ignore errors } await rename(tempFile, newFile); }