/* * vim: ts=4:sw=4:expandtab */ var TextSecureServer = (function() { 'use strict'; function validateResponse(response, schema) { try { for (var i in schema) { switch (schema[i]) { case 'object': case 'string': case 'number': if (typeof response[i] !== schema[i]) { return false; } break; } } } catch(ex) { return false; } return true; } function createSocket(url) { var requestOptions = { ca: window.config.certificateAuthorities }; return new nodeWebSocket(url, null, null, null, requestOptions); } window.setImmediate = nodeSetImmediate; function promise_ajax(url, options) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { if (!url) { url = options.host + '/' + options.path; } console.log(options.type, url); var timeout = typeof options.timeout !== 'undefined' ? options.timeout : 10000; var fetchOptions = { method: options.type, body: options.data || null, headers: { 'X-Signal-Agent': 'OWD' }, agent: new httpsAgent({ca: options.certificateAuthorities}), timeout: timeout }; if (fetchOptions.body instanceof ArrayBuffer) { // node-fetch doesn't support ArrayBuffer, only node Buffer var contentLength = fetchOptions.body.byteLength; fetchOptions.body = nodeBuffer.from(fetchOptions.body); // node-fetch doesn't set content-length like S3 requires fetchOptions.headers["Content-Length"] = contentLength; } if (options.user && options.password) { fetchOptions.headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + btoa(getString(options.user) + ":" + getString(options.password)); } if (options.contentType) { fetchOptions.headers["Content-Type"] = options.contentType; } window.nodeFetch(url, fetchOptions).then(function(response) { var resultPromise; if (options.responseType === 'json') { resultPromise = response.json().catch(function(error) { // If the response was otherwise successful, a JSON.parse() failure really // is a problem. But the Signal server does return HTML in error cases // when we requested JSON, sadly. if (0 <= response.status && response.status < 400) { throw error; } return null; }) } else if (!options.responseType || options.responseType === 'text') { resultPromise = response.text(); } else if (options.responseType === 'arraybuffer') { resultPromise = response.buffer(); } return resultPromise.then(function(result) { if (options.responseType === 'arraybuffer') { result = result.buffer.slice(result.byteOffset, result.byteOffset + result.byteLength); } if (options.responseType === 'json') { if (options.validateResponse) { if (!validateResponse(result, options.validateResponse)) { console.log(options.type, url, response.status, 'Error'); reject(HTTPError(response.status, result, options.stack)); } } } if (0 <= response.status && response.status < 400) { console.log(options.type, url, response.status, 'Success'); resolve(result, response.status); } else { console.log(options.type, url, response.status, 'Error'); reject(HTTPError(response.status, result, options.stack)); } }); }).catch(function(e) { console.log(options.type, url, 0, 'Error'); console.log(e); reject(HTTPError(0, e.toString(), options.stack)); }); }); } function retry_ajax(url, options, limit, count) { count = count || 0; limit = limit || 3; count++; return promise_ajax(url, options).catch(function(e) { if (e.name === 'HTTPError' && e.code === -1 && count < limit) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(function() { resolve(retry_ajax(url, options, limit, count)); }, 1000); }); } else { throw e; } }); } function ajax(url, options) { options.stack = new Error().stack; // just in case, save stack here. return retry_ajax(url, options); } function HTTPError(code, response, stack) { if (code > 999 || code < 100) { code = -1; } var e = new Error(); e.name = 'HTTPError'; e.code = code; e.stack = stack; if (response) { e.response = response; } return e; } var URL_CALLS = { accounts : "v1/accounts", devices : "v1/devices", keys : "v2/keys", signed : "v2/keys/signed", messages : "v1/messages", attachment : "v1/attachments", profile : "v1/profile" }; function TextSecureServer(url, username, password, cdn_url) { if (typeof url !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid server url'); } this.url = url; this.cdn_url = cdn_url; this.username = username; this.password = password; } TextSecureServer.prototype = { constructor: TextSecureServer, ajax: function(param) { if (!param.urlParameters) { param.urlParameters = ''; } return ajax(null, { host : this.url, path : URL_CALLS[param.call] + param.urlParameters, type : param.httpType, data : param.jsonData && textsecure.utils.jsonThing(param.jsonData), contentType : 'application/json; charset=utf-8', responseType : param.responseType, user : this.username, password : this.password, validateResponse: param.validateResponse, certificateAuthorities: window.config.certificateAuthorities, timeout : param.timeout }).catch(function(e) { var code = e.code; if (code === 200) { // happens sometimes when we get no response // (TODO: Fix server to return 204? instead) return null; } var message; switch (code) { case -1: message = "Failed to connect to the server, please check your network connection."; break; case 413: message = "Rate limit exceeded, please try again later."; break; case 403: message = "Invalid code, please try again."; break; case 417: // TODO: This shouldn't be a thing?, but its in the API doc? message = "Number already registered."; break; case 401: message = "Invalid authentication, most likely someone re-registered and invalidated our registration."; break; case 404: message = "Number is not registered."; break; default: message = "The server rejected our query, please file a bug report."; } e.message = message throw e; }); }, getProfile: function(number) { return this.ajax({ call : 'profile', httpType : 'GET', urlParameters : '/' + number, responseType : 'json', }); }, getAvatar: function(path) { return ajax(this.cdn_url + '/' + path, { type : "GET", responseType: "arraybuffer", contentType : "application/octet-stream", certificateAuthorities: window.config.certificateAuthorities, timeout: 0 }); }, requestVerificationSMS: function(number) { return this.ajax({ call : 'accounts', httpType : 'GET', urlParameters : '/sms/code/' + number, }); }, requestVerificationVoice: function(number) { return this.ajax({ call : 'accounts', httpType : 'GET', urlParameters : '/voice/code/' + number, }); }, confirmCode: function(number, code, password, signaling_key, registrationId, deviceName) { var jsonData = { signalingKey : btoa(getString(signaling_key)), supportsSms : false, fetchesMessages : true, registrationId : registrationId, }; var call, urlPrefix, schema, responseType; if (deviceName) { jsonData.name = deviceName; call = 'devices'; urlPrefix = '/'; schema = { deviceId: 'number' }; responseType = 'json' } else { call = 'accounts'; urlPrefix = '/code/'; } this.username = number; this.password = password; return this.ajax({ call : call, httpType : 'PUT', urlParameters : urlPrefix + code, jsonData : jsonData, responseType : responseType, validateResponse : schema }); }, getDevices: function(number) { return this.ajax({ call : 'devices', httpType : 'GET', }); }, registerKeys: function(genKeys) { var keys = {}; keys.identityKey = btoa(getString(genKeys.identityKey)); keys.signedPreKey = { keyId: genKeys.signedPreKey.keyId, publicKey: btoa(getString(genKeys.signedPreKey.publicKey)), signature: btoa(getString(genKeys.signedPreKey.signature)) }; keys.preKeys = []; var j = 0; for (var i in genKeys.preKeys) { keys.preKeys[j++] = { keyId: genKeys.preKeys[i].keyId, publicKey: btoa(getString(genKeys.preKeys[i].publicKey)) }; } // This is just to make the server happy // (v2 clients should choke on publicKey) keys.lastResortKey = {keyId: 0x7fffFFFF, publicKey: btoa("42")}; return this.ajax({ call : 'keys', httpType : 'PUT', jsonData : keys, }); }, setSignedPreKey: function(signedPreKey) { return this.ajax({ call : 'signed', httpType : 'PUT', jsonData : { keyId: signedPreKey.keyId, publicKey: btoa(getString(signedPreKey.publicKey)), signature: btoa(getString(signedPreKey.signature)) } }); }, getMyKeys: function(number, deviceId) { return this.ajax({ call : 'keys', httpType : 'GET', responseType : 'json', validateResponse : {count: 'number'} }).then(function(res) { return res.count; }); }, getKeysForNumber: function(number, deviceId) { if (deviceId === undefined) deviceId = "*"; return this.ajax({ call : 'keys', httpType : 'GET', urlParameters : "/" + number + "/" + deviceId, responseType : 'json', validateResponse : {identityKey: 'string', devices: 'object'} }).then(function(res) { if (res.devices.constructor !== Array) { throw new Error("Invalid response"); } res.identityKey = StringView.base64ToBytes(res.identityKey); res.devices.forEach(function(device) { if ( !validateResponse(device, {signedPreKey: 'object'}) || !validateResponse(device.signedPreKey, {publicKey: 'string', signature: 'string'}) ) { throw new Error("Invalid signedPreKey"); } if ( device.preKey ) { if ( !validateResponse(device, {preKey: 'object'}) || !validateResponse(device.preKey, {publicKey: 'string'})) { throw new Error("Invalid preKey"); } device.preKey.publicKey = StringView.base64ToBytes(device.preKey.publicKey); } device.signedPreKey.publicKey = StringView.base64ToBytes(device.signedPreKey.publicKey); device.signedPreKey.signature = StringView.base64ToBytes(device.signedPreKey.signature); }); return res; }); }, sendMessages: function(destination, messageArray, timestamp, silent) { var jsonData = { messages: messageArray, timestamp: timestamp}; if (silent) { jsonData.silent = true; } return this.ajax({ call : 'messages', httpType : 'PUT', urlParameters : '/' + destination, jsonData : jsonData, responseType : 'json', }); }, getAttachment: function(id) { return this.ajax({ call : 'attachment', httpType : 'GET', urlParameters : '/' + id, responseType : 'json', validateResponse : {location: 'string'}, }).then(function(response) { return ajax(response.location, { timeout : 0, type : "GET", responseType: "arraybuffer", contentType : "application/octet-stream" }); }.bind(this)); }, putAttachment: function(encryptedBin) { return this.ajax({ call : 'attachment', httpType : 'GET', responseType : 'json', }).then(function(response) { return ajax(response.location, { timeout : 0, type : "PUT", contentType : "application/octet-stream", data : encryptedBin, processData : false, }).then(function() { return response.idString; }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }, getMessageSocket: function() { console.log('opening message socket', this.url); return createSocket(this.url.replace('https://', 'wss://').replace('http://', 'ws://') + '/v1/websocket/?login=' + encodeURIComponent(this.username) + '&password=' + encodeURIComponent(this.password) + '&agent=OWD'); }, getProvisioningSocket: function () { console.log('opening provisioning socket', this.url); return createSocket(this.url.replace('https://', 'wss://').replace('http://', 'ws://') + '/v1/websocket/provisioning/?agent=OWD'); } }; return TextSecureServer; })();