// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import PQueue from 'p-queue'; import * as Bytes from '../Bytes'; import type { LoggerType } from '../types/Logging'; import { exponentialBackoffMaxAttempts } from '../util/exponentialBackoff'; import type { ParsedJob } from './types'; import { JobQueue } from './JobQueue'; import { jobQueueDatabaseStore } from './JobQueueDatabaseStore'; import { DAY } from '../util/durations'; import { commonShouldJobContinue } from './helpers/commonShouldJobContinue'; import { SignalService as Proto } from '../protobuf'; import { handleMessageSend } from '../util/handleMessageSend'; import { getSendOptions } from '../util/getSendOptions'; import type { SingleProtoJobData } from '../textsecure/SendMessage'; import { singleProtoJobDataSchema } from '../textsecure/SendMessage'; import { handleMultipleSendErrors } from './helpers/handleMultipleSendErrors'; import { SendMessageProtoError } from '../textsecure/Errors'; const MAX_RETRY_TIME = DAY; const MAX_PARALLEL_JOBS = 5; const MAX_ATTEMPTS = exponentialBackoffMaxAttempts(MAX_RETRY_TIME); export class SingleProtoJobQueue extends JobQueue { private parallelQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: MAX_PARALLEL_JOBS }); protected override getInMemoryQueue( _parsedJob: ParsedJob ): PQueue { return this.parallelQueue; } protected parseData(data: unknown): SingleProtoJobData { return singleProtoJobDataSchema.parse(data); } protected async run( { data, timestamp, }: Readonly<{ data: SingleProtoJobData; timestamp: number }>, { attempt, log }: Readonly<{ attempt: number; log: LoggerType }> ): Promise { const timeRemaining = timestamp + MAX_RETRY_TIME - Date.now(); const isFinalAttempt = attempt >= MAX_ATTEMPTS; const shouldContinue = await commonShouldJobContinue({ attempt, log, timeRemaining, }); if (!shouldContinue) { return; } const { contentHint, identifier, isSyncMessage, messageIds = [], protoBase64, type, } = data; log.info( `starting ${type} send to ${identifier} with timestamp ${timestamp}` ); const conversation = window.ConversationController.get(identifier); if (!conversation) { throw new Error( `Failed to get conversation for identifier ${identifier}` ); } const proto = Proto.Content.decode(Bytes.fromBase64(protoBase64)); const options = await getSendOptions(conversation.attributes, { syncMessage: isSyncMessage, }); try { await handleMessageSend( window.textsecure.messaging.sendIndividualProto({ contentHint, identifier, options, proto, timestamp, }), { messageIds, sendType: type } ); } catch (error: unknown) { const errors = error instanceof SendMessageProtoError ? error.errors || [error] : [error]; await handleMultipleSendErrors({ errors, isFinalAttempt, log, timeRemaining, }); } } } export const singleProtoJobQueue = new SingleProtoJobQueue({ maxAttempts: MAX_ATTEMPTS, queueType: 'single proto', store: jobQueueDatabaseStore, });