// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as path from 'path'; import { tmpdir } from 'os'; import { chmodSync, rmSync, writeFileSync, mkdtempSync } from 'fs'; import { pathExists, readJsonSync } from 'fs-extra'; import { v4 as generateGuid } from 'uuid'; import { assert } from 'chai'; import type { ConfigType } from '../../../app/base_config'; import { start } from '../../../app/base_config'; describe('base_config', () => { let targetDir: string; let targetPath: string; beforeEach(() => { targetDir = mkdtempSync(path.join(tmpdir(), 'base_config')); targetPath = path.join(targetDir, `${generateGuid()}.json`); }); afterEach(() => { try { chmodSync(targetDir, 0o755); chmodSync(targetPath, 0o755); rmSync(targetDir, { recursive: true }); } catch (err) { assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ENOENT'); } }); describe('start', () => { it('does not throw if file is missing', () => { const { _getCachedValue } = start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: true, }); assert.deepEqual(_getCachedValue(), Object.create(null)); }); it("doesn't create the file if it is missing", async () => { start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: true }); assert.isFalse(await pathExists(targetPath)); }); it('does not throw if file is empty', () => { writeFileSync(targetPath, ''); const { _getCachedValue } = start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: true, }); assert.deepEqual(_getCachedValue(), Object.create(null)); }); it('successfully loads config file', () => { const config = { a: 1, b: 2 }; writeFileSync(targetPath, JSON.stringify(config)); const { _getCachedValue } = start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: true, }); assert.deepEqual(_getCachedValue(), config); }); describe('throwOnFilesystemErrors: true', () => { it('throws if file is malformed', () => { writeFileSync(targetPath, '{{ malformed JSON'); assert.throws(() => { start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: true }); }); }); }); describe('throwOnFilesystemErrors: false', () => { it('handles a malformed file, if told to', () => { writeFileSync(targetPath, '{{ malformed JSON'); const { _getCachedValue } = start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: false, }); assert.deepEqual(_getCachedValue(), Object.create(null)); }); it('handles a file that cannot be opened, if told to', function (this: Mocha.Context) { if (process.platform === 'win32') { this.skip(); } writeFileSync(targetPath, JSON.stringify({ foo: 123 })); chmodSync(targetDir, 0); const { _getCachedValue } = start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: false, }); assert.deepEqual(_getCachedValue(), Object.create(null)); }); }); }); describe('get', () => { let config: ConfigType; beforeEach(() => { writeFileSync(targetPath, JSON.stringify({ foo: 123, bar: [1, 2, 3] })); config = start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: true, }); }); it('returns undefined for missing keys', () => { assert.isUndefined(config.get('garbage')); }); it('can look up values by path', () => { assert.strictEqual(config.get('foo'), 123); assert.strictEqual(config.get('bar.1'), 2); }); }); describe('set', () => { it('updates data in memory by path', () => { const config = start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: true, }); config.set('foo', 1); config.set('bar.baz', 2); assert.strictEqual(config.get('foo'), 1); assert.deepStrictEqual(config.get('bar'), { baz: 2 }); }); it('saves data to disk', () => { const config = start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: true, }); config.set('foo', 123); assert.deepStrictEqual(readJsonSync(targetPath), { foo: 123 }); config.set('bar.baz', 2); assert.deepStrictEqual(readJsonSync(targetPath), { foo: 123, bar: { baz: 2 }, }); config.set('foo', undefined); assert.deepStrictEqual(readJsonSync(targetPath), { bar: { baz: 2 } }); }); describe('throwOnFilesystemErrors: true', () => { it("doesn't update in-memory data if file write fails", () => { const config = start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: true, }); config.set('foo', 123); rmSync(targetDir, { recursive: true }); assert.throws(() => config.set('foo', 456)); assert.strictEqual(config.get('foo'), 123); assert.throws(() => config.set('bar', 999)); assert.isUndefined(config.get('bar')); }); }); describe('throwOnFilesystemErrors: false', () => { it('updates in-memory data even if file write fails', () => { const config = start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: false, }); config.set('foo', 123); rmSync(targetDir, { recursive: true }); config.set('bar', 456); assert.strictEqual(config.get('bar'), 456); }); }); }); describe('remove', () => { it('deletes all data from memory', () => { writeFileSync(targetPath, JSON.stringify({ foo: 123 })); const config = start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: true, }); config.remove(); assert.isEmpty(config._getCachedValue()); }); it('does nothing if the file never existed', async () => { const config = start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: true, }); config.remove(); assert.isFalse(await pathExists(targetPath)); }); it('removes the file on disk', async () => { writeFileSync(targetPath, JSON.stringify({ foo: 123 })); const config = start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: true, }); config.remove(); assert.isFalse(await pathExists(targetPath)); }); describe('throwOnFilesystemErrors: true', () => { it("doesn't update the local cache if file removal fails", async function (this: Mocha.Context) { if (process.platform === 'win32') { this.skip(); } // We put the config file in a directory, then remove all permissions from that // directory. This should prevent removal. writeFileSync(targetPath, JSON.stringify({ foo: 123 })); const config = start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: true, }); chmodSync(targetDir, 0); assert.throws(() => config.remove()); assert.deepStrictEqual(config._getCachedValue(), { foo: 123 }); }); }); describe('throwOnFilesystemErrors: false', () => { it('updates the local cache even if file removal fails', async function (this: Mocha.Context) { if (process.platform === 'win32') { this.skip(); } // See above. writeFileSync(targetPath, JSON.stringify({ foo: 123 })); const config = start({ name: 'test', targetPath, throwOnFilesystemErrors: false, }); chmodSync(targetDir, 0); config.remove(); assert.isEmpty(config._getCachedValue()); }); }); }); });